Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 103 Fighting for the Golden Dragon Girl

Chapter 103 Fighting for the Golden Dragon Girl
"Qiang Qiang!" Xu Yu's complexion remained unchanged, and he pointed out with his index finger. The bright sword light was fierce and frightening. It was only three inches long, but it was highly concise and dazzling, like a peerless sword.




The dragon princess swiped her index finger, like a pen moving a dragon and a snake, and the bright sword light cut through the big net.

Xu Yu tore through the void, and the sharp sword intent pointed directly at the center of the eyebrows of the Dragon Princess, not yet approaching, so that her crystal clear and tender skin would split open, and a drop of beautiful blood flowed.

"Call!" She yelled in a stern voice, and the center of her brow erupted with a thousand wisps of divine brilliance, sending the sword light from that finger flying away.She flew towards her, the golden armor showing her graceful figure, the two turned into lightning, entangled and collided together.

The origin of the dragon princess is mysterious, even in the world of gods, it is still a mystery, only some senior figures with high status know about it.However, they respected this princess extremely, and even had a kind of blind worship.

Her potential is endless, and her strength is frighteningly high. As early as she was a child, she had already defeated her peers in the world of gods.

The combat power of the Dragon Clan, which is so arrogant to the world, is brought into full play in her hands.

The dragon's blood surged in her body, and the blood was like wolf smoke, piercing through Han Xiao, and the dragon's might shook the world.With every gesture of his hand, he is magnificent and has the potential to suppress the sky and the earth.After several fights, Xu Yu was almost injured.


Her beautiful eyes were condensed like the gold of the sun god, becoming brighter and brighter, and her fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and she became stronger with each battle. That kind of violent and violent fighting spirit was like waves of the sea, continuous and continuous.

When a dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow!The dragon princess has proved to the world how the dragon can rule the world!

At this moment, she doesn't look like a woman at all. Her fighting spirit is boundless, her eyes are sharp, and her beautiful eyes are almost on fire. She condenses endless killing intent, fighting spirit, and madness, which makes people's scalp tingle.

Her golden hair is dazzling, splitting the void when she flicks it, beating like a beam of bright sunlight, obscuring the void, and smashing the sky and the earth.

Although the princess of the Dragon Clan looks like a budding fairy flower, she is graceful and upright, with a peerless beauty.

But when he fought, he seemed to be a different person. There was still the detachment from before, completely like a female war demon.

The two fought from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky. The ancient stone forest collapsed completely, even the surface was shattered, and magma rushed out.

High in the sky, the clouds in the ten directions collapsed, the sky trembled, the wind tore in all directions, and the sun and the moon faded.

The dragon princess was shocked. She had a mysterious origin and unparalleled blood. In today's world, no one should be able to match her.

Unexpectedly, now, they have encountered such an opponent. After repeated battles, it is still difficult to gain the upper hand.The other party was just like her, becoming more and more courageous as he fought, his fighting spirit was surging, and his blood was soaring to the sky, which intensified like a gust of wind and rain.

Even at the beginning, she faintly fell into a disadvantage.

"This chick is really powerful! She is much stronger than the golden lion!" Xu Yu also became more and more frightened as he fought more and more. In this world, there is actually someone who can compete with him in physical combat.

This is amazing!You know, he has a supreme physique, comparable to a chaotic body, and his physical physique is unparalleled in the world. He has been tempered several times and sacrificed by him in a special way. He is already comparable to a peerless weapon. .

But he didn't expect that he was only half ahead of the dragon princess, which really shocked him.

He was surprised in his heart, but he never thought that the Princess of the Dragon Clan was more shocked than him, even horrified.

The Dragon Clan is known for its strong physical body. She has unparalleled blood. When she was born, she was nourished by the Chaos Spring Eyes, and she also took a peerless fetish to strengthen her physical body.Even in the Dragon Clan, her physical body can be called No. 1 in all ages.

Unexpectedly, her dragon body lost to a human race today!

After a thousand rounds passed, the princess of the Dragon Clan suddenly let out a long howl, and her energy and spirit rose. The figure of Yan Crown Tianxia was suddenly cold, and her murderous intent rose sharply. She took down the big golden bow behind her.

Bending the bow and setting the arrow, all in one go.Concentrated energy and spirit, a golden arrow shot out like lightning, and the wind and thunder billowed, triggering riots in the whole world, and the universe exploded.

The resplendent arrows are extremely fierce, and their murderous aura surges like a tidal wave. It resonates in harmony with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the law is entwined. The speed is so fast that it is difficult for people to reflect it.

Xu Yu's color changed, what a terrifying archery skill, just one arrow made him despair.It seems that there is a decree in the dark, and he will never be able to dodge it. This arrow of chasing souls is destined to die.

This is a sure-fire arrow, instilling the belief that the dragon princess is invincible, giving people the illusion of being irresistible!

This bow was forged by her own hands, this arrow was transformed by her spirit, this technique was created by herself, and the invincible will was poured into this amazing arrow.


As soon as the arrow light was approaching, the heaven, earth, and universe had already exploded, leaving Xu Yu nowhere to stand, and killing thoughts were like the Milky Way bursting its banks, pouring backwards, forming a vast expanse.

Many people watching the battle in secret, before they could utter a scream, their bodies and spirits were completely destroyed, and they were slaughtered by the shocking killing intent following their eyes.


Xu Yu shouted violently, a pair of fists bursting with light, he was evolving the Sun God Fist, and at the same time, he was embodying his own law and way.There are strands of time fluctuations overflowing, inadvertently, as if there was a momentary pause.

He captured the trajectory of the arrow light, and the radiant Sun God Fist blasted it.There was a bang, and the brilliant light flooded the sky and the earth, and it was so vast that no one could see what was going on in the field.

Only a click sound was heard, and the sky and the earth returned to clarity, and the golden arrow broke, turning into bits of streamer and dissipating.

Xu Yu's hands trembled, and his muscles tingled slightly. Although the arrow was terrifying, it still couldn't break through his body.But what frightened him the most was that the killing intent contained in that arrow light was so violent that it almost destroyed his will in the flesh.

It looks like his hands are intact, but if someone observes with the eyes of the sky, they will find that the flesh and blood in his skin are necrotic, destroyed and torn apart by the monstrous killing intent.

Oh shit!How many people did this woman kill to have such a terrifying killing intent?Hundreds of thousands? Or millions? Or tens of millions?Unexpectedly, at such a young age, she is already so cruel and merciless!It is true that people cannot be judged by appearances, and sea water cannot be measured!
In fact, Xu Yu wrongly blamed the dragon princess!She can have such a strong killing intent, not because she has slaughtered countless lives with her own hands and accumulated them.

This kind of killing intent was condensed into a spiritual brand by her father before he died in the battlefield all his life, and passed on to her.

This is an alternative inheritance, different from the inheritance of blood and scriptures, but a continuation of spiritual will.

Throughout the ages, anyone who has been able to embark on the path of enlightenment has suppressed an era and killed invincible opponents all over the world.

They have slaughtered countless creatures, bathed in the blood of gods and holy spirits, and paved the way with the bones of outstanding people, and only then did they ascend to the legendary throne.

Their killing intent has already been condensed to the extreme, fiercer than immortal soldiers and artifacts, even if the quasi-emperor confronts them, they will still be trembling.

But precisely because of this horror and sharpness, it is even more difficult to pass on.

Throughout the ages, it has never been heard that the great emperor, the ancient emperor, gave this kind of killing intent to his children.Similarly, I have never heard of any emperors and princesses who can withstand this kind of spiritual imprint.

The princess of the dragon clan is indeed the daughter of a powerful dragon clan in ancient times, and she just inherited this ultimate move.

This alone is enough to prove that she is not inferior to the emperor of the same age.

She did not come to this era by accident. It was her father who put her into the Heavenly God Realm before his death, sealed her in with the chaotic spring in the Heavenly God Realm, and sent his own people to guard her.

For millions of years, the princess of the dragon clan, who was originally born in an extraordinary family, has been nourished by the chaotic spring, and her physique and blood have improved further, far surpassing that of ordinary emperors and emperors.

And when she wakes up in this life, she wants to prove the Tao on behalf of her father, break into the fairyland, and become a fairy in the true sense.

The right time and the right place will all appear in this life. It is conceivable that all the emperor's henchmen will appear in the past, and it must be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Although she believed that she would be able to prove the Tao in this life, and even used her own fists to enter the Immortal Realm, she never thought that she would meet Xu Yu as an opponent before leaving the Heavenly God Realm, and she would be inseparable from fighting her.

And Xu Yu also comprehended her own method during the battle, so she transformed her own technique and comprehended her own way.But the figure is ethereal.

Move according to your heart, lingering with infinite dao rhyme, wrapped in purple energy all over the sky, and kill the princess of the dragon clan.

Xu Yu's fist should collide with the dragon princess.The world exploded and almost collapsed.

The golden light is also dazzling, one side is as black as ink, with strands of golden light shining through the hair, and the other side is brilliant, with golden flames towering to the sky and dragon power immeasurable.

The big golden bow in the hands of the dragon princess trembled like an earthly scimitar, washing away the monarchy of the strange frost path.

When they collided again, sparks splashed in all directions, and mountains and rivers exploded.The golden bow radiated brilliant divine light.

The two collided again, four pairs of brilliance, thunder sounded, and the divine power wine poured down, slanting down, dazzling light.

The two of them retreated violently and separated, the dragon princess's hair was messy and a strand of blond hair fluttered, and the corner of her cherry red mouth was slightly bloodstained.

Xu Yuzhuo stood upright, his clothes fluttering, and he had no hair, just a pair of golden fists, but there was also a little blood.

There was also a trace of paleness on his face.

His fists were trembling slightly, and beads of blood oozed from his pores.

At this point, both of them understand each other's strength, which means that their hearts are as firm as Xu Yu's, and they have to admit that this woman is terrifying. Her realm is not much higher than Xu Yu's, but she has also entered the forbidden realm , the two sides fought against each other. Xu Yu didn't take much responsibility.But it didn't hurt either.

In the battle between the two, although he had gained a slight advantage, it was difficult for him to defeat the Dragon Princess.

On the other side, the Dragon Princess also lamented that she had met her opponent.She was very confident in her cultivation and combat power, and thought that even the ancient emperors of the same realm could not compare to her.

But this battle with Xu Yu made him realize that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

"The human race is truly blessed!"

She sighed slightly in her heart, even if she didn't like the human race, she had to admit that the human race was indeed powerful.On the whole, although they are very weak, they never lack the top players.King Physique, Divine Physique, Holy Physique, all kinds of strange and powerful physiques came in an endless stream.

From the ancient times to the present, the powerhouse above the Great Sage has never been cut off. Even the taboo powerhouse like the Great Emperor has emerged dozens of people in this world. It is worthy of being able to occupy half of the world. Race.


The two fought fiercely again, the golden sky bow kept trembling, its shrill voice was high-pitched, and golden arrows flew one after another.

The sky and the earth were filled with golden light, the sharp arrows pierced the sky, tearing apart the void, the tens of feet long divine rainbow covered the sky and the earth, and all the arrows carried the killing intent soaring to the sky.If you don't kill the enemy, you will never return.

Xu Yu's eyes were frightening, and he didn't use any complicated moves, only a pair of golden fists struck all directions, brave and fearless.The pitch-black profound meaning of the void fell down in strands, and the radiant law of time washed away circle after circle of ripples.

The fusion of time and space, pointing directly to the origin of the Dao, this is the law against the sky!As soon as Shi Shi appeared, ghosts cried and gods howled, the world turned upside down, surrounded by endless visions!

Chaos is overflowing, misty, and an ancient universe is taking shape.

Under the bombardment of his fist, the golden arrows shattered one by one.Brilliant brilliance sprinkled, Ambilight.

This is the collapse of her energy and spirit, the shattering of her Taoism, these golden arrow feathers are not real, it is the disintegration of her Taoism, everything is the evolution of magic.

This battle was extremely fierce. Although the princess of the Dragon Clan looked overpowering, she did not appear weak. On the contrary, she was braver than any man Feng Qi had ever seen.That kind of crazy fighting spirit made those strong men who were hiding in the dark terrified.

She holds a golden sky bow in her hand, and two jade fingers pluck the bow string. The sound of "Qiang Qiang" is continuous, clear and piercing, like a sky sword unsheathed, shooting out one after another blazing arrows, some are as red as blood, and some are as bright as the scorching sun. , Some are emerald green, some are shimmering purple, and many bright arrows fly out, colorful, representing different principles of law.

The beautiful arrow light is tens of feet long, rolling like thunder dragons, chasing each other, playing with each other, rumbling, covering the sky, like a colorful sea of ​​gods descending.

Dragon chant bursts, piercing through the sky, and countless bright dragon shadows shuttle back and forth, with extremely huge figures.

"So strong! So strong! This princess of the Dragon Clan looks really extraordinary. This is the supreme sacred art of the Dragon Clan, and ten thousand dragons face the heavens!"

"The taboo method in the scriptures of the Great Emperor..."

"Is it really the daughter of a certain dragon clan ancient emperor?"

Many people in the dark were extremely nervous. This was big news. Once it got out, it would shake the sky and set off a twelfth-level storm on this land.

What is an Empress?It is the biological daughter of the ancient great emperor, inheriting their strongest bloodline and inheriting their glory.

Such an emperor's son and emperor's daughter, as soon as they are born, will embark on the road of proving the Tao, sweeping the nine heavens and ten places, fighting invincible opponents all over the world, eclipsing all the arrogance of an era.

No matter how bad it is, it will take half a step to prove the Tao, which is similar to Dacheng Holy Body!

How can this not attract the attention of all young people!Originally, Ye Fan, an ancient sacred body, was born, and it has cast a shadow over the hearts of all those who are determined to prove the Tao.

Now that there is another emperor daughter, it makes their hearts heavy and their souls terrified.

In the arena, the two fought like fire like tea.Xu Yu's body was full of golden light, like the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. A pair of golden fists flowed the law of the Dao, blending time and space, and no place can be overthrown.After the fight, his body turned into a dao map, with brilliant dao light, and mysterious avenue runes intertwined on it, the waves of dao are boundless, destroying heaven and earth.

Small dragons about a few feet long swim in it, mysterious and difficult. They are innate lines, and the mighty power of time and space spurts out, turning the world around.

Countless thunder dragons collapsed, and the dazzling and charming sea of ​​gods was also evaporated. Xu Yu's fighting power was boundless, and he approached step by step.

The graceful and charming body of the dragon princess is entangled with dragons, and her golden hair dances like a goddess.

Her skin was as good as snow, her figure was tall and graceful, and she was surrounded by bright light. She fought to the point of madness, her domineering power was unparalleled, and Xu Yu felt waves of pressure.This woman is stronger and more difficult to deal with than Garuda Dapeng and the others.


A jade hand of the dragon princess turned into a dragon claw, and she clashed with Xu Yu. The sound shook the sky, the golden light was dazzling, and one law pattern after another finally rushed out, shattering the void.

"Dragon fights in the wild!"

She shouted coquettishly, and a real dragon flew out from behind. The dragon soared into the sky and roared proudly. It was hundreds of feet long. The giant blade and dragon claws are so sharp that they can tear everything apart.

This is her body, which can also be counted as her vision.

Xu Yu swung his fist, and then went forward to kill, all kinds of visions appeared behind him, Jianmu World Tree, Immortal World, Escaped One, Chaos World, Heavenly Emperor Linchen, Golden Sea of ​​Bitterness, etc. All the visions superimposed on each other, Go ahead and kill.

Xu Yu is not the heir of the great emperor, but he has a supreme physique. Now he can already perform the last secret technique in the "Yuan Shi Jing".

Therefore, his imperial art is not rare, but he has many visions, and he has been invincible for an era, and he can fight any fairy art.Several visions and the real dragon kept clashing, the battle was brilliant, thunder shook the sky, lightning glared, the dragon roared, all kinds of brilliant lights danced, and the dharma collapsed.

The main body of the dragon princess is very powerful, but it may be difficult to suppress the six visions.

The Jianmu sacred tree stretches the sky and the earth, supports the sun and the moon, the tall and majestic ancient trees are magnificent, darkening the sun and the moon, eclipsing the color of the mountains and rivers, and the green glow is overflowing among the rolling branches and leaves.It is like a real chain, winding and binding the real dragon.

In the fairyland world, all spirits are galloping, the sun, moon, and stars are turning, the fairy light is dazzling, real dragons and phoenixes dance together, unicorns gallop, Kunpeng soars upwards, golden crows turn into a great sun, and patrol the heavens. They jointly kill the dragon princess's body.

The chaotic world is confused, covering everything, and the chaotic waterfalls flow, tearing the body of the real dragon.

 It's Friday, let's take a day off and break out tomorrow night
(End of this chapter)

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