
Chapter 960 Hunyuan domain, open!

"These old robbers and bastards are not ashamed..."

Luo Tian was lying on a jade bench in the back garden of the mansion, wailing and sighing, "Everyone is so inhumane, I have confiscated about [-]% to [-]% of the Tianyi Shenshui that I have worked so hard to collect. But they..."

Thinking of this, Luo Tian couldn't help but go crazy. These shameless old guys are still immortals. They came to him to arbitrarily ask for Tianyi Shenshui, and they didn't have the air of an immortal.

No wonder, to enter the Hunyuan domain, two conditions must be met.The first thing is to have the Da Luo Yu Ling. The Da Luo Yu Ling said more or less in the fairy world, and even the immortals can get some because of some kind of luck.But the second condition is a bit speechless, Tianyi Shenshui, in the Hunyuan Domain, one must have Tianyi Shenshui to protect the body, otherwise even the immortal king will die.This is not groundless. At the beginning, there was a Tianyi Shenshui who was definitely a fairy in the Hunyuan Realm. He just stayed in the Hunyuan Realm and couldn’t come out. None can escape.

A drop of Tianyi Shenshui can last for three days in the Hunyuan Domain.

Speaking of which, Luo Tian definitely has enough Tianyi Divine Water in his hands. Even he himself didn't know how much Tianyi Divine Water he had in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. Compared with other strong people who entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, it was thousands of drops at most The amount of Tianyi Shenshui possessed by Luo Tian can definitely scare them to death.

Fortunately, the opening interval of Xuanhuang Secret Realm is relatively short, and there are more opportunities to obtain Tianyi Shenshui.

Of course, there is also Tianyi Shenshui in the periphery of the Hunyuan Domain, but only the immortal king can get it safely.

Therefore, the old guys like Destroying Xianjun put their ideas on Luo Tian's head, especially Destroying Xianjun. He had mixed with Luo Tianshu in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, and he almost knew Luo Tian.

"Still angry?"

A teasing chuckle came from behind Luo Tian, ​​it was Luo Xuan and Li Mufu.Luo Tang and Tang Yan were taken to Mount Shura by the Immortal Destroyer, and they are not here at all these days.

Luo Tian was like a deflated ball, sluggish and authentic, "It is said that the water poured out by married daughters, and other women's wives tend to turn their elbows outward. It's better for you two, let me turn in directly. If it weren't for you two Come on, why did they blackmail me for so many days?"

"Sir, don't be angry!" Li Mufu pouted her pretty mouth, and kept shaking Luo Tian's arm, "Master has been teaching him for so many years, why don't you show some understanding?"

"That's right!" Luo Xuan chimed in and said aggrievedly, "I've been fighting against daddy all these years, this time entering the Hunyuan Domain is a great opportunity for daddy to go further. What do you want him to do?"

"Okay, okay!" Luo Tian directly raised his hand in surrender, and then said with a sly smile, "Anyway, you two have to make up for me, right? The right is to pay the debt of the father, um, you two will be together tonight." Get up and serve me..."

"Know this all in your head!"



The next morning.

Luo Tian twisted his neck and twisted his waist refreshedly and put on his clothes. The two ladies were too fierce yesterday. Fortunately, he is now a sanctified body, otherwise it would be too much.

"Damn it!"

As soon as Luo Tian went out, he saw Ling Ruochen, Chen Lin, Zheng Feng and Wen Liang lined up, appearing out of thin air with all smiles on their faces.

"Why are you guys here? Also, didn't the prohibition circle in Tuntian Immortal Mansion not work?" Luo Tian was stunned.

Ling Ruochen shook his head coquettishly, and said proudly, "Boss Luo, we are messing with you anyway, how many of us do you think you can trick us? I have already obtained the pass token of your mansion from my sister-in-law. No matter how powerful the magic circle is, it can't trap us brothers, right?"

Chen Lin and the others nodded together.

"Get out! Don't come here and bore me!" Luo Tian waved his hand and said impatiently, "Come in as soon as you come in, don't disturb me and my daughter-in-law making out, play wherever it's cool!"

Ling Ruochen is now a powerful Saint Immortal Dzogchen.Chen Lin is also very close to Shengxian Dzogchen.Zheng Feng and Wen Liang have stepped into the realm of half-step saints.It seems that these guys have been practicing hard recently.

"Little emperor, you can't be so heartless, can you?" Chen Lin chuckled, "The brothers came here today to discuss something."

"What's the benefit? Let's hear it!" Luo Tian's eyes lit up immediately.

The four of them were speechless. They are all goddamn immortals who are strong in Dzogchen. This guy is still so greedy and stingy.

"Hey, I heard that Boss Luo has a lot of Tianyi Shenshui here, and the brothers want to..."

"Don't talk!" Luo Tian waved his big hand, turned around and left.

"It's okay if you don't give it!" Ling Ruochen looked like a master, "The brothers will spend time with you at your house!"


"Bitch, a bunch of sluts!"

After a few days.

Luo Tian scolded with a face full of headaches, while Ling Ruochen and the others were all smiling with joy and contentment, forming a strong contrast.

Luo Tian wanted to cry very much, now the Tianyi Shenshui on his body is almost less than [-]%, these guys are all skinny vampires, the old ones are the same, and the young ones are the same, they can't let people live well .

Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin all had the Great Luo Yu Token in their hands. Among them, Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin had the Great Luo Yu Token in the Primordial Secret Realm, Zheng Feng was given by Luo Tian, ​​and Wen Liang was even more legendary.

Therefore, these four bastards can enter the Hunyuan Domain.There is no restriction on entering the Hunyuan Realm, but generally you need at least a Taiyi Golden Immortal to enter, and entry is useless if your cultivation base is too low.

Even the outermost and marginal treasures in the Hunyuan Domain cannot be collected by Da Luo Jinxian.

Of course, Ling Ruochen and the others got the Tianyi Shenshui and did not leave. Instead, they lingered in Tuntian Xianjun's mansion, insisting that they hadn't seen Luo Tian for a long time to communicate with each other...

this day.

Between heaven and earth, a strange law came to Tuntian Xianjun's mansion, and several faint colored beams fell directly.

"The Hunyuan Domain will be opened soon!"

Such information immediately appeared in the minds of Luo Tian and others, and then, with a wave of his sleeve, Luo Tian took the two ladies and Ling Ruochen and moved away through the air.

The Hunyuan Domain is located in the southeast region of the North and South Immortal Worlds, just opposite to the Nether Sea.

At this moment, endless streamers of light descended from the vicinity of the Hunyuan Domain. Looking at the tyrannical breaths, one knew that the first descendants were all immortals.

"Haha, there are quite a lot of friends here!" In the sky, a dark lotus came down.

"Swallowing Heaven Immortal Lord!"

"Tuntian, you are here!"

"Grass! Why are you here too?" Luo Tian said hello to all the immortals in the void, then looked at the group of immortals in surprise and said.

Those immortals are not from the Southern Immortal Realm, nor from the Northern Immortal Realm, but from a foreign race.The leader among them is Zhengzhen Xianjun.

Immortal Lord Zhengzhen said without changing his expression, "North and South Immortal Realms can enter the Nether Sea, and we can naturally enter the Hunyuan Realm."

"Want to fight?"

Luo Tian laughed and said, his eyes burst out with two cold lights, which shattered the void in an instant.

"Swallow the sky!"

"Tuntian, don't do it!"

"Tun Tian, ​​calm down, aliens can enter the Hunyuan Domain..."

Many immortals from the northern and southern fairylands immediately came forward to persuade them.

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