
Chapter 964 The rules of mystery, the cloudy sky and the small universe!

Yunse Ancient City?

Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, and his brows were slightly frowned. The ancient city of cloud color is in the fairy world, which represents an ancient treasure land that has never been opened by anyone, just because the layer of cloud color wrapped around it is extremely powerful. The ancient prohibition circle.

"Tuntian, what do you think?" Space Immortal asked tentatively, "Of course, if there is something to be gained, the three of us will share it equally. I and time can guarantee this."

After a while.

Luo Tian finally nodded, and said, "It's good, but fortunately, I still know some restraining circles."

Time Immortal laughed, "Then the three of us can go."

After speaking, let's break through the blank line first.

Luo Tian's expression was neither sad nor happy, and he didn't know how many turns he had turned in his heart. Regarding the two old fellows, the Immortal of Time and the Immortal of Space, he naturally would not fully believe what they said, and even though the two of them were not as good as himself , has not yet reached the realm of the Great Perfection of the Xianjun, but the realm of the Great Perfection of the Xianjun will definitely not be able to do anything to the two of them.One of them has the supernatural power of time, and the other has supernatural power of space, they are very powerful.

Even Luo Tian faintly suspected that these two guys might have been able to achieve the Great Perfection of the Immortal Lord long ago, and they have been deliberately hiding their strength.

It can't be blamed that Luo Tian has so many worries in his heart. In fact, whoever deals with these old guys who have become elites will have to pay dozens of extra thoughts, so as not to be sold by them and count the money for them.

call out!

Luo Tian used another drop of Tianyi Divine Water, and then directly followed Immortal Time and Immortal Space.


While leading the way ahead, Immortal Time and Immortal Space suddenly slowed down, and I saw these two old guys crossing left and right, turning back and forth in front, and the surrounding space faintly showed signs of collapse.

"Tuntian, this is a space node layer, be careful, it is best to follow the two of us."

Luo Tian immediately heard the voice of Immortal Time.

"Understood." Luo Tian replied this sentence, and found that the magic weapon of the black lotus in the inner world began to throb.

"Could it be that there is a good treasure ahead that can resonate with the black lotus magic weapon?"

Luo Tian glanced at the two great immortals who were leading the way in front of him, secretly beating his heart.

That is half-day view.

The Time Immortal and the Space Immortal stopped immediately in front of them.

Luo Tian looked around, but saw that in front of him was an extremely messy meteorite area, in which countless meteorites were suspended and flying, and it was impossible to calculate the specific trajectory, so his expression changed slightly.


The Time Immortal and the Space Immortal flew directly onto a huge meteorite comparable to a planet, and quietly looked towards a space.

Luo Tian followed closely behind, following the line of sight of the two of them, frowning tightly.

Space black hole!

Luo Tian felt a little uneasy now. The black hole of space, in the fairy world, is an extremely dangerous place. At least the fairy king can't guarantee that he can survive after entering it. He has seen a lot in Nether Hai Luotian.

Moreover, the most troublesome thing for Luo Tian is that next to the space black hole in front of him is an extremely unstable space node. If these two get together, it will be fun to watch.

Space nodes are extremely rare in the fairy world.It is the combination of two flawed and turbulent spaces. Once the chaos and tyranny break out, the consequences will be unbearable even for the Immortal King!

Of course, Luo Tian also saw a dazzling cloud-colored light between the space node and the space black hole, shining very dazzlingly in the starry sky.

"Tuntian, there is the ancient city of clouds." Time Immortal stood for a long time before he said slowly, with a frenzy flickering in his eyes.

Luo Tian nodded, and said with a wry smile, "You two, this ancient city of clouds is really dangerous, isn't it?"

"It's quite dangerous." Space Immortal sighed, "But wealth and wealth are sought in danger, and where there is no danger, there is no harvest!"

I don't know how long it took, the two black whirlpools in the depths of Luo Tian's eyes gradually disappeared, "What do you two think?"

Time Immortal muttered slightly, "To be honest, the two of us have been observing for a long time, and we have even been close to the ancient city of Yunse. Apart from not being able to enter, this seemingly extremely dangerous area is actually quite stable."

"In that case, let's take a closer look." Luo Tian said decisively.

"it is good!"

Immortal Lord Time and Immortal Space Lord flew out at the same time, and fell directly towards the cloudy light.

After a while.

Luo Tian just followed the time and the two immortals approached the cloud-colored light, but seeing the cloud-colored light, apart from a thick layer of light, it was a mysterious and mysterious force of law, blowing on Luo Layers of waves of light rippled out from the mask of flowing water around Tian's body.

"What a powerful ancient restriction, what a powerful law!" Luo Tian couldn't help sighing softly, "This ancient restriction is not so powerful, the real powerful thing is this law of origin, I'm afraid even a fairy can kill it, Fortunately, we have Tianyi Shenshui to protect the whole body, otherwise the consequences will be dire."

"That's right." Space Immortal waved a long river, and when he was directly on top of the cloudy light, he was wiped out by a layer of invisible force.

"This power!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank. At this moment, he finally truly felt that invisible power. This power was exactly the same as the planet that You Minghai heard the preaching from back then!

"I'll try."

Luo Tian took a step forward, layers of small dark black lotus flowers spread out all over his body, a lotus flower was a small world, and he looked relaxed.

"Open it for me!"

Luo Tian divided his hands fiercely, and the power of the Great Perfection of the Immortal Monarch was displayed immediately, directly hitting the cloud-colored light, shaking the ancient prohibition around, and finally a crack in space slowly appeared.


The Sanxiao plate above Luo Tian's head turned into a three-color light beam, with the heaven and earth seal in his left hand and the fairness seal in his right hand, flying directly into that space crack.

Seeing this, the Immortals of Time and Space also followed Luo Tian without stopping, reached out and submerged directly into it.


In the ancient city of clouds.

Luo Tian is deep in the endless clouds and mist, and the visible part of the eyes is no more than three feet around the body. This is the result of casting the sky-swallowing eye.

"What about Time Immortal and Space Immortal?"

As everyone knows, at this time, Immortal Time and Immortal Space were also separated by an inexplicable force of law, and the two were also feeling uneasy.

"Go ahead and have a look!"

Luo Tian immediately galloped forward. The further he went, the stronger the oppression on the primordial spirit became. It was so strong that even his primordial spirit could hardly bear it. Endless cold power gathered from all directions. Come on, the action of dragging him will be much slower.

"This is a peerless hell!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, such places are often strange places between heaven and earth, which can be encountered but not sought after.

At this time, Luo Tian felt that the black lotus magic weapon in the inner world was trembling more violently, as if it was about to break away from Luo Tian's control.

"Be honest with me!"

With a low shout, Luo Tian gathered all his strength and suppressed it temporarily.

After walking forward again for an unknown amount of time, Luo Tian's complexion finally changed drastically.

"This is not a cloudy place, it is clearly a cloudy sky and a cloudy place, an absolutely strange place that is hard to find in eternity!"

Luo Tian stared dumbfoundedly at the dark world that seemed to be connected in one place in the distance, in which endless cold power surged out, and even in its depths, a small universe was outlined by itself!

"This lawful elemental force is so familiar..."

Luo Tian walked forward slowly, and when he stretched out his hand, he caught a touch of cold energy, but saw that cold energy turned into strands of cold air, which directly penetrated into Luo Tian's body.

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