Chapter 115 Three Thousand Jade Steps
115 chapter

The group of strong men above is very terrifying, they are the first masters to climb the jade steps, among them there are many fierce beasts such as golden-winged rocs, such as force ants, god roars, cunning, food god flowers, golden ancient trees, and even Some ancient royal families are not easy to mess with.

If they get in touch, it will definitely be a big trouble.

After all, it is impossible for them to offend the powerhouses of the entire Celestial God Realm, that is no different from courting death.

At the critical moment, Zixia abandons her opponent, soars into the sky in a graceful posture, to stop the black tiger and Zijin leopard.

She was not seriously injured, but now she has recovered and recovered, with a graceful figure, she entered the upper steps, and faced two extremely powerful beasts.

On the other side, Fairy Qingyu dug lightly with her bare hands, shining with black and white divine light, like two giant dragons intertwined and intertwined. A world was smelted, covering the sky, with the roar of beasts and the howling of tigers, making it even more magnificent and magnificent.

It is undeniable that these two ferocious beasts are very powerful, only inferior to the golden-winged roc.Even if Xu Yu were to face each other, it would be impossible to deal with them in a short time in a fair fight.

But now their hearts are gone, and they are taken away by Xu Yu's invincible posture.He didn't dare to turn around and face the fight.

King Biluo and others are also full of energy and fighting spirit. Although they have been severely injured, they are almost better now.Coupled with the fact that they all hold heavy treasures in their hands, they are completely capable of gaining the upper hand against these fierce beasts that have no fighting spirit.

Xu Yu was also on a killing spree. He took back the seal of Yuanshi, with a fairy golden tripod on his head, a sword in his left hand, and a fist seal in his right hand.

The blue bone sword is still under seal, and the god's mansion has been sealed since it was suppressed by Yuan Shiyin, but it is much better than before. Its divine power is looming, like a beast that collapsed the sky slowly awakening.

He paced forward, as if he was in a slow state, feeling like time was passing and the void was changing. He instantly intercepted a fierce beast, and the sword and halberd fell down at the same time, collapsing the sky.

This ferocious beast howled furiously, jumping over the wall in a panic, and started desperately. It knew that Xu Yu had comprehended the mysteries of time and space, and his speed was the best in the world, so it couldn't run away.

If this is the case, then you can only fight to the death.Even if it is dead, it will bite off a piece of the opponent's flesh.

It sent a treasure to kill, with a ferocious expression.It seems that it has also been to Jubao Peak and got a fetish, and its talent and luck are very extraordinary.Unfortunately, it met Xu Yu, and it has no future.

Xu Yu's Heavenly Sword was sharp and peerless, and he slashed at it. With a bang, the heaven and earth collapsed, and chaos emerged, and it was completely submerged in it.

The ensuing battle was completely one-sided. With Xu Yu's joining, those beasts were so frightened that they had no fighting spirit and could only prostrate and howl.

One after another, the beasts fell, and after a while, the battle on the first step ended.

They climbed up the second jade steps in an instant, joined Zixia, and strangled the black tiger and the purple gold leopard together.This was a battle without any suspense. After half a stick of incense time, everything calmed down.

The jade platform soaring into the clouds goes up step by step, and there is no end in sight.The dragon is leaping, the immortal energy is transpiring, it seems real and unreal, it looks very magnificent, it makes people feel like they have come to the fairyland.

But at this moment, this land is miserable, with blood flowing like rivers and corpses like mountains, as if they have come to the Shura field.A black tiger with a broken head, a phoenix with broken wings, a purple-gold leopard with a broken body, and broken limbs are scattered all over the field, bloody and glaring, forming a sharp contrast with the sacred scene.

Xu Yu and the others beheaded dozens of ferocious beasts, and blood stained this area. Although there were some rashes, it was not an exception.

In fact, before them, this place was already fragmented and covered with many corpses.Most of them are old, only a few brand new!

It seems that they were not the first to discover this tomb, and someone should have broken into it a long time ago.

The green dragon and the divine phoenix danced, screamed and hissed, there were thousands of auspicious colors, and thousands of rays of light, all of which were transformed from immortal energy, but they were lifelike, as if they were transformed from real flesh and blood.

The clouds above are misty, covered by the rays of the sun, even if their cultivation base is stronger than theirs, and they can use their eyesight, they can't see anything.

Too high!
These three thousand steps are too high, stretching endlessly, rushing into Han Xiao, piercing the sky, as if connected to the fairyland.Even for them, they can look at the seventh floor at most, no matter how high it is, there will be a dazzling light, and they can't see anything clearly.

There were also traces of a great battle above, but as they went higher, the number of corpses became less and less, and even on the seventh step, the corpses were no longer visible.

It was hazy there, and the fairy mist became more dense. At the same time, the visions in the clouds became more real, with dragons and phoenixes dancing, unicorns leaping, immortals preaching, and chaos filled the air. The pressure on the nine-colored jade steps became heavier. , just like the eternal blue sky falling.

"Are we really going up?"

The elder brother frowned, hesitatingly said.

The coercion there is too heavy, so they have to be cautious. Here alone, they have already lost [-]% of their cultivation. If they go up a few floors, they may be destroyed physically and spiritually.

The air mechanism hanging down from above was terrifying and unbearable. They were in severe pain, as if they were carrying ten thousand giant mountains on their backs, their muscles and bones were spasming, hissing and rattling.

Here, the stronger the physical body, the more advantage nature has.Xu Yu is the most adaptable to the environment. His physical body is comparable to that of the Dao Slayer King, and this place has little influence on him.

"That's natural, otherwise what are we doing here?" Xu Yu rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Immortal Scriptures, Immortal Artifacts, Nine Secrets, and Immortality Immortal Medicine, all of them are treasures of his dreams, how could he miss them.

"But do you really think we can go there?" Xiao Yun asked.

The three thousand jade steps are more terrifying than the other. According to their calculations, the Holy Master can only go up to the 20th floor, and the Dao Slayer King can only go up to the [-]th floor. If you want to reach the end, I'm afraid It must be the emperor.

This is indeed a problem.

The three thousand jade steps are colorful, the clouds are steaming and the rosy clouds are blooming, and they are as magnificent as a dream. There are infinite white fairy mist surging, ethereal and dynamic, and the atmosphere is myriad.

Coming here, everyone's form and spirit seem to have received the most sacred baptism, and every pore is swallowing the rays of light, making people fascinated and fascinated.

But at the same time, this place is the most dangerous place. The terrifying aura hanging down from above made their bodies tear apart, as if being scratched by a knife, which was really uncomfortable.

This is the extreme aura. Everyone in the Big Dipper Starfield has felt the power of the emperor's soldiers on the night when the god king Jiang Taixu was revived.

It was too terrifying. Under the suppression of this kind of breath, their cultivation base was suppressed by [-]%, their divine power was difficult to operate, and many secret techniques could not be displayed.Only Xu Yu was still alive and kicking, without any scruples.

"Based on our cultivation, it's difficult to climb up to the ninth floor." Liu Feng smiled wryly.

The three thousand jade steps are filled with this terrifying coercion. The first floor suppresses most of the four-pole powerhouses. When it comes to the second and third floors, it is even more terrifying. Only the fourth-level Dzogchen Only those who are strong can try to gain a foothold.

As for the tenth floor, I am afraid that only the strong in the realm of Xiantai can climb it.

"The question now is, which floor are those fairy treasures on?" Fairy Qingyu frowned slightly, her white forehead shone with wisdom, her beautiful eyes were clear and very agile, her red lips were pouty, and her white teeth were like jade. She hit the nail on the head the way.

That's the key.No one can climb to the top of the three thousand steps. Unless someone proves the Tao and becomes the emperor, everyone can only look up.

So here comes the question, where is Xiancang?If it is within the [-]th floor, everyone still has a chance, but if it is above the [-]th floor, everyone can only stare blankly.

"Hmm..." Everyone looked at the golden lion, which had brought the news.

The golden lion's face turned bitter, it really didn't know.To be precise, this news is also based on hearsay, and it is not comprehensive.

Looking at the "staring" eyes of the people, it is suffering in its heart and can't tell.If it doesn't make it clear today, I'm afraid it will have to be "swallowed alive" by this group of people. It tries hard to recall the news it has received.

"All the fairy treasures are on the top floor! But every once in a while, there will be fairy treasures flying down, so it's hard to determine the specific situation!" It recalled all the details, and said slowly.

This is very important, it dare not hide anything.The situation of this emperor's tomb is very special. It is somewhat similar to Jubao Peak, but it is not the same.The fairy treasures here naturally do not have such a strong spirituality, nor do they have spiritual wisdom. They were pushed down by a huge force.

The first people to discover this place were the natives of the Heavenly God Realm. They had obtained damaged celestial scriptures, branches and leaves of the elixir of immortality here, and even experienced a kind of supreme celestial power. machine.

Therefore, they speculated that there might be a broken fairy artifact left here, and even immortal creatures had stopped here.

Of course, these are just conjectures. What the truth is, has long been submerged in the long river of time. Only when the immortal creatures that once appeared here are revived and reappeared in the world can this ancient legend be proved.

"In this way, it is really possible that the God Realm has something to do with immortals." King Biluo looked dignified, his eyes were bright, and he was excited and eager to try.

Whether it is the emperor's scripture or the immortal medicine, they all have a fatal attraction for him.Both of these things are necessary in order to be enlightened.They are not only a help, but also a kind of luck.

Needless to say, the Emperor's Sutra is the painstaking effort of the ancient emperors all his life. It expounds the secret of their enlightenment. It is the supreme method that can save people and become saints and ancestors.

Fairy medicine is even more difficult to find in the world. Every emperor will plant a plant in his later years. Not only can it prolong their life and live a second life, but it also hides the mystery of longevity.

"So, I really have to go here." The elder brother asserted.No matter the fairy scripture or the fairy medicine, they are all created by nature, even if we know that the chances are slim, we still have to fight for it.

The more powerful a monk is, the more he desires these things.If they can get the magic medicine of immortality, there is no need to plot for the magic medicine on Ye Fan.

"Well! But you can't go all of them." Zi Qingyu nodded her head lightly, her beautiful eyes flashed, and the clouds overflowed.

"All those below the sixth heaven in the Immortal One Realm stay here!" She ordered decisively.

Fairy Qingyu has exquisite facial features, picturesque eyebrows, beautiful beyond the dust, graceful and graceful figure, graceful and graceful, swinging, like a divine lotus emerging from water, beautiful and unconventional, just like a fairy relegated to the world.

It has to be said that Fairy Qingyu's prestige in the Holy Land far exceeds that of Xu Yu, the future Holy Son.Although his cultivation base is advanced and his combat power is outstanding, he is far inferior to Fairy Qingyu in terms of commanding and controlling the overall situation.

Even Zixia, the saintess of the Zifu Holy Land, is the same. Although the two are respected in the Zifu Holy Land, they don't have the influence of Fairy Qingyu, and they can respond to everyone.

What's more, Fairy Qing Yu's family has been based in the Holy Land of Zifu for tens of thousands of years, and they share the same roots with the Holy Land of Zifu, and have long since become an existence that is of no importance.And Fairy Qingyu's father is also the contemporary Holy Master of the Purple Mansion Holy Land, so Xu Yu naturally cannot compare with him in terms of popularity and prestige.

Everyone nodded, several figures flew out of the altar, and there were only six people left on the spot, Xiao Yun Liufeng, Senior Brother, King Biluo, Xu Yu, and Fairy Qingyu.

Their cultivation has reached the late stage of Immortal One Realm.

The Heavenly God Realm is indeed a good place to practice, with plenty of spirits, precious medicines everywhere, clear laws of the Dao, and countless fierce beasts as companions.These days, they have more or less obtained a lot of opportunities, and their cultivation has made great progress.

"Junior Brother Liu, you leave too." Senior Senior Brother looked at Liu Feng and said.

Liu Feng had a bitter face, but did not refute, but sighed, turned and left.It wasn't that the elder brother deliberately targeted him, but that his cultivation had just entered the realm of Xiantai. Although he had the same combat power as the early stage of Xianyi, he still seemed weak and dangerous.

"It's really wrong for him to follow us up!" Xiao Yun glanced regretfully. He had the best relationship with Liu Feng, and he knew the pride in his heart the most, and he didn't want to lag behind others.

"I hope he can think about it a little bit..."

Everyone hit the road and began to climb the third floor.Xu Yu fell behind the crowd and quietly took away all the corpses, which were the "rations" he had stored for himself.


Stepping into the third floor, the nine-color brilliance shone brightly.Their faces changed, their figures stopped, and they almost fell to the ground. The pressure here was beyond their imagination.

The movement of divine power became even more difficult, and the muscles all over his body twitched. The elder brother with the weakest cultivation level had a little sweat on his forehead.


Immortal mist billows, divine glow fills the air, and there are many gods, beasts and birds swimming in the sea of ​​clouds, which makes people dazzled.

This place is really too sacred, it's like a god's domain, with every breath, one can feel that the divinity is thriving in the flesh and blood.Their faces were refreshed, and their bodies were full of glow, as if they were about to lift up the sky.

The space here is not large, but it is more than a hundred miles away, and it is a little smaller than the second step.

There is a little blood on the ground, which should be left by the battle not long ago.

"Go!" Several people looked at each other and climbed towards the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor of jade steps, the fairy mist and glow are more intense, and the vision is naturally more vast and real.But the space here is even smaller, no more than ten miles away, but it is very solidified, with dao lines looming.

These spaces should have been forcibly opened up by someone, but this person's cultivation level is not high, it is difficult to achieve perfection, and it was suppressed by the Great Emperor's Qi machine hanging from above, which reduced a lot.

This is really a holy place for practice, one day can be worth a hundred days of work, and it is baptized with immortal light, which can strengthen the flesh shell and grow the soul.It's just that the pressure is too great, it is difficult to calm down, and it is easy to go crazy.

On the fifth floor, the coercion became heavier, and even the elder brother was struggling and faltering.

The pressure here is too great, no one can ignore it, even Xu Yu frowned, feeling a little pressure.

The coercion of this level can already suppress the monks in the early stage of Immortal One, and the senior brother has been cut off six levels of combat power. In addition, he is a little powerless to resist this kind of imperial aura all the time. Panting like a cow.


He sacrificed an ancient pagoda, divided into 33 layers, simple and vicissitudes, magnificent. Horror air machine.

He feels much better.Without this heavy treasure, he could climb two or three floors at most, and he couldn't hold on anymore.It seems that they still underestimated the coercion here, and their judgment was wrong.

"Forget it! You guys go up, I won't go." The elder brother pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said a little angrily.

He felt a little decadent and a little unwilling, but he finally recognized the reality.Even with this important treasure, he probably won't be able to play much role in going up, but may drag everyone down.

He sighed and decided to give up this fortune.

Everyone talked silently, even if they wanted to persuade them, they had nothing to say.They themselves are not sure whether the steps above can protect themselves, let alone protect others.

Under the protection of the ancient pagoda, the eldest brother drifted away and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Actually, with the senior brother's cultivation base and that ancient pagoda, we can definitely walk up to the tenth floor or above." Fairy Qingyu sighed, raised her jade arm slightly, and wanted to call him back, but she held it in the air and let it go again. down.

'What's the point then?Even if he added that ancient pagoda, he couldn't compete with those people. " King Biluo said calmly with deep eyes and divine light.

"Retiring is a wise choice." Xiao Yun nodded indifferently.

Isn't his best friend Liu Feng the same, so how can the senior brother be an exception?Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there will be filth, and there will be struggles and contradictions among them.

Although the eldest brother is not a disciple of the Holy Lord of the Purple Mansion, he has always been on good terms with Xu Yu, and they are trying to suppress dissidents.

"Hmm!" Xu Yu was resentful, a little dissatisfied, wrinkled his nose slightly, and snorted coldly.

He naturally understood their plan.However, it was inconvenient for him to say anything more.Because what they said was the truth, if the eldest brother insisted on climbing up, it would really be of no benefit to him.

Although these people were suppressing him, it wasn't too much. It was still within the allowed range, and Xu Yu could only swallow it temporarily.

They continued to walk up, and when they reached the eighth level, Xiao Yun was also sweating profusely on his forehead, and had to sacrifice a heavy treasure to protect himself.At this level, even the strong in the middle stage of Xianyi will be greatly affected.

Fairy Qingyu and King Biluo also showed signs of breathing slightly, so far, only Xu Yu can still maintain the original state.

His physical body is too strong, and these imperial auras have little effect on him, and can only eliminate less than [-]% of his cultivation.




There are boundless sounds from above, including the sound of weapons colliding, the sound of the void collapsing, and the roar of strong men, countless sounds are intertwined and overlapped.

It makes people feel as if they have come to an ancient battlefield.The eyes of Xu Yu and the others lit up, and there was a battle above, so it was obvious that Xianzhen must have been born.Otherwise, under the suppression of this kind of qi mechanism, no one would be willing to waste energy and launch a big war for no reason.

The treasures born in the emperor's mausoleum must be peerless fetishes, even ordinary things, as long as they are contaminated with the spirit of God, they will also be miraculous and extraordinary.

Their bodies were like lightning, and they speeded up. Except for Xu Yu, Fairy Qingyu and King Biluo all took out heavy treasures to protect their bodies.Going up further, it has surpassed the tenth level, which belongs to the realm of the Holy Master level. Xiao Yun's expression changed, and he was a little ugly.

Even though the big seal on his head was a king's weapon, he was greatly affected, as if he had fallen into a swamp, his body staggered and his steps were slow.

In the final analysis, his cultivation base is not good enough, and he can't fully activate the great seal, otherwise, with the power of the king's soldiers, why is it so?

The situation of Fairy Qingyu and King Biluo is slightly better, and they will not be affected much in a short period of time.It's just that Xu Yu is in some trouble. He didn't borrow any sacred artifacts to protect his body.

The physical body is comparable to a king, but there is still a big gap with the real king. The most fundamental reason is that he does not have the mana and morality of a king, so he cannot completely isolate this imperial aura.But this is enough to shock the world.

"A group of ants have come here unexpectedly, I really don't know how to live or die." A rough voice came, and he walked towards Xu Yu and the others with his hands behind his back.

This is an immemorial creature, or an immemorial royal family. He has purple hair and shawls, a heroic posture, and extraordinary martial arts.They were terrified and almost wanted to worship.So powerful!

Xu Yu and the others all changed their faces. How did such a powerful existence come in?Doesn't this area only allow creatures below the realm of saints to exist?When did the rules of the God Realm also have loopholes?
 Brothers, please subscribe and give a reward!

(End of this chapter)

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