Chapter 101
With a sound of "buzz", the void trembled slightly, and a brilliant light beam shot out, striking Xu Yu with force. This was a frightening sword beam. It was fierce, weird and tricky, and wanted to cut off his body and spirit, and take his life.

Xu Yu dodged quickly, his sword glowed like a rainbow, piercing through the clouds, his sword intent was fierce, splitting people's souls, and smashing through the cliffs in front of him, the cross section was as smooth as a mirror!
This sword was very frightening, and the piercing killing intent pointed directly at Xu Yu's heart, making his heart almost stop beating suddenly.

"It's you?" Zixia's phoenix eyes flashed a cold light. She saw a figure flashing away in the void. It was not someone else, but the God of Cookery Flower, the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, the Hydra and the Black Phoenix.

Xu Yu's eyes were cold, and a ray of anger appeared on his face. Looking in that direction, he saw several figures disappearing into the void.

If you miss a hit, evacuate immediately!They understand the gap between each other very well.

Although they are equal in number, their combat effectiveness differs greatly.Especially Xu Yu, who is ridiculously strong, fighting alone, none of them is his opponent.

"Do you want to hunt down the past?" the golden lion asked.

As far as he was concerned, he didn't want to provoke the underworld.What's more, the hydra and black phoenix are not simple, they are both descendants of the saints of the monster clan, even if they are just casual cultivators, they cannot be easily offended.

"Forget it, let's be careful next time!" Xu Yu thought for a moment, then shook his head.

In fact, even if they catch up, they will have to pay a heavy price if they can win.Of course he will be fine, but for Zixia and the Golden Lion, that's not necessarily the case.

Especially the God of Cookery flower, every time he sees it, it will give him a very strange feeling, and the god will automatically warn him, making his body ache, and his hair stands on end.

This is also the reason why he is unwilling to catch up immediately!He longed to improve his cultivation so that he could resist the curse of the God of Cookery Flower.

Next, they traveled all over the vast treasure world, went deep into the deep old forest, and dived into the boundless sea. They did not leave this treasure world for several days. During this period, they found dozens of treasures , are all radiant with divine light and full of spirituality, they can fly into the sky, escape from the ground, travel through space, and are difficult to catch.


Suddenly, a sound like heaven and earth cracking sounded, and the endless brilliance was blazing, gorgeous, like hundreds of millions of stars burning at the same time, and there was a rumbling sound.

On Jubao Mountain, at the top of the mountain, the volcanic hole suddenly erupted with endless brilliance, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and a boundless mighty power came out from it, like an ancient giant shaking the world.

"No, run away, Jubao Mountain is about to swallow all kinds of treasures!" Gold-winged roc roared.

Jubao Mountain spits out every hundred years, swallows all the gods, and then melts and warms them, or recasts them again. This is a cyclical process.

Every time this time comes, it will be the most dangerous moment in the treasure gathering world.Thousands of treasures were all revived and turned into torrents. The turbulent impact was enough to make mountains and rivers pale and the starry sky shake.

Among them are holy artifacts, kingly weapons, all treasures that can be easily beheaded and powerful. Once they show their power, few people in the world can reach them.

Everyone was fleeing in a hurry, running and avoiding, their faces were pale, and their hearts were filled with uneasiness.

These secret things are only known to the aborigines who have lived here for generations.

Even the most powerful native beasts are fleeing desperately after reaching the realm of power.

"Run! Run away! This kind of catastrophe is irresistible!" The golden lion's face was pale. Since ancient times, in the world of gods, encountering such a situation is very rare, but every time it will cause countless deaths and injuries.

There may even be annihilation of the entire army.

It ran wildly with all four limbs, turned into a golden light, and disappeared in an instant, as if the back of its butt was on fire.

In an instant, everyone in Treasure Gathering Realm turned into streams of light and dissipated into the sky. Even Zixia and the others retreated temporarily, leaving Xu Yu standing alone, ignoring the impact.

At the end of the sky, the divine light is as brilliant as the rising sun, the sound of the sky is like thunder, and the Daoguang is blazing.

Those gods came hand in hand, the rays of light were combined, they were extraordinarily blazing, rumbling and rolling, like thousands of troops, roaring towards them, the momentum was so great that thousands of creatures fled.

This kind of situation, not to mention them, even the saints in the world would feel their scalps go numb after seeing it.

"What are you in a daze for? Hurry up and leave!"

Zi Qingyu scolded in the distance.Her beautiful eyes are bright and shrewd, with an anxious expression flashing, her graceful figure is swaying, and she is about to take a step away with a lotus step.

"There are so many treasures, just grab a handful, it's enough for us." Xu Yu's eyes were wide open, with an excited expression, and he was about to pounce on them.

The waves are made up of countless treasures, such as the Heavenly Knife forged from sacred bones, the divine clock made of suet iron, the Heavenly Pagoda made from Nine Heavens Scarlet King Jade, and the ancient tripod made from Chaos Stone... Some magic weapons are just embryos, There are also magic weapons that are already finished products, all of which are full of spirituality.

Among the many divine objects, it is naturally impossible to only have magic weapons, there are also top-level divine materials, precious medicines, and even panacea and fairy things created by God.

"Not too much, just give me half!" Xu Yu's eyes lit up, salivating, and he couldn't move anymore.

There was a rumbling sound, the waves were overwhelming, and the majestic momentum was overwhelming. He felt suffocated and almost passed out.


Sparks splashed, and Yuan Shi Yin automatically flew out of the sea of ​​bitterness, hanging above his head, lingering in red clouds, hanging down with silk, steaming.Let thousands of gods collide, and it is always difficult to shake it.

A big golden seal collided with it, and with a loud bang, the big seal was torn apart and turned into a pile of scrap iron, and all the essence was absorbed by the fairy golden cauldron Xu Yu sacrificed.

In the distance, countless creatures screamed miserably, blood rained, and a divine phoenix spread its wings, raging flames, instantly turning dozens of people into torches.

Scenes of tragedies happened, thousands of gods impacted, and the roar shook the sky, like a wave of destruction descended from the heavens, destroying the entire sky.

The bloody wind continued, the mountains of corpses were covered with blood, and the screams and wailing echoed in the sky, turning this treasure world like a god's domain into a field of Shura.


The sound of the bell roared, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, there was a majestic atmosphere, bright ripples passed by, and the mountains and rivers were shattered.As soon as Xu Yu rushed past, the red gold furnace hit the ancient clock, smashing it instantly and devouring the essence.

They are surrounded by thousands of gods, and they are full of colorful colors and dazzling brilliance, like a sea of ​​forbidden gods gushing, blazing and dazzling, colorful, heavy pressure is like waves, their bodies almost shattered several times.

If it weren't for the protection of Yuan Shiyin, they would have been destroyed in body and spirit.Yuanshiyin is indeed miraculous, no matter what kind of treasure meets him, it will be crushed.

And all the gods that were crushed were swallowed up by the Immortal Golden Cauldron. After devouring many gods, its appearance was already radiant and dazzling, surrounded by scarlet clouds, overflowing with divinity, like the most magnificent artwork.

Yuan Shiyin shattered many fetishes, and he was not idle, running and devouring the mysterious method, secretly absorbing the divinity left after the shattered fetishes.Take cold shots from time to time to absorb and refine weaker fetishes.

For example, some divine water, spiritual wood, and holy soil were all swallowed up by him.

The purple-gold sea of ​​bitterness in his body, with brilliant golden light, was turbulent, and there were waves, lightning and thunder, and the area expanded a lot. There were countless bright divine patterns intertwined, like dragons and snakes, automatically flying towards his limbs, among the bones, Branded innate texture.

His practice has taken another big step, and he is about to enter the second life and death Nirvana.

"Damn it, I can't catch those things!" Xu Yu said angrily.

Among the surging ocean of fetishes, there are a few light clusters that are the most outstanding, brilliant and dazzling, like small suns rising slowly, their brilliance blazing.

It was the most top fetish, and it was also their most valued treasure.A piece of gorgeous divine gold engraved with mysterious dragon traces, a crystal clear young jade dragon, and a verdant green sapling all emit thousands of rays of light, swimming and galloping in the ocean of divine objects.

Dragon pattern black gold!Fairy juice young dragon!Longevity tree!Several hours later, all the fetishes rushed towards the sky, turned into a long river of brilliance, and flew towards the cornucopia-shaped volcanic rock.

At the same time, Jubao Mountain spit out countless bright streamers, like fireworks blooming, colorful, flying in all directions, that is another group of gods.

"Boom!" The seal of Yuan Shi on Xu Yu's head suddenly burst into a burst of bright light, which was abnormally cold. It turned into a gorgeous fairy light and flew into the volcano.

"Ah! It flew away?" Zixia and others in the distance also rushed back when Yuan Shiyin suppressed this area. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help shouting.

No matter how blind they are, they also know that the remnant furnace is a great thing, so how can they not feel sad when they fly away like this?
"I know, it will fly back!" Xu Yu said calmly.Yuan Shiyin has already been sacrificed in various ways by him, and the source of life is warm and nourished. It has already been imprinted with a solid brand, and it is difficult to be erased.Even if he flies away, he can be summoned back.

In Treasure Gathering Realm, there is a calm sea, and the mountains and rivers here are still magnificent, with beautiful scenery, Dayue waterfall, high mountains and flowing water, lingering clouds, white mist, everything is picturesque, as if nothing just happened.

However, everyone's hearts were icy cold, and they felt cold all over.Too many people died, as much as [-]% were buried in the previous turmoil.

The blood of the corpse has not yet dried up, and the remnant soul is still whining, but this place has already been restored to a dreamlike fairyland with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Everyone's hairs stand on end, the world of gods is really not a good place, and there are countless geniuses who die each time.

Those who are alive are outstanding, and those who are dead have already turned into dust!And who knows how many corpses were buried under that light.

"I seem to have seen the rough embryo of the ultimate holy soldier!"

Many people have the idea of ​​retreating, but more people still look excited. There are too many treasures, and many gods are in the outside world, which is rare for thousands of years.If you can get one, the future can be expected.

Those who dare to enter here are all outstanding people, at least they are elites trained by many great teachers.Their minds are firm, and they all aim to prove the Tao, so how could they be frightened by such a small scene.

"It's a pity! Let those treasures go away!"

Xu Yu sighed.They were also slightly injured, but they healed in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, he got separated from the golden lion, that guy hid quickly, and he had already run away before the divine tide arrived.

"Well, let's be more careful." Although Shenchao has been mentioned, this place is still very dangerous.In many places, there are still restrictions left, which can kill Da Neng.

The fetish was astonishing. They fumbled and walked into the deepest part of the treasure world.During this process, there were several fights, some were treasure hunting, some were vendettas, and some were fighting between factions. The fighting was very tragic.

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(End of this chapter)

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