Chapter 116

116 chapter

"No, this is not his cultivation!" Zixia's light and clear voice sounded, her back was soft and beautiful, and there was a picture of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers unfolding, with silk ribbons hanging down, gorgeous and dense, covered by a thin layer of fairy clouds, and her clothes fluttering The exhibition, the holy and glorious wine falls, and comes out of the dust like a fairy in Guanghan.

This ancient creature is too powerful. He stands here, with purple hair dancing wildly, and sharp eyes, like an ancient emperor dormant in his body. With a thought, he can collapse three thousand realms and suppress nine heavens and ten earths.

They couldn't bear even a little bit of aura, at least they were as strong as a saint.Their scalps were numb and their hearts were terrified.How could such a strong man appear in the world of gods?This is not in line with common sense!
The trial area of ​​the younger generation here is isolated from any strong person above the king.Since ancient times, no one has been able to break the rules. Is this time an exception?

Zixia was the first to react, she sensed that something was wrong, this person's cultivation was very vain, and he obviously borrowed external force.

"It's the revival of the holy artifact in his body..."

Zixia's eyes were full of light, and she said.

Her eyes are rippling, like a dream, her nose is straight, her red lips are moist, her white teeth are shining, she looks ethereal and detached.

She had a supernatural sense, and finally realized the reason. It was a gorgeous light cluster, lurking in the opponent's body, dazzling, exuding immortal energy, like a sea of ​​stars surging.

This is a holy weapon handed down from generation to generation, which is equivalent to the map of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in her hand, and both belong to the treasure of the town religion.

"So that's how it is..." Xu Yu's eyes glowed, as if he saw his favorite prey, which was a sign that he was about to strike, holding the blue bone sword, trembling slightly.

"Don't be impulsive, this guy is not easy to mess with!" Xiao Yun stopped him.

Sweat stains appeared on his forehead. Although the opponent was not a saint, he was definitely a king.Moreover, there is also a holy weapon handed down from generation to generation, and it is difficult for them to match it together.

"A group of building ants!" The eyes of this ancient creature were deep, and there were big stars turning in the pupils, the changes of mountains and rivers, the creation of heaven and earth, and other visions loomed.

He walked slowly, as if he had become one with the pulsation of heaven and earth, carrying a coercive pressure, shocking their hearts.

This should be an ancient royal family, but the blood is not pure, and the scales at the corners of the eyes have not faded, so it is not a perfect human figure.

He is very young, but definitely over a hundred years old.Logically speaking, at this age, with this level of cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to pass through the portal of the Heavenly God Realm, so how did he get in?
Everyone felt chills, and suddenly thought of a terrifying answer - he is the descendant of a prisoner who was once exiled in the Xuanhuang Holy Land, and he has taken root in the Heavenly God Realm!
It's very possible!
In today's natural world, many Tianjiao are descendants of criminals exiled from the Xuanhuang Holy Land. In the natural world, these descendants of criminals have formed their unique way of life after hundreds of thousands of years of exploration.

Such Tianjiao's end is very sad, because they have no future, they are eroded by the laws of the God Realm, and they cannot leave this realm for life.

Xu Yu and the others felt that something was wrong, but they didn't expect to meet such a stayer from the ancient clan when they came up, and the other party was obviously not kind.

This is the No.13 floor, which can be vaguely seen. The battle above is very fierce. There are figures of powerful figures such as God Roar, God Eater Flower, and Golden Tree, all of which disappear in a flash.

There is a special kind of air flow there, it is the fairy in the emperor's tomb, and they are competing for the peerless treasure.Xu Yu and others were shocked.

"Uncle!" At this moment, another voice sounded, and a strange strange bird came tremblingly, with a king's weapon on his head, his face was flushed, and his speed was very slow. Obviously, the No. 13 heavy step was for him The pressure is very high.

It's him!Xu Yu's complexion changed, and he shouted in his heart that it was not good, that he had met an enemy.This strange bird is exactly the same as the ancient creature he killed when he first entered the Heavenly God Realm. If it is said that the two are not related, he would not believe it if he was killed.

"It's you!" The strange bird found Xu Yu as soon as it landed, and the enemy was very jealous when they met each other.

He had already learned from other people that the strongest genius of their lineage was suppressed to death by a human youth.For this, he has long held a grudge, but he has been suffering from the fact that the scope of the God Realm is too large, and he has no chance to meet him.

I thought I just missed it, but I didn't expect to have a chance to meet again. It's really a narrow road.

"Uncle, he was the one who killed your grandson..."

The strange bird laughed. With this old ancestor around, Xu Yu would surely die.

Their ancestors were not insignificant, and they were one of the candidate holy sons of Gumo Ridge a hundred years ago.It was only in order to seize a heavy treasure that he had to lurk here.A hundred years have passed, and his cultivation has long been unfathomable.

"My grandson..." The purple-haired man was in a trance, with a hint of nostalgia, as if he was thinking of the tenderness and turbulent years of the past.But he disappeared in an instant, with a cold expression on his face, looking down at Xu Yu like a god and demon scorning ants, and said: "Although I have never seen this grandson, it is my blood after all, and I need to seek justice for him. Are you Suicide, or should I kill?"

Xu Yu snorted coldly, and took a step forward, golden light erupted from his body, his black hair flew up, his sword eyebrows stood upside down, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, without the slightest fear, the bone sword in his hand slanted toward the sky, a little bit of chaos overflowed, light and misty.

If you have the ability, let the horse come over!

A wordless provocation is worth a thousand words.The look of pride in his brows can be seen at a glance, and the expression of arrogance is self-evident, and he is not afraid of the king.

"Ants, so arrogant!" The purple-haired man was indifferent, with a hint of anger.

He is also the pride of the heavens. In the past, he had to give up his future and stay in this world for the great cause of revival of the ancient clan.Although he has lost his freedom and way, the arrogance in his bones is still the same. He never thinks that he will be weaker than others, let alone be neglected by a younger generation.

"Poor abandoned person!" Xu Yu sneered.He mercilessly tore open the most secret wound in the purple-haired man's heart.

The future is ruined, there is no hope of proving the Tao, and you can't leave this place for life.He is now equivalent to a wild animal locked in a cage, allowing people to watch him, how can he not be pitiful?
"Haha! Haha..." The purple-haired man laughed loudly, both happily and sadly. "You are right, I am very pitiful..."

"But, you will be more pitiful than me in a while!"

His expression suddenly turned cold, he reached out with one hand and patted Xu Yu.The palm covered the brilliance and fell down like a dark cloud. Although there was no vast divine power falling down, there was a huge force that shook the void and enveloped Xu Yu.

Here, even the king cannot use divine power, and can only attack and kill with pure physical body.But he is still very confident. As an ancient clan, he has a strong flesh shell and great ability to deal with a fairy in the Immortal Realm.
The monks in the world are not easy to catch.

At this moment, Xu Yu smiled, he was not afraid, but full of ridicule.

Compete with him physically?It's really old birthday stars who eat arsenic-one by one thinks they live a long life.

He shot calmly, made a fist mark with his right hand, and punched forward.Where the golden fist passed, the wind and thunder rolled, the gale blew, and the void was crushed and distorted.

The most unbelievable thing was that his fist was covered with a thin layer of golden light, gorgeous and soft, not conspicuous, easy to be ignored.However, this is divine power!


Xu Yu's physical body is truly frighteningly powerful. It's unbelievable that he can still activate a sliver of divine power when all his powers are suppressed.

The golden fist collided with the big hand, and there was only a bang, the sky shook, and the steps trembled.

The purple-haired man's face was full of incredulity. His fingers were broken, dripping with blood, and then his entire arm was twisted, his bones cracked, and he became a twist. His image was terrifying.

It is extremely powerful and extremely fierce, and it cannot be compared with it at all.

The purple-haired man was completely defeated by Xu Yu in terms of physical body!
He still finds it hard to believe that he would actually lose to a cultivator in the realm of Xiantai physically.

But the reality was placed in front of him dripping with blood, which made him feel a little decadent.

Is it true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and a new generation replaces the old?

"Hmph! If you want to eliminate me, you have to see if you have the ability." The purple-haired man restrained himself, refused to admit defeat, and continued to kill.

This time, he used Daoxing. Although his divine power was not available, his physical body combined with Daoxing also had earth-shattering power.

The purple-haired man's expression was indifferent, his eyes were as sharp as electricity, and he was under endless coercion. He rushed towards him like a ghost, moved his hands, and dao marks appeared, looming and disappearing in an instant, but there was a great way to flow.

He slapped it with one hand, and his seal was like the sky. Although there was no divine power emerging, let alone divine light, he did have a magnificent and endless momentum, rushing towards his face.

At this time, he is like an ancient emperor who swept the nine heavens and ten places, looking down on the world, scorning the gods and demons in the sky, with an attitude of dominating himself.

"Good method!" Xu Yu exclaimed, and killed alone.

He confronted the purple-haired man like this, the two sides fought fiercely, and Fairy Yu and the others could be seen stunned.

"That's how it was marked...then what should we do now?" Fairy Qingyu was confused.Her pretty face is like jade, her eyes are confused, and there is a trace of ignorance on her beautiful face, which makes her look more beautiful, flawless, like a fairy.

"It doesn't matter so much, rush up to help first." The one who said this was actually King Bi Luo.

He and Xu Yu have a deep hatred, and both sides have disliked each other from the very beginning.Unexpectedly, the first person to speak out to support him would be this former enemy.

"That's right, at this time, we must help Junior Brother first!" Xiao Yun nodded.

Fight without breaking, fight without destroying!
This has always been the philosophy of the Holy Land of Zifu. There can be competition within the Holy Land, but it must be benign.Once facing foreign enemies, all disciples must work together to safeguard the interests of the Holy Land.Obviously, Xiao Yun and King Biluo consciously followed the instructions of the Holy Land.

From this point of view, the Purple Mansion Holy Land has done a good job.In fact, this is the case in most holy places, there may be disputes, there may be filth, but when faced with big right and wrong, they will still let go of the filth of the past and work together.

But before they could make a move, they were stopped by the strange bird.A radiant divine light surged from below, and another strong man came up.


Xu Yu didn't care about it, squeezed the Sun Fist Seal, and killed the purple-haired man.The two fought fiercely, evolving various secret techniques, and close combat techniques. The battle was very fierce, and blood spattered from time to time.

Xu Yu is invincible in flesh, but his skills are inferior to his opponent's, and his experience in close combat is even inferior to his opponent's.

At first, he was still at a disadvantage and was beaten, but later, he gradually gained experience, harvested the essence of martial arts, and began to turn defense into offense to restore the situation.

He swings his hands, fast and slow, one yin and one yang, flowing and evolving with each other.Although the divine power was weak and there was no vision, but in the eyes of the purple-haired man, it seemed as if he saw a real dragon and a white tiger, all ferocious and ferocious, rushing towards them with a howling roar.

There is no specific form, but it has that kind of charm.He swung his left hand, and there was the sound of a dragon chant, and when he flexed and stretched his right hand, there was the sound of a tiger roaring, his hands joined together, and the dragon and tiger fought.

The purple-haired man's dao seal was broken, his body was staggering, and there was crystal blood dripping from his hands. Even if he used dao deeds, he was not an opponent.

After dozens of rounds of the battle, Xu Yu began to gain the absolute upper hand, firmly pressing down on the opponent to fight.

"Ants don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." Xu Yu repeated his original words, making the purple-haired man and the strange bird furious.

"Ah..." Not far away, the strange bird yelled loudly. He was no match for Xiao Yun and others, so he ran away with his head in his arms after being beaten.Seeing this scene again, he was even more furious, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Stupid bird, what's your stupid name?" Fairy Qingyu is the most beautiful and outstanding fairy in the world, but at this moment she is also extremely brave, besieging and killing this ancient creature.

"You..." The strange bird was aggrieved and depressed. It was always hiding in hiding, trying its best to avoid the attack of the three people. It could only parry, but not fight back.

However, being able to persevere until now is considered his skill.After all, among the three of them, Fairy Qingyu, which one is not a genius?Everyone holds a secret treasure in their hands, how many times stronger than the humble king's weapon on his head?
"Is there a fight at the top?"

Just at this moment, someone rushed up again. They were several bald monks. They were all young, with compassionate faces and golden skin shining. This is the indestructible body of a vajra in Buddhism.

There is a golden alms bowl on their heads, and the golden Buddha light hangs down, making them even more sacred and compassionate.

"People from West Desert..." Xu Yu's eyes were solemn, and he also stopped.

Both he and the purple-haired man were looking at these monks. They did not separate life and death, but they did not continue to fight.

 Chapter 2 here
(End of this chapter)

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