Chapter 113
At this moment, Xu Yu discovered that his fighting power was basically comparable to that of the Golden Winged Roc. Continuing to fight like this would not only consume his divine power, but would also very likely lead to his being the first to win the treasure. .

He and the Golden Winged Roc are similar in realm, the difference is that the Golden Winged Roc's realm is two small steps higher than him, and he is a proper master of the Holy Master level, and the blue bone sword in Xu Yu's hand is the same as that of the Golden Winged Roc. The grades of the Nine Gods Sword and other weapons in Peng's hands were not much different.

But now, with the appearance of the dragon halberd, the original balance has been broken. Now Xu Yu has no other weapons except Yuan Shiyin, which can match and suppress the dragon halberd, so Xu Yu can only withdraw his bones. Sword, began to input divine power to Yuanshiyin.

Yuan Shiyin had always been by his side before, but at that time it only played a protective role and did not use it formally at all. Now Xu Yu decided to use Yuan Shiyin to suppress all dissatisfaction.

With the input of Xu Yu's divine power, the quaint Yuan Shi Yin reacted, and a vast aura rose from Yuan Shi Yin, far and wide, giving people an invisible sense of absolute oppression, especially in front of Xu Yu. The golden-winged roc's feeling is more obvious.

"This stone seal..." The golden-winged roc narrowed its pupils and felt terrified in its heart. It found that as the Nine Gods Sword and Dragon Bone War Halberd became stronger, the ancient seal in Xu Yu's hand became more terrifying, like a sleeping god revived.

If it continues like this, the sword array laid down by the Nine Gods Sword will be washed away sooner or later, and a haze is shrouded in its heart.

Xu Yu's horror was beyond his imagination. Although his realm was much lower than his, but his fighting power was superb, hardly inferior to him.

It originally thought that it could suppress him with the power of the magic weapon, but found that it was even more wrong, the opponent's magic weapon was more terrifying than it.

I'm afraid... this is the real extreme emperor soldier!

A trace of speculation appeared in the heart of the golden-winged roc, and his soul trembled.Although he didn't feel the extreme divine power, the essence of transcending reincarnation still made him ponder a little bit in a trance.

This device is sealed, so I can't help it!
He secretly cheered himself up.

"In the sky and on the earth, I am the only one!" The golden-winged roc roared loudly, its eyes were shining brightly, its body was burning with golden flames, and its blood was soaring into the sky, like a copper furnace of heaven and earth trying to refine all things.


It made a strong move, the halberd flew across the sky, and the crystal-clear dragon halberd glowed, turning into a green dragon roaring, lying in mid-air, and swooping down to kill it at the same time.It blesses a unique magical technique - Tianpeng Tuxian Style.

This is the secret technique of the pure-blooded Roc clan, and also the ancestral technique of their lineage. It is known as the unique skill that has slaughtered immortals in ancient times.

Xu Yu's body and mind are ethereal, converging with the sky, merging with the Dao, and pulsating with the universe. The violent power gradually calms down, like a gurgling spring, but the power is even more terrifying.

He is glowing all over, with dao marks hazy, this is the power of dao, he is using the power of heaven and earth to suppress his opponents.

It's a very mysterious state, and no one will believe it when I say it.He originally planned to break it with his strength, but when the matter came to an end, he had a clear mind, and an inexplicable feeling came to his heart.

He paced in the void, approaching step by step, waving one arm, the dao light was hazy, crushed by infinite mighty force.

Explosive sounds came out one after another in the void, Xu Yu showed his majesty, shook the divine halberd with his bare hands, and crowned the world bravely.

His figure looks petite and cute, but he exudes a kind of overlord's majesty that overwhelms the world. His five fingers hit the keel war halberd, clanging and clanging, emitting a landslide and tsunami-like divine power.

The sound of the sky trembled, resounding through the sky, and the divine energy impacted, and there was a vast expanse, and finally this place fell into a deadly silence.

After a long time, the wave of destruction subsided, leaving a ruin in the void.

Xu Yu's figure is calm, his temperament is ethereal and ethereal, and his five tender fingers are resting on the keel halberd. There are thousands of dao patterns and endless laws, but it is always difficult to take a step forward.

The golden-winged roc had a ferocious expression, veins twitched violently on its forehead, its arms vibrated, and its divine power was surging, wanting to forcefully suppress and kill Xu Yu.

The void is distorted, and the law is oscillating, but there is no trace of power leaking out.When the vast amount of divine energy met Xu Yu's fingers, they were all swallowed up like a sponge absorbing water.

Xu Yu's young body is like a bottomless pit, no matter how many laws and divine powers, it is difficult to fill it.



He shook his fingers, and there was a crystal dao light flickering, a powerful force struck, like the Milky Way flowing backwards, it rushed into the golden-winged roc along the keel of the war halberd.

"This is... impossible... Roar!"

The golden-winged roc turned pale with shock, his expression was shocked, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.He roared to the sky, his divine power surged wildly, his golden body was ignited with raging holy flames, and he was doing his best to fight.


The vast divine energy crushed the Garuda's resistance, and his body flew upside down like a cannonball, crashing into the ground, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust.

"It's impossible! How could you know my clan's Tianpeng Tuxian style?" Golden-winged Pengniao flew back, his body was tattered, his hair was blood-stained, all stuck together, looking extremely embarrassed.

But his face is still full of shock, unbelievable.

It was not Xu Yu's dao power that knocked him into the air just now, but the supreme secret technique that their Tianpeng clan relied on to rule the world-the Tianpeng Tuxian Style.This is what made him so upset.

"Tianpeng slaughtering immortal style? It's a very good technique!" Xu Yu said with a sunny smile. "If you don't hesitate to enlighten me, I will be very happy in my heart!"

"You don't know? Then just now... the mysteries of time and space?" Gold-winged Pengniao suddenly realized.

Xu Yu didn't know the Tianpeng Slaughtering Immortal Form. He relied on the avenue of time and space to transform the golden-winged roc's Tianpeng Slaughtering Immortal Form into time and space, and then returned the original number.This is somewhat similar to Murong Fu's "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" in the world of martial arts, using the way of the other to return to the other, but it is far more than that.

"So that's it! The Profound Truth of Time and Space is indeed the legendary taboo road, but it's only this one time." Golden Winged Pengniao nodded in approval, instantly regained her confidence, and was still full of fighting spirit.


The great battle broke out. This was a fierce life-and-death fight. Xu Yu didn't dare to be careless, and used all his strength to kill the sun and the moon dimmed, and the void collapsed.

At the moment of the round, Xu Yu's eyes suddenly burst into light, like two little suns, with great momentum.

"The game ends here! Send you to die."

Xu Yu yelled loudly, his whole body shone with golden light, split into four, a stream of chaotic energy rushed out from his head, splitting yin and yang, performing three transformations, and transforming into three other Taoist bodies.

Each of them is himself, bloody, fighting spirit, divine power, several people's eyes are as sharp as swords, opening and closing, tearing the void, they are full of momentum, surrounded by golden light, one of them holds the sword, One person holds the tripod, the other sacrifices the seal, and the deity evolves into the avenue of time and space.

The four joined forces to attack, the golden blood energy covered the sky and the sun, and the fighting spirit soared to the sky, which shocked the golden-winged roc.



The four statues of Xu Yu attacked at the same time, causing Void's forehead to tremble, the sky to shatter and the earth to shatter, and the golden divine light covered the sky and the sun, shining brightly.All four of them had wild eyes and killing intent.

The first Xu Yu has black hair and shawls, sharp eyes, and a thunderbird bone sword in his hand. The sword slays and destroys sword energy, thousands of times, intertwined into pieces, with light and rain, with sharpness, let Immortals and gods all over the sky wept and trembled.

Another black-haired Xu Yu dances wildly, with unrivaled arrogance, urging the seal of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and endless fairy light blooms, opening and closing, splitting mountains and rivers, just like Pangu opened up the world, with the Jianmu World Tree behind him, a first-class vision that escaped Surrounded, bombarded indiscriminately.

The third Xu Yu is arrogant, his eyes are shining brightly, and he looks at the world. He clenches his fists and strikes down with force. The world, the chaotic world lingers, directly kills Garuda.

The fourth Xu Yu, that is, his true self, has a fighting spirit that splits the sky. When he swipes his hands, the golden light is shining, the dao marks are intertwined into pieces, and the aura of the avenue is permeating. With a golden sea surging up and down.


The four Xu Yu violently attacked, breaking through the Nine Divine Sword Formation almost instantly, and the nine divine swords were blasted away at the same time, circling around, and the divine swords shot in all directions.

The nine divine swords forged by the Nine Heavens Divine Jade are all holy grades, and the sword array under them is unparalleled in the world.Although he hasn't grown to the extreme yet, he can be called invincible in the same realm, but he didn't expect to be defeated by the four of them teaming up with one move.

"This is a bit like the digital secret, one of the legendary nine secrets!"

Everyone was shocked, especially the many brothers in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, who were even more envious and jealous.The disciples who are also the disciples of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, the gap between them is too great.

"Where did he obtain this supreme secret technique?"

Someone spoke after a brief shock.

"No, this is not the number secret, it doesn't have the unique dao rhyme of the nine secrets!"

In the distance, the Elder Yaochi who finally arrived said something was wrong.

The nine secrets are all related to each other, the most obvious one is the unique and natural Dao rhyme, which is not found in other divine arts.

Of course, this is not a number secret, but the Five Elements Body in the Dao Huang Ting Jing in the inheritance of Lin Demon God obtained by Xu Yu.

The Dao Huang Ting Jing was born out of the supreme inheritance in the square inch mountain of Tianjiao Wars World-he is free.

This inheritance has been practiced to the extreme, and it can transform all phenomena in the world, the sky, the earth, all things in the universe, and all living beings in the sky... It can be called a clever creation.

But now, this supreme divine art belonging to another world has finally appeared in the world of Shrouding the Sky. As soon as it appeared, it revealed the supreme power not weaker than the Nine Secrets.

Seeing that Xu Yu transformed into three clones, he immediately suppressed the golden-winged roc who was still invincible just now, and the situation was at a loss.

As for why the complete five-element avatar was not removed, it was because it was not necessary. Now that the three avatars were shot together with Xu Yu's body, it would have already made the Golden-winged Dapeng want to die. If the complete five-element avatar was transformed , the Golden Winged Roc has not been cooked in place to burn oil.

Not far away, a group of disciples from the Holy Land of Zifu looked at Xu Yu from afar, with complex expressions in their eyes. Although they knew that Xu Yu was extraordinary, they never expected that he would have such luck and obtain such a terrifying The magical technique is comparable to the last chapter in the Imperial Classic.

Eldest brother, Xiao Yun and the others felt a lot of emotion in their hearts, but they were also tacitly convinced by it.Xu Yu's aptitude was obvious to all, and he was indeed worthy of such an adventure.

On the battlefield, the four Xu Yu came at the same time, and the gold-winged roc was terrified, and his scalp felt numb.

A single Xu Yu is already able to overwhelm the Young Emperor.Now that the four of them go up together, even if the immortal is here, I'm afraid they will have to kneel!

Although it is a native of the Heavenly God Realm, it also has a deep understanding of the Nine Secrets. They are all earth-shattering fairy arts, and any kind of it is the limit of a field.Even if it is the ancient emperor of the same level, there is no emperor technique that can surpass it.

According to the rumors, the number secret is the most mysterious and unpredictable, and it has reached the peak in the field of incarnation, but the supreme magic that Xu Yu is displaying now is no less than the legendary number secret.

Not only can it transform into three Taoist bodies, but each of them is a true self, possessing exactly the same combat power and divine power as the deity.

In terms of combat power alone, this is no longer as simple as one plus one equals two, but a geometric multiple.

The golden-winged roc resisted desperately. He held the Nine Gods Sword in his left hand and the keel war halberd in his right hand.

He bravely conquers the world and wants to fight out of the battlefield. The golden-winged roc has experienced many battles. Even in the face of such a desperate situation, he is still frightened and not chaotic, panic and not afraid.

The way of heaven emphasizes balance, and the more powerful the secret technique, the more restrictions it has.It believed that such a heaven-defying holy art such as digital secrets cannot last forever, and must have a time limit.As long as he survives this period of time, he can fight back.

But, he might be disappointed.Because although the number secret has a time limit, it is definitely longer than he imagined, enough for Xu Yu to solve him.



The four Xu Yu roared at the same time, their blood pressure was empty, like a wild dragon was born.Their figures are all glowing, their aura is rising steadily, they have broken some kind of boundaries, and entered a magical realm - the realm of forbidden gods.

At such a critical moment, Xu Yu triggered the divine ban again. It seems that Garuda's luck is really bad.In other words, God is not on its side, and it is doomed to end miserably.

In the middle of the battlefield, Xu Yu himself was the first to strike, his blood and energy were extremely tyrannical, burning like an eternal furnace, burning the sky and destroying the earth.He took a step forward, like going back in time, blocking the golden-winged roc's retreat.

With a punch, time changes, the void freezes, and there are thousands of blue waves rippling and sparkling.

The sun and the moon rise, and the big stars surround it, as if to rebuild a universe, the power is terrifying.

The golden-winged roc was panicked, and held up the Nine Gods Sword to resist. The light of the sword was dazzling, colorful and magnificent, and extremely fierce.What's more, the Nine Heavens is looming, the aura is majestic and strong, and the vision is shocking to the world. It is the divine power displayed by the Nine Heavens Jade running to the extreme.

Nine kinds of divine jade are fused into one, and the divine sword that is cast is truly amazing, with its own amazing abilities.Don't lose to the Nine Great Immortal Gold.

Unfortunately, it was facing Xu Yu, and it was Xu Yu who had already triggered the divine ban.

The two fought against each other, and the golden waves submerged everything.There are also lightning flashes and thunder, stars are moving, and the breath of primordial beginning is pervasive, as if the universe had just opened.There was a dull clang sound, and the nine-colored sword light was scattered.The sky and the earth rotate endlessly, and the nine heavens fade away.

A golden fist filled the sky and filled everyone's sights. Everyone felt an invincible fist, smashing everything, creating everything, piercing through time and space, with the vicissitudes of life.

Boom to kill the past.

In front of this punch, time has lost its due effect. It seems to be wandering in the past years, and it seems to be flying in the future time and space. It can suppress the invincible world in this world.

 Chapter 1 here

(End of this chapter)

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