
Chapter 965 Agitating Yin and Yang, Cutting 3 Corpses

Xuanyin Taishang Daojing!

Luo Tian suddenly came to his senses. This cold power was almost the same as that of the Xuanyin Sect's suppressing teaching skills that he commanded on the Tianxuan Plane, but the difference in power was as big as heaven and earth.

"Although they are completely different, they definitely come from the same source!"

Luo Tian narrowed his eyes, and his heart was beating uncontrollably. At first, he achieved the Law of Swallowing the Sky by smashing the three great feats on his body. Is it related to this cloudy little universe?

Thinking of this, Luo Tian slowly spread the Law of Swallowing Heaven to five feet away from his body, directly breaking away from the protection of the flowing water mask.

But seeing Swallowing Heaven Law was severely pressed in by an inexplicable force from outside, and then was dragged back.

The Heaven Swallowing Law was dragged towards the depths of the front without hesitation. Although the speed was slow, it was irresistible.

"There is a way."

Luo Tian's eyes flashed, and then he followed directly, keeping a certain rhythm consistent with the speed at which the Swallowing Law was dragged, neither fast nor slow.

The range of the cloudy sky and cloudy little universe is not very big, only a thousand miles in radius, but the closer you get, the more breathtaking the chill will be on your body. Later, Luo Tian's primordial spirit and consciousness were even greatly affected , almost numb from the cold.

Seeing this, Luo Tian immediately activated the supreme method of Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong, and a trickle of warm current flowed out of Yuanshen's consciousness, slowly expelling the seemingly weak but actually powerful cold from his body.

"Yuqing's Yuanshi Xuangong can't completely drive it away!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian's complexion became a little ugly.

"Three nights plate!"

Luo Tian stretched out his hand and lightly tapped the Sanxiao plate above his head, and the Sanxiao plate immediately dropped a three-color light curtain, gradually covering Luo Tian in it.

"Even the three-night plate can't completely block the chill!"

Luo Tian's heart was really shaken now, he felt the chill continuously corroding and invading his body, even if it couldn't penetrate into the primordial spirit, it still stopped in Luo Tian's physical body after all, the unsettling world inside his body Few flowers and plants were frozen and withered to death.

At this moment, Luo Tian has already rushed into the boundless black clouds and mist. The black clouds and mist kept surging and rolling, and they turned into clusters of ancient patterns, dancing around Luo Tian's body continuously.

"What is this place? Even Tianyi Shenshui can't stop it!"

Luo Tian groaned secretly in his heart. If it continues like this, even if his own strength is as high as the sky, his body may be frozen into an eternal ice sculpture. It will be a big loss.

For the first time, Luo Tian really felt boundless fear!

"Swallow the sky! Come and help me!"

Half a day later, Luo Tian had almost been swept into the central area of ​​the cloudy and cloudy universe. Black swirls flickered in his eyes, but he saw Immortal Time in front of him, half of his body was already stiff.

Help me!

Luo Tian almost had a wry smile on his face, please, I can't protect myself now, how can I help you?

After a while, Luo Tian came to the face of Immortal Time with a face full of despair, sighed lightly, waved his hand and shot out a warm current inspired by Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong, then pondered for a while, and pushed hard with his palm .


Immortal Time Immortal immediately turned into a beam of light and flew towards the periphery, but the original great suction around him was superimposed on Luo Tian's body one after another.

"This kind of kindness will be repaid in the future!"

The faint voice of Immortal Time Lord rang in Luo Tian's ears.

Luo Tian's face was so bitter that water dripped out, and he thought to himself, whether you can repay him in the future is really unknown.

In fact, if it were someone else, as long as they were not strong in the Southern Immortal Realm, Luo Tian would be more than happy to drag him into the water, but Immortal Time is from the Southern Immortal Realm after all, and he has no enmity with Luo Tian, ​​and even has a little sympathy. Naturally, Luo Tian couldn't be so heartless.

The next moment, the dragging force on Luo Tian's body became stronger.


This time, Luo Tian was really dragged into the core hinterland of the cloudy and gloomy little universe.

At the same time, Luo Tian's internal world changed again, but he saw the black lotus magic weapon levitating out of thin air, spinning around the internal world, and finally shot out layers of inexplicable power, directly penetrating the internal world, towards the inner world. shoot straight out.

clap clap clap!

Luo Tian looked at the endless black clouds and mist around him in astonishment and speechless, they exploded one after another at this moment, and among the curling clouds of smoke that exploded, they turned into pieces of mysterious yin crystals!

The magic weapon of the black lotus rotated more happily in Luo Tian's inner world, and those mysterious Yin crystals rushed towards the inner world of Luo Tian.

Bo bo bo bo!

Those Xuanyin crystals burst one after another, revealing lotus seeds among them.

Yellow lotus seeds!

Red lotus seeds!

Black lotus seeds!

White lotus seeds!

The lotus seeds of four colors were poured into the black lotus magic weapon one after another, and the black lotus magic weapon unexpectedly condensed into a color as crystal as black jade.

The boundless chill all over his body entered Luo Tian's body, and it was no longer harmful!

"It turned the world around and achieved a great tonic! What kind of power is this, and it is not weaker than the primordial power of chaos?"

Luo Tian murmured with surprise on his face, and then quickly activated the Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong, and began to merge with the chills around his body.

One yin and one yang!

Yuqing Yuan Shixuan Gong is Yang, and the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing that has achieved the law of swallowing the sky is Yin!

Luo Tian sat cross-legged in the air, and his whole body was immediately wrapped by the power of yin and yang. If he moved at will, he could stir up the yin and yang of the world!

"There is another opportunity to break through in my primordial spirit and consciousness!" Luo Tian's heart was silent, "This time, I must try to cut off the third corpse!"


The cloudy sky is the outermost part of the small universe.

The Immortal of Time and the Immortal of Space finally reunited after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers. The two smiled wryly at each other, and both looked into the depths with some helplessness.


A soul-stirring and strange force rose directly into the sky, swept out in all directions, and knocked the two immortals who hadn't talked to each other directly out of the ancient city of clouds.

"This deity owes Tuntian a great favor."

After a long time, Time Immortal smiled wryly and sighed.

The Space Immortal looked stunned.

"Presumably you also know that this ancient city of clouds is a desperate place. There is no treasure at all. Even if there is, it is not something we can get our hands on. And Tuntian is deeply trapped in it to save me." Time Immortal paused Dun, "Looking at this scene, Tuntian is in it, I'm afraid it's already..."

Space Immortal pondered for a moment, and said with a wry smile, "Fate and Karma once worked together to calculate, and they couldn't calculate a half of Tuntian's future. Maybe he has a future that none of us can match."

"I hope so." Time Immortal sighed, "Then we'll have to wait another month, if Tuntian doesn't come out by then, I'm afraid it will be bad luck."

"Alright." Space Immortal nodded.

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