Chapter 104 Abnormal Contact

Another escaped kill came, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the clouds and mist rolled.


The sky and the earth collapsed, and the blazing light covered everything, but as soon as the sky and the earth regained their clarity, everything dissipated.


Xu Yu's blood was overflowing, his body was crystal clear, every pore was emitting light, and the golden holy radiance lingered, his body shook lightly, and the sky was split.

His fist was golden and brilliant, bursting out with infinite power of time and space, urging the magic of time recorded in the Yuanshijing, carrying the power of time to kill the dragon princess, trying to eliminate her Taoism, obliterate her body, and chop up her soul.

This is an invincible method, mastering all time and space, based on the universe, invincible through the ages.

The princess of the Dragon Clan went berserk, with golden flames flying all over her body, and her graceful and moving figure killed her in an instant.She didn't have the slightest intention of shrinking back, and challenged the space-time boxing technique.


The two fought fiercely, punching to the flesh, attacking and killing hundreds of times, and fought fiercely.The princess of the Dragon Clan was still defeated by Xu Yu after all, her tiger's mouth burst open, leaving streaks of blood.Her physical body is not as good as Xu Yu's, and her way and law are also slightly inferior.

But even so, she didn't flinch, her phoenix eyes were cold, and she was graceful, rushing like a mad dragon.

With a long howl, all the mountains collapsed, and the rocks splashed!She was surrounded by the dragon shadow, and the golden sky moved spontaneously, shooting out sharp arrows.

She used all kinds of means, combined with the dragon clan's secret skills, to transform into a golden dragon, and entangled with Xu Yu. The battle was even more tragic, not because blood flew up.

The dragon princess hated Xu Yu to the bottom of her heart. Since she was born, when has she been humiliated?The boy actually opened his mouth, saying that he wanted to capture her as a mount.

She is the daughter of the true dragon Tianzun in the age of mythology. She has the most proud and powerful bloodline. How can she tolerate such lunatics to live.

If Xu Yu was not killed, it would be difficult for her to swallow this breath.

"The dragon princess is really too strong!"

People in the dark lamented that Xu Yu had fought many battles in the world of gods and was already known for his physical strength.Now, this princess of the Dragon Clan dared to fight against him physically. For this alone, many people admired her to the extreme.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After three killing words, the princess of the Dragon Clan became more powerful, her beautiful eyes were red, and she fought to the point of madness. Her graceful and graceful figure propped up a dragon field, covering Xu Yu.

Xu Yu sneered, he approached step by step, fighting like a victor, like a victor alive.The space-time map spreads, interweaving a space-time field, like an initial world, and also like a prototype of the universe, very magnificent and magnificent.

The two realms merged and collided, brilliant light was flying, and they stood in it, fighting each other.

The battle became more and more intense, and the dragon princess could no longer maintain her original form, and finally transformed into a human again.She entangled Xu Yu to death, using various killing methods, even at the expense of both sides.

The jade arm of the princess of the Dragon Clan twisted around Xu Yu's neck, entwined with laws, brilliant celestial light, surging with endless brute force, collapsing the void, and wanted to strangle Xu Yu to death.

And Xu Yu was even more ruthless, grabbing her fragrant shoulder with one hand, trying to remove it, and embracing her slender waist with the other hand, trying to break her small waist, and pressed her to the ground with his whole body.

They were shrouded in blazing light, golden blood energy flooded the place, and the roar of the dragon shook the sky.The two entangled, suppressed each other, turned into a golden streamer, and crashed into the ground.


A thousand-foot-high tower was pierced, stone chips were flying, smoke and dust filled the sky, and it was gray, covering everything here.

They have already reached the deepest part of the treasure world, otherwise, how many gods would be scared away in such a big battle!Then they offend everyone.


They entangled their limbs, fighting with all their strength, fighting with physical and divine power, like two divine mountains rubbing and colliding, with booming, clanging, and explosions.The golden divine light was dazzling, causing the rocks to collapse, the trees to shatter, and countless traces of ruins appeared.


The dragon princess screamed, they were too entangled, there was almost no gap between each other, the skin rubbed, the limbs were handed over, and the body temperature of the other could be felt.

Her slender and straight legs were pressing against Xu Yu's lower abdomen, trying to kick through his abdomen.Xu Yu's left foot firmly clamped her beautiful leg, and one hand wanted to wring off her white neck.

She pressed Xu Yu's head with her hands, and tried to insert her ten fingers into his head.Xu Yu pressed her bare back with his other hand, intending to shatter her heart directly.

The two looked at each other in dismay, the distance was very close, less than a millimeter, and they could even smell each other's breath.

Xu Yu looked at the peerless beauty in front of him, breathed through his mouth and nose, smelled the fragrance she exhaled, and smelled her fresh and pleasant body fragrance, feeling very comfortable and enjoying it.

The Princess of the Dragon Clan's face was flushed with beauty, her gorgeous red lips were slightly parted, and her silver teeth were biting, exhaling a fragrance.

This kind of posture is too ambiguous. Although they are fighting, the entanglement and collision of limbs are more intense.

Sometimes you can even feel the touch of each other's important parts.

The princess of the Dragon Clan was ashamed. In this Heavenly God Realm, she was a princess with the most noble status. How could anyone dare to touch her like this?

Unexpectedly, it was actually desecrated.The poses of the two of them are really charming, they look like a couple, doing the most intimate movements.

It's just that some young people outside the court saw it, and they were all red-faced.

Long Xin'er has blond hair fluttering around her head, her beautiful eyes are like autumn water, her nose is straight, her teeth are like jade, her red lips are sexy, her swan-like snow-white neck, her perfect face, she is all over the country, she is pure and holy.

But her crystal jade body is peerless and enchanting, with a devil-like figure, shoulders cut like a knife, full chest, flat belly, slender and straight legs, every inch of her body is captivating.

"I scratched you alive!"

Long Xin'er's red lips trembled, her delicate body trembled, and her skin was convulsed. As a princess of the Dragon Clan, she unexpectedly ended up like this.This is something she never dared to think about.

Now she only regrets why she didn't put on the dragon scale battle suit her father made for her, otherwise, she wouldn't have ended up like this.

He squinted around the corner of his eyes and saw something he shouldn't have seen. He almost lost his mind and let the Dragon Princess break free.

"You bastard! God damn bastard. You pray, don't fall into my hands, or I will eat you alive bite by bite."

On Long Xin'er's smooth forehead, veins throbbed violently. What she wanted to do most now was to change back to its original shape, and eat this boy in one gulp.Unfortunately, Xu Yu forcibly suppressed her with his physical body, making it impossible for him to recover his real body.

The golden sky bow behind her trembled, trying to shoot Xu Yu, but was stopped by a crystal blue bone sword.A divine picture of the starry sky hangs high, concealing the situation inside. The silk thread is dense and the divine light is bright, isolating everyone's spiritual thoughts.

Her golden pupils shot out an astonishing murderous intent, dragon scales appeared on the delicate skin, and there were rays of light, slashing vertically and horizontally, like a hundred thousand heavenly swords screaming, clanging.

But these are useless to Xu Yu, his flesh shell is too strong, ignoring these attacks.Long Xin'er's complexion was flushed, glittering and translucent, and his gorgeous peach blossoms were blooming, bright red, shining with luster, making the atmosphere even more ambiguous and charming.

She struggled desperately to transform into a dragon form, it would be a disadvantage to fight Xu Yu with her own body!
Dragon chant bursts out, dragon energy gushes out, her body seems to be distorted and transformed into shape, but she is always disturbed by Xu Yu, so it is difficult for her to succeed.

The two of them fought landslides and ground cracks, rivers and lakes dried up, divine flames soared into the sky, and the void split open.

The dragon princess's attack was sharp, and she became more and more astonishing. Her golden hair fluttered brilliantly and turned into countless boa constrictors.Moreover, her forehead bone was shining, and a golden woman walked out, the size of a fist, no different from her.


This is a duel between the primordial spirits, but Xu Yu is not timid at all. The equally dazzling primordial spirit walks out, holding a special blue bone sword, opening and closing, bravely crowning the world.

Although Xu Yu's primordial spirit is not as good as his physical body, it is still far superior to those of the same realm. Even compared to Long Xin'er, he is not inferior.When the two fought fiercely, Xu Yu even used the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art, and the sword energy soared to the sky, tyrannical and unparalleled.

Long Xin'er was mad with hatred, she was so angry that her towering chest trembled slightly.

who is she?The daughter of the supreme dragon clan, although she is young, she has already crowned the world with beauty, and she is truly the number one beauty in the world of gods.

Those who admire her can line up from all over the world to Lizhou, and with just one look from her, countless heavenly talents can die for her, but they never thought that today they would have such physical contact with a young man of the human race.

Long Xin'er's murderous intent split the sky, her primordial spirit attacked, she changed back to the size of a normal person, she recalled the golden sky bow, and twitched it with her slender fingers.

This bow is made of a rare fairy material, it is extremely rough, it can be large or small, and it can also be used to attack the primordial spirit.

Her eyes are cold, her slender body is swaying, and she steps on the steps of the real dragon to destroy the fairy. One step at a time, her figure is disillusioned. She is like an ancient goddess, coming along the long river of time. Peerless, let the world worship.




Countless dazzling light arrows whizzed and hummed, and dragon-shaped arrows filled the void one after another, dazzling and blasting the sky.

She used the spirit as an arrow and the emperor's art as a guide to unleash a peerless attack. The golden dragons meandered like flesh and blood, crowding the heaven and the earth, with an invincible dragon power that frightened all spirits.

This is the invincible Dragon Fist, created by that Dragon Emperor back then.Now, Long Xin'er transformed this boxing technique into a divine bow, controlled it with invincible will, and displayed unparalleled archery skills.

There are also unique skills such as Nine Dragons Fighting for Hegemony, Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens, etc., swayed from her hands.These are all taboo skills in the scriptures of the Great Emperor, and once they are used, they will inevitably bleed for thousands of miles.

But Xu Yu was not afraid in the slightest. He first displayed his best skills—all secret characters.

In an instant, Xu Yu's aura changed, and at the same time, because of the trigger of Jun Zi Mi, he naturally entered the forbidden realm.

With the combination of all word secrets and the realm of forbidden gods, Xu Yu's combat power suddenly took a qualitative leap
The three unique skills are not inferior to the emperor's art, at least not weaker than the emperor's art in Long Xin'er's hand.

The two of them fought violently in this field, crying ghosts and gods howling.In the end, Long Xin'er was still at a disadvantage, being overwhelmed by Xu Yu.

His origin is powerful and frightening, his spirit is as tough as a god's gold, and he has all kinds of methods at his fingertips, even the young emperor is no match for him.

Although the battle was fierce, he had already gained the upper hand, and Long Xiner's imperial technique had inspired him a lot, so he felt that he could continue.

The good luck jade plate that Xu Yu carries at all times is constantly being deduced, and the discovery becomes more and more mysterious. In the end, you can even vaguely see that sometimes fragments of time are flying around him, and fairy flowers one after another are lingering around him, setting him off It's extremely dusty.

His Yuanshen Baoxiang is solemn, even if he is enlightening, he is also attacking.One after another, the fairy flowers are blooming, crystal and bright, and there is space in them.

Time is like waves, space is like waves, time fragments are flying, and multiple spaces are overlapping.

He seems to be detached from the world, but also seems to be everywhere, Long Xin'er is retreating steadily, and his soul has no light.

Xu Yu saw from her that although the essence of the ancient Dragon Emperor's enlightenment may only be the tip of the iceberg, it has also benefited a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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