
Chapter 961 1st year, the arrival of kings

Luo Tian had never had any enmity with the foreign race, but he suffered repeated setbacks and losses in the foreign race area, which made him unable to swallow this breath, so he directly confronted many powerful people of the foreign race.

Immortals who are more familiar with Luo Tian and the North and South Immortal Realms immediately came to persuade them.

"You kid, are you fighting against the aliens again?"

At this time, a thunderous laugh came out from the void, and it was the big bosses of Shura Mountain headed by Immortal Destroyer who came.

"Hehe, destruction, don't forget what you promised me before!"


There was another wave of fluctuations in the void, and several top leaders of the Northern Immortal Realm headed by Karma Immortal and Heiyu Immortal descended.

"Destroy, how about you and I discuss it?" The Immortal Hei Prison had just arrived, and he dragged the Immortal Destroyer to the side to discuss, looking in a hurry.

Luo Tian mixed with Immortal Shura and others.

"Father-in-law, when will this Hunyuan Realm be opened?" Luo Tian laughed while pulling Zixiao Immortal Luo Xuan.

Immortal Shura glanced at Luo Tian, ​​"What the hell are you planning? When will you and Xuan'er give birth to a grandson for me?"

Give birth to a grandson for fun?

Immortal Asura's voice is not low, and he doesn't shy away from these things, so he just said it directly.

Whether it is the immortals of the Southern Immortal Realm or the Northern Immortal Realm, or even the Immortal Monarchs of other races, their foreheads are full of black lines. This guy's words are too direct and unreliable. Give birth to a grandson for fun?Is it for children to play with?


Immortal Zixiao Luoxuan stamped her feet with a flushed face, she was so ashamed and annoyed that she didn't know where to put her hands.

Li Mufu covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

Luo Tian was sweating profusely. Even with his thick skin, he couldn't do the job of Immortal Shura, so he could only say with a dry smile, "Isn't my grandson what I want, or I won't go to the Hunyuan Domain, so I'll go back Jia and Xuan'er will work hard to have a grandson for you?"

The gossip gods with their ears pricked up next to them almost fainted when they heard the words, these two guys are simply colluding together, they are worthy of being the son-in-law!

Luo Xuan's complexion turned pale with anger, and she pinched and pinched Luo Tian on the spot without caring about all the respectable immortals present.

"I said." Huo Luo Xianjun wiped his sweat next to him, "The Hunyuan Domain has been opened! You two, stop embarrassing yourself here!"


The endless starry sky in front suddenly distorted. After twisting 81 times to the left, it turned 81 times to the right. The endless starry sky seemed to contain an incomparable aura of law, which attracted everyone in Luotian. Forced back hundreds of thousands of miles to go out.

Immediately afterwards, in the depths of the endless starry sky, strands of brilliant light, colorful light, glow, essence, smoke, etc. all shot out, condensing into ninety-nine 81 ancient bridges, spreading into the void.

"let's go!"

The Immortal Destroyer didn't know what agreement he had reached with the Immortal Heiyu, so he rushed over quickly, and then greeted Luo Tian and the others, and walked away first.

Behind him, hundreds of immortals froze for a moment, and shot out together.

Even if entering the Hunyuan Realm, there are strict ranks. Xianjun naturally walks in the front, and the rear is arranged according to the depth of cultivation.Li Mufu, Ling Ruochen and others were at the forefront of the second sequence.

When all the immortals stepped onto the ancient bridge together, Li Mufu, Ling Ruochen and the others looked at each other and shot out one after another.

At the end of the ancient bridge is a huge space portal.

A few of the top immortal powerhouses, such as the destroying immortal, shot out a clear light, and the big Luo Yuling was wrapped in the clear light.

Chi Chi Chi!

The big Luo Yuling struck the portal of the space, and a drop of water was born immediately. The water drop quickly turned into a stream of water and fell on the bodies of the destroying fairy and the others. The width of the head, feet, and body was only five feet wide.

In other words, within the water flow mask, there is only five feet of space up, down, left, and right.


The water flow mask quickly wrapped Ruo Xianjun and others and shot into the space portal.

"Have you seen it? The Great Luo Yu Token activates the ancient restriction on the entrance of the Hunyuan Domain, and you can enjoy a drop of Tianyi Divine Water for free." Immortal Shura sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian and his wife, and then also typed out the Great Luo Yu Token in his hand.

"I see."

Luo Tian and Immortal Zixiao glanced at each other, and they issued the Da Luo Yu Ling one after another, and then they were wrapped in the water flow mask and directly entered the Hunyuan Domain.

After a while.

"Damn it, the Primordial Realm is teleported randomly!" Luo Tian yelled annoyedly, the primordial spirit and divine consciousness leaked out of the water flow mask, and was immediately annihilated invisible by a strange force, ignorant.

Luo Tian's face suddenly changed color.

"Wait, the speed of time here!"

The next moment, Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically, "The flow of time here is so much faster than that in the fairy world! How is it possible!"

"Isn't Tuntian Xianjun entering the Hunyuan Domain for the first time?"

At this time, a teasing voice came.

Luo Tian turned his head to look, and suddenly collapsed a little, and said hastily, "Senior, are you here too?"

"The Hunyuan Domain is open, of course this king will come."

A white shadow slowly flashed in front of him, it was a young man with a frivolous complexion, but he saw the light mask of Tianyi Shenshui flowing water around him spread out a full twelve feet.

"I don't know what to call senior?" Luo Tian asked respectfully.

"Fairy King Yanchen, you old boy can run fast enough!"

Next, another strong Immortal King came, but I saw that this Immortal King was surrounded by three-color streamers and was wearing a black robe.

"Hey, did you meet this kid?" The frivolous young man, the Immortal King Yanchen pouted at Luo Tian, ​​"Immortal King Three Nights, this kid has some karma with you."

Immortal King Three Nights took a look at Luo Tian and said with a faint smile, "So it's the little guy who won the King's Three Nights Plate, which is a bit interesting."

It means your sister!

Although Luo Tian really wanted to say this, he didn't say it out loud. In the Hunyuan Domain, there was Tianyi Shenshui to protect him, and the Immortal King couldn't do anything to get him.

The reason why Luo Tian didn't scold on the spot was because he saw two strong Immortal Kings coming again.

One was wearing a gray sermon robe, the other was wearing sackcloth, and the flowing water mask spread out twelve feet.

The fairy king wearing a gray sermon robe had a stern complexion and a strange appearance, but he just forgot to take a look at Luo Tian and the other three, and continued to close his eyes to rest his mind.And the other really ugly old man in sackcloth stared fixedly at Luo Tian.

Luo Tian felt a strong murderous intent hanging over his heart, and couldn't help but tremble.

"Damn Wang Laomo, came here to bully my disciples and grandchildren?" A clear laugh came, and then an immortal king with sword aura all over his body appeared out of thin air, and the flowing water mask covering this immortal king unexpectedly Reached a frightening fifteen feet!

The strongest among the Immortal Kings!

"Luo Huachen, don't you have too many disciples and grandchildren of Immortal King Good Fortune?" The old man in sackcloth said with a rather ugly expression, "This kid completed the mission of the Artifact of Destiny, which almost destroyed my treasure. Spare him easily!"

The Creation Immortal King Luo Huachen!It turned out to be the top king among the fairy kings!

"What? What can I do if I want to protect the calf?" Luo Huachen said domineeringly, "Don't think that this king will not dare to make a move on you if you hug the thigh of the Supreme Heavenly Immortal King."

"Immortal King Good Fortune, that's enough, you and I didn't come here to make a grudge."

Suddenly, another majestic voice came from the void.

"Okay." Luo Huachen waved his hand and said, and then sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"Boy Luo, one day in the Hunyuan Realm is equivalent to a thousand years in the Immortal Realm, you have to hurry up, even if you can't get the treasure , There are great benefits to just practicing!"

After speaking, Luo Huachen broke through the air and left.

"Also, because Zhou Qing's little girl offended the old bastard in Mai, she would cheat him a few times if she had the chance."

Luo Tian clenched his hands tightly, the old man in sackcloth seemed to be the Heavenly Demon Immortal King!

You wait!

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