
Chapter 963 Lotus Seeds, Ancient City of Clouds

After a moment.

Luo Tian frowned slightly and fell from mid-air, quietly suspended in the air only three feet above the ground.

"There is nothing." Luo Tian thought secretly, "Could it be that I feel wrong?"

Next, Luo Tian unwillingly spread out his primordial spirit consciousness, directly covering the entire lake, and then searched down inch by inch.

ten feet.

hundred feet.

thousands of feet.


Gradually, Luo Tian's primordial spirit and consciousness had penetrated nearly [-] feet underground, but he still found nothing.

"Have it!"

Finally, when Luo Tian searched the Yuanshen consciousness inch by inch to the depth of [-] zhang without stopping, something strange came from the Yuanshen consciousness.


Now Luotian's Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong is so powerful, but all of a sudden, he directly photographed that thing from a distance of [-] zhang. There was a soft bang on the ground, and then a black jet shot out. Guanghua.

"Is it a rock?"

Luo Tian took the swarthy brilliance into his hands and observed carefully, it turned out to be a useless stone, it just looked a bit hard.

Somewhat hard, judged by Luo Tian's physical body.Luo Tian believed that even ordinary immortals would not be able to break through this stone if their physical bodies were not strong enough. This stone was an extremely rare mysterious yin crystal in the fairy world, and it could eliminate most of the divine channeling techniques.Generally, when an immortal monarch refines Dao-grade immortal treasures, he needs to add some Xuanyin crystals. For Xianjun, this Xuanyin crystal is not so unusual.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, Luo Tian's complexion changed.

Because Luo Tian's internal body suddenly descended without any warning, countless streaks of blue thunder light converged towards the magic weapon of the black lotus.


The magic weapon of the black lotus in Luo Tian's internal body immediately opened the first sky domain, and then collected all the blue thunder lights in it, like a continuous Milky Way.

Afterwards, endless cyan light balls poured out from the first sky domain of the black lotus magic weapon, and shot out of the inner world in an instant, directly pouring into the Xuanyin crystal in Luo Tian's hand.

Ka Ka Ka!

A strange scene has appeared!

Luo Tian looked at the Xuanyin crystal with some cracks in his palm in astonishment, and then there was a soft bang, which exploded into a cloud of dust.

After a while, the endless dust disappeared, leaving only wisps of cyan lightning that turned into a fist-sized thing and wrapped around something. Deep in Luo Tian's eyes, two black vortexes slowly emerged, and soon they were He could clearly see the things wrapped in the cyan lightning.

"That is…"

Luo Tian couldn't help taking a deep breath, "A lotus seed!"

The lotus seed is only the size of a pigeon egg, its whole body is cyan, and emits a faint cyan light. After that, the cyan lotus seed is rolled out by the cyan thunder light, and is directly drawn into the first heaven of the black lotus magic weapon.


Luo Tian hastily used his primordial spirit and consciousness to enter the first heaven domain, but found that the strange cyan lotus seed had directly merged into the first heaven domain of the black lotus magic weapon.

The first sky domain has also undergone a qualitative change, at least Luo Tian can feel that part of the blue mist surrounding the island in the first sky domain of the black lotus magic weapon has dissipated, revealing a part of its true face.

"Is it related to the black lotus magic weapon? Come on!"

Luo Tian was so excited that he continued to use his primordial spirit and divine consciousness, rushing towards the dry lake below him.


Half an hour later, Luo Tian, ​​who had almost penetrated his primordial spirit to the other side of the planet, withdrew his consciousness slightly disappointed.

After thinking quietly for a moment, Luo Tian turned into a flowing light and flew away quickly.

Two days later.

Luo Tian left the planet and flew towards another planet. In the past two days, he almost turned that planet over, but still didn't gain anything.

"These lotus seeds are only found in dry lakes?"

With doubts in his heart, Luo Tian directly entered the next planet. There are many dry lakes on this planet, there are dozens of them. After searching, Luo Tian only got three blue lotus seeds again. .

"There are only fifteen planets around here."

After Luo Tian came out from the fourth planet, the strange cyan lotus seeds he harvested had almost completely expanded the first sky domain of the black lotus magic weapon.

The fifth one, harvested two cyan lotus seeds.

The first sky domain of the black lotus magic weapon has been completely diffused, revealing the whole picture. I can see that there is a thick blue light in the first sky domain, rolling in all directions layer by layer. The planted natural materials and earth treasures are growing rapidly.

Luo Tian was really taken aback, he never thought that the first day domain being fully opened would be so frightening.

With a sudden change of mind, Luo Tian thought with unbearable excitement, "If the second domain, the third domain and the fourth domain are all fully opened, what benefits will it bring to me?"

call out!

Luo Tian turned into a streamer and directly entered the next planet.

It took Luo Tian nearly two months to explore the fifteen planets. Among them, after the first sky domain was perfectly opened, the lotus seeds harvested next were yellow.

The yellow lotus seed corresponds to the second day domain of the black lotus magic weapon!

So, after searching the fifteen planets, the beaming Luo Tian headed towards the depths of the Hunyuan Domain.

"I don't know if there are lotus seeds in the depths? I have a headache."

Luo Tian rubbed the center of his brows, and the joyful look on his face was replaced by a bitter expression.

"Swallow the sky!"

When Luo Tian was thinking like this, the speed under his body didn't stop at all, he was galloping fast, and he was still practicing, he would not miss a single chance.

"Why are you two here?"

Luo Tian looked up, and couldn't help but smiled lightly, "With the magical powers of the two of you, you can't be slower than me, right?"

In front of Luo Tian were the Immortal Time and the Immortal Space among the four giants in the Heavenly Court of the Southern Immortal Realm.

Luo Tian was a little puzzled. With the speed of these two people, they should have entered the deeper part of the Hunyuan Domain long ago. How did they come here?

In fact, this is indeed the case. The place Luo Tian randomly teleported to was quite far away, and after talking with a group of fairy kings, he wasted a lot of time on those fifteen planets, which is considered to be very slow.

"Hehe, there was a little trouble, and you just came." Immortal Time said with a faint smile.

Space Immortal was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Time, you see, it's better to let Tuntian join in, and the chances of winning are better."


Luo Tian was at a loss for a while, what kind of nonsense are these two old and cunning guys talking about, they are not going to cheat me, are they?

Luo Tiandeng was full of vigilance.

"Alright, since you have caught up with Tuntian, join our team, so maybe there is still a chance." Immortal Time thought for a while, then smiled lightly.

"You two, what exactly do you mean? It's all over the place." Luo Tian said with a wry smile, of course he was pretending.

When Immortal Time wore the golden robe, there were ripples immediately, and the voice transmitted to Luo Tian, ​​"Space and I found an ancient cloud-colored city hidden in the void not far ahead, but it is difficult for the two of us to break through it together." The ancient prohibition circle around it."

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