Chapter 123 Acting
With the outbreak of extreme power.The enemies who swarmed Xu Yu and the others before had already fled.

Even the remaining people lost interest in competing with Xu Yu and the others for the Jade Emperor's Book.


The mountains are majestic, the vegetation is lush, the fairy flowers are blooming, with a little crystal in the splendor, the dewdrops are rolling, reflecting the colorful brilliance, the vines as thick as a dragon, twisting and winding, and the thin mist rises,
It makes it look hazy here, so beautiful.

There is a waterfall of flowing springs here, flying straight down for three hundred miles, like a silver horse falling down, splashing in all directions, with great momentum, just like a giant silver dragon descending from the sky, crashing down with great force.

A colorful and eye-catching rainbow hangs, the spirit is transpiring, and the strands are like dense mist, the divine brilliance is dazzling, and it is as magnificent as a dream.

Here the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the atmosphere is peaceful and comfortable,
Without the bloody slaughter from the outside world, it is like a fairyland outside the world, which makes people feel clear and forget to return.

After the Great War in the Emperor's Tomb, Xu Yu and his party now live here temporarily. This place is still deep in the Heavenly God Realm, and it is only five thousand miles away from Jubao Peak, so it is considered a relatively safe place.

Since the end of the last war, more than half a year has passed in the blink of an eye, and during this time, everyone has been living in seclusion, diligently cultivating, hoping to break through to a higher level.

In this small world, not only the veins of the earth are like dragons, but the energy is strong, and even the divinity is extremely strong. It is very easy to understand the Tao.

Any area here can be compared to the Paradise of Heaven outside, and the best area among them can be compared to the All Saints' Land.

In the long years of practice, one or two years is really not a long time, but for a group of young people in their prime and talents, many things can happen and change their lives.

Over the past few days, in this ancient mountain range, there have been strong people awakening from time to time, enlightened to Taoism and practiced, each refining the gods in their hands.Ju Baofeng and his party allowed them to accumulate a lot of good things in their hands.

On the heads of Xu Yu, Zixia, Qingyu Fairy, etc., there are divine artifacts floating above their heads, which bloom with auspicious rays of light and thunderous Taoism, making them feel peaceful, break through the origin of the human body, and comprehend the laws of heaven and earth.

For nearly a year, they have been practicing silently like this except for occasionally going out to look for food.Their realm is generally not high now, and they are all in the stage of sailing. As long as they have enough fetishes, they can all progress rapidly.

For example, the god crystal obtained by the golden lion is originally a specialty of the heavenly god world. It is precipitated from ground milk and has absorbed a large amount of divinity and part of the laws of heaven and earth. Its magical effect is comparable to the best dragon marrow.

After the golden lion was refined, its body and temples were crystal clear, golden, and its flesh and bones were rhythmic and clanging. He had transformed several times, and then awakened to cross the catastrophe.

Up to now, the golden lion can definitely be proud of one side in the world of gods. Its aptitude bloodline is extremely high, and it is a royal bloodline with endless potential.

Under this metamorphosis, it is powerful to the extreme.

After a year of retreat and enlightenment, it climbed to the fifth heaven of Xiantai in one fell swoop, and it is the fastest among all the people.

Moreover, it seems to have been inspired by Xu Yu. In the process of cultivation, it pays more attention to Dao foundation and potential. It is not only condensing blood and baptizing the body, but also comprehending its own Dharma and Dao.

It has to be said that Xu Yu's anti-natural temperament has stimulated many strong people, especially the time-space mystery, which made them envious and jealous.

The path of a monk is relatively easy in the early stage, but it will become narrower and narrower in the later stage, especially after reaching the realm of a saint, every step is extremely difficult.Many people, even for hundreds or even thousands of years, find it difficult to improve and can only stay where they are.

Even some peerless geniuses in history spent a lot of time polishing and tempering themselves before finally being able to break through.

Therefore, the fast and slow speed of practice in the early stage is actually nothing.What should be more concerned about is the exploration of Daoji and the way forward.

In this regard, Xu Yu is the best among all the people.

He has created the strongest Dao foundation for himself, thicker than many ancient emperors, and then, every time he breaks through, he will go back and forge the foundation again.

Don't look at his practice speed is very fast, but in fact his foundation has never wavered.Coupled with the practice methods of other worlds, it can be said that he is truly unique in the world on Daoji.

This is also the reason why Xu Yu was able to trigger the divine prohibition in the shortest time and comprehend the profound law of time and space.Others' path becomes narrower and narrower, while his path becomes wider and wider.

Breaking through several small realms in the Celestial God Realm in almost a year, this is definitely the fastest one.

During this process, Fairy Qingyu also woke up several times. After two years, she broke through several steps and reached the first stage of the Second Immortal Stage. Terrible, the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, Chaos Thunder Tribulation, and One Word Heavenly Tribulation shocked everyone.

Her talent is unquestionable, comparable to a young emperor, if Xu Yu hadn't appeared, she would definitely be the leader of this generation.

After crossing the catastrophe, she became more and more graceful, stunning the world, just like the reincarnation of an ancient goddess, looking down on the world, her beauty is so beautiful that it makes people feel breathless.

And Zixia also broke through the fairy threshold strongly during this year, becoming a strong person on the third small step of the second heaven of Xiantai.

Her blue hair is loose, and her beautiful eyes are condensed with poetry and beauty. She is very intelligent and makes people unforgettable at first sight.

She is exquisite and elegant, with crystal clear and elastic skin, a healthy wheat color, a graceful and soft figure, full breasts, outlining thrilling curves, a small waist with a grip, and straight and slender legs.

A year later, her body has grown a little longer, making her look even more slender and graceful, captivating, with her gestures and gestures, she is extremely beautiful, with a heroic posture, yet graceful and natural.

Whether it was King Biluo or Xu Yu, they were all amazed by him. Whether it was talent or appearance, Zixia could be ranked at the top among the young generation of Donghuang.

As far as Xu Yu was concerned, among the many fairies and goddesses he had seen, only the princess of the dragon clan was the only one. Long Xin'er was slightly better than her, and the others were much inferior.

In the past two years, her cultivation has improved extremely fast, and now she has to start over again to consolidate the foundation.

The most important thing is that she wants to refine the green gold bracelet again, which is a real peerless fairy treasure, the rough embryo of the extreme emperor.

Zixia is extremely satisfied with this, whether it is the appearance, material, spirituality, or even the runes engraved inside, all meet her standards, and even Xu Yu, who gave her this bracelet, has a much better attitude.

During the cultivation period of everyone, it was not all smooth sailing, and tragedies almost happened several times. Some people were eager for success and almost lost their temper, and some people wanted to forcibly catch the sky thunder, and were almost hacked to death.

Not everyone in this world is a genius, most of them are mediocre.Among the people who followed Xu Yu into the God Realm, except for a few who were extremely talented, the rest were normal.

Perhaps in the outside world, compared with ordinary mortals, they are extremely outstanding.But in the Heavenly God Realm where Tianjiao gathers, they disappear from the crowd and seem insignificant.

Just when everyone had made a breakthrough, Xu Yu sat cross-legged on a bluestone alone, silent and motionless, his body was like a fossil, existing forever.

There is nothing to say about Xu Yu's aptitude. He is absolutely heaven-defying and monstrous, and in some respects he even surpasses the Young Emperor.Even King Bi Luo, who dislikes him the most, has to look up to him.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Since coming here to cultivate, Xu Yu is the first breakthrough, and he has broken through to the peak in one breath.

Whether it is the orthodox practice method or every secret realm, he is about to reach the peak of the Second Heaven of Sendai, only half a step away from the realm of the Three Immortal Kings.

But since then, he has been sitting cross-legged on the blue stone, emptied and enlightened. He has awakened several times during this period, but there has been no breakthrough.On the contrary, it was his imposing manner that gradually began to calm down, restraining that sharp brilliance.

In the past, he looked like a heavenly sword that had just come out of its sheath. It was radiant and extremely sharp. Although it was unstoppable, it lacked a kind of calmness and foundation.This has nothing to do with Daoji, it is more like an experience, a life experience, without the kind of years of washing away,
The world of mortals is washed and refined, and the precipitation after hundreds of battles is more youthful.

But now, he is like a peerless fairy sword hidden deep in the scabbard, with both rigidity and softness, and a blend of yin and yang. , invincible, the point of the fairy sword is no longer limited to the form, he is like an old monster who has practiced for thousands of years, and he has controlled every bit of his power to the extreme.



He practiced diligently, and the "Yuan Shi Jing" was running endlessly. His divine power dissipated every inch of his body, and his body trembled slightly. On his crystal clear skin, there were five colors of brilliance flowing, dazzling, and his bones were shiny and moist, clanging, as if made of divine gold. become.

Indistinctly, the blood flowed rapidly, and there was a rumbling thunder, and golden lightning overflowed.

Xu Yu's body is spotless, flawless and unmistakable, like a god on an altar, accepting offerings from all living beings.

Every pore of his is emitting light, radiating celestial brilliance, flesh and bones pulsating with each other, symbols and Dao marks are faintly visible, and there is the sound of chanting sutras, like a scripture in ancient times is being flipped.

Although there is no obvious breakthrough in cultivation, his foundation is more solid. His body is crystal clear, his divinity is abundant, and he is becoming stronger subtly, which is very gratifying.

Afterwards, his mental power shone brightly, and in his immortal platform, it seemed that there was a small sun burning blazingly, exuding a blazing light.

At the same time, Xu Yu, who has watched the complete Shrouding the Sky trilogy, is also very concerned about his physical body.

In Xu Yu's previous life, he saw a book that recorded in a certain Daqian world that there was a Yuanshi Heavenly King, who was a supreme existence comparable to the quasi-immortal emperor above the heavens.

He is also one of the few purely physical body proving the Tao and becoming a quasi-immortal emperor in the thousands of worlds.

"Don't move!" This is the evaluation of Yuanshi Tianzun's body training in that world.

"It's immovable like a mountain! If you don't move your body, the heavens can't be shaken. Standing there, even the Supreme Heavenly Lord of the same realm can't be moved!"

Standing there, the heavens are unshakable, and even the Supreme Heavenly Venerable cannot be moved. What a terrifying defensive power that must be.

When confronting him, he punched him, even though he didn't hurt his body much, he still retreated.

The Yuanshi Heavenly King of that world is called Absolute Defense.

Although Xu didn't have the supreme body training method at the quasi-immortal emperor level, he never even had the body training method at the immortal level.

But "Yuan Shi Xian Jing" is all-encompassing, and it naturally records some unique body training methods, engraving runes on the body, forming a large formation, tempering the body, and enhancing the potential of the body.

In addition, even if it is Xu Yu's "Jiuqing Holy Body Jue", it is also an extraordinary body training scripture. Although it is not as good as the Immortal Sutra in the perfect world to a certain extent, it can also be used in the world of shrouding the sky. It is the supreme body training scripture that is the best in the world.

Xu Yu tried to inscribe runes in his body, like refining a weapon, but found that it was difficult to last long, no matter what kind of runes he inscribed, it would gradually fade away.His physical body seems to have a kind of resistance. He is very resistant to some unnatural and incompatible Dao patterns, and will wipe him out on his own.

This is the instinctive reaction of the flesh, which is not within his controllable range.

Of course, there are not any runes in his flesh and blood. Some dao marks left over from the catastrophe, and the time and space mysteries that he comprehended have all been preserved, sinking and floating under his skin, shimmering and shining, full of dao nature, nourishing with his flesh and blood.

This is a selective stay, and it is very repulsive to some "foreign" law runes, such as the nine ancient characters of the emperor's pattern in the "Yuan Shi Jing", the pattern of bullying the sky, and the sword formula of the immortal robbery, etc., have all been obliterated to nothing Faded.

The root cause is that his physical body is not strong enough to accept some rune rules of different attributes, otherwise his balance will be broken and his body will be weakened in turn.

This shows that the more runes that are not inscribed in the body, the stronger the body will be, and it is necessary to pay attention to unity and balance, as well as overall unity.

Of course, if his physical body surpasses that of a saint and powerhouse, then he can be inclusive of all rivers, whether it is the innate emperor pattern, the bullying pattern, or the sword art of immortal robbery, they can all be preserved without conflicting with each other.

He wanted to engrave some unique runes of the same attribute in order to enhance his physical body, but obviously, that required a very high level.

After several failures in a row, he also figured out some reasons. Adding runes of the same attribute and tempering the strength of the physical body requires a deep understanding of the construction of the runes themselves, and the physical body has reached a corresponding level, but it is obvious that Xu Yuli This realm is still a long way off.

"It is obviously impossible to add runes to it! But it is still possible to change the existing runes of the forging bell."

Xu Yu thought, and he began to try to change the existing rune brand in his body.These are the agglomeration of his way and deeds, drawn from the essence of his divinity.

One strand after another, the Dao patterns are decomposed and recombined into shapes. They are no longer formed into symbols, but become small tripods, Dao bells, fairy swords, etc., models of magic tools, which are brilliant and eye-catching.

This was a very bold attempt. As soon as the runes were disassembled, he clearly felt that his physical strength was declining. The area where the runes were disassembled had dim light and weak points appeared.

But then, the next moment, the light shines brightly, and bells, tripods, and towers appear in this area, replacing the original runes, with abundant Taoism and mighty divine power.

Immediately afterwards, this trend spread to his whole body, and all the runes in his body were changing, turning into the forms of magic instruments such as tripods, seeds, towers, etc., magnificent and solemn, with a majestic momentum.

Originally, he only wanted to try to change partly, but when it really worked, he found that things were far from being as simple as he imagined.

There is a word in this world called pulling one hair and moving the whole body, which refers to his current state.

The modification of partial runes made his physical body unbalanced. If he did not give up condensing the magic weapon of Dao pattern, then he would have to go all the way to the black. If he insisted on condensing partial runes, his physical body would only explode.

His body suddenly glowed, and the magical artifacts on the surface of his body flowed, turning into Dao talismans, endless, flowing like blood, filling every inch of his body.And his own figure is also changing, such as turning into a tripod, sometimes into a tower, sometimes into a bell, ever-changing, mysterious and unpredictable.

When he transformed into a tripod, he was full of Dao Qiyun.Three legs and two ears, majestic and heavy; when he transformed the pagoda, his momentum was solemn and majestic, as if the blue sky had fallen through the ages, suppressing everything;

He kept tempering the divinity and dao patterns in his body back and forth, simulating one kind of change after another, and experiencing the wonderful dao brought by different utensils.

"This path is indeed mysterious and unparalleled. If we continue on this path, even if we can't prove the way physically, we can still find a safe way to improve." Xu Yu said to himself.

The road of using the body as a tool has been very difficult for him, and he can't even see the direction at all. If he continues like this, let alone proving the way, even if he wants to improve, it will be extremely difficult.

Now, although he still hasn't found a way to prove the Tao, he finally sees a glimmer of light.

According to this method to temper the physical body, even if you can't prove the emperor, it is definitely a detached way to improve the flesh shell!
He suddenly stood up, full of vigor, golden light, shrouded in a dazzling divine ring, his aura became extremely fierce, every pore was spraying sword energy, piercing the Han sky, clanging!
All changes took place in his body, every inch of his body shone brightly, divine power and consciousness merged, veins transformed into shapes, and fairy swords emerged one after another. His whole body seemed to be transformed into a heavenly sword in an instant, shining brightly and shining brightly. Bright mountains and rivers.

At this moment, with his gestures, he seemed to be able to tear mountains and rivers apart, and split the universe. He was so sharp and peerless that Fairy Qingyu and the others were so shocked that they retreated again and again.

This aura was too sharp, and they felt as if they were being torn apart before they got close. Everyone was terrified and shocked.

"Little brother, what did you realize? How could it be so scary?" The senior brother said in shock.His divine sense told himself that if he confronted Xu Yu, even if he fought in the same realm, he would be defeated.

Fang instantly kills.The opponent's holy art of killing was too terrifying, and he couldn't resist it at all.

"This is not like an ordinary secret technique, but somewhat similar to the holy method of fighting!" King Biluo shrank his pupils and said in a deep voice.

Dou Zhan Shengfa, also known as Dou Zi Mi, is the supreme fairy art of the Nine Secrets, which specializes in fighting. .

"Could it be that the ancient scriptures that my junior brother obtained in the underground palace of the Belvedere is the Secret of Fighting Words?" Fairy Qingyu said with her beautiful eyes shining, her lips and teeth shining, and her mouth full of fragrance.

For a long time, Xu Yu has not revealed to everyone in the Zifu Holy Land that he has obtained the Emperor's Scripture and the Nine Secrets. In such a big Zifu Holy Land, only the old man Zixu and Zixia know that he needs to obtain the Nine Secrets.

According to the conjectures of the people in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion and Xu Yu's life trajectory, the number of times he had the opportunity to obtain the ancient scriptures was the number of times he had obtained the ancient scriptures from the elders of Ji's family when he appeared with Mu Qing in the Underground Palace of the Belvedere. That ancient book?
Although everyone coveted the fairy scriptures and secret techniques obtained by Xu Yuzai, they have never asked about them. After all, they were obtained by Xu Yu himself. They contributed very little in that battle, and they are not qualified to share them together. .

But now everyone is a little moved. The secret of Douzi is a supreme fairy art, and no one can take it lightly.

Xu Yu was still ignorant of the changes in everyone's minds. He was always immersed in his own mind, and he tried his best to evolve a physical body.

The long bell sounded from his body, and the fairy sword turned into a Taoist bell. The bell waves were mighty, ups and downs, undulating like vast ripples.Sometimes it hits like a thousand great waves, deafening, and seems to break people's hearts; sometimes it is like the morning bell and evening drum, giving people enlightenment and instant enlightenment; sometimes it is like the first sound of the universe, suppressing the universe and fixing time and space.

He then turned into a giant tripod, with three legs and two ears, rounding the universe, just like the incarnation of the Dao!He is constantly changing, interpreting the meaning of various instruments
Mysterious, understand the nature of the universe!Through these changes, he has a more clear comprehension of the runes and principles in his body. At the same time, his physical body is also shining brightly, flowing with immortal light and divinity, almost psychic, and tempered.

At the same time, his practice is also increasing sharply, especially the evolution of Taiji sacred art, which is even more handy and swaying freely.

"Very good! We can stop here!" Xu Yu said to himself, this road is just beginning to emerge, and he has reached the extreme of his current evolution.

Xu Yu stopped, feeling refreshed, every pore in his body stretched out, as if he had eaten ginseng fruit, the vitality of his flesh and blood increased greatly.

"Junior brother, have you really obtained the secret of Dou Zi?" The senior brother opened his mouth and asked.

On the surface, he looked impatient, as if he coveted the Ninth Secret, but in fact he was reminding Xu Yu that someone was greedy for his secret technique, so quickly deny it.

"I did get Dou Zi Mi!" Xu Yu said indifferently with a calm face.

He didn't care about what everyone thought, and he didn't have anything to say about it, and he didn't mean to spread it. Although everyone made insinuations repeatedly, they were all rejected.Xu Yu's identity and combat power are extraordinary, and no one can force or overwhelm him.

In the past year, many major events have happened outside.

In the past two years, although everyone has continuously awakened and overcome tribulations, they have gone out to inquire, and they have never stopped resting. They have learned a lot of things.

The Heavenly God Realm is crazy now, and there is a chilling atmosphere everywhere. In the past two years, many people have died, the world is stained red with blood, thousands of beasts are galloping, and demons are dancing wildly.

This is a feast, a feast for the natives of the God Realm, but all the powerful and strong will start to drive the beast tide, rushing to intercept and kill outsiders.

At the same time, rumors spread wildly in the outside world. Xu Yu held an imperial weapon in his hand, and the rumors became more and more outrageous. Some said that the imperial weapon was a key, a vital token to open the world of gods; Bing is a sacred object in Jubao Peak, controlling it means that you can enter and exit Jubao Peak at will; what's more, this weapon comes from the end of the Heavenly God Realm, and it may be connected to another vast world, condensed like a fairyland.

In short, the outside world is crazy, all kinds of news are not good for Xu Yu, and all the blame is pointed at him.

For these, Xu Yu is naturally well aware, it is nothing more than some ancient and demon tribes gathered to target him.What they value is probably not only the Emperor Armament, but also the Immortal Scriptures and Nine Secrets, and even his little

Of course, I'm afraid there are still many human races who are stirring up trouble, trying to take his life.

"There are more and more rumors outside, which is not good for you. I think someone wants to force you to show up!" Fairy Qingyu frowned slightly, her beautiful eyes flashed, and there was a trace of worry on her pretty face. .

"I can see that many people want to target me." Xu Yu nodded, holding a simple ancient seal in his hand, the size of a fist, exquisite and flawless, flowing red clouds, dazzling divine splendor, and imprinted with nine phoenixes With the sun, moon and stars, lifelike, ancient and natural, full of the charm of the road.

Looking at this ancient seal, everyone frowned slightly.Although they have emperor soldiers in their hands, they can completely sweep the entire Celestial God Realm.

However, they were also afraid of the appearance of a second emperor soldier in the Heavenly God Realm. Although the Heavenly God Realm is still a grand event for the younger generation, there are realm restrictions there after all. Those who can enter the Celestial God Realm are all masters of the Sendai Realm. The bad ones are also the cannon fodder of the Dragon Transformation Realm.

Besides, even Xu Yu took a handful of imperial soldiers to come in carelessly.Therefore, it is not difficult for the people in the Holy Land of Zifu to imagine that other holy places must have brought in their own extreme emperor soldiers, but they have not attracted them all the time.

"Junior brother, during this period of time, I think you should not go out, and avoid the limelight first." The senior brother dissuaded.

 Alas, I feel that there are fewer and fewer people supporting me.
(End of this chapter)

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