Chapter 111 The Golden Winged Dapeng
I saw the divine light on the back of the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, and a terrifying vision emerged, one after another of the ghosts stood behind him, like the supreme gods and demons, there were scenes such as bloodshed by all spirits, and sorrowful gods and demons. Enveloped, it gives people a powerful, terrifying and terrifying feeling.

These phantoms are too tall, like the supreme battle spirits of ancient times. Each one stands up to the sky and fills the void of the universe, making the sun, moon, and stars look small.

"At the end of reincarnation, everything will come to an end. The underworld is the destination of all spirits!" Diesi the Celestial Blood Zodiac roared, and rushed forward. Dozens of ghosts wanted to move there. Jiutian is capable of killing Xu Yu together, the vast power is palpitating!
The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly moves in conjunction with these ghostly shadows, every step is extremely mysterious, as if it is connected with them as a whole, like a row of magic walls, the void collapses, chaos and mist fill the air, and world-destroying energy flows.

Xu Yu's face changed, he didn't dare to be careless, he made a fist seal with his left hand, and a sword art with his right hand, several visions overlapped behind him, the sun was brilliant, the auspicious color was transpiring, and he collided with the World Exterminating Phantom.

"Bomb formation!"

Just like a meteorite hitting the earth, the bright light floods everything, like the vast sea, the waves are rough, countless brilliant light waves smash the mountains and rivers, the mountains crack, and the flying sand and rocks make countless strong men daunted.

The sound of rumbling explosions continued, and the aftermath of the energy hit the nine-color stone steps, making them shake and tremble.

The world tree swayed, the heavenly dao roared, as soon as the dao went down, the myriad dao became empty, the heavenly emperor came to the dust, suppressed the eight wildernesses, the fairyland emerged, the beasts galloped, the chaos was raging, and everything in the world was annihilated. They and dozens of ghosts kept fighting Collision, destruction of heaven and earth.

"Strong! Strong! Brother Xu Yu's cultivation has improved again!" The senior brother praised. "It's really pissing people off. This little pervert."

Everyone nodded, expressing their agreement. Xu Yu's cultivation speed was indeed too fast, except for all of them expected, which made them happy and disappointed at the same time.

"The elders and the others really did not misjudge the junior brother, he does have the qualifications of a great emperor." Xiao Yun said with emotion.

He used to be dissatisfied, but now he admires him from the bottom of his heart.If a person's excellence is only beyond normal 01:30 points, it may attract the envy of others, but if it reaches a level that they will never be able to look up to, then they will only have to worship.

Among the crowd, only King Biluo and Fairy Qingyu had brilliant eyes and a fighting spirit.

However, as it stands now, this is a good thing.The higher Xu Yu's cultivation level, the greater their chances of being saved.

"Jin Qiang!

The sound of heavy metal collisions was endless. Feng Qi and the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly used magic weapons. The azure bone sword collided with the golden mirror, shooting out countless sparks, shooting bright divine light, the light reflected, and the law intertwined.

These two treasures are not simple, both are rare treasures, and both are supreme holy weapons.Of course, they are all in a state of being weakened by the seal. Without special circumstances, it is difficult to fully recover.

Even so, their power is extraordinary.The bone carvings shone across the sky, the murderous intent shook the sky, and the soaring sword pierced the sky, fighting against the magic mirror.

The golden magic mirror is full of smog and smoke, with nine colors of light shining. It is round and natural, simple and unpretentious, dotted with symbolic patterns, and the mirror surface is smooth and flawless, reflecting the vastness and boundlessness.

Bunch after beam of bright divine light was shot out, colliding with Thunderbird bone sword.

Not only the magical artifacts were fighting, but also Xu Yu and the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly were fighting. They fought fiercely, with blood splashing from time to time, which was very fierce.

The magic butterfly whistling, shooting thousands of fairy lights and thousands of auspicious colors, lingering with light and rain, it looks detached and sacred.But behind it are dozens of ghosts, tall and majestic, majestic, pressing down like rows of demon mountains, collapsing mountains and rivers.

Standing in the void, Xu Yu's black hair fluttered, and he exuded a heroic aura. The golden glow covered his whole body, and he was set off like a young emperor of heaven. He was fighting and attacking with supreme magic.

"Kill!" The demon butterfly crossed its wings, like a heavenly sword unsheathed, with brilliance and peerless sharpness.Dozens of phantoms behind him became even more imposing. They breathed out the essence of heaven and earth, as if they had materialized. Their eyes pierced through the clouds and pierced the sky, with infinite killing intent, and they went straight to Xu Yu.

Xu Yu's left hand is pitch-black, holding the way of void, and his right hand is white and bright, holding the law of time and space. When his hands collide with time and space, the sky and the earth are in a great shattering trend.

Their battle reached a fever pitch, and Xu Yu still couldn't gain the upper hand. He was surprised, what are the origins of these phantoms?It's so powerful!Inexhaustible in destruction, inexhaustible in killing, even if it is shattered, it can be quickly restored, just like a strong man with an immortal body.

What gave him the most headache was that the bloody aura emitted from the Blood Demon Butterfly from time to time that day could trigger a curse force in the dark to attack his body and spirit.

This made him have to allocate part of his energy to suppress and remove the curse, making it difficult to explode with full strength.


"Jin Qiang!"

The divine mirror trembled, the brilliance was dazzling, and a beam of divine light suddenly flew out, passed through the blockade engraved by the bird, and directly grabbed Xu Yu's head.

It was so dangerous that he avoided it, and the divine light flew past his ears, rubbing his temples, and piercing through the void.

"What a terrifying magic mirror!" Xu Yu was terrified.

In terms of power alone, this magic mirror is probably even higher than his bone sword.Both are also sealed, but it has the strength to break through the blockade of the bone sword.It almost hit Xu Yu severely, so it can be seen that it is better than the bone sword.

Seeing this, the Thunderbird Bone Sword was furious, its brilliance flourished, and its body blazed brightly, shooting out thousands of sword lights, killing the god mirror, submerging him in it instantly, the god mirror was entangled, unable to look after him.

When the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly came, dozens of ghosts walked in unison, and followed closely behind. They were all majestic and majestic, just like the demon gods who opened the sky.

They shot at the same time, their divine power was as vast as a wet cloth, like a river hanging down one after another, the brilliance was gorgeous, the void exploded, countless black holes emerged and thousands of large cracks spread, and the place was destroyed into ruins.

Xu Yu was in the middle, standing tall, with bright eyes and high fighting spirit.

The body is like a raging fire, and the heart is condensed like a crystal!His black hair danced wildly, and his body was full of momentum. Dao marks emerged one after another when he swiped his hands, and the fluctuations of time and space were swept away, and all the murderous powers were introduced into the space of another dimension.

His body gradually became illusory, and in the end, only an ancient seal was left on the spot, the dao light was bright, chaotic and misty, and each dao mark was extremely mysterious, as if it could communicate with the origin of the universe.

Dao Bo is vast, if thousands of ripples are piled up, the divine light is brilliant.

Gu Yin flew up in the sky, going up against the sky, driving the mighty power of time and space, and killing the sky-blood demon butterfly.

At the same time, the Thunderbird Bone Sword was also full of light, and the sword light soared into the sky, filled with divine power, and even suppressed the magic mirror for a short time.


The Heavenly Blood Demon Medium was swept away, blood was splashed everywhere, bones were broken, and the petite and delicate body looked even more miserable.

Its cultivation base is very powerful, but it has no power to resist in the face of Yuan Shiyin, and it can't even dodge it.

The ancient seal seems small, but in fact it is extremely mysterious, as if explaining the most original truth.It is integrated with the universe and the origin of the way of heaven, showing the ultimate power of heaven.

The Heavenly Blood Demon turned into streaks of lightning, dodging at top speed, but in front of Yuan Shiyin, it had no effect at all.


The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly was hit again, and its body was almost torn apart.


The avenue roared, the sky and the earth moved, and the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly was blown away for the ninth time. She was covered in tatters, bleeding profusely, and one of the butterfly wings was broken. She looked miserable.

Although it tried its best to evade, Yuan Shiyin seemed to be slow, but in fact it was extremely fast, locking on to the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, leaving him nowhere to escape.

The word "Yuanshi" refers to the beginning of heaven and earth, the beginning of one yuan. Naturally, the Yuanshi Jing created by Yuanshi Tianzun involves the way of time and space.

Time and space are everywhere, and the ancient seal is like a dreamy empty flower, every time it appears out of thin air at the three feet of the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, with a shock, it makes him vomit blood and his body is broken.

"Boom barrier!"

Xu Yu urged Yuan Shiyin with all his strength to be with the Dao and coexist with the heaven and the earth. When the roar of the Dao sounded, he was promoted to a wonderful state and experienced an unprecedented power.

His understanding of the Dao of Time and Space has become more transparent. Although it is still very immature, it is only a ray of truth, but it is also a good start.

His blood is full of energy, densely covering every corner of the Dao map, his body is branded with Dao marks, divine power is the source, and yin and yang are the mother's womb. He is gestating the spirit of time and space, and his form and spirit are transformed into a simple and complex time and space map.

"Little Butterfly, take your life." Xu Yu shouted loudly, and launched another fierce attack, Gu Yin attacked forward, like a dream empty flower.

The sound of "rumbling" continued, like a heavy mountain moving, shaking in the void, and a shield appeared in front of the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly. It looked dull, simple and thick, densely covered with dao patterns, blocking the divine power of Yuan Shiyin.

"Heaven Peak Divine Shield!" The senior brother exclaimed.His cultivation base may not be considered the most outstanding among the crowd, but he is well-informed, knowledgeable and memorized. He has a little research on the most famous magic weapons in the past and present, and he can be called an expert in this field.

Tianfeng Aegis also comes from Jubao Peak, or more precisely, from Jubao Mountain. It is refined from a psychic fairy peak. Its defense is amazing and it is said to be indestructible.

"No, it's not that one, it's newly unearthed." Someone exclaimed, recognizing the difference between the two.

Thousands of years ago, someone brought out such an aegis from Jubao Peak, and the two are very similar.But that piece is obviously thicker and more astonishing in defense, and this one is slightly inferior.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the fetish obtained by the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly this time!

"It really has great luck. It actually got two fetishes at once."

"I heard that many people didn't even get one of them this time."

Many people talked about it.The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly deserves to be the so-called descendant of the Immortal, who is blessed with great fortune.It definitely has not only obtained these two fetishes, but also other hidden means.

Of course, the more treasures, the better. After all, a person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to sacrifice dozens of magic weapons at the same time to fight against the enemy. This is unrealistic.


Xu Yu clapped his hands down, and the mighty force of time and space struck violently, but it was still difficult to break through the Heavenly Peak Aegis. It was like an indestructible holy mountain that cut across everything.His hands were shining and trembling slightly.

There is blood falling.This shield is not only a defensive artifact, but also an offensive weapon.

"The power of time and space?" Everyone changed their colors. The power of time and space cannot be touched by a saint. How could it be possible for Xu Yu to touch a trace of truth in this realm.

Zijin Shenbao and Jinxiang Dapeng were also surprised for a while, the mighty force of time and space?They couldn't believe it.

"Immediately..." The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly groaned, its energy and blood soaring to the sky, and its divine power flowing like a surging ocean.The shadows behind them roared, their evil aura was overwhelming, and they swept towards them like thousands of troops.

"Not good!" Xu Yu regained his human form, and these phantoms pushed forward with arrogance, making him unable to dodge. This is a kind of lore.He just got hurt.

This means that the previous strength has been exhausted, and the latter is at the end of its life.Xu Yu fought with all his strength, and quickly formed a magic seal with his hands, evolved the holy art of time and space again, opened up a different dimension, and resolved one after another destructive impact.

There was a rumbling sound, bright light, and a vast expanse of white flowers, undulating like a vast ocean.After all, it is impossible for Xu Yu to resolve all of them, and the aftermath breaks through the time and space blockade.

"Ahem..." Xu Yu bit his blood, his face turned pale, he was hit by the phantom and flew out.These gods are mixed with the rules of the underworld, making his injuries worse.

After all, he is not invincible, the realm is lower than the opponent.

"Kill!" With disheveled hair, golden battle aura surged, blood was surging all over his body, he did not retreat but advanced, like a mad cub, fiercely killed the past.

Holding a blue bone sword in his hand, he slashed vertically and horizontally, with brilliant divine light and flowing chaos.At the same time, countless visions appeared behind him, attacking and killing the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly together with him.

The sky and the earth are rioting, the light of the gods soars to the sky, and Xu Yu is unstoppable.Even with the protective shield, the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly was still severely injured.

"Boom!" As soon as he fell, he fell like a star, hitting Tianfeng's spirit, beating him to the point of trembling and whining.Then he slashed and slashed lightly, with all his might, he lifted the Aegis, which weighed as much as billions of fish, and killed it.

"Bang!" The Sky Blood Demon Butterfly was hit hard again.Countless phantoms were annihilated, and it was also sent flying by the bone sword.

"I'm going to kill you!" The Heavenly Blood Rot Butterfly showed anger for the first time, and suffered heavy injuries many times. It was obvious that it had endured to the extreme.It is the most outstanding generation among the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly Clan. Its cultivation is already close to the peak of Immortal Er, and its realm is even better than Xu Yu. It is still unable to suppress the opponent. It is decadent and disappointed, and more of it is angry.


It opened its mouth and spit out a beam of hazy glare, exuding endless murderous intent, and its sharp aura made people shudder.Very blazing and dazzling.

This is the Mietian Divine Light Technique, the most powerful secret technique among the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly Clan.It wants to kill Feng Qi with this, and annihilate him completely.

The dazzling beam of light kills at a high speed, there are thousands of rays of light, lingering in auspicious colors, and the heaven and earth are sacred.

"Hmph! It's a small skill." Xu Yu snorted coldly, and killed with a big halberd in his hand. He was unparalleled in bravery, like a reborn god of war.

"I don't know how to sell mountains with eyes! This is the divine light that destroys the sky. It is one of the top ten offensive holy arts in the underworld. It is almost comparable to the holy magic of fighting. There was a Dacheng holy body that shed blood under its hands."

The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly danced gracefully, beautifully and gracefully, it looked down at Xu Yu, and said coldly.

This kind of secret technique is really overbearing, even Xu Yu was moved by it.

When it hit the bone sword, it made a loud noise, like the roar of a divine bell, and the force of the counter-shock caused Xu Yu's tiger's mouth to burst open, dripping with blood.Its aftermath could actually penetrate into Dajiu, making his internal organs soft and cracked, with blood oozing out.

He fell into a disadvantage, and the Heavenly Blood Demon Die Qiongdi beat him fiercely, causing him to be counted repeatedly. Butterfly Blood, he was in danger on the scene.

"The unity of time and space, the world is invincible!"

Xu Yu waited for this crucial moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he shouted loudly.There was a loud bang, like the sound of heaven and earth opening up, the origin of ten thousand ways, he pointed to the sky, his arm shook violently, and immediately, a magnificent and immeasurable mysterious force swept away.


Mietian Shenguang was actually disintegrated, and it was directly scattered by this mysterious force.

"The power of time and space, how is it possible?" The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly turned pale with shock, this is no longer simply the power of time or space.It is the unity of time and space, almost the rumored invincible secret.

Time and space alone are the most powerful forces. If time and space can be integrated, they will be invincible in the world.

In the oldest myths, there are such rumors.

This is like a proverb circulated in ancient times——the sun and the sun, whichever is stronger and which is weaker, the yin and yang help each other, and the world is called the emperor.

The Tianfeng Aegis vibrated, and the magic mirrors hanging in the sky flew towards them. They also guarded the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly and emitted a bright light.The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly used all its strength to fight against this terrifying human youth.

Xu Yu's eyes were cold, and he swung his hands, shaking out vast power. He approached step by step, and the power of time and space swept across all directions, filling every corner of the void.It came and went without a trace, and even directly jumped over the two artifacts to attack the body of the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly.


The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly vomited blood, his powers were reduced, his body was almost torn, and the two fetishes in front of him were intact.But it almost knocked down the realm itself, and fell to the peak of Immortal Er.

Everyone was terrified, it was terrifying.The power of time and space is simply impossible to defend.Pervasive, omnipresent, simply invincible power.

Xu Yu was not satisfied with this, he didn't kill the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly with one blow, but only seriously injured it, which made Xu Yu very depressed.Didn't you say that time and space are one, and the world is invincible?

Xu Yu didn't know that the reason why the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly survived was not because Xu Yu's attack was not strong enough, but because the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly was protected by a secret treasure.Otherwise, he would have died long ago.

"It's too scary. Is this the unity of time and space?" The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly was terrified and terrified, the piece in its body was already broken.

"It would be a pity to kill it." Xu Yu shook his head regretfully, staring at the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly with his eyes, looking him up and down. His shape was too petite, so he definitely couldn't be used as a mount.

But when a pet is raised, it must be very good, and it is much more pleasing to the eye.


Holding the azure blue bone sword in Xu Yu's hand, emitting a bright light, he soared into the sky and killed the sky-blood demon butterfly.His speed is too fast, and he can't dodge at all. The secret of time and space, not only the attack power is terrifying, but also the speed and mystery are perfect in all directions, invincible in the world.

"Bastard, die!"

The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly roared angrily.It is a woman, or in other words, it is a female, so it is naturally annoyed to be stared at like this.What's more, it has heard that Xu Yu's special one-by-one likes to collect strange beasts and train them to become mounts.

Thinking about it again, the way Xu Yu looked at it, could it not be angry?

"It's just you? Little butterfly, it's your honor for me to have my eyes on you." Xu Yu withdrew his mouth and strode forward, comprehending the secrets of time and space, he is not afraid of anything.

Boom!Xu Yu slapped it down with a palm, and the mighty power of time and space directly ignored the two gods and attacked the real body of the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly.

"I'll fight with you," it cried out in grief and indignation.It does not retreat but advances, or she completely abandons defense, and uses offense to attack, urging the magic mirror and divine shield to kill Xu Yu, which is completely a way of killing jade and stone.

"You want to die with me, don't dream about it." Xu Yu said disdainfully, his other hand was gently pressed down, the brilliance was shining, and the power of time and space filled all around him, forming a prototype of the space-time domain.

"Boom!" Just when the power of time and space was about to kill the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, an ancient pagoda flew out of its body, and the law of falling was dense, and the clouds were steaming.

This is also a top-level artifact, the last sacred object for its body protection.It was a treasure specially refined for it by the elders of the clan when it went out.

As expected of a big power, born in a big family, there are many treasures in his body, even Xu Yu can't compare.


Xu Yu made a move, using the Yuanshi Seal, and blasted the pagoda into the air, dimming its brilliance and moaning endlessly.

"No matter how many treasures there are, they can't save your life. Why don't you give them all to me, maybe I can spare your life." Xu Yu grinned.

On this day, every treasure on the Blood Demon Butterfly has a strong background.If it was given a life, Xu Yu would really consider keeping it alive.

"Don't even think about it!
It said coldly, its heart was full of anger, wishing to die together with Xu Yu.It would rather be broken pieces of jade than someone who is weak, and if you want it to kneel down and beg for mercy, offer treasures, it is difficult to say one word.

Although it knew that its defeat was certain, it still refused to give up, struggled hard, and fought against Xu Yu.

The unity of time and space, eternal invincibility!I don't know who came up with this phrase.But it doesn't believe it, it wants to verify it with its own hands, and even wants to break the myth.


Thunderbird Bone Sword, Yuanshi Seal, two treasures came out together, suppressing the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly.


After the three moves, Xu Yu slashed with one hand, and the power of time and space burned like a roar of chaos.With a puff, one wing of the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly was torn off, blood spattered, and it was extremely beautiful.

"You are not my opponent. Within ten moves, I will definitely take your life." Xu Yu said calmly.

He is absolutely invincible in the same realm as he has comprehended a ray of time-space mysteries, and he even feels that his comprehension of the forbidden realm of the gods has also progressed and is extraordinary.

Although there is only one wisp, which is not even as good as the profound meaning of time and space, it is a seed. As long as the time is right, it will definitely take root and sprout and grow into a strong tree.

If he proves to be an emperor, he might be able to break through the boundary wall, enter the fairyland, and fulfill the long-cherished wish of countless strong people since the age of mythology.

"Boom!" As soon as he pointed out the sixth move, the void shook, and the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly screamed. A blood hole appeared on his body, and blood gushed out.

Its body is splintered, like a magnificent work of art, about to shatter.

"The last resort!"

Xu Yu performed the ninth form, time and space were reversed, and the mysteries of time and space boiled, the entire void was sent back to the state of chaos, and then the world was re-opened, and it was beaten back to its original shape again, and this went on and on until it was completely reduced to nothingness.

Everyone looked terrified and terrified.The power of time and space can still be used like this?Even the chaos is melted away, it's too scary!

They wondered, if they encountered such a force, how would they resist it!

Unable to crack, and unable to resist, a trace of despair rose in their hearts.

"No! I'm not reconciled..." The Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly was at an end. Although it was extremely powerful, it still seemed small and humble in the face of the mysteries of time and space.

It exploded like an angel with broken wings, blood glaring.

"Who is it? How dare you kill my descendants..."

The ancient pagoda roared, suddenly bursting out with boundless power, and a majestic and domineering voice came.

This is a very terrifying powerhouse, definitely not from the younger generation, at least above the Great Sage powerhouse.

How can such a strong person enter the Heavenly God Realm?Xu Yu was horrified.

Even if he comprehended the mysteries of time and space, he would definitely be no match for a finger of such a strong man.

Absolute power can shatter any mystery!
"No, this is just a wisp of divine thought stored in the ancient pagoda..."

"A mere ray of divine will can't do anything to me!" Xu Yu was not afraid of this, and he held a bone sword and killed it. The Chaos Waterfall fell, and the law was endless.

"Killing my descendants, so merciless, should be punished..."

The voice in the ancient pagoda is majestic and domineering, like a high-ranking ruler, looking down at the world and seeing Xu Yu as an ant.

It's not intentional, it's just by nature.

Every saint and powerhouse looks down on the world. In their eyes, even a saint and powerhouse is an ant, let alone Xu Yu who is only in the realm of Xiantai.


The divine light is dazzling, the sun is shining, the chaos is erupting, the earth, water, wind and fire are roaring, everything seems to have returned to the early days, the heaven and the earth began to open, and the Taoism is infinite.

This great holy man was too terrifying, Xu Yu couldn't resist even a ray of divine thoughts.The vast holy power surged, and his mind was about to burst.

At least the cultivation base of a strong saint is needed to be able to match the divine sense of the great saint.

However, he is not afraid, he can't resist it, but the Yuanshi Seal in his hand can do it!

Yuanshiyin is the real extreme emperor soldier. Although it is sealed, the original source and god are still there.Under the stimulation of such holy power, it must be able to recover.

What's more, there is also the bone sword inherited from the Thunderbird clan, which is also a great holy weapon, and he has no fear at all.


Yuanshiyin trembled, wriggling like life, flowing chaotic light, and silken ribbons hanging down.

Yuan Shiyin shook, and a divine light appeared from it, and it fell violently, like a dragon roaring into the sky, opening up one small world after another, sealing the ancient pagoda in.

Roaring like the sea, the sound of the avenue is constant, there are roars of gods and demons, lingering hymns, prayers, and sacrifices are intertwined into pieces, and the brilliance is bright and white, submerging this place.

No words can describe this magnificence, this is the power of the Great Sage, the scene of opening up the world, like a god like a demon.

After a while, everything returned to calm.The ancient pagoda let out a moan, its brilliance dimmed, and it flew out from inside.It rolled up the broken primordial spirit of the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, turned into a stream of light and went away.

"That's right! Your cultivation level has improved, and you are worthy of my attack now." Golden Winged Roc said indifferently.It moved, and the golden wings spread out, covering half of the void. Every feather was golden and shining, as if it was made of gold, clanging and ringing, sharp and terrifying.

It stands in the void, its golden pupils are deep and blazing, like two small suns inlaid in its eye sockets, the gods intimidate people, make mountains and rivers vibrate, and all things mourn.

The golden-winged roc is covered with holy brilliance, surrounded by divine rings, and it is extremely dazzling. It overlooks Xu Yu and others from a high altitude, and looks at all directions between its brows, just like a god.

"You guys, go and kill all the remaining people!" It said to the dozens of beasts behind it, telling them to kill the seriously injured elder brother and others.

"But...the Son of the Purple Mansion..." a fierce beast trembled and flinched.

Obviously, Xu Yu's power to kill the Divine Scorpion and the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly frightened them.That kind of divine power made them feel timid.

"Roar!" The golden-winged roc's eyes were cold, and he shot it suddenly, opened his mouth and swallowed it, surrounded by a golden swirl, and wanted to swallow it alive.

"Ah, no……"

The ferocious beast screamed, its body exploded, blood and bones splashed, and it was glaringly dazzling. It was swallowed by the golden-winged roc, and the howling stopped abruptly.

brutal!It's brutal!This golden-winged roc bird has no scruples, is overbearing and bloodthirsty, and will eat it alive if it doesn't agree with it.It made the other ferocious beasts feel restless and moaned rustlingly.

"If he dares to make a move, I will accept him, but if he doesn't listen to my order, that's the end." Gold-winged Dapeng said with a cold gaze.He exudes divine brilliance all over his body, fierce and powerful, just like being poured with divine gold, he has a kind of demonic nature.

This is the golden-winged roc bird, in the sky and on the earth, I am the only one.He is completely in the posture of a king, commanding many fierce beasts wantonly, not treating them as partners, but scolding slaves instead.

The other ferocious beasts cowered, wanted to move forward, but were afraid of Xu Yu's power, wanted to retreat, but were afraid of the ferocity of the golden-winged roc, they were at a loss when they advanced and retreated, and their faces were ugly.

There were only a few particularly powerful beasts with unhappy faces, and Xu Yu and the golden-winged roc were both very unhappy.

Their cultivation base is strong, they are not afraid of these two, standing aside, the path is clear.

"Trash!" The golden-winged roc was indifferent, his pupils were full of golden light, sharp and bright, he fell slowly, with holy brilliance flowing, his aura was dignified and oppressive, as thick as a mountain, looking down on the world, and he was the only one.

"This golden-winged roc..."

Fairy Qingyu's crescent eyebrows were slightly raised, and her beautiful eyes flashed, revealing a trace of surprise.

She seemed to have remembered something, and there was a trace of worry on her brows.Her proud celestial body is graceful and graceful, soft yet vigorous, she moves gently with lotus steps, and comes slowly, wanting to help Xu Yu.

"Its blood is very pure, it may be the descendant of the supreme Pengniao!"

Rumor has it that the pure-blooded golden-winged roc is a descendant of Kunpeng, and also a descendant of divine birds. Although it is not comparable to the highest bloodlines of real dragons and fairy phoenixes, it is definitely not inferior to the most famous beasts such as real roars, gluttonous beasts, and chaos.

Its bloodline is very pure, far superior to the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, and his realm is extremely high, he may have already stepped into Xiantai, Xu Yu may not be able to get it cheap.

"Boom!" A black tiger came and blocked her way with a fierce look.

"Why, do you want to fight with us?" The most powerful beasts are extraordinary in combat power, even if they are not as good as the golden-winged roc, they are almost the same.They have a cooperative relationship with the Garuda Dapeng. Although it is uncomfortable to see it, it is not too late to miss the appointment.

"Senior Sister, I don't need your help, I can handle this mount by myself!" Xu Yu said angrily.

He was annoyed at running away from the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, but he didn't expect the Golden-winged Roc to come again.

No loss!

"Excellent mount!" Xu Yu stared at the golden-winged roc, looked it up and down, and praised it.

The golden-winged roc, like the golden lion, is the mount of the gods in ancient mythology.Although in this era, the blood is not pure, but it is still the best mount.

Everyone was in a daze, even the many ferocious beasts were a little dazed, their eyes wide open, inconceivable.They looked at Xu Yu, looking at him like a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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