Chapter 110 God of War Scorpion Butterfly

The few fierce beasts in the lead are all old acquaintances.

A golden super roc bird, with extraordinary martial arts, cold eyes, and light feathers as if casted in gold, flashing brightly.A divine twig, the size of a millstone, with a black carapace on its back, dark and deep, and when the tail of the scorpion behind it was swinging, black light flickered, which was even more eerie and terrifying.

In addition, there is a brightly colored butterfly, dancing lightly, dotted with red clouds, like a magnificent work of art.

In addition to them, there are actually more than a dozen strange beasts, all of which belong to this part of the world. They are very powerful and have a murderous aura.

For some unknown reason, they reached an agreement with Golden Winged Roc and others to join forces to get rid of Fairy Qingyu and others.

Behind them, there is a jade staircase with a total of [-] floors. Each floor is colorful, crystal clear, and reflected by nine colors of divine light, which is magnificent.

The pure white fairy mist surged, shrouded there, hazy, and made it more transcendent and refined, as if it was connected to the fairyland, surrounded by fairylands such as real dragons and unicorns, and the brilliance was bright.

The most unbelievable thing is that there seems to be the sound of chanting scriptures, the sound of sacrificial offerings, and the roar of gods and demons above, like a huge heaven.

It was a very strange scene, a jade staircase appeared out of thin air on a beautiful piece of land, extending to the end of the sky, connecting to eternity.

There are still some bloodstains on the steps, which are very eye-catching. It seems that some strong people have already ascended to the sky first.

"Here comes another one to die!" A purple-gold leopard said coldly.His eyes were full of disdain.

So strong!This leopard is already a half-step king!

Xu Yu flashed a flash of surprise, a little curiosity, this narrow land, unexpectedly once again appeared a super fierce beast!
"Boss, this leopard is so powerful, it should be a mount for you, right?!" The golden lion's eye bead bone disc turned and flattered him.

It regretted it now, and didn't want to be a mount for Xu Yu, so it wanted to find a scapegoat.

"You little rascal, you really have multiple schools." Xu Yu wrinkled his face, a little dissatisfied.

However, he didn't say much.The potential of the golden lion is extraordinary, if it is used as a test, it is indeed a bit of a waste.

"Things that don't know how to live or die!" The golden-winged roc descended coldly, not only targeting Xu Yu, but also looking at the golden lion.

The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly danced lightly. She stared at Xu Yu and said with a sneer, "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Let's have a fair fight and understand the cause and effect of grievances."

"Grudges? Cause and effect? ​​What is the cause and effect between us?"

Xu Yu frowned, he didn't remember when he had become enmity with this Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly.From beginning to end, he was the one targeting himself.

"What, have you forgotten? A few days ago, you attacked me on Jubao Peak, but it caused me to lose many magic weapons!"

A few days ago, the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly set up a magic circle on the Jubao Peak to collect treasures. Originally, he wanted to sit on the Jubao Peak and wait for all kinds of treasures to be delivered to his door automatically.

Unexpectedly, the battle between Xu Yu and the golden-winged roc caused the magic circle she arranged to be destroyed. Not only did she not receive the treasure, but she also lost a lot of fairy materials for arranging the magic circle.

"If that's the case, let's settle the matter today!" Xu Yu didn't bother to have too much communication with the creatures that crawled out of the underworld, and now he just wanted to kill the opponents in front of him and save Zixia and the others.

"You also want to kill me?" The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly was cold and arrogant, her voice was clear and pleasant, like a beautiful young girl's crooning, swaying into her soul.

"Is it difficult to kill you? Your ancestors were all defeated by our lineage?" Xu Yu said calmly.

As a generation proud, he is very confident in his own strength.

But this Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly is also extraordinary.She is one of the strongest in Hell's generation, almost rivaling the God of Cookery flower.There are even rumors that she has awakened part of the "immortal blood".

If that's the case, it's scary.The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly has an extraordinary origin, and is a descendant of the divine bird in the Immortal Realm.

More importantly, she is different from ordinary descendants of fairy beasts, she is a believer who may return to her ancestors and reproduce the glory of ancient times.

Some fairy beast queens in the lower realm, such as the dragon, the lightning phoenix bird, and the purple unicorn, are all top-notch beasts, but they will never be able to return to their ancestors and reappear as fairy beasts.

Such a comparison made the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly even more extraordinary.

"I let you run away last time, this time. Where are you going to run this time?" The Divine Scorpion was indifferent, it jumped out of the battlefield and pointed its tail at Xu Yu.

His eyes were cold and gloomy, and he was the first to strike. With a tall body of several feet, black and translucent, he strode forward, the ground was bumpy, countless boulders trembled, and finally the flag floated in midair.Blown by his aura, all of them were turned into powder and fell in a rustle.

The scariest thing is its tail, which is as black as ink, like a straight spear, splitting the void with every movement.

"Be careful, the tail of this Xizi is highly poisonous." Fairy Qingyu reminded.

The fighting on their side had ceased, and after the god lizard left, the remaining three fierce beasts also retreated.

Zixia and Fairy Qingyu were panting slightly, their foreheads were dripping with sweat, and their cheeks were pale.She was besieged by the four ferocious beasts, and suffered a lot of injuries. Before that, she barely supported her by relying on her tenacious willpower, but now that the battle situation was settled, she almost fell over.

"cast a glance……"

When Xu Yu was fighting the God of War Scorpion, he looked at Fairy Qingyu from the corner of his eyes from time to time, and saw bloodstains on her skirt and several conspicuous injuries on her fairy body, entangled with black light.

It is highly poisonous, and Shenwang's poisoning is the most terrifying. Xu Yu has a deep understanding of this. He almost died in the hands of Shenxie last time, and Xu Yu felt a little worried.

With a sound of "boom", Shen Duan slapped it with a paw, black light flickered, that dustpan-sized paw was as sharp and cold as cast from divine iron.

He is poisoned all over his body, and he is powerful and has the ability to pull mountains and capture seas.Take a paw.The mountains and rivers are shaking.Insolent and domineering, with a hint of contempt.

Xu Yu once suffered a great loss from him and was injured by his poison.But at this moment and at that moment, he is no longer what he used to be at this moment.He flicked and poked, and a sharp sword light flew out, carrying light rain, holy and extraordinary, and even more destructive.


The Immortal Tribulation Sword Art is incomparably sharp, and it is not a problem to destroy the magical weapon, let alone a mere mother's beast claw.

With a sound of "swipe", the sword light cut off one of his melon seeds like a sharp blade cutting cloth, blood splashed, it was unparalleled, and the dustpan-sized lizard's claw fell to the ground, corroding a large area of ​​space.

Once Xu Yu succeeded, he chased after him fiercely, made a fist mark, and the Sun God's fist exploded the void. The dazzling brilliance was so bright that half of his body was scorched along the wound.

The divine scorpion was defeated, embarrassed, and heavily injured!Countless people outside the arena were shocked, they defeated the Divine Scorpion with just three or two moves, Xu Yu is too strong!
Broken arm with one sword!One punch to the enemy!However, between the two moves, Feng Qi had severely injured the Shenscorpion, such a method is amazing.

Even if the monsters are extremely powerful such as golden-winged rocs, sky-blood demon butterflies and other fierce birds, their eyes can't help showing strange colors, and their pupils shrink.

Xu Yuxiu has become stronger again!This is their first awareness.

Shenxue was not the strongest among them, but he was definitely not weak either. Xu Yu severely injured him with only two moves. Even they had to be shocked by such means.

"Interesting! Unexpectedly, there are such masters in the human race!" Zijin Leopard whispered, his eyes were cold and deep, his body was streamlined, vigorous and graceful, and his smooth fur was shining brightly, shining with purple clouds.

The divine scorpion was startled and furious, it did not expect Xu Yu to be so strong after three days away that he could ignore the poison on its claws.Although he was at a disadvantage and was seriously injured, he was not convinced.His figure was swinging, dragging his black and purple carapace, his body and mind were extremely quick and agile, and with one step, he could reach tens of feet.

The tail behind him swung, like a straight battle gun, "clank", while shaking, shot out violently, the brilliance was dazzling, piercing the sky, causing the void to collapse and corrode one after another.

His black and ink-like tail is very different. When swimming, it is flexible and fast, like a real dragon, singing in harmony with the way of heaven, and the law of the tail hangs down, every breath is gorgeous, and the divine power is endless.

Shenxue's tail hook is his most powerful point, especially the toxin on the hook, which is known as the supreme poison, even the king can't resist it.

His whole body burst into bursts of light, and countless lines lit up on his carapace. The golden light was dazzling, like small dragons that were a foot long, and Ruican was agile, interweaving into a mysterious diagram.

This is the god-given map, and it is the foundation of their lineage's strength.The dao map is complicated, extremely wonderful, with infinite divine power surging, the tail of the blessing is hooked, the dao rhyme spreads, and the law is misty.


The divine scorpion came again, its tail hooked upside down and grabbed Xu Yu's celestial spirit cover, like a dragon rushing towards it, clanging, and black yin energy spread, eroding everything.

Before it got close, everything in the void had turned into pus, even Xu Yu's brows were raised, his skin was numb, and goose bumps appeared.

Xu Yu didn't want to show his sharpness, so he walked lightly and stepped back.But the divine scorpion obviously didn't want to stop there, pressing forward step by step, the tail hook was erected, and thousands of pear blossoms burst out, brilliant and dazzling, but chilling in the bones.

The gray poison pervades the void, the space is corroded and becomes a swamp, the earth rots and becomes a place of poison, even the laws and divine power cannot be contaminated at will, and there will be catastrophe at every turn.

"Hmph!" Xu Yu snorted coldly, he was very dissatisfied with being pressed hard, and decided to fight back.His hands trembled, and the Taiji holy technique unfolded. He picked the real dragon with his left hand, and pressed the fairy phoenix with his right hand.

"Boom land!"


"Clang clang!"

In the void, the sky thundered loudly, Xu Yu fought fiercely with the divine scorpion, the dragon and the phoenix chirped together, and the divine light was brilliant, sometimes turning into a golden scissors, sharp and peerless, cutting through the void, sometimes turning into separate slaughters, the dragon and the phoenix intertwined Strike across Cangwan, the sky and the earth are bright.That scorpion tail was smashed by him.

Sparks splashed and bounced high.

Xu Yu's eyes showed a strange light, this god lizard is not very capable, but the body is quite hard, especially the barb at the tail, which can't be broken even by his fist, which is really amazing.

You know, his physical body has gone through thousands of tempers, and its strength is comparable to that of a king's weapon, even if it is a king's weapon, it can be broken in one blow.Unexpectedly, but he couldn't do anything about his carabiner.

He was shocked, and the divine scorpion was even more shocked. The tail behind him was the essence of his body, the most solid and immortal. Unexpectedly, when it was in front of Xu Yu, it was repeatedly suppressed.

Even his tail hook was numb from the shock, and the pain was unbearable, and dense cracks appeared on the carapace tail hook.

He was terrified, but Xu Yu was not afraid of his tail hook being extremely poisonous, which made him lose his biggest trump card.


Xu Yu kicked vigorously, and he kept changing his gestures, forming one seal after another. The seal was like a mountain, and there was no way to turn it. His body moved to match the seal.

During the changes of the Tengbu, for a while, it is like a dragon coming out of the abyss, for a while, it is like a phoenix spreading its wings, and for a while, it is like a dragon flying around the world...

Some seemingly simple but practical tricks were coherently used by him, and they were so powerful that they seemed to smash the eternal blue sky to pieces.

These are simple, but popular moves, but they are also moves that will stand firm after thousands of trials.Now, after being cast by Xu Yu, there is a power to turn corruption into wonder!

He is performing a law, using Taiji holy art to evolve his own way of law, with different shapes and spirits, unpredictable changes, and myriad phenomena.


With a loud noise, the black scorpion tail was knocked into the air again, and Tai Qi erupted with boundless power, like a dragon soaring into the air, punching it, the universe split apart, and the barb of the exhausted tail almost broke.

Divine Scorpion had a fierce expression on his face, and his whole body rushed towards him, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on him, very imposing.

Its back shell is hard, with deep black awns, and strips of golden veins are imprinted on it, which are the innate Dao patterns. When it hits it, it is like a big millstone, which is the most terrifying.

Xu Yu was not afraid, and when he swiped his hands, a ray of time power overflowed, and there was a momentary pause in the void. He punched out with both fists, and the runes between his palms and fingers were lingering, with golden light and divine power gushing out.

Both of them are full of light, and there are dao patterns emerging. This is not only the power of the secret technique, but they also used the blessing of vision and blood. When they are stacked together, it is the most terrifying.

With a loud bang, they collided with each other, and the huge god mill was completely out of proportion to Xu Yu.The Xiantian Dao map enveloped him, and thousands of silk ribbons were hanging down, colorful and dazzling, just like a waterfall.

This is the power of law that must be in the blood, and it is the source of power that has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is the most powerful.But in front of Xu Yu at this time, he was vulnerable.


There are two visions in his fists, Heavenly Emperor Linchen and Jianmu World Tree, like a drill, quickly tore apart the Dao map, breaking runes one after another.


The tail hook on the back of the scorpion was cracked, and the carapace was broken, and a pair of fists smashed into the flesh, splashing a large amount of blood, which made him terrified.

Shenxie was convulsing all over his body, he howled in pain, feeling extremely painful.

The body of this human race is too strong, a pair of fists containing the power of the ocean, not only collapsed his barbs, but also broke his carapace, penetrated into his flesh and blood, and shattered his bones and internal organs.

"Go away!"

He roared up to the sky, and the toxin in his body kept gushing out and turned into a torrent, which invaded Xu Yu's body, dyed his golden fists black, and even spread to his arms.

What can mere toxins do to me? "

Xu Yu surged the divine power in his body, used Tai Chi sacred art, and activated the Sun Dao Fire to refine these precious gold parts, and hoarse voices could be heard endlessly.

"Huh? This poison is a bit weird..."

Xu Yu frowned. Although his Taiyang Daohuo could refine toxins, the speed was very slow, not even half as fast as the toxins. Half of his body turned black and smelly.

This kind of toxin is not only tough and difficult to refine, but more importantly, it can also obliterate divinity, corrode dao lines, and devour primordial spirit.Let Feng Qi's fists start to rot.

His flesh was cracked and aged, and yellow, foul-smelling juice dripped from his fist, but in a moment, his fist was nothing but bones.

"Hitting me was the biggest mistake you made." Shen Scorpion sneered, and his cracked barb hit again.

"Hmph! My poison is nothing that does not dissolve, and nothing that does not rot. Even if a saint in the world touches it, he will die, let alone you!"

This toxin is very strong, it is not a gas, but a liquid, it is the essence extracted from his body bit by bit, and has been accumulated by him for decades.

In the past, he had encountered strong enemies, but no one had ever been able to push him to this extent.Xu Yu did it, so he used his trump card.His poison has always been invincible, and it never fails.

"Don't blow the air there, it's just a bit of poison, what's the big deal? It's a small skill!"

Xu Yu was quick to gain wisdom, a flash of spiritual light flashed in his mind, the divine power in his body surged, the dao marks flickered, wandered and reorganized, his whole body seemed to turn into a furnace.

The blood energy is surging and becomes "fuel", with divine power as the source, igniting the Dao Fire, burning more and more blazingly, and countless toxins are refined and evaporated.

The power of time and space obliterated Jiansu, and the power of yin and yang disintegrated and devoured it, Xu Yu insisted on suppressing it.

"Then you can try it!" The corners of Shenxie's eyes twitched, and he felt uneasy. The toxin he relied on most was forced out, and it was the essence that had been accumulated and refined for decades.Such a poison, not to mention a monk in the realm of Sendai, even a master in the realm of kings, will turn into thick water.

Their family is different, they are covered with toxins when they are born, and only when they are able to control the toxins after decades, will they be born with wisdom.

The toxins of their family are innate. The higher the level of cultivation, the stronger the toxicity. Now his toxicity is almost comparable to that of the crape myrtle magic flower.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe you can be immune to the poison of the gods!" Shenzhe said ruthlessly, the original toxin in his body was boiling, spreading upwards along the arm of Xiangqi, and there were black and strange runes flickering.

This is the source of toxins, and it is also the "poisonous root". It is called the god poison, which means that it can poison the gods to death.Dozens of times more violent than the previous toxin essence, Xu Yu's body almost collapsed and couldn't hold on.

"Little Scorpion, is this what you are capable of?" Xu Yu's small face was arrogant, and his body was covered in golden light, gushing light, and dao lines flickering.

Nine ancient characters suddenly appeared in his body, which are the innate emperor patterns, recorded in the general outline of the "Yuan Shi Jing", the most mysterious and complicated, and unparalleled in magic.

When all the toxins meet the God pattern, they burn and dissolve one after another, turning into powder like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun.

With a violent shake of his fists, the golden light exploded, and the huge body of the divine scorpion was sent flying, hitting the ground, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.He spat out blood, and it took him a long time to stand up, roaring and rushing forward.

"The Poison God's Wand!" He roared, spraying poisonous gas all over his body, and a magic wand slowly flew up, bursting with thousands of rays of light.

This is one of his ancestral artifacts, similar to the Thunderbird bone sword, it is also made from the hardest part of their ancestors - the tail hook.

It is blended with endless divine materials and refined with the tail hook of the divine scorpion. It is the most poisonous.Holding a magic wand in his hand, he went straight to Xu Yu with great rage.The entire void suddenly rioted, the sacred weapon was unleashed, and the divine power shocked the world, even the king had to avoid its edge.

However, this is not a complete great holy weapon. There are problems with the refining technique, and it is not comparable to the real holy weapon handed down from generation to generation, and its success is limited.

It's just that even so, he also showed a ray of the power of a saint.


The mountains and rivers collapsed in pieces, the void was cracked, and large ravines criss-crossed and intertwined.No one can take the sharp edge directly, even if it is the king of Dacheng.

However, what was surprising was that Xu Yu remained calm from the beginning to the end, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and mocking eyes.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed a blue bone sword, dark blue and deep, flowing with chaotic energy, the law is like a waterfall, steaming and glowing.

This bone sword is very domineering, with a long body, shaped like a spear, cold and heavy, its surface is white and translucent like a mirror, its blade is sharp, flickering with cold light, and surrounded by runes.

This is a peerless divine weapon, even more so than the handed down holy weapon. Its divine power is astonishing, far beyond ordinary people's imagination.This land of mountains and rivers completely collapsed, and the two holy artifacts clashed. In less than three rounds, the Poison God's wand was full of gaps and cracks, and it was about to collapse.

Everyone is not at peace, a peerless holy artifact, is it going to be destroyed like this?It's also so dreamy that it doesn't feel real.

What is a Hallows?That is the foundation that can protect a holy place, the foundation of immortality, and the foundation of immortality.

Although the Poison God Wand is not a holy soldier of that level, it is definitely made by a saint.


Xu Yu swung a blue bone sword that did not belong to him, smashed the sky, and crowned the world bravely.Its height is seven feet high, it is black and translucent, and every time it falls, it can shatter the eternal blue sky. He smashed it on the Poison God's wand, and it quickly collapsed and flew away.


A gap the size of a grain of rice appeared on the wand, and he was trembling again and again, almost shattered, and even the god in the wand was almost shattered.

He slashed with his sword again, Shenjue spat out blood from the beating, and his body fell into the ground, shaking the mountains trembling.

Everyone was stunned, and Zeng Qi's performance was too brave, like a beast, and he was invincible.Holding the blue bone sword in his hand, he looked funny and mighty, like a sword fairy dancing.


Another sword fell, and the chaos was like a waterfall, submerging everything, and the nitrogen steamed from the thread of law, and the big one fell on the magic staff. With a click, the Poison God's wand shattered, and the god let out a scream, and disappeared completely.

"No! Come and save me!" Shen Jie was covered in tatters, the tail on his back was broken, his body was dripping with blood, his carapace collapsed, and countless fragments were inserted into the flesh and blood.

He was completely terrified, and felt the threat of death. The toxin didn't work, and the flesh shell was no match for the opponent. Even his last trump card, the Poison God Demon Wand, was smashed to pieces.

He has already lost everything, and now he doesn't have any courage to fight against Xu Yu, he just wants to survive now.

stop him!
Several powerful ferocious beasts from the opposite side joined hands to kill them. They roared the mountains and rivers, rioting the world, trying to prevent Xu Yu from killing the divine scorpion.

"Kill!" Xu Yu didn't care, and swung the bone sword, attacking extremely violently, enclosing them together.

A chaotic storm swept across, the golden light was shining, and the monstrous divine power poured down like a waterfall, and a successor of Shengwei was mixed in it.Fangguo's tens of miles of land was swept away into a piece of flat land, only a little bit of screams, echoing in the void, leaving countless broken corpses in place.

The breeze blew, and there was a bloody smell.

The power of the handed down holy weapon is too strong, even though Xu Yu can't exert this power at all, but in terms of material alone, it can sweep the world with its imitation.

In particular, the blue bone sword in his hand is of a higher level and more powerful.It can be said that there are few weapons below Zhundi Bing that can compare with it.

There was a pile of broken corpses and white bones left on the scene. It looked like a very thin person.

Xu Yu stood on the spot, holding a blue bone sword, with flying black hair, a handsome face, and his whole body was shrouded in golden light and brilliance.

He looked extraordinarily heroic, like a young emperor of heaven.

The Tianzhi Demon Butterfly flew over gently, with an elegant posture, a little bit of wine dripping bare, pinyin drama leftovers, and a bright and colorful body, which looked extremely beautiful, like an elf born in a dream.

She is very calm, but also very short, flying lightly, with red clouds lingering, and auspicious light, said indifferently: "It's our turn."

"it is good!

Xu Yu nodded, and strode forward, his stride was tens of meters, his figure was ghostly and fast, and under the eaves of the big dai in his hand, the waterfall of Chaos fell down, shining brilliantly.

This is a sealed magical weapon, which will automatically adjust its strength, depending on the strength of the enemy and us.


The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly danced lightly, its eyes twitched, and split the sky. She turned into a ray of light, rushed over, and fought fiercely with Xu Yu continuously in Mao Can's brilliance.

Her speed is too fast and very sharp, like two crossed swords, breaking through mountains and rivers.The dazzling brilliance caused a storm to form large ravines one after another on the ground.

She collided with Xu Yu one after another, the wings clashed against the bone sword, tin clangs, sparks splashed, and streaks danced, the land collapsed and turned into a waste wall.

The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly groaned softly, spewing out a burst of innate essence, like a blood-colored waterfall, with an unknown aura flowing.

It's a curse!Xu Yu was stunned, shrouded in an ominous atmosphere, and he felt a crisis in his heart.He glowed all over and blocked it, but after all, he was still contaminated with a lot of weirdness.

Xu Yu felt his whole body being pricked, like being pricked by needles, and a layer of golden hair grew on his skin, densely covering his whole body, ferocious and terrifying, like a little star.


His whole body was steaming with energy and blood, and the golden divine flame was burned out, burning it clean in an instant.


A petite and pocket-sized wing strikes, Xu Yu retreats, the earth explodes suddenly, is controlled by a red sword light, and splits into a large ravine thousands of feet long, surrounded by red clouds, very scary.

This Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly was not only powerful, but more importantly, it was also extremely weird. It was always filled with a layer of blood light, which made the curse suppressed by him want to move, and took part of his energy.

The purple gold blood in his body is boiling hot, and the stream is rushing, just like the Yangtze River rushing endlessly.

This is the instinct of Xu Yu's celestial body. Facing an external threat, it seems to repel and hate. This is the instinct of facing an old enemy.

The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly attacked fiercely, and when its wings flapped, it set off a violent storm.Her attack power is unparalleled, making people frightened.

"This Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly is too terrifying. It deserves to be one of the strongest races in the underworld!" Fairy Qingyu, senior brother, King Biluo, and others felt awe-inspiring and surprised.

They were defeated by an ambush this time, and the Sky Blood Demon played a big role in it, King Bi Zhuo and the senior brother both suffered losses in his hands.

Xu Yu raised his fists to fight back, bursting out endless sun-piercing divine light, and killed the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly. His eyes were full of sharpness, like a magic lamp filled with magic.

"..." The magic butterfly danced, surrounded by the rays of the sun, countless runes danced, gorgeous and multi-shadowed, as if they were real, it collided head-on with Fengci, and the two erupted with blazing lights, and both of them killed the real fire , all kinds of magical techniques emerged one after another, hitting the sky to collapse.

The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly is worthy of being one of the strongest races in the universe, with unparalleled combat power. Even if Xu Yu is unparalleled in bravery, he can't get close to him in a short time.Rumor has it that their clan is also descended from the descendants of immortals, a powerful clan comparable to real dragons and fairy phoenixes.Although the immortal blood has degenerated, they are still almost powerful. In the mythical years, they were also one of the Jinglun survivors, and they were also the strongest and most terrifying one.

At this time, it flapped its wings and rolled up the sky wind device. Its figure was fast, and it still knew a crimson arrow, which was extremely fierce, and every time it shot, it could pierce the void.

Her eyes were cold, her short arms stretched, and the flying cavalry pounced again.

She is too powerful, the flesh-shelled primordial spirit is close to the Holy Lord, and although the divine encounter magic technique is extraordinary, her combat power is far superior to the average king's powerhouse, so she is absolutely strong, and she must kill Xu Yu with the most powerful posture.


Tai Qi squeezed his fist seal and pushed it slowly, with great force, just like the ancient holy emperor who ruled the world, every move and every style is in the middle of peace, with the air of an emperor.

The two fight against each other, the body is the plot point, the gods are rotten, the dao marks are like rain, and the turbulence is like a volcanic eruption, and the earth collapses rapidly.Xu Yu and Mo Die retreated at the same time, and then their blood rushed to the sky, their eyes lit up, and they fought together again.

"Kill..." The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly screamed, its magnificent body burst out with immortal light, one after another, with countless threads, turning it into a fairy blade, sword glow, divine bird, like a real dragon, like a fairy circle Swimming right here, killing Ruo Xuyu.

Thousands of patterns are displayed all over its body, the laws are flying, mysterious and unpredictable, and it bursts out with a murderous aura like a tide, and its weaving is sharp.

This is its bloodline ancestral technique, the most fierce and domineering, it claims to have the ability to kill gods and immortals, which makes people afraid.

Xu Yu didn't dare to be careless, and showed his own vision. The Jianmu World Tree was swaying, the sun was shining, and the silk ribbons were hanging down.



Infinite brilliance erupted, bright and dazzling, a vast expanse of white flowers, divine power fluctuated like a vast ocean, in which two eye shadows could be vaguely seen.

The world tree covered the sky and covered the sun, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and each branch and leaf held up a question of the sun, the moon and the stars swaying, as if the sky was falling apart.

It competed with countless fairy lights, collided and rumbled, the leaves flew and broke, the sun and the moon entered the fairy lights, and the sky blood demon butterfly was swept away. .

"Good! You really pissed me off!"

Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly said coldly

(End of this chapter)

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