Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 106, Blood God Source and Dragon Mark Black Gold

Chapter 106, Blood God Source and Dragon Mark Black Gold

The true dragon was the head of the ten evils in the ancient era of Immortals. The true dragon clan is also called the clan of fairy kings. Every true dragon will eventually become a fairy king when it grows up. Many dragon clans can evolve into true dragons, but even dozens of There are many ways to coexist in the world, and in the end, only one can win the only real name.

In the ancient years of Xiangu, there were two dragons competing for the real name of the dragon, and the second in the world was slightly inferior and lost.There are dark dragons who seek refuge in foreign lands.

Almost no one can obtain the complete True Dragon Treasure Technique except for a few giants of the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor of the Corpse in the later part of the novel.

Today, with the ruin of the primitive ancient world and the incompleteness of the laws of heaven and earth, many fairy bloodlines that once appeared have become legends in today's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Not to mention, the supreme inheritance of those fairy races, such as the ten fierce treasures of the tenth period of the ancient immortals, is even more unknown in today's world, and there may only be some records in some dilapidated ancient books.

Looking at the world that covers the sky.Even Ye Fan, the son of luck, has never been inherited from the chaotic years or even the immortal ancient era. It can be said that everything in the glorious immortal ancient era disappeared in the dilapidated Nine Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds with the end of the chaotic era. in the ancient history of the land.

Even Xu Yi was in the fire domain, relying on the supreme power of the good fortune jade plate to obtain the True Phoenix Treasure Art, otherwise it would be impossible for the Supreme Treasure Art belonging to the Immortal Ancient Era to appear in this world.

But now, in the world of gods, I ran into Long Xin'er, the princess of the dragon clan who was sealed from the age of mythology, and the power of her bloodline far surpassed that of today's emperors and emperors.

Especially after millions of years of nurturing in the Chaos Spring in the Heavenly God Realm, the power of her bloodline is even more extraordinary, closer to that of a fairy.

Xu Yu believed, given time.In the past, the head of the ten evils in ancient times, the supreme treasure of the real dragon may appear in Long Xin'er's blood lineage as Long Xin'er's realm continues to improve.

This kind of thing is not impossible. It needs to be known that in the chaotic ancient times, the guardian lineage, their inheritance relied on the power of the bloodline to pass on to future generations.

And the True Dragon Clan is the real Immortal King Clan. Xu Yu believes that the True Dragon Clan also has a similar blood inheritance method, so he is now chasing Long Xin'er very shamelessly, just to get the True Dragon Treasure from her .

But the real dragon clan is the most proud one in the world.their parentage.It will definitely not be lower than the origin of the Holy Spirit who is called the Son of God, and even far surpasses it.

Therefore, after listening to Xu Yu's voice transmission.Long Xin'er's entire face quickly turned black.The facial expression became very exciting.

Then she recklessly launched countless killing moves to attack Xu Yu.

Naturally, Xu Yu would not stand still and wait to be attacked by her. He immediately urged the blue bone sword he obtained from the Thunderbird to perform the Immortal Tribulation Sword Technique he had just obtained.

For a moment, densely packed sword glows swiped towards Long Xin'er like a regular order.

Pushed by Xu Li with all his strength, the first married couple is invincible and everything is indestructible. The first time she came into contact with Long Xiner, she broke through the physical defense she was proud of. The armor was torn open again.

In addition, Long Xin'er had just been defeated by Xu Yu's hands, and her divine power had not yet fully recovered, so she couldn't effectively guard against Xu Yu, the sixth son.


With a scream of grief and indignation, Long Xin'er's appearance changed drastically, her blond hair was calm and motionless, and then an inexplicable aura emanated from him.

A dragon horn appeared in his hand, and then Long Xin'er injected divine power into the dragon horn, stimulating the dragon horn to recover.

That's right, the real dragon horn that Long Xin'er took out was the emperor's secret weapon that was sacrificed from his own dragon horn when his father was still alive.

After Long Xin'er's brief communication, a majestic emperor's prestige rose from her body, reaching far and wide.

In the area where the Heavenly God Realm area is located, countless creatures seem to have been pressed the pause button, becoming a forbidden dynamic picture.

"This is... the might of the Great Emperor..."

" urging the Jidao Emperor's soldiers..."

All the creatures in the Heavenly God Realm felt the oppressive imperial power, not to mention the nearest Xu Yu. If he hadn't taken out the Yuanshi Seal immediately to fight against the imperial power of the dragon horn in Long Xin'er's hand, I'm afraid he would be the first Immediately, he was crushed into minced meat by Emperor Wei.

Seeing Xu Yu take out a mysterious artifact, it resisted the godless power emanating from the real dragon horn.

Long Xin'er's pupils shrank for a moment, and then her face became extremely cold.subsequently.Urging all the divine power in his body, he launched an attack on Xu Yu, and then used the dragon's horns to lead him to tear through the space, and then disappeared.

Now she is because she doesn't want to kill Xu Yu.It's because he's exhausted now.

In addition, Xu Yu also has the ability to counteract the supernatural power, so at this point, she has no intention of continuing to entangle with Xu Yu here. If the entanglement continues, maybe something will happen?
So out of sight and out of mind, she used the collision between the two imperial weapons to tear apart the space and leave this place.

All this happened between lightning and flint.Before Xu Yu could react, Long Xin'er had disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the gradually healing space, Xu Yu was full of remorse. He missed this time, and he didn't know when he would meet Long Xin'er in the future.Not to mention getting the real dragon treasure from her.


Jubao Peak is majestic and magnificent, majestic and majestic, the mountain exudes colorful clouds, and there are colorful brilliance shining on the sky.

It is rumored that Baojie is a special small world formed around Jubao Peak.He has an interdependent relationship with another open space in the mountainside.

This is the upper half of Jubao Peak, connected to the crater, unattainable, vast and domineering, with an oppressive atmosphere!
A series of bluestone ancient roads wind straight up, full of thorns, like countless horned dragons, with traces of time.Throughout the ages, I don't know how many heroes have walked this road, but there are very few who survived, and most of them are blood-stained mountains.




The thorns one after another bloomed with brilliance, dazzling, piercing straight, fast and fierce like the wind, like countless sharp gods piercing the void,
The evil spirit is monstrous.They are like thousands of venomous snakes revived, with mysterious trajectories, swarming to them.These thorns are very agile, and have been nurtured by the divine nature of the treasure world for many years. Not only are they strong and tough, it is unimaginable, but they also have a hazy mind.

"Boom!" Xu Yu's black hair fluttered, and bright holy flames erupted all over his body, burning all these thorns in an instant.

"It's amazing, it's almost as good as ordinary psychic treasures!" Xu Yu sighed as he touched a white mark on it with his finger.Every flower and stone here is nourished by divinity, and they have long been almost monsters. How is this unusual? The further you go, the more dangerous it is.

Power ants, god scorpions and other powerhouses are also looking for opportunities here. They are on guard against each other and are cautious.

Here, we not only need to guard against the danger of prohibition, but also worry about being attacked and assassinated by surprise.

They all had a terrifying aura and fierce eyes, as if they would attack if they disagreed with each other.

Xu Yu brushed past them with a flat face, as if he didn't see anything, completely ignoring them.He is anxious now, how can he care about these guys.

The mountain is majestic, covered with green trees, verdant and full of vitality. It is full of brilliance, dazzling the eyes, and there are divine lights from time to time, which is a sign of the birth of a god.

"Ah! Don't..."



There were screams from the mountains, bloody flowers, some strong people cried out in grief, and were beheaded by psychic gods.

"It's the Great Luo Silver Essence!" Xu Yu frowned, his eyes flickering, he could clearly see the specific shape of that ray of precious light, it was the Great Luo Silver Essence that was about to take shape.

He has been psychic and has accumulated a lot of divine power in his body. In terms of combat power alone, he is not inferior to Dacheng King monks. Coupled with the geographical location here, even if the Four Immortal Saints meet him, it will be very unfortunate.

On both sides of the road, Li Yi, Shen Scorpion, Golden Tree, etc. were all surprised that someone dared to underestimate them like this.


Li Yi's anger was the most irritable, he shot directly, punched, the radiance was radiant, the void oscillated endlessly, setting off endless ripples, mountains, rocks and trees were all rolled upside down, the wind was hunting, and the sky would be smashed by him.

Terrible brute force!

It is worthy of being the legendary force ant, but in terms of brute force, it is almost comparable to the dragon elephant.

"Little ant, you are looking for death!" Xu Yu turned his eyes upside down, and dared to attack him, he really thought he was made of mud!
With a bang, Xu Yu was like a God of War awakened, his eyes were sharp, shining like a magic lamp, his whole body erupted with divine light, his battle aura surged, his body was covered by a golden glow, like a god descending to earth.

He also punched out, the golden fist was dazzling, lingering law symbols, like Thor's Hammer, collided with Li Yi's small fist.

There was a loud noise, like two meteorites colliding together, divine light erupted, a vast expanse of whiteness, mountains and rocks were split, dust was flying, and boundless divine energy surged, the little silver ant was blown away like a shooting star go out.

Powerhouses such as Divine Scorpion and Golden Tree all looked terrified and were shocked in their hearts.The force ant is known as the unrivaled fierce insect, with boundless strength, and once competed with the dragon and elephant for the title of Hercules.

Although it lost a move, it is undeniable that its power is unparalleled in the world, and now it has been defeated by a human race they look down on.

"Sage Son of the Purple Mansion, is it really so powerful?"

They were silent, unwilling to make another move.Xu Yu acted too strong, and they were afraid.

Moreover, this place is also unusual, and a large-scale battle here may trigger some kind of prohibition.

In the distance, there were ferocious beasts looking sideways. Xu Yu's fighting power was astonishing, so they couldn't help but be shocked.Among them, the Heavenly Blood Butterfly, the God of Cookery Flower, the Golden Winged Roc, etc. all had cold eyes and murderous intent.

The sacred mountain is magnificent, looking up at the top of the mountain, there is no end in sight.It is clear that they are climbing a towering giant mountain, but it seems as if they are walking on flat ground, without any feeling of rising. This is because the space is disordered.

Here, you can't just rely on your eyes to identify the direction, but you also need to rely on extremely high Taoism.

The vegetation on the mountain is lush, the flowers and plants are crystal clear, the fairy flowers are blooming, and there is a rich and fragrant fragrance overflowing.

Here is bright and splendid, everywhere is the fragrance of birds and flowers, and looks like a pure land outside the world.But in fact, there are endless dangers lurking.From time to time, you can see corpses lying on the ground and blood flowing like rivers. They are all left by the strong people who came here, both ancient and modern.

This mountain peak is extremely dangerous, the higher it goes, the more terrifying it becomes. Throughout the ages, it is unknown how many powerful people have died here.

Everywhere is dangerous and murderous at every step. From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many strong people have been buried here.This is the accumulation of long years, the "precipitation" of time.

The sky and the earth are still radiant and bright, the colors above are colorful, the dazzling lights are flickering, the aurora is flowing, and the divinity is lingering.

Xu Yu was cautious, not daring to be careless, because the pieces of bones were still reminding him how dangerous this place was, where countless heroes were buried.


Suddenly, a fierce murderous intent struck, pointing directly at Xu Yu's forehead, fast and ruthless, with runes lingering, this is a blood-colored god source, in the shape of a sharp cone, brilliant and shining, like a crystal clear blood diamond, forged , containing abundant innate energy, not yet approaching,

It already makes people feel like a spring breeze, but when it erupts, the murderous aura soars to the sky, making people's skulls go numb.

"Shenyuan is psychic, stained with weirdness!" Xu Yu's pupils shrank, with a trace of fear in them, and his hair stood on end. He quickly avoided it, moving sideways like a bolt of lightning.


The blood-colored divine source pierced into the void, making a chirp sound, and was corroded in a large area, with green smoke rising, and a rotten stench coming from it, turning it into a swamp of void.

Really evil!Xu Yu was shocked in his heart, he had never heard of such things as divine source psychics, such incidents often occurred in some source mines in the Northern Territory, and it was also recorded in the source book.

But that is all premised, there must be a living creature sealed in the source of the gods, and there have been few cases of true psychics in the source of the gods throughout the ages.

In a sense, it is already half the Holy Spirit.Of course, he has no intelligence, only pure will to kill.


Shenyuan trembled and made a metal-like sound. It pulled out the sharp awl and swept it again. The bloody divine light was dazzling, killing thousands of troops, and brought a strange atmosphere. Countless stones and trees melted and turned into yellow pus.

Xu Yu retreated again and again, his body was as graceful as flowing water, but his body was already chilled.


A large area of ​​the earth was corroded, as if it had been splashed by sulfuric acid, and quagmire appeared one after another, with foul-smelling and rotten blisters bubbling upwards, making a "duh huh" sound.

Xu Yu felt his scalp go numb, this yellow brain water is too terrifying!If even one drop touched his body, half of his body would be rotted in an instant.

"I understand, it's the sage's tainted blood that has corroded the source of God!" Xu Yu's eyes twitched, and his heart was overwhelmed.

Strong saints are rare in the world, and there are not many saints even in the holy places.With just a lift of their hands, they can destroy the stars outside the territory. Standing on the ground, they can call the wind and rain, and their mighty power is comparable to that of gods.

Theoretically speaking, even if they die, the blood of their corpses should be immortal.But there are exceptions to everything. Before some saints died, they encountered great terror, and the blood of their corpses would produce dirt, which was weird and unpredictable, and could erode the power and severely injure the king.

This piece of divine origin should be contaminated with this kind of unknown blood, almost demonized, and became a fierce soldier!
It turned into blood-colored lightning and struck again, screaming like ghosts crying and wolves howling.Wherever it passed, everything was corroded and turned into a swamp of evil.

This is a demon soldier, which exists purely for destruction. It stared at Xu Yu and sensed the exuberant blood in his body. It would not give up until it killed him.

In the treasure gathering world, this kind of thing is very common. Even if most of the gods are psychic, they only have simple wisdom, and it is impossible to really think like a human.

There was no way for Xu Yu to avoid it, golden energy and blood bloomed, golden glow overflowed from the pores of his body, like a constant god furnace burning, he rushed forward with incomparable ferocity, fighting against the strange Shenyuan.

The blood-colored divine source lingers in Chixia, flashing runes, and the blood is dazzling, very sacred and magnificent, but where it passes, it is a hell of hell.

Xu Yu tied his hands and feet, unwilling to touch him, sometimes using divine power, sometimes pumping out golden blood energy, trying to purify him.

The most strange thing is that Shenyuan is stained with blood. It is his most precious Yuan Shiyin, and it is not a short-term thing to purify it.

However, if you really restrain it, the seal of Yuanshi will do fatal damage to it now.

"Wow! Whoa!"

Shenyuan danced with dazzling brilliance, lingering with bloody red aura. After dozens of head-on moves with Xu Yu, there were wisps of white smoke coming out of it.The brilliance of the dreamlike blood-colored god source has obviously dimmed a lot.


He let out a roar like a wild beast. On the source of blood, there were innate lines overflowing, and the Tao rhyme was endless, with the unique aura of a saint, which made Xu Yu's hair stand on end.

Even if there is only a trace of the saint's breath, it is enough to make the heart of the Holy Master strong.


Xu Yu took out the azure blue thunderbird bone sword, which was shining like a dream and magnificent, and struck out with one sword.

With a crisp cracking sound, Shenyuan's body was split apart like a spider web.The aura of the holy sword frightened Shenyuan, turned his edge, pierced the void, and fled quickly, but he couldn't escape Xu Yu's palm at all.

No matter how fast it is, it can still surpass his Immortal Tribulation Sword Art!The bright sword light was swift, and with a bang, it was split open with a crack, many debris fell off, and the aura was dim.

Excited in Xu Yu's heart, he flew forward, intending to erase its demonic nature and refine its divine power.This is definitely a fetish, and the saint's blood contained in it is of invaluable value.


It sensed Xu Yu's killing intent, its blood burst into flames, its whole body cracked, and it wanted to explode quickly and die together with Xu Yu.

The ominous atmosphere became more and more intense, which made people feel frightened.The tainted blood of a saint is simply a deadly poison to the strong below the king, and it will kill you if you touch it.


The bone sword erupted with divine light, but the god did not recover, exuding the aura of a saint, anchoring the blood-colored god, and quickly obliterating his will.

"This is a good thing, it can make my cultivation go further!" Xu Yu played with the bloody source, he was already cracked, but still contained vast divine power.

In particular, that drop of saint's blood has been purified by the bone sword, leaving behind the purest divinity substance, which has divinity and can help him practice.

The depth of Baojie is also very wide, and it completely overlaps with Jubao Mountain. The higher you go, the fewer people go up, and the greater the pressure, there will be various dangers from time to time.

In the next few hours, first the restraining formation erupted, and then the strong men attacked fiercely, and many gods were killed. He fought more than ten times in a row, and his body was also stained with blood.


A black divine light flew up, making the sound of dragons' cries, dragon marks filled the sky, thousands of auspicious colors, brilliant rays of light, and little crystals hanging down, it was the unearthed peerless fairy treasures, there are many hidden here, which immediately aroused countless In the fight for souls, a bloody battle broke out, the brilliance was dazzling, and the rumbling sound resounded.

"Dragon pattern black gold! It was the dragon pattern black gold that was born!
"This is the fairy material for refining the ultimate emperor weapon.

 That's it for today, I'm so tired.

(End of this chapter)

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