Chapter 107 Who Can Resist
A group of strong men rushed over like crazy.That's dragon pattern black gold!It is rare to see it in thousands of generations. Even the ancient emperors may not be able to find it. It is a truly peerless fairy material.

He doesn't look big, but the three palms are wide, the whole body is dark, translucent, deep and charming, with dragon-shaped patterns branded on it, the fairy light is brilliant, the divine light is gorgeous, the auspicious colors are colorful, and the beauty is like a rare treasure in the fairy world .

It also has spirituality, like Daluo Yinjing, it is on the verge of transformation.However, he is much more powerful than Da Luo Yinjing. The ordinary strongman in the realm of power in Sendai would have to make a detour when they see it. Even the king may not be his opponent.



The golden tree flew over, the leaves rolled, and the golden light was dazzling. Each piece was made of pure gold, shining brightly, with dazzling brilliance, extremely sharp, like ten thousand swords flying together, and the sword energy soaring into the sky.


The black gold with dragon patterns shook lightly, as if a real dragon had been born, the dragon mighty mighty, its brilliance shone brightly, and its divine power poured down like a nine-day Milky Way, endlessly.It is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and its way is infinite. It induces the vision of the sky and sweeps away all the sword energy.


The ancient golden tree was shaken back again and again, its leaves fluttered and its branches were in a mess. There was a sound of clang and clang on the golden tree, and there were countless cracks. It was severely injured and lost to the black gold with dragon pattern.

The others still wanted to chase after it, but unfortunately the battle just now was too loud, which triggered the prohibition on this mountain.


The mountain is shaking, the thunder is rolling ten thousand feet above the sky, there is a dazzling divine light, and the murderous army is like a stormy sea. The formation and the prohibition are combined to kill all spirits.

Everyone ran away in panic, no longer caring about the dragon pattern black gold.Xu Yu also followed them, almost suffered serious injuries, was trapped by the restraining formation, and escaped with difficulty.

This is really an innocent disaster, he was just going to the theater, who knew that the dragon pattern black gold was so powerful, it knocked back the golden ancient tree of the strong in Sendai with just one blow, and caused countless restrictions, beheading many strong people.

Jubao Peak is vast and boundless, overlapping with a small world, and there is no end in sight. As he walks to the depths, he is actually climbing the peak.Among the mountains, rocks and jungles, there are endless treasures, and from time to time there will be spiritual lights flashing, the divine splendor soars to the sky, and the gods are born.


Another dragon chant sounded, the sound was huge, like thunder rolling from the sky, and many strong men were beaten to death.The force ants and the god scorpions are also among them, they are fighting for a divine object, which is the peerless essence, the essence conceived from the ancestral roots of the earth.

The golden light is shining, very dazzling, nine drops of golden liquid the size of a fist, gathering and dispersing from time to time, like a dragon, it floats in the void, blooming wisps of fragrance.

They are also full of spirituality, with simple wisdom, they can transform into a golden young dragon, but unfortunately they were scattered by dozens of people before they could escape.

Although its combat strength is not weak, it is far inferior to the Great Luo Silver Essence and the Dragon Pattern Black Gold, so it cannot withstand dozens of strong men.

The peerless dragon marrow, which can make a saint bow down, is a fetish that the world dreams of. He can live for 1000 to [-] years!Not to mention them, even the Dao Slayer King would go crazy and work hard for it.

Especially for Xu Yu, it has an unparalleled magical effect, and it can be taken back to refine the magic medicine.

It contains fragments of the Dao, and it is one of the few immortal treasures in the world that can rival the elixir of death.

"Good stuff!" Xu Yu's eyes lit up.

"If there is help, I can save at least five years of effort! It's just a pity, it's not a dream follower!"

In this world, besides the elixir of immortality, there are a few other treasures that are the most precious, such as celestial juice and jade liquid, fruit of life, fantasy essence, and elixir of nine turns, all of which are the most precious items under the elixir of immortality. The Emperor of Heaven is tempted.

This peerless essence is only one step away from the essence of fantasy. If it can be conceived for tens of thousands of years, it may not be impossible to become a magic follower of fantasy.

However, such fetishes are hard to come by.Not to mention waiting for tens of thousands of years, even now, it may not be able to escape this catastrophe.

"Kill!" Holding a blue bone sword, he bravely crowned the world, and charged forward, with the spirit of a god of war.Such fetishes are not to be missed!

These people are strong, but they are not Xu Yu's opponents.In his left hand, he holds the Chaos Great Load, which opens and closes.

Brave and unrivaled, overflowing with chaotic energy, holding a blue bone sword in his right hand, the sword light is sharp, piercing the sky, and can tear the void.

After hundreds of rounds, they were all beheaded by Xu Yu. These people are not the strongest group of heroes. Although there are many powerful and strong men in charge, they are too far away from Xu Yu, and they are not opponents at all.

Whenever the peerless dragon was in his hands, he didn't linger, and fled to the distance.

After a few days, his body was covered with scars, and he was chased and killed by many strong men. The Peerless Dragon Marrow is indeed touching.Even Li Yi, Shen Duan couldn't help but fight, they are alone, they are not Xu Yu's opponent, but if they join forces, it will be another matter.

Li Yi is known as the strongest god insect, although he was defeated by Xu Yu once, but his reputation was not damaged.The vicious insect of strength is not just talk.

As for the divine scorpion, it is even more frightening. His carapace is so strong that ordinary monks can't even try to break through his defense, even those who are a level higher than him may not be able to succeed.

They are all heroes, and any one who stands alone can rival him.

He is not afraid to fight alone, but there are many people on the other side, and there are many people who want his life, such as the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, the God of Cookery Flower, Hydra and other powerful people, who have had old grievances with him.Gold-winged roc and others also appeared from time to time, almost causing him to fall several times.

"Run! Why don't you run away?"

In a valley, a Vajra King said with a half-smile, like a cat playing with a mouse, looking at Xu Yu with amusement in his eyes.

After these few days of bloody battles, Xu Yu had already been mentally exhausted, and his injuries were serious. It was impossible for him to be his opponent.Complacent in his heart, his eyes were excited and bloodthirsty, like a liger catching prey, trying to tear him apart.

"King Kong, do we have any grudges? Why have you been chasing me these days?" Xu Yu asked curiously.

He was indeed injured, and there were still a few blood holes in his chest, which glowed with black light, and there was a stench, which was the poison of the exhaustion.With one against two, he fought against the powerful ants and the divine scorpions. Although he won, it was also a miserable victory.

Those two guys were badly injured, they were beaten up several times by Xu Yu, they vomited blood, their bodies disintegrated, their vitality was severely injured, and finally they escaped and ascended to heaven only by relying on the restraint of the mountain range to erupt.

Xu Yu's injuries were less severe than theirs, but the ensuing chase made him exhausted and unable to heal his injuries at all, so that the injuries on his body recurred and the toxicity worsened, which was worse than before.

"You captured the golden lion alive and demoted him to a mount, humiliating our ancient clan, is this considered a great enmity?" He asked coldly.

The King Kong King is also a powerful ancient clan, but their lineage is very rare, and it is rare to say that a single lineage is passed on, sometimes it is even rare in a thousand years.

"Oh! So you came to avenge the Golden Lion!" Xu Yu suddenly realized. "But he and I have turned our battles into friendship, and he is still my little brother. Of course, he is also a mount for the time being! So there is no need for us to fight!"

"Hey! The golden lion is willing to degenerate and become a human's mount. It really disgraces my ancient clan!" King Kong sneered.

"However, no matter what, if you humiliate the ancient clan, you deserve death, and I will kill you today!
King Kong's eyes were cold, and he did not hide his murderous intent towards Xu Yu. His eyes were like two knives, staring at Xu Yu with incomparable sharpness.

The Vajra King had a strong killing intent, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, sweeping across the sky, as cold as a knife, extremely sharp, and wherever it passed, the vegetation rose against the sky and exploded in the void.Mountains and rocks crumbled, sand and rocks flew, and smoke and dust flew up.

The number of their lineage is really rare, even in the history of practice, it is very rare. Although there are no earth-shattering big figures, every generation of strong people will not be lower than the achievements of the saint king.

This is capital, and this alone makes them impressive.

King Kong's body is crystal clear, like crystal glass, gleaming and shining, and it is made of the hardest diamond.As the body stretched, there was a clanging sound, sharp and ear-piercing, as if divine gold was rubbing against each other, it was terrifying, sparks shot out, and Dao patterns overflowed.

Diamond is the most precious thing in the world, and it is also the strongest thing, but if you get it in the cultivation world, it will be a bit unsightly.

The most important thing for a cultivator to refine is not pure sturdiness, but also divinity and Taoism, which are the foundation of imitating the Dao of Heaven and Earth.Therefore, diamonds in the mortal world are not valued in the cultivation world.

But King Kong is different. He is already psychic. Their ancestors are the naturally conceived Holy Spirit. It is the body of the holy spirit, and ordinary monks at the peak of the great saint can't do anything to his ancestors, but with the passage of time, the divine power in the King Kong King's body is no longer as strong as his ancestors, but it can still be crushed The pressure is the same as that of the monks of the realm.

His body contains a lot of divinity and dao patterns, and it is the best and hardest refining treasure. If King Kong's cultivation has reached the realm of a saint, then his body may not lose to Daluo Yinjing , Nine Heavens Divine Jade and other rare treasures.

"You want to kill me? I'm afraid you can't do it alone!" Xu Yu's face was calm and fearless.

If he was in his prime, let alone a Vajra King, even if there were two more, he would not pay attention to him.

"Now that you have been severely injured, you still dare to be brave!" King Kong sneered. "When I kill you, I will bring your head back to the ancient clan and use it as a wine cup.

"You're so confident, so come up and try!" Xu Yu's eyes were cold, and he stood straight in the valley with a majestic aura, like a god of war.

The flowers around are in full bloom, colorful and very magnificent, with a little crystal petals flying out, and the fragrance is tangy.

"Sage Son of the Purple Mansion, I will send you on your way today!"

King Vajra's voice was like metal, sharp and piercing, very unpleasant.

However, his appearance is quite handsome, heroic, with brilliant hair, sword-shaped brows into the temples, transparent body, translucent, fierce and unparalleled momentum, like an unsheathed fairy sword, shining brilliantly.


He was imposing like a rainbow, with a murderous intent, approaching step by step.The surface of the body bloomed with divine light, and there was a huge fluctuation of Qi and blood, the blood rumbled, and the brilliance was dazzling, as if a god had been resurrected, shrouded in brilliance.

The stone man should not have blood, but he is not a stone man, nor is he the Holy Spirit, he is only a descendant of the Holy Spirit.From the moment he was born, he already has flesh and blood, just like others, and his blood is more powerful, not inferior to the royal body of the clan.


He struck with a punch, the divine light was dazzling, and there were bright divine rings rising behind him, surrounding them layer by layer, condensing the essence of mountains and rivers, and the divine power poured down like waterfalls, the vast expanse, brilliant and dazzling.

This is the unique knowledge of their lineage, which has been passed down through the ages. It has the power to penetrate the world and shatter the boundless.Although he is not the Holy Spirit, he is not weaker than the Holy Spirit in the slightest when fighting against the realm.

"Even if I'm seriously injured, I'm not something a cat or a dog like you can bully!" Xu Yu's face was cold and full of evil spirits.

Although he is young, he has also experienced slaughter. Since becoming the Son of the Purple Mansion, he has never slacked off, and his combat strength has been tested by iron and blood.


His qi and blood surged, broke through the clouds, and his body was full of golden light. The glow was transpiring, and he was extremely powerful, just like a heavenly emperor descending to earth.There are no tight moves, just a punch to kill the past, angrily rushing to the bullfight.

He waved his fist and smashed the void. The golden palm fingers flowed with brilliance, like molten iron, lingering around the runes, dazzling and brilliant like a small sun.

The simplest boxing technique, performed in his hands, is like a shocking emperor's fist, drawing out a flash of lightning, splitting the sky, powerfully splitting 33 heavens.

His physical body is too strong, even if he is seriously injured, he can still be suppressed by force, and this kind of earth-shattering supernatural power is really frightening.

Strong against strong, hard against hard!

This blow was earth-shattering, fists intersecting, like two dazzling meteors colliding together, the rays of light exploded, hundreds of millions of brilliance shot out, huge beams of light shredded the sky like fairy swords, and rumbling thunders continued .

The rocks cracked, cracks spread in the ground, boulders flew, countless flowers and giant trees were destroyed, and this place quickly turned into a flat land.

Everyone in the distance was shocked, feeling the terrifying divine power, they rushed over quickly.The valley was destroyed, nothing remained.


A beast-like roar sounded, King Vajra's mouth overflowed with blood, and was thrown out from the dazzling light cluster. His hands fell powerlessly, and his jade-like fist filled the cracks, spreading to his shoulders, dripping with blood.

His eyes were terrified, his steps were staggering, the blood slipped down his arms little by little, it was translucent and bright red, it was the blood essence of King Kong, and it was as smooth as jade.They have very little blood in this vein, once it flows out, it means that they have been severely injured.

"Crack! Kick!"

His hands continued to crack, and then shattered like fine porcelain, with bits of crystal falling off and shattering.

"Boom! Boom!"

He coughed up blood constantly, his body was stained red, it was extraordinarily beautiful, his heart was beating non-stop, and the blood mixed with the fragments of viscera spilled out of his mouth.


The Vajra King was defeated, completely defeated by Xu Yu in the field of physical body.The most powerful and solid body shell was shattered, and even the divinity and dao patterns inside were wiped out.

The Vajra King was shocked and angry. A seriously injured person defeated him so easily. How could he, who was so proud, bear it!
Where is he from?The son of God—the descendant of the Holy Spirit, was born invincible with a fleshy shell, and it is difficult for anyone in the same realm to compete with him. He vowed to break through the limitations of his predecessors. Now that he has suffered such a miserable defeat, how does this make him walk the road of the great emperor in the future?
The Holy Spirit has different shapes, but the essence is the same. They all have the vegetation, stone spirits conceived by the creation of heaven and earth, and the life that has been naturally formed after millions of years of swallowing and swallowing. It can be said that it is completely born of heaven and earth. Son of God.

The Holy Spirit is born from a non-living body nourished by the essence of heaven and earth, nourished by the heaven and earth, and blessed by God. As long as it is born, it will be the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor, and it has mastered many laws that defy the sky.

Although King Kong's ancestor was not a victory born in Dzogchen, he was also a very powerful holy spirit.

but?Because of the premature birth, his ancestors did not completely get rid of the stone body of the holy spirit.

Even though the Golden Lion lost to Xu Yu, it is the successor of the Golden Lion lineage of the ancient clan, and the clan behind it is also a giant in the world of gods, so it naturally has an advantage over him, becoming the leader of the younger generation of the ancient clan people.

The brilliance faded away, Xu Yu's eyes were clear, his clothes were parted, he was detached, without a trace of fireworks.

But he actually didn't feel well, he had been injured earlier, and now he was just suppressing forcibly.

His internal organs were on fire, and the bones in his body creaked and creaked, as if they might break at any time.Fortunately, he is now full of energy and blood, and his flesh is tyrannical, and he can still suppress it.

However, this is only an expedient measure, and he has to find a way to find a clean place to heal his injuries.

All the onlookers were horrified, what kind of system is this, that smashed mountains and rivers with one punch, exploded the universe, and shattered King Kong's body.

They are all outstanding people, born in great power, and well-informed.Naturally, it can be seen that Xu Yu's punch only used the strength of his body and did not contain any way of law.

But it was such a simple punch that shattered King Vajra's flesh, divine power, and Dao.

It's like destroying the dead.will be defeated.How tyrannical this is, it is simply invincible!

"Become enlightened in the flesh! Does Shiwen really have such a method?" Someone secretly wondered.

It has always been a legend to achieve Taoism in the flesh, and no one has ever done it in the history of practice. Abandoning the Taoism of the primordial spirit, only the flesh shell proves the Tao.

Because this is unrealistic, if you don't understand the Dao of heaven and earth, how can you prove the Tao?If you give up the primordial spirit, no matter how strong the flesh shell is, how long can you live?
This is a broken road, there is no way to continue!Everyone shook their heads, but the fear in their hearts continued unabated.Even though Xu Yu couldn't prove the Tao in the physical body, but with his physical body alone, he could look down upon his peers.

"How long can you hold on without even using your divine power when you are seriously injured!" King Kong sneered, he had already recovered.Let's see clearly, Xu Yu's current state is just like a tiger, but without the power of a tiger, it's just an empty shell.He was not afraid of Xu Yu, so he went alone to kill him.

"Die!" His eyes gleamed coldly, his black hair danced wildly, rewinding like a jet-black waterfall, his slender physique pressed down like an eternal magic mountain, his murderous intent was revealed, and he killed with unparalleled violence.

He is radiant all over, crystal clear and colorful, more exquisite and flawless than the most magnificent artwork.His divine power was burning all over his body, and a solid and magnificent diamond was reflected in the village, with blood flowing, strong and powerful, and the precious light soared into the sky.

"King Kong Transformation!"

On the way, his physical body changed rapidly. In the radiant brilliance, there were clangs, traces of dao marks, and the roar of heaven. The eyes are unparalleled, and the sword energy is cold, causing giant trees in the distance to explode, and the sawdust is flying.

With a bang, the Heavenly Sword slashed down with the momentum of splitting Huashan Mountain, like a flash of lightning, the sword energy pierced the clouds and pierced the sky, and the sword glow shocked the world.Killing Taiqi, the hair on his face stood on end before he got close.

The King Kong King has a strong body, which is an excellent material for forging artifacts. Even though he is only at the beginning of Dao Slashing, he is still unstoppable in his transformation into a Heavenly Sword.When Feng Qiruo was in his prime, he was naturally fearless, but now that he has been seriously injured, it is indeed difficult to resist.

Especially the poison of the divine scorpion requires him to use his divine power to cooperate with his physical body to forcibly suppress it.As a result, he was tied up against King Kong.

"Even if you can't use your divine power, a simple physical body is enough to kill you!" Xu Yu said coldly.He killed with bare hands, invincible with an iron fist, without brilliance, turbulent divine power, and harmony of the avenue, only a simple punch, carrying a majestic force to kill.



"Crack hey! Crack!

When fists and swords clashed, there were rays of light, and there was also the mighty force of heaven, and the clanging continued, just like the gods striking iron, sparks shot out.The sky-carved edge burst open.Non-stop color cracking.


King Kong showed his original shape, he was covered in blood, his eyes were fierce, and most of his body was cracked and almost shattered.

However, Xu Yu didn't feel well either. His golden fists were ripped apart, and the bones of his fingers were shattered. He was about to be broken, blood was flowing profusely, and the golden light shone.

Both lose!But the Vajra King was still filled with shame and indignation. The opponent had only pure physical strength, yet he still couldn't gain the upper hand. This was really a shame to him.

Xu Yu's face was indifferent, but he was anxious in his heart. Kao Su, a god lizard, was too domineering, not only eroding his body, but also polluting his soul.

He didn't dare to use his divine power, and he didn't even dare to heal his wounds. It's really unimaginable to go on like this.

His opponents are not only the Vajra King, but also god porridge, force ants, and even gold-winged rocs and other great enemies.If you delay any longer, those opponents will probably come.Moreover, most of the onlookers around are also uneasy and well-intentioned.

He can't show a trace of weakness, otherwise he will be swarmed by people and torn to pieces.

Xu Yu punched out, although the golden fist was dripping with blood, exposing the bones, but it still had an invincible spirit, condensed a great force of the body, and great power.

King Kong's complexion changed, and he quickly dodged, but he didn't dare to take it hard.Up to now, how can he not understand that Tai Qi's physical strength and terror have surpassed the power, and he is directly chasing the king of Dao Slayer.Head-to-head, even if he uses his divine power and Taoism, he can't take advantage of it.

Even, he already had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart.However, it was all useless, Xu Yu had already developed a murderous intention towards him, how could he give up so easily.

Every time he takes a step back, Xu Yu takes a step forward, the killing intent is like a tide, unceasing, his fists are moving forward indomitably, with a magnificent momentum, like a wall of gods connecting the sky and the earth, pressing down, making people suffocated.


The void was shattered, there was no boiling of divine power, no dancing of the Divine Chain of Autumn Prelude, only a general momentum ushered in, the Vajra King resisted, but was beaten until blood sprang from his mouth, coughing up blood every step of the way.

Xu Yu pursued, instead of fighting recklessly, that kind of invincible spirit, iron-blooded bravery, made King Kong's bones chill.

Angry and unwilling, Yi goes up to fight again, and starts a brutal fight with Xu Yu.At this time, he realized that even Xu Yu without the power of Taoism was still unimaginably terrifying.

It's not that his strength is inferior to others, but that his aura has been taken away. Without that kind of fearlessness, even if he muster up the remaining power, it is just a stern voice and a vain appearance.

He was hard to resist, and finally lost!The Vajra King was crushed by Tai Qi's punch, and his shoulders burst open, blood spattered, and he was unparalleled. He screamed, and half of his body exploded, revealing a beating heart.

He screamed in grief and wanted to resist, but there was no chance. Xu Yu's second punch had a mysterious trajectory and was unavoidable. It pierced his heart and shattered his fleshy shell. Diamonds splatter.

The third punch came, and his head was blown apart. The big brain was smashed, the soul was shattered, and his body and spirit were completely destroyed.

The people around saw that their scalps were numb, without using any divine power, Taoism, Xu Yu beat King Kong to death like this, it is really amazing!
Xu Yu's physical body and close combat.The technique of attacking the physical body has been so powerful that it is close to the Dao realm, which shocked them and made them fearful.

let's go!Even if we don't have divine power, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get him!
This man is horrible!Still don't provoke!
never mind!Where is the treasure? Although the peerless dragon marrow is good, it is not the only one!
Everyone's eyes flickered, and they all backed away, leaving only a bloody figure in the field.

Everyone left, only Qin Qi was left in the field. His black hair fluttered, but his eyes were extremely sharp, like two clusters of bear-riding divine fire, covered in golden light, like a god of war.

Fearing that his clothes would be stained with blood, his face was terrified. Although he was severely injured, his aura was not damaged.

The people who remained in the dark also left, not because they couldn't take Xu Yu down, but because the price they paid was not proportional to the reward, so there was no need to take risks.The cold wind is rustling, the fallen leaves are falling, and it looks like late autumn here, only dilapidated and ruins remain.

Xu Yu waited for a long time, and finally felt safe before releasing his aggressive posture.Although he still has some strength, he definitely won't be able to fight any more. It's just that he can't show any weakness when surrounded by a group of enemies, otherwise he will be thrown into pieces by them.

The ant and scorpion did not escape!Xu Yu's light flickered, thinking secretly in his heart. "Looks like they haven't given up yet!
Li Mosquito and Shenxie are the main forces chasing and killing him this time, and the two sides have formed a life-and-death enmity, so of course they can't just retreat like this.Surrounded by a group of enemies just now, they don't want to be the praying mantis in the eyes of the oriole, so they will forget it for the time being.As long as everyone retreats, they will definitely kill back!
 Ask for support!
(End of this chapter)

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