Chapter 117

Ximo is one of the five regions of the Big Dipper. It sounds like there is nothing special about it, but those who really understand it flock to him.

This is because the West Desert is different from other great domains. In other great domains, there are many holy land families with different sects.

But in the vast land of the Western Desert, there is only one voice. There are no so-called holy land families, only endless Buddhist kingdoms and Buddhist temples.

And these countless large and small Buddhist temples and ancient countries all obey the laws of Mount Sumeru.

Moreover, the teaching's degree of transformation can be said to be famous throughout the nine heavens and ten places. Even Ye Fan, who has become a great sage in the original book, has to be cautious when facing the teaching.

Now, the Buddha of West Desert appeared on the battlefield where Xu Yu and the others were fighting. Feeling the Sanskrit sounds chanted from them, even the most powerful ancient clans in the world of gods and gods stopped fighting.

"Since all benefactors came here for the opportunity on the three thousand jade steps, why should they fight here? Heaven has the virtue of good life, and Wang Buddha also has a compassionate heart. Why don't you stop fighting here and step on these three thousand stones together? step!"

Among the many Buddhas, an exceptionally handsome young monk came out. He had a small red flower on his forehead, his eyebrows were also painted red, and he looked very natural with red eye shadow. Monk Wuxin had fair skin, and his muscles and bones were like ice jade. generally.

His facial features are still handsome, with a slender figure, wearing brocade robes and cassocks, with a firm and compassionate face, and a round god plate hanging behind his head, dazzling and golden, and his warm smile makes people feel like a spring breeze and feels good.

Although this young monk seemed benevolent and harmless, Xu Yu did not dare to underestimate him.Just looking at his golden skin, flowing Buddha's light, resplendent and sacred, with a dignified and thick feeling, one knows that this guy has cultivated the indestructible body of the Buddha's vajra to a very advanced level.

Also, the disc behind this guy's head should be the golden wheel of merit and virtue of Buddhism.Legend has it that only those with profound Dharma can gather together. This is the embryonic form of Buddha's fruit status.

At the same time, Xu Yu was secretly shocked. These few Buddhist disciples are not simple, but they have advanced cultivation bases. Even if he is matched, is there any certainty of victory?

More importantly, he felt a strange power from this group of people.

The power of faith!

And everyone present, whether it was the purple-haired man or Fairy Qingyu, they didn't have a good impression of Buddhism.

Although this sect always speaks with compassion, but its actions are always domineering and ruthless, even more vicious than some of the most vicious monks.

Ordinary monks fight, at most, they kill their bodies and gods, but Buddhist monks talk about compassion and save all living beings, but what they do is to kill their hearts and enslave others.

The so-called transmutation is actually to erase other people's will to resist and refine them into puppets.This kind of fate is even more tragic than the annihilation of body and spirit, and it is the last thing all monks want to face.

In addition, bursts of Sanskrit sounds emanated from him, as if thousands of creatures were singing and praying for him.

"This is...the power of faith in Buddhism!"

Zi Qingyu, who once visited the eminent monks of the West Desert with the Lord of the Zifu in the city of God, immediately reacted with a heavy expression on his face.

No one knows better than her how terrifying the Buddha in Ximo is. Even the Lord of the Zifu, who is the lord of a holy place, must be careful of the waves coming from the Buddha when he talks with the eminent monks in Ximo. Sanskrit.

If you are not careful, you will be affected by the power of belief that belongs to Buddhism, which will cause karma and cause problems in your mood.

Although there is a command from the Holy Master in the payment of the body, when encountering the Buddha of Ximo in the outside world, it is necessary to stay away from it.

But at this moment, many eminent monks from West Desert had appeared in front of them, which made the situation on the scene even more delicate.

Everyone in the Holy Land of the Zifu heard Zi Qingyu's voice transmission and acted carefully.

Even the ancient strongman on the other side, after hearing the Sanskrit, distanced himself from the Buddhists. He was also worried that he would bear karma with these Buddhas.

After a while of silence, three people left separately.

After a while, people from Yaoguang Holy Land, Yin-Yang Sect, Five Elements Palace, even Wanchu Holy Land, Dayan Holy Land, Daoyi Holy Land, and Huang Gu Jiang's family also appeared one after another, all of whom were masters of the younger generation.

There are not only human races, but also heroes of the demon race, such as the demon god palace, the sky demon temple, and the lineage of overseas loose cultivators.

All the trials for the outside world to enter the world of gods appeared, and even the Yaochi Holy Land, which has always been detached from the outside world, sent out several elder-like figures.

And the ancient tribes in the God Realm followed by many Tianjiao, and behind them was a group of natives, some of the great powers of the older generation were mixed among them.

Everyone is a secret weapon on their heads, only Xu Yu can do it independently without any external force.The people who had just arrived were very surprised, especially those who had a grudge against Xu Yu, such as Wang Teng, whose faces were ugly and unpredictable.

At this moment, many heroes of the monster race, the arrogance of the human race, and the masters of the ancient race have all arrived, and even some lingering characters, as well as the powerful native beasts, all have shocked expressions.

"The human race is so handsome." A strong man of the ancient race said, in this era, the world is indeed dominated by the human race. Even if the monster race and the ancient race are added together, they may not be able to defeat the strong man of the race.

Seeing Xu Yu's powerful physical body, the corners of their eyes twitched, and a bad premonition arose in their hearts.With such a tyrannical body, it is really a big advantage on this jade platform. I am afraid they should be careful, otherwise, if they are not careful, they may capsize in the gutter.

"Sage Son of the Purple Mansion..." a monster master murmured.

They recognized Xu Yu and knew that he used to steal an ancient scripture in the underground palace of Licheng under the pseudonym Mu Qing, and now he has even defeated Wang Teng, who is known as the reincarnation of the ancient emperor. 1. Even the low-key Son of Light Fluctuation was outmatched by him.

They are vigilant in their hearts, this is definitely an unworldly enemy on the emperor's road.

Xu Yu's heart trembled, he felt countless malice coming from all directions.It seemed that many strong men were planning to get rid of him, and there was a vague murderous aura covering him.

Here the precious light is flickering, gorgeous and soft, there are thousands of auspicious colors, dense silk ribbons, and ten thousand strands of law hanging down, all the strong have brought secret treasures and forbidden weapons.

It is the golden bowl of Buddhism, with golden light, crystal clear glass, gorgeous and flaming; there is also an imitation of the black gold tripod with dragon pattern in the Holy Land of Shaking Light, the auspicious color is transpiring, the precious light is bright, and the jade quality is flawless;

There is also the Void Realm of the Huanggu Ji family, which is a sacred weapon for defense, majestic and majestic.

All kinds of artifacts competed with each other, reflecting a bright, sacred and flawless place here, and even the immortal energy in all directions was pushed away, revealing a large open space.

Everyone climbed up, and after a while, they came to the No. 18 jade steps. The imperial aura here was even stronger, as if they were facing an ancient emperor directly, and their spirits were trembling.

They all have holy artifacts, so they are naturally fine, but Xu Yu is different. After coming here, he feels that his cultivation has been suppressed even more seriously, and his cultivation is at most [-]%, and many secret techniques have been displayed. , are not smooth.

Most of the strong men in the Sendai realm can be suppressed here, and even some powerful people will find it difficult to move.


In front, many strong men are fighting for the front, and the sky is falling apart, the divine power is gushing like a volcano, the divine light is shining brightly, and blood is splashed from time to time.

They seem to be completely unaffected here, pouring out their divine power to their heart's content, swaying magical and secret methods without any scruples.

There are several sacred artifacts facing each other on their heads, and the Dao patterns are intertwined, forming a strange field, isolating the emperor's energy, and providing them with a safe battlefield.

Xu Yu actually saw a lot of acquaintances here, the God Son of the Wind Clan, Li Ant, Golden Tree, God Roar, Wolf Ni, Black Phoenix, Hydra, and God of Cookery Flower are all old acquaintances.

Among them, there are still two volumes of jade books suspended, which are crystal clear, radiant and shining, with symbols of the avenue jumping, and even faint voices from the sky, mysterious and vast, just like the ancient emperor sitting cross-legged on nine heavens, preaching and explaining the law .

"Inheritance from the Great Emperor?"

"Ancient fairy scriptures?"

"Nine Secrets..."

Everyone exclaimed, although there are only two volumes of the jade book, what they heard was quite different.

Some people seem to have heard the scriptures of the Great Emperor, others seem to have heard the secrets of ancient immortal arts, and some even heard the details of the Nine Secrets.

Everyone's hearts are hot, no matter what kind it is, it can show that these two jade books are extremely precious, and I am afraid that they are not inferior to the inheritance of other holy places.

Although I didn't see the emperor's coffin or fairy artifact, if I could get the emperor's inheritance, it would be a worthwhile trip.

"Kill!" Ji Yuanqing from Huanggu Ji's family was the first to strike, carrying the Void Mirror into the encirclement.

He saw God Roar, Li Yi and the others' sacred artifacts restraining each other and fettering each other. For a while, no one could do anything to the other, and no one could get rid of the other.

The Supreme Elder of the Ji family planned to take this opportunity to get rid of them all once and for all.Even if you can't, you have to grab the two jade books first to seize the opportunity.

Although this guy's ability is not very good, but his mind is indeed quite flexible.He naturally understands the truth of shooting the first bird, but he dares to do so, and naturally he has his support.

Huang Guji's family is relatively good with many holy places, as long as he promises some benefits, he will definitely get some help from the holy places, and it is not impossible to take these two jade books.

Good idea!It's a pity that people are not as good as God!

"Boom!" More than a dozen holy artifacts were activated in the sky at the same time. Seeing that the sons of the Ji family wanted to take advantage of the fire, Li Yi and others were naturally not polite, and reached an agreement in an instant.

So the holy weapon turned the gun head and blasted at Ji Yuanqing in an instant, a beam of dazzling brilliance shone in the sky, like dozens of suns condensed, so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.

He was so frightened that his soul was scattered, and he never expected this result. Dozens of holy artifacts came bombarding him, not to mention her, even a saint in this world would feel his scalp go numb when he saw it.

This is simply unsolvable. He has a holy artifact in his hand, but it is just an imitation. It is a forbidden artifact. How can it block dozens of sacred artifacts.

Without hesitation, he turned around and ran, and the direction was facing Feng Qi's side.

There was a trace of cruelty on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Xu Yu with an extremely ruthless gaze.

"Bastard..." Xu Yu scolded.

This guy is clearly causing trouble. He caused a catastrophe, but he still wants to drag himself into the water. He is clearly taking revenge on himself.

Xu Yu had a grudge against him, and once defeated him in several moves in the underground palace of Belvedere, which not only made him lose face, but also seriously injured his Dao heart, leaving a shadow on him.

Dozens of holy artifacts attacked, and no one could stop them. Even if Xu Yu had great abilities, if he resisted stubbornly, he would only die.

Fairy Qing Yu and the others also changed their faces greatly, they did not expect the Holy Son of Taiyin to be so vicious, despicable and shameless.

"Looking for death!" Xu Yu hated this kind of vicious person, holding a blue bone sword in his hand, he slashed down with a single sword, shattering Gao Tian, ​​and wanted to kill him before the other party's troubles were brought to the east.

You are unkind, I am unrighteous.You actually want to kill me, then I will send you to hell first.

The blue bone sword fell, the rays of the sun were shining, the law was ten thousand strands, and the chaotic waterfall flowed, as if a vast world had been destroyed.He flanked Ji Yuanqing with dozens of holy artifacts at the same time.

There was a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. Ji Yuanqing let out a mournful cry and was instantly blasted to pieces.The bright red blood was splashing down, and it was dazzling. Xu Yu was stained with blood, which was clearly a sinister aura, but he himself appeared more ethereal and clean. This is a contradictory scene.

The void mirror was dimmed, and it flew into the hands of another member of Ji's family.

The light beams of dozens of holy artifacts did not dissipate, and they were still dazzling, killing Xu Yu and others.But this is not important anymore, because he will not be alone in this situation, but everyone behind him.

Sure enough, everyone took action, the Buddhist golden bowl, Dao Yi's Overturning Seal, the light ball in the hands of the purple-haired man, and the demon tower in the hands of the demon clan, all of them were killed together.

Boom boom!
Boundless radiance is gorgeous, a vast expanse of whiteness, like a hanging galaxy hanging down, dozens of holy artifacts colliding, like three thousand worlds shattered, the vast and boundless destructive power directly shatters this space.

This layer of jade steps has been cracked, and the cracks are dense, it seems that it will be broken in the next moment.

But I saw the brilliance flickering, the radiance was shining, there were talismans beating, and a mysterious force flowed from it, but I saw this layer of nine-color jade steps wriggling, as if they were alive, and they were recovering automatically.

It's so amazing, it's worthy of being the steps that carry the emperor's coffin.

The great battle broke out, and this attack had ignited the fuse of the melee. All the strong men joined the battlefield, and the holy artifacts in their hands restrained each other, forming a special field, and there were not many strengths that could bless them.

In the end, what everyone can rely on is their own abilities.

"Haha! Haha... Outsiders, you are all going to die now." A colorful black tiger laughed wildly.

He is a ferocious beast in the realm of kings, with monstrous combat power, if there is no imperial aura to suppress him, and no threat from the holy weapon, there will be no one in the younger generation who can be his opponent.

The other ferocious beasts also reacted, sneered, and looked at everyone, obviously harboring ill intentions.

"You overestimate yourself. With your strength, you can't kill everyone." A middle-aged man appeared out of the crowd. He was also in the realm of a king. He was full of blood, like a volcano erupting, and could devour millions of lives.

This is a living fossil, very powerful. It is a descendant of the group of creatures suppressed in the God Realm by the Xuanhuang Holy Land. His strength is definitely not inferior to the beast king.

"Bastard, there are people as strong as you in the human race." Heihu killed the man, and at the same time called other ferocious beasts to attack together.

Here, they have an obvious advantage in numbers, and the number of stranded people is not many, and even fewer survive.

Although they live in the God Realm, because they are outsiders, they are often suppressed by these fierce native beasts, and only a few remain.

The war broke out again, the king of beasts fought against those who stayed behind, and some of them even fought against the strong men of the younger generation.

The jade books on both sides were spinning around, exuding chaotic air, which was particularly eye-catching in the chaotic battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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