Chapter 102 Golden Dragon Girl
Ahead, there are many peaks and towering mountains, and from time to time there will be divine lights, which are hidden fetishes.

However, not all gods are willing to fall into the cornucopia. Some of them have already been born with spiritual wisdom and successfully transformed into forms. After entering the cornucopia, they may be washed away from the gods, but they will fall short.

There are many treasures dormant here, those that were dormant before, and those that were ejected later, all gather here.

"This is the land of the greatest good fortune. It can cultivate divinity and help some treasures to transform into shapes. It is the favorite of many gods!" Zi Qingyu said softly, her straight and beautiful legs striding forward, with lotus steps, Xiao Man The waist is twisted, and the figure is graceful and light, swaying like a lotus, beautiful and seductive.

She gained a lot from that fetish wave, but she didn't have any of them that could be called fairy treasures.This naturally made her dissatisfied, and she wanted to find the real peerless fetish.

"About this, there are records in the ancient books left over from Xuanhuang Holy Land!"

Xu Yu became cautious. He saw many strong men sneaking around, including God Roar, Golden Winged Peng and Jun Ni. These three guys are natives of the God Realm, and their strength is extraordinary. All three of them succeeded in cutting the way. Existence, coupled with the extraordinary power of their blood, even in the world of gods, they can be regarded as unworldly masters in the second echelon. The first echelon is naturally those creatures who have touched the barriers of the holy land.

If he fights alone, Xu Yu can still deal with one, but if he swarms, he can only run away.

"Leave them, let's go in another direction." Zi Qingyu frowned slightly, her voice was melodious.

These ferocious beasts are too strong, and she doesn't want to face them, but some things won't happen unless you don't want them to.

Just when the two were about to leave, the three beasts suddenly turned around and stared at them with ferocious eyes.

"Outsiders, hand over all the fetishes, and spare your lives!" the golden-winged roc said solemnly.

His golden pupils were bright and indifferent, and the golden feathers flowed with brilliance, overflowing with divine fluctuations, trembling, clanging, like a god forged from finance, and a sharp aura swept out.

The golden-winged roc bird does not look big as a whole, but it is very oppressive. It stands like a golden magic mountain, and the intimidating aura flows, which makes people feel heartbroken.

"Are you going to give it if you say it? Why?" Zi Qingyu's eyes were sharp and cold.She has never been the one who suffers, even if a saint is in front of her, she can't let her bow her head.

"The things here don't belong to you in the first place." Shen Roared indifferently.

"It's because we are better than you!" The handsome appearance was cold, and the killing intent was like a wave.

The three of them are not good men and women, but fierce beasts with endless blood on their hands.In this day of God Realm, it is the most powerful bloodline, so it is naturally more powerful.

"What is in my hands is mine." Fairy Qingyu said coldly. "If you want to take something from me, then use your lives in exchange."

She made a sudden move and used the great yin and yang extermination technique. The brilliance soared to the sky, destroying the sky and destroying the earth. Several mountain ranges were shattered, the sky was shattered, the rocks pierced the clouds, the void was torn apart, and the endless space storm hit.

Then everyone in the Holy Land of the Zifu also attacked together, Xu Yu faced the golden-winged roc alone, and Zi Qingyu and the remaining disciples formed a battle formation to face the remaining two fierce beasts together.

And Zixia moved the Heaven and Earth Dao at the side, replenishing the divine power of the people in the Zifu Holy Land, and at the same time evolving the Dao Map to interfere with each other. Although the effect was minimal, it also ensured that they did not lose immediately.

And with their fierce battles, the region where they are located repeats the feng shui fire, and the space bursts out in turn.

But in the end they joined hands and couldn't fight against the three beasts, and finally retreated under the cover of the violent spatial turbulence.

On the other side, Xu Yu sacrificed the bone sword, pinched the sword art in his hand, and countless sharp sword lights shot in, dazzling and dazzling, and quickly pierced the golden-winged roc.

"Bastard, kill them!"

The three fierce beasts were caught off guard and suffered a great loss, blood blossomed, dazzling and dazzling.But this can't save their lives, let alone affect their combat effectiveness, so they rushed to kill them.

The two sacrificed the Xuanyu Terrace, opened up a space tunnel, and quickly fled outwards.

The three ferocious beasts are extremely intelligent, not inferior to humans, and they also know about the Xuanyu Terrace outside.

They searched for the remaining breath of the two, and tracked them down several times, and the two sides fought violently.

Xu Yu backed up while striking, the bone sword in his hand exploded with brilliance, piercing the sky, he drew away the three fierce beasts, fighting for a way out for Zixia and Ziqingyu.

After being chased and killed for tens of thousands of miles, Xu Yu finally escaped with the help of Yuan Shiyin.

This treasure world is really dangerous. If you are not careful, your life may be in danger.

He found an ancient cave and healed his wounds quietly.He was seriously injured by the three fierce beasts, and it was impossible for ordinary people to survive.But he is different. He has extraordinary physique, strong vitality, recovers slowly, and finally survives.


He was running a healing method, and his whole body was covered with golden blood energy. The whole cave was sacred and peaceful, and his blood was rumbling and vibrating like thunder.

Several hours later, he was full of energy and healed from his injuries.He stood up and walked out of the cave step by step.

He was looking at the situation in the distance. There were many wars in that area, the flames of war were raging, there were waves of blood rushing, there was unparalleled beauty, there were roars of beasts and cries of phoenixes, and the divine splendor soared to the sky.


He was surprised, a brilliant brilliance flew from the distant mountains, the rays of light were everywhere, obviously it was a psychic spirit, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground.

He turned into a flash of lightning, rushed over quickly, and approached stealthily.

This is a mountain stream with strange rocks and rocks, uneven and full of posture. It is a veritable brown stone forest.

Xu Yu walked into it, his eyes were sharp, and there was indeed a cloud of rays of light, shrouded in divine light and auspicious colors, so misty and hazy that he couldn't see clearly.

From the perspective of momentum alone, this is definitely a remarkable fetish.Xu Yu thought in his heart, and walked cautiously, afraid of disturbing it, he flew away again.

He holds the seal of Yuanshi in his left hand, and the blue bone sword he obtained from Thunderbird in his right hand, circulating the energy of chaos.Both treasures have extraordinary origins, one is the ancient soldier of Tianzun, and the other is a sacred artifact handed down from generation to generation.Now, he was pushed up by Xu Yu at the same time, wanting to suppress Guang Tuan.

Immediately, the divine light erupted, the holy light was dazzling, and there was a resounding sound from the sky.

In the distance, a blond girl is walking on the ground. Her face is exquisite, her blond hair is soft, shining with dazzling light. Although she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, she is tall and tall, no less than a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl. The space is full of sacred nobility.

She has a graceful and graceful figure, showing a peerless appearance at the beginning, with a small waist and slender legs, straight and slender legs, with attractive curves and swaying poses.It is conceivable how magnificent she will be when she becomes an adult.

"It's her..." Xu Yu felt a familiar breath.

An ancient dragon princess in the world of gods!
I heard from the aborigines in the Heavenly God Realm that there is an ancient dragon bloodline in the Heavenly God Realm.They are extremely pure in blood.

Some people even think that the dragon family is the offspring left by the real immortals in the chaotic ancient times.

This is not the first time the two have met. They met briefly when the beast tide broke out, but at that time, she appeared in front of the world with her body, but now, she has taken the form of a human.

Her beautiful eyes were terrifying, and she stared at Xu Yu coldly, with murderous intent flowing, like a volcano about to erupt, her blood was surging, it was very terrifying.

"We meet again, this time I see where you can escape to?"

The princess of the dragon clan looked cold and arrogant, with her long golden hair loose, which was even more brilliant against the backdrop of her white swan-like neck. Two beams of light shot out from her golden pupils, stabbing towards Xu Yu.

"Just right! I have been looking for you since I came to the Heavenly God Realm. This time, I will definitely suppress you and demote you to be my mount!" Xu Yu showed a sunny smile, her eyebrows raised lightly, confident and unrestrained.

There is a frightening demeanor.With a flick of two fingers, the golden beam of light was shattered and turned into a little bit of golden glow.

"What did you say?" Her pretty face was indifferent, her pupils were flickering with cold light, showing murderous intent, and her slim and graceful figure was pressing forward.

"You are deaf, I said I will take you as a mount." Xu Yu said loudly, rolling his eyes, as if you were hopeless.

Hearing these reasonable words, the dragon princess could no longer bear it.Her slender hand, as white as jade, stretched out, her five fingers were soft, and golden sword waves shook out, like a meteorite falling from the taboo sea, the golden ripples quickly spread in all directions, sharp and terrifying.

"Boom boom!"


The mountains and rocks around collapsed, the rocks pierced through the sky, the dust was flying, and the fog covered the sky.Row after row of trees turned into powder, the earth trembled, and the golden brilliance soared into the sky.

The princess of the Dragon Clan is formidable and powerful. Even though she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, there are very few people in the younger generation who can compete with her.

There are even rumors in the world of gods that this generation of dragon princesses has extraordinary identities, and may be the descendants of the supreme masters of the dragon clan before the age of mythology—a suspected emperor daughter!
Although it has not been confirmed, it is enough to explain how terrible she is.

"Boom!" Xu Yu made a fist seal with his hands, and just slammed it violently, with a bang, like fireworks blooming, colorful and colorful.

"Human race, you've angered me! I'm going to skin you and cramp you up, and eat you alive." The princess of the dragon clan had sharp eyes and came to attack.

Her voice is very cold, with a kind of unruly wildness.It doesn't match her aloof temperament at all, instead it brings out another kind of beauty of her, heroic and heroic, like a ferocious female that is difficult to tame.

"It's so fierce, but I like it! Your real dragon blood is very pure, and it must be very comfortable to hold you to sleep at night." Xu Yu was drooling, his eyes flooded, as if looking at a satisfied pet.

However, he was not ambiguous in his shots. He slapped down with a palm and blasted out with a punch. A golden mountain flew out and hit the Dragon Princess.

"I regret it! Not only do I want to eat you, but I also want to imprison your soul and refine it into my weapon." The Dragon Princess is serious, her eyes are sharp and frightening.

She is very powerful, with towering divine flames and crystal-clear hair, and she is a lore when she makes a move.

She pointed like a sword, swallowed and killed, disintegrated the golden mountain, and stabbed Xu Yu's heart.

With a sound of "clang", like gold and iron clashing, Xu Yu pointed out with one finger, and the sharp sword light collided with two jade fingers.The golden brilliance burst out, overflowing with vigor, splitting the void.

In the blink of an eye, they fought hundreds of times one after another, and the figures flew around, so fast that people were dazzled.

The bright light shone on this land, attracting countless strong people to watch. There were outsiders and natives of this world, and they all looked sideways.

The jade finger of the dragon princess looks delicate and delicate, but it is actually stronger than pure gold, capable of piercing the void.

She pointed out ninety-nine and 81 fingers one after another, and the brilliant rays of light danced, intertwined in the void, and finally turned into a big net covering the sky, covering Xu Yu.

Brilliant in splendor and fierce in intent to kill, Xu Yu is like a fish caught in a net, no matter how difficult it is to break free.

"Qiang Qiang!" His expression remained unchanged, and he pointed out with his index finger. The resplendent sword light was fierce and frightening. It was only three inches long, but it was highly condensed and dazzling, like a peerless sword.




With a swipe of the index finger, like a pen moving a dragon and a snake, the bright sword light cuts through the big net.

Tearing the void, the sharp sword intent pointed directly at the eyebrows of the Dragon Patriarch, not yet approaching, so that her crystal clear and tender skin would split open, and a drop of beautiful blood would flow.

"Call!" She yelled in a stern voice, and the center of her brow erupted with a thousand wisps of divine brilliance, sending the sword light from that finger flying away.She flew to kill her, her golden armored stomach showed her graceful and charming body, her murderous intent was fierce, Xu Yu was like a fish caught in a net, and it was difficult to break free.

 The second offer
(End of this chapter)

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