Chapter 122 Fighting Thunderbird


The Thunderbird is really powerful, full of qi and blood, and has a terrifying aura. He is a well-known strong man in this area of ​​the Heavenly God Realm.Although he has not reached the peak due to his short practice time, he has already seen his edge.

Xu Yu fought very hard against him. This was his first real life-and-death fight with someone. Even when he fought Wang Teng before, the two sides had some scruples, and there was no real life-and-death battle.

But this time it was different, Thunderbird was originally at the Dao Slashing Realm, and his cultivation was far superior to Xu Yu's.In addition, the Thunderbird was originally an innate creature, and its combat power was the highest among creatures of the same generation in the God Realm, and Xu Yu was a big realm lower than it.

If it wasn't for his breakthrough in cultivation and his unparalleled physique, he might have already lost.

"This Thunderbird is really powerful!" He sighed in his heart.He has raised his combat power to the extreme, the waves of purple-gold sea of ​​bitterness rolled, lightning and thunder rumbled, the aura of primordial origin spread, his four poles stretched, and his divine power was so powerful that he broke through the limit of the world - the eight forbidden domains.


The thunderbird was huge, ferocious and terrifying, with sharp blue feathers standing upside down, shining with thunder and light.The wings like a peerless heavenly knife, every time they cut down, there is the power of heaven and earth, and when they collide with Xu Yuding's fist, the divine power is overwhelming, and the way of law is boundless, causing the world to change.

The two have fought for hundreds of rounds, from the reincarnation to the outer edge of the God Realm, and then from the outer edge of the God Realm.I don't know how many fierce beasts trembled along the way.


In addition to the real body confrontation, the primordial spirits of the two also burst out dazzling divine light from time to time, manipulating their respective magical weapons to attack and engage in a big duel.

Thunderbird's bone sword is really extraordinary, it is blue and shining, between chopping, picking and sweeping, there are infinite thunder and light intertwined, and the innate veins are revived, shaking the mighty power.

This sword is the thunderbird's ancestral magic weapon, which was refined from the strongest sacred bones of its elders, and has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

This is a common method of sacrificial soldiers of the orcs. They use themselves or a certain part of themselves to refine them into divine soldiers, turn them into the strongest weapons, and then pass them on to future generations.

Although it seems a bit cruel and disrespectful, this is the inevitable result of their practice and physique.


The blue bone sword was only three feet long, crystal clear, and looked like a work of art. It emitted an astonishing beam of light and collided with the chaotic halberd. The void burst and sparks shot out, destroying a large river not far away.

"What a powerful sword!" Xu Yu was startled. His seal of Yuanshi is the ancient soldier of Tianzun, which is at the same level as the emperor's soldiers of the current era. It is also forged with the most difficult to find Chaos Stone essence and Chaos Mother Qi in the world. made.

Although the divine mansion inside has not been revived, the material has not changed, and it is still indestructible. Even ordinary holy soldiers cannot collide with it like this.

But that bone sword can actually compete with it, not to mention other things, in terms of the hardness of the material alone, I am afraid it will not lose to the Chaos Stone.This is definitely the immortal bone of a saint.

Xu Yu went all out, the Yuanshi Seal hanging above his head erupted with divine light, and the chaotic air fell down like a waterfall, like a waterfall.


The blue bone sword is like a swimming dragon, startled like a divine rainbow, the blade of the halberd collided with the blade, and a loud noise erupted, like a god striking iron, or like a thunderbolt from the void, shaking in all directions.

Xu Yu met a ruthless character, the Thunderbird was indeed powerful and terrifying, the two of them killed the sky upside down, the sky exploded, and it was crumbling for hundreds of miles and even within a few miles.

"Huh? Commander Thunderbird is in trouble, and he's actually being entangled by a little guy from the human race, and it's hard to get out!"

"That little guy from the human race is not simple, his physical body is terrifying!"

During the battle between the two, they encountered many ferocious beasts, and the tragic and frightening scene of the battle frightened them.

They originally wanted to go up to help, but they found that as soon as they approached there, they would be torn apart by the terrifying aftermath of the battle, and they fled desperately in horror.

It was another big collision, Thunderbird's eyes were red, and his body was full of thunder, as if he was a god bathed in a catastrophe. He was wrapped in a thousand zhang of thunder, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, as if he was about to destroy the world.

Xu Yu's divine light covers the sky, and a fairyland emerges behind him, all spirits are fighting for hegemony, real dragons are dancing, fairy phoenixes are screaming, gods are roaring, and the fairy light is brilliant, repelling all thunder and light.At the same time, a mysterious Dao map emerged behind him, the flowing and misty great power of the Dao.

Xu Yu showed two kinds of visions, the world of the fairyland and the escaped one. He shot with all his strength and killed him madly. His eyes shot golden light, very brilliant, his black hair seemed to be on fire, and his purple-gold blood was steaming and misty. , like a god of war wrapped in divine flames.


Above his head, the seal of Yuanshi trembled, and endless chaos fell down. It vibrated rhythmically with life, as if an ancient beast had awakened.

The monstrous evil spirit of blood permeated the sky, ghostly shadows of gods and demons lingered, crying and howling, making people's hearts tremble.

These are all strong men who were beheaded by it in the past, all of them are gods, and now the scene of the past is reproduced, exuding a majestic momentum.The magic weapon has a spirit, it senses the infinite fighting spirit, and it seems to return to the era when it followed the Yuanshi Tianzun to fight in the heavens.

The chaotic halberd flew out, making roaring sounds that made all spirits tremble, and couldn't help but kneel down.

Thunderbird was horrified, this big seal was too terrifying, it was definitely a divine weapon that surpassed the Holy Soldiers. Although its ancestral bone sword was powerful, it was no match for Yuanshi Seal.




The two artifacts collided again and again in the air, with countless traces of dao marks and rays of light, the void burst and chaotic air overflowed, and the mountains and rivers below could not withstand the aftermath of the overflow, collapsed and destroyed.

The bone sword wailed, its brilliance dimmed, and in the collision with the chaotic halberd, it was at a disadvantage, and gaps appeared on the edge of the sword, and hair-like cracks emerged.

The Thunderbird was shocked, he tried his best to control the bone sword, avoiding the Chaos halberd, and not confronting it head-on.

He was in a state of embarrassment at the moment, his feathers were scattered all over his body, and his two paws were bloody.


Thunderbird roared, he was activating the gods in the bone sword, the blue and shining sword body was dazzling, as if carved from the finest blue jade.It's a pity that the white jade is slightly flawed, and the sword's edge has cracks.

In fact, without his urging, the spirit in the bone sword had already recovered, and he was already furious after the sword body suffered such heavy damage.It erupted with ten thousand zhang rays of light, endless auspicious light, thousands of auspicious colors, dense silk ribbons, and an extremely terrifying figure emerged.


Holding the bronze sword in his hand, Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and his whole body glowed with golden light, like a god of war coming to the world. He carried two visions behind him, and bravely and fearlessly charged towards the blue bone sword.

If the sound of opening up the heavens and the earth came out, there was a great destruction in this place, the radiance filled the air, the sun and the sun circulated, the dazzling light flooded the void, the terrifying aura was horrifying, and the two arms fought.


Thunderbird spat blood and flew backwards. The bone sword in his hand also spun around, and finally stuck obliquely beside him.

Although the bone sword is powerful, comparable to a holy weapon handed down from generation to generation, it is far from being an opponent of the chaotic halberd.Although it is sealed, as long as it encounters the power beyond the king, it will automatically unseal it.

"Ahem!" Xu Yu coughed up blood and staggered. This was the first time he was injured in a battle.

This Thunderbird is indeed extraordinary, with outstanding combat power. He has tried his best, but he still only has the upper hand.

As everyone knows, he was shocked, and Thunderbird was even more shocked than him.He himself knew the details of his family. It was not an ordinary beast in this area, but a descendant of a top-level beast from another area of ​​the God Realm.Not to mention comparable to the peerless arrogance, it's almost the same.

Don't think he's just inconspicuous among the ferocious beasts, but that's just a cover, he has never surrendered to that divine tiger.

There is a cooperative relationship between them. Thunderbird came from another area to practice, which is somewhat similar to Xu Yu and the others.

"Come again!" Xu Yu said, his eyes frightening, he seemed to have entered a special state, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, like a victor recovering from a battle, there was no trace of tranquility to speak of.


At this point in the war, both sides have no retreat, the winner is king, and the loser dies.

Both of them culled and moved forward, their fighting spirit soared into the sky, their gods were shining brightly, and the battle reached one place.

Xu Yu went berserk, with the seal of Yuan Shi on his head, and holding a bronze sword. Behind him was a vast chaotic world, the world of fairyland and the escaped one, as well as visions such as the golden sea of ​​bitterness ups and downs in it, shaking out terrifying power.

(End of this chapter)

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