Chapter 112
How dare you call the Golden Winged Roc like that!This is really eating gentian.

You know, it might be a real golden roc!It's not the kind of blood hybrid Hou Shang, it's a divine bird!

Want to turn it into a mount?This Jane is really dreaming.Everyone thinks that Xu Yu has lost his mind and is whimsical!

Although there are legends in ancient times that there is a king of gods who accepts Jinqu Dapeng as a mount, it is only a myth after all, and it cannot be true.

And in the God Realm, because the practice environment of the ancient times is still left here, and all the creatures in the God Realm lived in it before the age of mythology, it can be said that they are the real aborigines in the God Realm.

Even Xu Yu had guessed that the Celestial God Realm might be transformed from the cave of the immortal creatures in the ancient times. Although there is no evidence, judging from the power of blood contained in the bodies of too many creatures living in it, there is still so much. possible.

Xu Yu guessed that when the great reckoning of the chaotic ancient times came, a true immortal creature fell in a tragic battle.

Then his cave and entered this dilapidated small world, turning this small world into a pure land.

And because of the tragic war that was going on at that time, even the Immortal King was bleeding, and countless races were wiped out.

In such an environment, some caring people discovered this pure land, and for the continuation of the blood of the race, sealed some seeds in the world of gods, and then exiled them to wait for the next life.

In addition, the Heavenly God Realm has continuously invited to travel to the heavens for millions of years, and constantly absorbs the laws for self-improvement.

Otherwise, it can't explain why the Heavenly God Realm is so big, and even the Golden Lion once said that the Heavenly God Realm has its own will.

Xu Yu didn't quite believe this before, but judging from his recent experience in the world of gods, this is very likely to be true.

Of course, it is also possible that some people who should not exist in this world are still hiding behind the scenes, and this Heavenly God Realm may be the backhand arranged by some existences.

No matter what, the blood power of the creatures inside is relatively strong, even comparable to the special physique of the outside world, just like the golden-winged roc in front of Xu Yu's eyes, almost comparable to the emperor's son and emperor's daughter.Regardless of status, status is the most honorable.

In the void, the golden-winged roc's face was indifferent, and his eyes were full of indifference.It completely ignored Xu Yu's words.Because in its heart, Xu Yu is already a dead person.It won't care about the dead!


On the other side, the war broke out.Most of Zixia, King Biluo, Xiao Yun and others have recovered from their injuries. They teamed up to kill many ferocious beasts, wanting to take revenge, and then compete.

Many ferocious beasts did not lag behind, without Xu Yu's deterrence, they rushed past under the leadership of many beasts.

The battle between the two sides was very fierce, but generally speaking, the people in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion were still at a disadvantage.Although the three most threatening powerhouses were lost, everyone was wounded and the number was unbalanced, making it difficult to match.

However, at this time, the canopy of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion also appeared, Xiao Yun, the Golden Lion and others all had secret treasures in their hands, all of which were high-ranked, and the lowest were the King's Weapons.With their help, everyone will not be defeated in a short time.

Like Zixia, she holds her bare hands lightly, and a mysterious map of mountains, rivers and community emerges, with brilliant brilliance, magnificent momentum, and ten thousand strands of Tao. There is a big world hidden inside, sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, everything, flowers, grass, fish and birds, magnificent and vast. To the extreme.

When she fought against the Black Tiger Beast King, the two sides fought in a world-shattering battle, the sun and the moon were dark, the cliffs were constantly crumbling, smoke and dust filled the fields, sand and rocks were flying, thunder and lightning were violent, and the light of the gods was shining.All kinds of holy arts are continuous into pieces, making the vitality in Baili boil.

In the realm of Zixia, although he was at a disadvantage, but with his infinite combat power and the blessing of secret treasures, he fought against the Black Tiger Beast King.Unexpectedly, the wind did not fall in the slightest.

The same is true for King Jade Fall. He holds a Jade Divine Bell in his hand, swaying, the bell waves rippling, and confronts the Zijin Leopard and other fierce beasts.

Tai Xuyu killed the Exhausted God and the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, not only reducing the opponent's combat power, but also freed up a few secret treasures for his own side, making the combat power of both sides tend to balance.

The golden-winged roc was covered in a halo of flowing halo, it landed slowly, its eyes were cold, shining like a torch of fire, flowing with great majesty, like an unrivaled fairy king overlooking the sky, its momentum shook the mountains and rivers.

It made a move, and one wing pressed down, the golden light was gorgeous, like dozens of suns bursting, the flaws were dazzling, and the fierce power was eloquent.

The golden-winged roc is as hot as fire, as fierce as a lion, and it kills when it strikes, it is extremely domineering.The mountains and rivers trembled, and the land below collapsed one by one, forming ravines, full of desolation and ruins.

Xu Yu was shocked, this golden-winged roc was really powerful, its combat power was even higher than that of the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, it was an opponent!

His eyes were shining brightly, his face was indifferent, his expression was calm, his hands behind his back remained motionless, like an unattainable holy mountain.The vast divine power, the golden light is shining, but as soon as he gets close to him, it will be extinguished immediately, like a mud cow falling into a pool.

"Space-time mysteries? It's really extraordinary." Jin Qiang Peng sighed, its eyes flickered, and it was particularly frightening.

Once it missed, it was not depressed, but its fighting spirit became even higher.It opened its mouth to spit out nine divine swords, which were only more than a foot long, crystal clear, exquisite and small, and shone brilliantly.These Nine Divine Swords are all made of jade, colorful and eye-catching, sharp and peerless, with resplendent sword energy entering and piercing the sky.

"This is... the Nine Gods Sword!" A creature in the Heavenly God Realm exclaimed in surprise.

He has seen this group of weapons in ancient books. It is extremely famous. It was made by a supreme arrogance, but tens of thousands of years ago, it has lost news in the world of gods, but he did not expect it to fall into Jintong University. In the hands of Pengniao.

These nine divine swords are forged from the Nine Heavens Divine Jade, each of which corresponds to a kind of divine jade, smooth and lustrous, like the most magnificent artwork, like a dream.

Guan Jiao, who forged the nine swords back then, really had a great chance!To be able to obtain nine different kinds of divine jade at one time is not inferior to any extreme immortal material.

There are rumors in the world that if someone gathers the nine kinds of extreme immortal gold, they can cast the embryo of a fairy weapon, and have the opportunity to inquire about longevity in the future.Similarly, if someone gathers all the nine kinds of god kings, he will also have the opportunity to forge the ultimate emperor soldier, and he will not lose to the extreme immortal material.

Zixia worried in her heart, this golden-winged roc not only has superb cultivation, but also has an unparalleled opportunity!


Xu Yu summoned the blue bone sword, only heard a clang, and when the bone sword struck, he immediately gained momentum.

He seems to have changed his body, with black hair dancing wildly, his blood is like a vast ocean, and his body is full of divine flames.

With a sword in hand, ask who in the world will fight for the top?This is the truest portrayal of Xu Yu at this moment.


The golden-winged roc drank coldly, and it was equally confident with the Nine Gods Sword, unwilling to lag behind others.

It shakes the sword and kills, the sound of the sword roars to the sky, and the nine swords vibrate at the same time.The sword energy is vast, boundless, colorful and dazzling, illuminating the sky.This is no longer one or two sword qi, but hundreds of millions of them, gathered together to form a torrent, like a falling sky, crashing down with a rumbling sound.

Xu Yu was fearless, holding a bone sword, roaring mountains and rivers, blood energy piercing the sky, endless brilliance filled the sky, the law of chaos radiated, and the infinite chaos flowed away like a waterfall.



When the Nine Gods Sword and the Bone Sword collided, endless brilliance erupted, dazzling, and the sky and the earth roared like two divine mountains colliding.The sky and the earth are boiling, and one can see that the big cracks in the void are torn apart, criss-crossing, densely packed, like spider webs, and the sky collapses.

The Nine Gods Swords have extraordinary origins. Even though they have not been refined to a very high level, their strength is already determined by their own material.

The golden-winged roc was surprised, the treasure in its hand is rare in the world, it is rare in the sky and on the earth, and now it cannot hold down the bone sword, which is the first time in so many years.

It was surprised, but it didn't know that Xu Yu was even more surprised than it. His bone sword is a treasure of the Thunderbird clan. Quasi-Emperor Soldiers.

It is a township weapon worthy of the name of the Thunderbird clan. It is difficult to find a few of them in the entire Heavenly God Realm, but I did not expect to meet an opponent here.

"Kill!" The golden-winged roc shouted coldly. It dispelled the cold and electricity, pierced the moon with golden light, and was surrounded by golden flames all over its body.

Its golden light is blazing, every feather is emitting light, and it is clanging, like a hundred thousand heavenly swords trembling, chaotic swords smashing through the air, sweeping across the universe.

"Good time! Xu Yu shouted, holding a bone sword, he is unparalleled in bravery, the golden glow is surging, and he has an invincible momentum.

"Boom!" His whole body glowed, the vision was selected, and the Jianmu World Tree emerged. The bone sword in his hand trembled rumblingly, and fell down like a divine mountain. Clanging, bone sword trembling, silk ribbons hanging down, shining brightly

"Exterminate the ten directions!" the golden-winged roc shouted. Its eyes were beams of light, which were hundreds of feet long. The nine divine swords were blazing with light, and the sharper and sharper sword lights flew in the air, chopping the bone sword.

The power of the nine divine swords is extraordinary, and they are all gorgeous and dreamlike.Although their grade is not as good as Xu Yu's bone sword, but the material is not weak at all. Adding Xu Yu's lack of divine power, and being in a downturn, it's really hard to kiss them for a while.




The nine-color sword energy is dazzling, blazing and fierce, smashing mountains and rivers, and destroying everything. Wherever it passes, great mountains collapse, flying sand and rocks, and the sword energy crosses the sky.

A ferocious beast was accidentally rubbed by the red sword energy, and exploded directly, turning into a blood mist. The scalps of the other ferocious beasts were numb and terrified, and they dared not approach the battlefield again.

Gold-winged Dapeng is ruthless and cold-hearted, and has always done whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

It doesn't care about you, whether you are an enemy or a friend, as long as it blocks his way, it will kill you.

On the other side, Xu Yu is like a battle saint, bravely crowning the world.He is bathed in divine brilliance, with black hair shawl, squinting eyes, and looks down on the world, and the bone sword in his hand is invincible, opening and closing, showing arrogance.

The golden-winged roc was so intent on killing, it raised its head to the sky and let out a howl like a golden lightning, tearing apart the sky.

The wind and thunder billowed, and the Nine Gods Sword radiated light, with a thousand streams of auspicious aura, bursting out thousands of sword auras, covering the vast land.

The corners of Xu Yu's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a look of disdain. He stretched out his arms and swung upwards.

With a leap, he slashed towards Cangwan, fighting against the golden-winged roc.Rumbling, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang bang


While the bone sword was dancing, the wind was fierce, the sky collapsed and the earth was destroyed, and there was a piece of flying sand and rocks.Xu Yu raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, as if he was holding a ferocious black dragon, baring his teeth and claws to kill all spirits.

The bone sword collided with the Nine Gods Sword, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the clouds in the ten directions collapsed, the vast brilliance shot in, and the rocks pierced the clouds, like a stormy sea.

The golden-winged roc roared, raised its voice to the sky, and swooped down like a thunderbolt, killing Xu Yu with dazzling golden light.

It manipulates the Nine Gods Sword with its left hand, swings it vertically and horizontally, the sword glows brightly, and the nine-color divine light illuminates the sky, dazzling and beautiful.

It swiped with its right hand, the flames were brilliant, it shattered the void, and there were countless golden feathers shooting in, like millions of divine arrows, howling again and again, ghosts weeping, and the golden light was blazing, covering the sky and the earth.

Fighting with both hands can destroy the world.

The golden-winged roc is indeed powerful, which makes many people shudder.

Xu Yu's black hair fluttered, his fighting spirit was soaring to the sky, his golden fighting spirit was like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, he did not retreat, the bone sword fought against the Nine Gods Sword, he held the Jianmu tree with his right hand, and fought against thousands of feathers, the blue sky was shining brightly, The golden light is blazing, and the endless divine light bursts out.

The Jianmu world tree covers the sky and blocks out the sun, holding up stars one by one, with infinite laws, thousands of dao marks, green and bright rays of light, one by one, one by one, filling the entire void, the swaying leaves, the majestic atmosphere.

Countless golden peng feathers were shattered, turned into little rays of light, and dissipated in the void.But the Peng Yu is endless, one wave after another, continuous, like golden waves, golden light is brilliant, and even the golden-winged roc bird raises a knife and falls, smashing the sky.

Xu Yu resisted with all his strength, and the two fought fiercely, the killing was devastating, and blood spattered from time to time.

The golden-winged roc raised its head to the sky and neighed, its brilliance was brilliant, and its killing intent was even more frightening. Its blood was invincible, almost pure-blooded, and its realm had reached Xiantai.

It is confident, except for those old guys, it is invincible in this area.

However, what it didn't expect was that the genius of the human race, whose realm was lower than it, could match it.

At this stage of the war, it was shocked and surprised, and at the same time, there was a trace of panic.Such an outstanding talent, if he grows up, will he still have his own way of life?

Xu Yu frowned slightly. This golden-winged roc was too powerful, even better than the Heavenly Blood Demon Butterfly, which made him a little overwhelmed.

"Stupid bird, what is your background? Why do you target me every time?" He asked with his sword eyebrows upside down.

But at the same time, the bone sword in his hand kept dancing the wind, colliding with the Nine Gods Sword.

The brilliance shoots in, the chaos splashes, and there are sparks, just like the gods strike iron.

The first time the two met was probably on the mountainside of Jubao Peak. At that time, the two had no relationship or enmity, but he had already shown hostility towards Xu Yu.The second time they met, it was within the Treasure Realm, and because of a disagreement, it chased and killed him for nearly ten thousand miles; the third party conflict, that is, this time, was obviously provoked by him on purpose.

"Golden Winged Roc is one of the dominant races in the Heavenly God Realm, and even our race can't match it!"

On another battlefield, the golden lion explained.

Xu Yu suddenly realized that it turned out to be the rulers of the God Realm, no wonder they targeted him.

The Heavenly God Realm is vast and boundless, with distinct areas. They belong to the weakest, but many strong people in it are not small.

For example, the divine scorpions Lian, Thunderbird, and even the golden-winged roc in front of him are all descendants of extremely ferocious beasts.They were stocked from another area and came here to hunt outsiders.

This is also the reason why the divine scorpions, powerful ants, and cunning roars all target Xu Yu.

Cover the sky with one hand and kill geniuses!

"So that's it, I should have killed you long ago!" Xu Yu said angrily. He held a bone sword, opened and closed, and his whole body was full of blood, like a peerless war god.

"Outsiders deserve to die!" The golden-winged roc stood in the air and said indifferently. It was huge, like a giant golden mountain, very oppressive.

The two fought fiercely. The halberds and the Nine Gods Swords staggered back and forth, colliding with each other, tearing ravines in the void, shining brightly and lawfully.

Xu Yu squeezed the fist seal with his hands, and he was extremely domineering. The golden light between his fists was in full bloom, the runes filled the sky, and there were strange space-time fluctuations overflowing, and he struck down with force.

Jinqu Dapeng chops down with its vertical palm, the golden flame is bright, and there are Tianpeng's sharp claws superimposed on it, as if it can win dragons and phoenixes.

When the two collided, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, golden light surged, plumes and feathers flew, clanging sounds continued, and the void shattered.

Although the place where the two fought was placed in the void, the tyrannical fluctuations overflowed and still destroyed the earth. The golden ripples spread, and the ground collapsed and exploded like raging waves, turning into ruins.

The other people on the battlefield were so frightened that their souls scattered and quickly fled to other directions, even the most powerful beasts, King Biluo and others did the same.

The battle between these two people has huge fluctuations and involves a lot, and they are afraid of being affected by Chi Yu.

Xu Yu's fighting spirit became stronger, his black hair fluttered, and his eyes were sharp. He shouted loudly, every pore of his body was spraying with golden glow, the brilliant fighting spirit was boiling, and the golden blood in his body was surging, like a real dragon revived.


There was a loud sound, and the bone sword was roaring like a ferocious beast waking up from a deep sleep. The chaotic light was blazing, nitrogen was transpiring, and the white chaotic waterfall rolled back into the sky, shining brightly like a volcanic eruption.

Although the bone sword was sealed, it was still immeasurably powerful, especially as Xu Yu's cultivation level improved, its seal was gradually weakened.

Now, driven by Xu Yu's full strength, it is simply as powerful as the sea, shaking the world.Even the golden-winged roc was frightened, spreading its wings and flying high to avoid its sharp edge.

The golden-winged roc made a long cry and its eyes were frightening. He held the Nine Gods Sword and attacked violently.He was fast, one sword after another, and each sword was more violent and sharper than the previous one.

Tens of thousands of swords are connected into one piece, the golden light is like a sea, and the sword intent is boiling, and this place has turned into a vast ocean of sword light.

Its speed was too fast, and the sword rose again before the sword fell, making people overwhelmed, and there was no time to catch up.

Outside the battlefield, Fairy Qingyu, senior brother and others were anxious, because the golden-winged roc was too strong.Let them fear and worry.

"However, if you only have this small skill, I advise you to catch it with nothing.

Xu Yuyi was not afraid, the halberd vibrated, seemingly slowly but not slowly, and stabbed forward with the blade, the trajectory was mysterious, and a dao light lit up on the tip of the knife, dazzling.

In an instant, it turned into a black hole, pitch black like ink, devouring the sky and the earth, all the sword light and sword light were absorbed, the bright sword light disappeared, everything dissipated, and the void was calm.

"The mysteries of time and space are indeed extraordinary, but your comprehension is too shallow." Gold-winged Dapeng commented.In fact, it's not wrong.Whether it is the profound meaning of time or the profound meaning of space, Xu Yu's comprehension is indeed very superficial, and it can only be said that it can only be said to be an entry.As for the Space-Time Profound Truth, there are only a few traces.

But this is also a very remarkable result.

Counting the entire history of practice, who can comprehend the mysteries of time or space on their own, which one has not reached the realm of cutting the way.Not to mention, Xu Yu also took the path of time and space integration.

"If you and I are in the same realm, I am naturally no match for you, but you are not good enough now, absolute power can suppress everything." Golden Winged Roc said coldly. "Today I will kill the genius and take your life."


When it raised its hand, its divine light was overwhelming, and it was overwhelming with divine power, shaking for hundreds of miles. It was full of golden brilliance and radiance. In its two golden claws, it held a winding and roaring green dragon. The green light shone like a dragon. Yin shook the sky.

Tianpeng fights the dragon!

There is such a legend in ancient mythology, the golden-winged roc is ferocious by nature, feeds on dragons, eats hundreds of young dragons every day, and is the nemesis of the dragon clan.

"Flood dragon fights!"

Someone with sharp eyes recognized that this Zhan Jian was the divine halberd that had been fleeting in the Treasure Gathering Realm back then.

It was transformed by psychic keel bones after the fall of the ancient dragon powerhouse. It looks like a real dragon, vivid, sacred and mighty.

It is eight feet long, its bones are as bright as jade, its brilliance is bright, its marks are branded, and there are strands of dragon power overflowing.

It stretches and wriggles, as if it is still alive.In the hands of the golden-winged roc, it took off in a meandering manner, and became the most powerful weapon in its hands.

'Tianpeng captures the dragon!This keel bone is in the hands of Jin Chao Dapeng, it really matches! "

While everyone sighed, they were also terrified.With this battle halberd in hand, how many people in the entire world of gods can fight against the golden-winged roc?
The majesty of the dragon, several feet long green dragon swooped down, swung its tail, and immediately caused the earth to collapse, the mountains and rocks were all destroyed, smoke, dust and gravel flew, and even half of the big mountain was hit high into the sky. To tear Xu Yu into pieces.

"Good baby, it's the most suitable for me!" Xu Yu laughed loudly, staring at the halberd with flooded eyes, the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he was, and he said loudly.

He was very satisfied with the keel war halberd in the hands of the golden-winged roc, and made up his mind to get it.He is crowned with a fairy golden tripod, with dazzling brilliance, and he dances the bone sword to kill high in the sky.

A sword cut through the vastness, broke through all obstacles, and killed the Qinglong and the golden-winged roc.

The battle between the two was fierce, and they both tried their best.The roc bird spreads its wings and flies high, its feathers shoot forward, and its nine divine swords swing horizontally and vertically. The lights of the swords intertwine to form a sea, cutting off the vast earth, the keel and the war halberd vibrate, and the dragon chant shakes the sky.

Xu Yu used a tripod and a sword, attacking with a halberd, defending with a divine map, and blessed with the profound meaning of time and space, the divine power is terrifying.

The two sides kept colliding back and forth, and the two halberds, which were similar in style but of different colors, bit and slaughtered each other like swimming dragons.

With a bang, brilliance burst into the sky, and the brilliant light hung on and off, flooding the sky and the earth, so that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

In the surging divine energy of destruction, Xu Yu's golden cauldron was placed on his head to defend instead of attack, and countless laws lingered, shooting beams, filling the void, and confronting the nine dazzling divine swords.In the bright light, only the sound of clanging and explosions could be heard continuously, the void collapsed, and the chaos and mist shrouded it, making this place a dilapidated place.

It wasn't until a long time later that the light dissipated that everyone could see the situation clearly.

I saw Xu Yu's blood-stained skirt, and several holes appeared on his chest, shoulders, and legs.

But his aura is not sluggish. On the contrary, his fighting spirit is high, and his energy is like a volcano erupting.

On the other hand, the golden-winged roc was much better. Although its gorgeous feathers were messy, there was only a serious injury on the top of the sky, and blood mixed with brain dripping.

But its momentum became more and more sluggish. In this regard, it was obviously not as good as Xu Yu.

"Ahem..." Xu Yu coughed up blood, and he was severely injured. He never expected that his proud physical body would be breached, and he was almost torn apart by the nine divine swords.

The golden-winged roc was horrified. It had just taken a surprise attack and used its trump card to combine the nine divine swords into one colorful and peerless fairy sword.

It intentionally and unintentionally tore a corner of the Immortal Golden Cauldron in an instant, and the immortal sword sliced ​​into Xu Yu's flesh and blood.He wanted to complete his feats in one battle, but he didn't expect Xu Yu's physical strength to be more terrifying than he imagined, comparable to the peerless heavenly sword made of fairy material, which could not be completely broken, and only achieved partial results.It felt regretful, more of a trace of fear.

In the final analysis, it's not that the quality of the Xianjinding Ding is not good, but that Xu Yu's realm is low, and the current Xianjindingding is only a holy master weapon. It's not bad to be able to compete with the king's weapons, not to mention, I want to rely on him to block it. The attack of the holy soldier is still a weapon of the great saint rank.

"Good! Good! Very good!" Xu Yu's face was covered with frost, and he sank. "Golden Bird, you really pissed me off." How could he not be angry at being designed like this?
He didn't expect that the nine divine swords could be fused together, and after the fusion of the nine divine jades, the power would be beyond his imagination.Unprepared, a corner of Shentu was torn, and he was also severely injured.

"If you make me angry, the consequences will be very serious!" Xu Yu said with a cold light in his eyes. "Golden bird, I've decided! If I don't tame you into a mount, I'll grill you and eat you."

"Grilled golden bird, it must taste very good." He grinned with a murderous look and was unusually cold.

'Human flesh and blood are the most delicious. I have eaten a lot, and you are not bad. "Gold-winged roc stands in the air, its eyes are cold, like a knife, its body flows golden light, gorgeous and colorful, as if it was made of gold during the robbery, and it has a magical quality.

Its heart is not as peaceful as it appears on the surface. The nine-mouthed divine sword contains an array diagram, which can be divided or combined, and can be divided into peerless killing arrays. It has a large-scale lethality, surpassing all weapons, and can be combined into a peerless heavenly sword. It is sharp. Unparalleled, the attack power of a single target is unrivaled.

This has always been one of its secret trump cards, and it has never failed to fight against all enemies.But I didn't expect that it would be ineffective when used on Xu Yu.

The injury on its forehead doesn't look serious, but in fact it has already hurt the primordial spirit.That is to say, it can only be suppressed with a high level of cultivation. If it were another person, it might have exploded already.

"Junior brother, make a quick decision." The senior brother frowned.

He has full confidence in Xu Yu, and he doesn't think he will lose. Instead, he is worried now, will the great opportunity behind him be taken away by others?

In fact, before they arrived, there were already a group of people who climbed up the Wangshi steps first, and they were all people with advanced cultivation, such as the god sons of the Feng clan, the Buddha sons of the Great Leiyin Temple, and even the ancient clan of the ancient magic mountain. With the native murderer of the God Realm.He was worried that if he didn't hurry up, they would all be taken away.

"That's right, ferocious boy, hurry up and use your true skills to deal with that mutated rooster." The golden lion yelled as he fought with a smile on his face.

The ferocious beast it was fighting against was not strong, and it seemed very relaxed and comfortable, especially with spare strength.While stepping up the offensive in its hands, it still did not forget to sneak up on opponents in several other battlefields, and even turned around from time to time to tease Xu Yu.This makes it fight
The two-headed snake hates the root of the tooth itching, and there is no way to get it.

It has to be said that although this golden lion is of low animal quality, it has no integrity and no backbone.But its combat power is really not covered.

It didn't use any secret treasures, and it fought with the two-headed snake all in one body. It used all kinds of magical techniques and secret techniques to crush the two-headed snake, which had a great and fierce reputation, until it couldn't breathe.

As expected of the royal family of the ancient clan, there are indeed two brushes, no wonder they dare to compete for the position of the leader of the younger generation.

"Okay, this mutated rooster will definitely be dealt with within a hundred moves." Xu Yu raised his head and said proudly.His face is full of pride. Although his body is not tall, he has a heroic air.

"Kid, take it easy, don't lose your life for the sake of face." The golden lion was startled, and quickly persuaded.

It has a clear understanding and has experienced Xu Yu's combat power. It is a proper young emperor, and it is even better.For any enemy, fighting across levels is just a common thing for him, as simple as eating and drinking.

But this time is different, his opponent is the golden-winged roc, a divine bird whose bloodline is almost completely returned to the ancestors.In terms of combat strength alone, this man is probably close to the Young Emperor.

If it was said that Xu Yu could defeat the golden-winged roc, he would believe it.But if it can be solved within a hundred tricks, it would be a bit of a dream.

The realm of the golden-winged roc is much higher than that of Xu Yu, and its own aptitude and combat power are also extremely high. If Xu Yu wants to defeat it, let alone a hundred tricks, can he protect himself from his dying attack? Backlash is still in between.

"I like nonsense so much, let's leave it to the underworld!" The golden-winged roc snorted coldly, spread its wings and struck the sky, and came to kill again with the Nine Gods Sword and Dragon Bone War Halberd.

The Nine Divine Swords spread out and arranged into a peerless formation. The sword light soared into the sky, forming a continuous piece, falling like a violent storm.

It is holding a bone dragon battle halberd to kill with all its strength. This thing is conceived from the dragon veins of the treasure-gathering world.

 I said to publish two chapters before, but I still think it will be changed to a large chapter later!In this way, brothers and sisters look more comfortable

(End of this chapter)

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