Chapter 114
114 chapter

With one punch, sweep through the ages!

"Boom..." The Nine Gods Sword was bounced high, almost out of the control of the golden-winged roc, his tiger's mouth was split open, and blood was dripping.Immediately afterwards, half of his body exploded, bleeding from the seven orifices, and his body was thrown upside down like a rag bag.

It is such a heroic posture to slash the opponent with one punch.Even the battles in several other battlefields stopped. They looked up at Xu Yu, their eyes were brilliant, and they felt admiration in their hearts.

Forbidden God, Invincible Forbidden God!It turned out that the gold-winged roc, whose combat power was almost as different as Xu Yu's, was vulnerable to the gods.

Under the blessing of Shenban and Junzimi, the golden-winged roc, who was originally comparable to Xu Yu, fell on the verge of falling in an instant.

"Boom!" Xu Yu's whole body was glowing, as if he was about to ascend into the air.He felt that he possessed infinite power, and he seemed to be able to lift his hand to pick up stars and shatter galaxies.

"Roar..." The golden-winged roc was glowing all over, supporting its broken body.For the first time, panic rose in its heart, and it wanted to run away.

But before it could make a move, Xu Yu's three Taoist bodies surrounded and killed it at the same time, scaring it to death.

"Clang!" A clear sword sound resounded, the sword light was shining, soaring three thousand feet into the sky, carrying light and rain, falling like a vast waterfall, and the aura of destruction was as rough as the sea.

The Immortal Tribulation Sword Art is unparalleled in the world, the first person holds the immortal sword and strikes down with all his strength.The golden-winged roc was frightened, and with the rest of his courage, he blocked it with a keel halberd, and Tianpeng made a timely move in the style of slaughtering immortals.

"Boom!" The golden-winged roc was sent flying again, its body was riddled with holes, almost smashed into chaff by the sword energy, blood flowed profusely, and its tall body fell into the void, dazzlingly beautiful.

The second body followed closely without giving it a chance to breathe. The bone sword danced, the black hair stood upside down, and two bright beams of light shot into its eyes, which lasted for more than ten miles.

He is like a reborn overlord of the world, with a demonic nature exuding from his body, his majestic appearance dominates the world, and he looks down on the three worlds.

Yuan Shi Yin came out suddenly, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the light was brilliant, wisps of laws lingered, chaos fell like a waterfall, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness.The heavy seal of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty seems to be able to open up the world, and the earth's water, wind and fire are gushing.

The golden-winged roc was not reconciled, and let out a long and shrill cry, and it showed its real body.The golden wings are more than ten feet long, and the golden light is blazing and dazzling, very majestic.It's just that it looks a bit miserable at the moment, its golden wings are stained red with blood, and its spirit is listless.

It let out a mournful cry, burning its own blood, trying to fight with all its strength.A strange picture emerged behind it. In the vast and endless black ocean, a kun fish with a length of hundreds of millions of miles soared into the sky, jumped out of the sea, and instantly transformed into a golden roc bird, soaring ninety thousand miles, fighting the vast sea of ​​stars.

This is Kunpeng?The most powerful fairy birds in the legendary fairyland are comparable to real dragons and fairy phoenixes.

Unexpectedly, this golden-winged roc is really decisive. At such a life-threatening moment, it burns blood and reproduces the glory of its ancestors.This alone made Xu Yu look at him with admiration.

If it can survive today, maybe it will be a great achievement.But unfortunately, Xu Yu would not give it this chance.

The blue bone sword chopped down and sent him flying again. Together with the Kunpeng Daotu behind it, it was also dimmed for a while.

There was a sound of Chi, blood splashed, and one of its wings was chopped off.The golden-winged roc once again uttered a mournful cry, and under the influence of the law of its body, it exploded again, and the blood blossomed, which was unparalleled.

The third body came, holding the seal of Yuanshi in his hand, evolving into a vast star field, and the stars were gorgeous and bright, crystal clear like gems, blooming dazzling brilliance, looking dreamy and magnificent.The starlight is continuous into pieces, fused into a strange nebula, constellations, galaxies, and star fields intertwined with each other, deriving a strange field, suppressing its two weapons.

To capture a thief first capture the king, to shoot a man first shoot a horse.Xu Yu's goal this time is the Nine Gods Sword and Dragon Bone War Halberd. As long as these two weapons are taken away, the golden-winged roc will be completely cornered.

"No..." The golden-winged roc let out a mournful roar, filled with despair, grief and unwillingness.Bloody light bloomed, it reorganized its physical body, desperately mobilized its primordial spirit, trying to summon those two weapons back.The Nine Gods Sword and Dragon Bone War Halberd are not far away from him, only more than ten feet away, but they have been evolved into a vast star field, so close to the end of the world.

This is the magical effect of Yuanshiyin!
It originally contains the laws of space and time, and can show the power of time and space.

Now urged by Xu Yu, a ray of projection was summoned, and the initial display of divine power had already shocked the world.

The two weapons kept trembling, wanting to get rid of Yuanshiyin, but their struggle, in front of Yuanshiyin, was tantamount to a mayfly shaking a tree, and it was impossible to do anything to it.

The golden-winged roc was frightened and completely lost its temper. Now it just wants to turn around and run, the farther it runs, the better.Even if there will be a shadow in my heart after this battle, it is better than dying now.

It doesn't want the two weapons anymore, it spreads its wings and shakes, and it will soar nine days and escape into the sky.It is very confident in its speed. It is recorded in the myth that the golden-winged roc can cut through the void and soar between the stars and the universe. It is one of the fastest fairy birds.As long as it can break into the sky, this human genius will never be able to catch up with it.

It just forgot one thing, Xu Yu is different from ordinary people, he has comprehended the mysteries of time and space, plus he has mastered the secrets of calligraphy, in terms of speed, he is second, no one dares to be the first.

What's more, doesn't it know?Xu Yu is now in the realm of forbidden gods, no matter the physical body, the primordial spirit, or the speed, are they all super gods?

It spread its wings and flew, and before it reached the sky, it saw a golden light flash in front of it, which was intercepted by Xu Yu.The four Xu Yu, each of them looked down on the world, they were the only ones, they were full of blood, and they were like gods of war. They were all in the forbidden realm.

"You..." The golden-winged roc was desperate, its eyes were terrified and gloomy.

Surrounded by four Xu Yu, it never had a chance.At the same time, they raised the magic weapons in their hands, surrounded by holy flames, and slammed down with overwhelming momentum.At this point in the battle of life and death, it is impossible for him to be merciful.

"No..." the golden-winged roc roared angrily, its eyes widened, and it wanted to burn jade and stone together.But what was waiting for him was Yuan Shi Yin, Immortal Gold Cauldron, Thunderbird Bone Sword and other treasures, as well as the final time and space lore.

But he has no chance!

There was only a bang, and several magic weapons fell down at the same time.clang clang!The bone sword chopped off its head, the Yuan Shi Yin shattered its primordial spirit, and the fairy golden cauldron took away its broken body.

Yuan Shi Yin looks like an ordinary stone seal, the whole body is crystal clear, as if it was cast by the essence of the sun and the moon, but it is very soft.

It is square in shape, about one meter long, and at a glance, it is vast and deep, as if the entire universe is melted into it, dotted with thousands of stars, shining brightly, and moving along a mysterious trajectory, making people only look at it , I was deeply fascinated.

This is the Yuanshi Seal, which was made by the Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the nine heavenly gods in the age of mythology, who smelted many treasures of heaven and earth and sacrificed them.Its power is vast, it can cut through three thousand realms, and slaughter gods and demons in the sky.

It has to be said that Yuanshi Tianzun is also a fairy-like existence among countless Taoists in ancient and modern times, although it is not known whether he has entered the fairyland today.

But his cultivation base is truly astonishing, and his courage is rare in ancient and modern times. He even produced this peerless artifact that is very close to an immortal artifact, which makes people feel awe.

Now, in this stone seal, the golden-winged roc is full of brilliance, as if it was poured from gold, and there is a wave of divinity.It has already shed blood here, its head is broken, its primordial spirit is dead, and its corpse lies here.

There were two weapons standing beside it, the Nine Gods Sword and the Dragon Bone War Halberd, which let out bursts of mournful cries. After the death of the Golden-winged Roc, they were completely quiet.

These two weapons are rich in spirituality, and they already have simple wisdom, understand their situation, and no longer resist.

Outside, the battlefield was silent.The supreme god bird comparable to the emperor's son and emperor's daughter was defeated like this, and was easily beheaded by a human youth.

Take your life within a hundred moves!

Not long ago, Xu Yu's rhetoric still lingered in his ears.But no one thinks he will succeed, and even most people think that whether he can win is still unknown.But I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, within fifty strokes, the golden-winged roc had already given the head.

Everyone feels unreal, is Garuda too weak?Everyone shook their heads, the golden-winged roc is definitely not weak, except for Xu Yu, it is stronger than everyone present, it is the absolute talent of a young emperor.

Its blood is back to its ancestors, it is almost pure-blooded Tianpeng, it does not lose to the ancient holy body, and its realm is higher, no matter how it is calculated, it should not lose.

But the result was that it not only lost, but also risked its own life.

More than a dozen fierce beasts' scalps were numb, and their hearts were terrified. They turned and fled, and rushed towards the three thousand jade steps behind them, trying to escape by this. The separation of birds and beasts.

All this happened while the rabbit was up and down. When Xu Yu reacted, many fierce beasts had already charged up the jade steps. With a sneer on his face, he flickered and chased after him.

This group of ferocious beasts is really stupid. Although the three thousand steps lead to the Emperor's House, there are also countless restrictions placed here.Drilling here, isn't it waiting to be killed by him?
Xu Yu stood tall in the void, with black hair fluttering, with a great power, looking down on the heroes of the world.The three figures beside him have dissipated, and their aura has returned to normal.

The restrictions of God's prohibition and the five elements and Dao body arrived almost at the same time.Although his combat power has weakened and he no longer possesses that kind of invincible power, no one dares to underestimate him. This is the power he has brought out.

He is as indifferent as ice, destroying the bone sword, the vast sword glow pierces the sky and the earth, sweeping away like a destructive force, the sword intent is surging, flooding the void, piercing the sky, and shattering all tangible things.

The sword intent surged like a vast ocean, spreading across the entire jade steps.The crystal-clear, nine-colored steps kept shaking, as if they would collapse at any moment. Countless immortal aura surged indistinctly, split by the sword aura, gathering and dispersing as they gathered, steaming, magnificent and dreamy.

I don't know how this jade step was forged, it is solid and immortal, the sword energy slams down, clangs, and there are divine brilliance flickering, dissolving the destructive power of the sword light, so that it cannot damage this place in the slightest.

With the sound of "bang bang", the last two beasts were beheaded. Although the rest of the beasts avoided the sword light, they were injured by the sword intent.

"Want to escape? No way! Brothers and sisters, follow me to kill!" Xu Yu shouted loudly, it is better to chase the poor with the remaining courage, and not to be known as the overlord.

These ferocious beasts are very vengeful, if they are allowed to escape today, there will be endless troubles in the future.

Especially now that they are in the Heavenly God Realm, on each other's territory, they have to be bothered.

Fairy Qingyu and the others knew the power of it, shouted softly, dragged their wounded bodies, and rushed forward.Her blue hair is flying, her face is peerless, her fairy body is graceful and graceful, she is wearing armor, she is heroic, and she holds a picture of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, which sets off her beauty like a fairy, the mountains and rivers are picturesque, and the beauty is like a flower.

Eldest brother, Xiao Yun, Liu Feng and others also understood, and they all followed.Their injuries have almost healed. The goal this time is not only to kill those beasts, but also to win the immortal fate above.

As soon as they climbed the jade steps, their colors changed, their divine power was severely suppressed, and a wave of supreme heavenly power fell from above, making people want to kneel on the ground.

Extreme Emperor Wei?
Xu Yu had a guess in his heart.

Ever since he obtained the seal of Yuanshi, he has lived under the protection of the emperor soldiers for many years, so he has naturally felt this breath.

This is a breath that transcends reincarnation and stands above the nine heavens, like the immortal king of the fairy world, which makes people worship.

"The burial place of the ancient emperor?" The answer came to their minds.

In fact, not only were they affected, but even those fierce beasts that charged upwards were also suppressed.Their bodies were stiff and their speed was slow, as if they were walking in a swamp.

Xu Yu took a step forward, and quickly caught up with the last beast. The bone sword was powerful, and Li Wushuang split it in half. Blood splashed everywhere, staining the jade steps red. direction.

These [-] steps wind and go straight up, like a ladder to the sky, rushing into the sky, making it impossible to see the end at a glance.

Every step is full of flowing clouds and auspicious clouds, with nine colors and gorgeous, like cast from fairy jade, it looks small, but the inner space is extremely vast, with various fairy beasts formed by auspicious clouds and colorful clouds hovering, endless brilliance lingers, and the fairy air is misty .

Inside the first step, there are mixed roars and roars of beasts, resounding in this peaceful and sacred space, fierce fighting, divine magic shocking the world, and holy light flying vertically and horizontally.

This battle is destined to be very fierce. One side wants to escape, while the other side pursues and intercepts them.

Xu Yu killed more than [-] beasts in one go, eight of them were killed, and the golden lion and others also killed several of them together, but seven or eight of them still fled to the distance.

Especially Zijin Leopard and Heihu, the strongest among them, have rushed up to the second and even the third jade steps.Judging by their posture, they should want to ask for help from the strong above.

"Oops! Don't let them escape!" the senior brother exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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