
Chapter 959 Luo Huachen's Identity and Distribution

Swallow the Heavenly Immortal Mansion.

Luo Tian walked out Shi Shiran from his wife Zixiao Xianjun's room, but saw his son not far from the door.

"Luo Tang, why are you here?" Luo Tian laughed and walked over.

Luo Tang blinked, and said seriously, "Mother and Aunt Mufu said that Daddy is bullying Aunt Xuan, so Tang'er came to persuade Daddy."

Luo Tian's face was darkened immediately, and he almost passed out.

Speaking of his son, he is extremely talented, but it has been tens of thousands of years, and he still looks like he is twelve or thirteen years old, which made Luo Tian feel a headache secretly.

Of course, Luo Tian also asked the group of old guys who stayed at his house, and the group of old guys studied for a long time and came to a conclusion that the blood in Luo Tang's body was unusual, and there was a strange power faintly Fortunately, this strange power did not do any harm to Luo Tang himself, so Luo Tian and Tang Yan were relieved a little.

"Admonish me!"

Luo Tian wailed in his heart, but he didn't know how to tell this little guy Luo Tang about this kind of thing.

Inside the house, Zixiao Immortal Luo Xuan pulled the quilt directly to cover her delicate jade body exposed to the spring light, and spit softly.

Next, Luo Tian picked up Luo Tang and walked towards the front hall slowly.

Just sweeping away with his primordial spirit and consciousness, Luo Tian's vision was almost blacked out.

"These old guys are really full and have nothing to do. What are you doing sending Luo Tang so many Taoist treasures? It will be harmful to his growth!" Luo Tian's expression changed, and he just swept Luo Tang with his primordial consciousness. Body, unexpectedly found that there are no less than twenty pieces of Taoist treasures on this guy, each of which is top-notch, with various functions, such as attack, physical defense, soul defense, flight defense, etc. And so on and on.

Luo Tian had a wry smile on his face, this little guy is much stronger than Lao Tzu, when he was his age, he was far inferior to him, and even though Luo Tang is still a Taiyi Golden Immortal, he is enough to sweep away most saints. Immortal.

"Your boy is finally back!"

When he was about to approach the front hall, Luo Tian saw Immortal Destroyer standing with his hands behind his back in the courtyard, and said with a faint smile, "It seems that the two old fellows, Karma and Fate, didn't deceive me this time, otherwise I will definitely settle accounts with them! Jun Dazhuan, how long has it been since you have grown up enough to be compared to being a teacher?"

Luo Tian's heart warmed, he shook his head and said with a smile, "Without Master's cultivation, this disciple would never have achieved what he is today."

Destroying Xianjun's body seemed to tremble slightly, and then he laughed and said, "Okay, I don't know you kid, you can talk like a lot of tongue, come in, we should discuss the Hunyuan Domain and his party."

"it is good."

Afterwards, Destroyer Xianjun and Luo Tian entered the front hall one after the other.

In the front hall, many immortals who were chatting and laughing happily stopped talking when they saw the master and apprentice of Destruction Immortal Lord, and there was a faint smile on their faces.

"Your master and apprentice are finally here." Luo Kongyu, the current Patriarch of the Luo family, the Holy Sword Immortal, said with a faint smile, "Tian'er, have you seen your mother?"

Luo Tian nodded. After a battle with his wife yesterday, he went to visit his mother. However, Zhou Qing's mood is still a little unstable. After some comfort, Luo Tian sighed and retreated. Thinking about when to bring Dad to the Immortal Realm to join his mother.

Immortal Huo Luo frowned slightly, "This time, little girl Zhou Qing was able to get away only after completing the mission of the Artifact of Destiny, so she offended an Immortal King. Things are not good."

The rest of the immortals also frowned slightly when they heard the words.

"I'm so afraid, no matter how powerful the Demon Immortal King was that day, would he dare to violate the rules and attack Zhou Qing again?" Immortal Destroyer snorted coldly.

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

"Ahem, let me tell you, everyone, so you already knew about the existence of the Immortal King?" After a long while, Luo Tian, ​​who coughed a few times, cried bitterly.

Luo Yun frowned, and said with a faint smile, "Immortal kings have always existed, but they seem to be bound by some kind of restraint so that they dare not go beyond."

"Besides, fairy kings are generally not allowed to intervene in the battles of the strong in the fairy world." Wangqing Xianjun and the old god said authentically.

"Damn it!"

Luo Tian waved his fist fiercely, his face was filled with righteous indignation, "Then when I beat Zhengzhen Xianjun on the foreign race's territory back then and admitted defeat, that fairy king dared to intervene?!"

"The opponent is just stopping you, it's not considered a shot. You must know that Zhengzhen Xianjun is a peerless powerhouse with the most hope of being promoted to the position of Immortal King. There is no one of them. It's no wonder that group of old immortals don't stop you." Immortal Shura who remained silent said with a smile.

"Then there should be immortal kings in our northern and southern fairylands?" Luo Tian was stunned, "Then why haven't they made any moves?"

This time, it was very strange, the eyes of all the immortals present fell on the holy sword immortal Luo Kongyu.

Luo Kongyu rolled his eyes and sighed, "Almost all the Immortal Kings shelter are the Dzogchen powerhouses who are likely to advance to the realm of the Immortal King. Good luck, the immortal king will not care about your life or death. You old bastards, don't look at me like this. Luo Huachen, the first generation ancestor of my Luo family, is indeed an immortal king, but he will not Selfish!"

Luo Huachen, the first generation patriarch of the Luo family?Immortal king powerhouse?

Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up and cursed after a while, "That old guy is too shameless, he made me suffer in the Tianxuan plane back then!"

"... "

Everyone present was shocked, this guy was so fierce that even his ancestor dared to scold him.

"Let me say this." Luo Yun scratched his head, "When boy Luo first entered the fairy world, the ancestor directly transmitted the sound, lifted the old man's face wall, and asked the old man to take care of you kid. You are quite thin."

Luo Tian was speechless for a while, then sat down with a sigh, and said helplessly, "You don't know, when I condensed the world in my body out of thin air on the Tianxuan plane, this old guy almost killed me, since everyone Immortal king, why bother to do so?"

"The Immortal King can't change the fate of the Heavenly Dao."

All the immortals sighed in unison, and their hearts were so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked. This guy is really perverted. When he was in the third-order plane of Tianxuan plane, he actually condensed the world in his body out of thin air. From ancient times to the present, he is the only one. Wow, no wonder it's so against the sky.


Immortal Destroyer pretended to cough, "Okay, there's no need to mention this matter again, next, let's discuss the distribution of Tianyi Shenshui on Boy Luo, right?"


"What?!" Luo Tian immediately jumped up, "You old guys are actually greedy for my Tianyi Shenshui, I tell you, dreaming, I don't have much in stock here!"

"Don't you know if you are a teacher or not?" Destroyer Xianjun laughed sinisterly, "No matter how powerful you are now, can you be the opponent of so many of us? Let's take it out obediently!"


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