Chapter 125
They killed the heavens and turned the world upside down, but it turned out that two huge gods were stirring the world, the rays of light were bright, and they collided with fierce sparks. The vastness of the divine light like a waterfall made this place look extremely dazzling, like the suns burning, blooming dazzlingly. shine.

"This guy, why does he look more and more fierce! What race is so powerful?"

"I've never heard of it, but judging by its appearance, it should be a hybrid creature, a new breed." Liu Feng laughed.

"It's not impossible. According to legend, in the age of mythology, many ancient races were born in this way." The elder brother touched his cheek, his eyes sparkled with wisdom, thought for a while, and said.

There are many tyrannical races in this world, all of which have extraordinary bloodlines and extremely weak fertility. They are rare in number, and may even be a single lineage. It is difficult for the same race to find a partner to mate. Focus on foreigners.

During the intermarriage with a foreign race, there are usually several situations. The most common one is that the strong blood overwhelms the weak and takes on the form of a strong person.

But this is not the only one, there will be another situation, that is, the mutation of blood, such as dragon and phoenix, dragon Lin, three-headed bird, hydra, etc., all these creatures come from this.

Bloodline mutation is uncontrollable, even the ancient emperor can hardly reverse it, so it is an unknown quantity.

But the mutant creature in front of him is very powerful, but he has some problems with his mind, so he should be regarded as an inferior product of blood mutation.


Xiao Yun became more and more courageous, and gradually gained the upper hand. He slashed across, like a bolt from the blue, and the blade directly smashed into its real dragon's head.There was a bang, blood splashed everywhere, and brains flew out.No matter how powerful the physical body was, this ancient strong man with mutated blood was still injured, and Xiao Yun broke one of his heads.

It let out a mournful roar, and rushed like a mad beast.

"It seems that there is really something wrong with his brain, he is just an idiot." Xu Yu shook his head, regretting.

With such a powerful combat power, he is no longer inferior to some god sons and goddesses in the Holy Land, but it is a pity that his brain is not bright, which is really regrettable.

"So there are generally only two endings for such inferior products, one is to be executed directly, and the other is to be exiled." The elder brother said.

Many ancient races were very cruel to this kind of mutated but uncontrollable inferior product, and would directly execute it to avoid polluting their own race's bloodline.Of course, those who are a little bit kinder will choose to be exiled and abandoned in the wilderness.

"This is a record from the age of mythology. There are only a few words, and there are many things we don't know. I don't know if there have been changes in the ancient times?"

The big brother whispered to himself.


The light of the knife was sharp and brilliant, flying up and down like a real dragon, and it was defeated steadily, dripping with blood, and seriously injured.But I have to admit that although this guy's brain is not bright, his instinct for fighting is very keen. No wonder he can survive until now.What's more, it is too wild, even if it is seriously injured, it would rather die than retreat.

The courage is commendable, but it is a pity that it is difficult to recover from the defeat. After dozens of rounds, it finally let out a mournful cry, and its body was split into dozens of sections by the sky knife.

It can't die anymore!

At this moment, the sudden change happened again, and a little light flew out of its corpse, attracted like a firefly, and completely sank into the misty spiritual kingdom in front of it.

"This is... broken spiritual power, which has been absorbed into the spiritual realm!" Fairy Qingyu said in a deep voice, her beautiful eyes overflowing with auspicious colors.

Everyone was stunned, puzzled, and fearful.What is this spiritual country absorbing spiritual power for?To repair the body, or to strengthen the body?Or, it itself has this need.

"Why do I always feel that this place is weird." The golden lion muttered.

If it only absorbs the spiritual power of the dead, that's fine, but this spiritual kingdom is still calling and pulling their primordial spirits. Could it be that it still wants to devour the souls of the living?

Thinking of this, the golden lion's hair was horrified, and he only felt that the spiritual country was like a ghostly hell.

"This spiritual kingdom is indeed terrifying. We have to be careful not to let our primordial spirit be swallowed." Liu Feng said.

Coming here, the ones with the highest cultivation might still be able to hold on, but some brothers with weaker cultivation could hardly hold on anymore.

"You guys should retreat quickly! Staying here will not do you any good." Xu Yu was very calm. His physical body was strong, and he could forcibly lock a soul to counteract that summoning power.

Moreover, his spiritual consciousness is not weak at all, it may be slightly worse than some Dacheng kings, but it is not much worse, they are all at the same level.

In addition, this spiritual realm reminded Xu Yu of the False God Realm that accompanied Huang Tiandi's childhood growth in the chaotic ancient times.

Take a look at the whole chaotic history.It can be said that the help of the False God Realm to Huangtian Emperor Shi Hao can be regarded as the place where he brushed up dungeons, killed monsters and upgraded.

When he was young, he opened up the tenth cave in the False God Realm, and when he practiced to the Dunyi Realm and returned to the Lower Realm, he obtained the True Phoenix Treasure Art in it.

Even in it, he fought against a group of sealed dark creatures, and honed his own invincible method from it.

Although I don't know why, the False God Realm, which was shattered in the chaotic ancient times, appeared in the Heavenly God Realm in the form of a spiritual kingdom.

But Xu Yu knew that there must be a great opportunity in it, not to mention the bronze treasures in Xu Yu's memory, even the spirits of the spirits in it can be used to temper his soul and make his soul go further , so he decided to take a peek.

In addition, the influence of this place on him is negligible, the center of his brows glows, there is auspicious color transpiration between the forehead bones, and the golden glow is dotted, like a god sitting there.


The picture of the spiritual kingdom was rotated again, and finally it was frozen on a wild grassland, with gluttonous roars, Qiongqi roars, golden-winged rocs roaring in the sky and the earth, and the scene was terrifying.

"According to ancient records, these should be ferocious beasts born in the spiritual kingdom, but they all lack self-awareness..." Eldest Brother said with a solemn expression.

He is knowledgeable and has researched the spiritual world in the ancient times. Although the Zifu Holy Land does not have many records about it, he has deduced a lot by virtue of his wisdom.

According to him, these powerful beasts and fierce birds should be imitated by the spiritual kingdom based on the knowledge and imprints absorbed from the outside world. It is difficult for them to give birth to intelligence, but they are extremely powerful.

"This is the evolution of pure spiritual power. It's terrifying. Even half-step power will be hated!" Everyone changed their colors.

Xu Yu showed a dignified look, and said in a deep voice: "You guys leave first, don't come in here!"

If you want to enter the spiritual realm, you obviously can't take the meat shell with you, even if it is sealed into a magic weapon, it is difficult to do it.Because even magical artifacts can only enter with their spirituality, or gods, and the artifacts themselves cannot enter.

Like this, utensil has just lost most of power, has lost many functions, including space storage.

"My body is handed over to you," Xu Yu said.

His primordial spirit escaped, and suddenly it was golden and dazzling, and it turned into the size of an ordinary person.He handed over his physical body and magic weapon to the elder brother, and he himself turned into a streamer and charged into the spiritual realm.

Xu Yu's figure swayed one after another, his speed was extremely fast, and he used the void technique from time to time. Countless gods, birds and beasts were left behind by him. The detachment of the body.

Fierce beasts ran rampant, divine birds soared, and the vast land was full of beast shadows and phantoms shaking, casting large shadows.

These savage beasts were extremely powerful during their lifetime, among them there are many saints, great saints, and even quasi-emperor-level powerhouses. If they are resurrected, any one of them can jump out and cause turmoil in the land of Kyushu.

Rumor has it that they died on the chaotic battlefield. After death, their souls were absorbed by the spiritual kingdom, and their broken imprints were re-born to become what they are today.

In the terms of mortals, they are all ghosts, but in the eyes of practitioners, they are all heroic spirits, preserved immortal will under certain special circumstances.

Of course, it is impossible for them to have the same level of cultivation as before. According to Xu Yu's estimation, the strongest among them is nothing more than a king.

"Boom!" Xu Yu dodged all the ferocious beasts, turned into a bolt of lightning, stepped into the desert area, and immediately felt an extremely hot aura rushing towards him.

This area is really weird, not as peaceful as the outside world, not only full of strong flames, but also wisps of vitality, which alternate with destructive energy.

"Phoenix Nirvana?" Xu Yu said with deep eyes and a little thought.

This kind of peculiar terrain can only appear when the phoenix is ​​nirvana. Life and death alternate, the flames are raging, and the profound meaning of extreme sublimation has evolved.

Stepping on this scorching desert, Xu Yu's forehead had tiny sweat stains. Although it was caused by his spirit, he still felt uncomfortable.

He approached step by step, and slowly came to the collapsed temple. From a closer look, it looked like a temple, very old, made of black and gray stones, and only one third of the building remained .

The ruined temples, the collapsed stone pillars, and some tiles glowing with a little bit of golden light are horizontally arrayed, broken and broken, and the utensils are broken.

This should have been the practice place of a peerless master. Although it is not magnificent, it has an ancient flavor, the Tao rhyme is washed away, and it makes people feel peaceful.

This area is definitely a place for conceiving gods. If it is placed outside, no matter how exhausted the aura is, it will be contested by all the holy places, because this is the place where the strong can transform into Tao, and it is the sacred land of Zhong Tiandi's beauty.

"This style doesn't look like the architecture of the age of mythology!" Xu Yu thought.

He looked around, only to find this ruined building, full of antiquity and densely covered with dust.The whole room is not spacious, just some futon incense burners, and a picture of the word "Tao", the rest is blank.

"Immortal Tribulation Sword Art... Immortal Tribulation Sword Art... Where are you?" Xu Yu murmured.

He was looking around for the secret technique of the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art, but he turned over everything here, but he still didn't see the slightest clue.

Xu Yu remained silent, closed his eyes, and practiced this sword technique silently. The profound meaning of the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art slowly flowed in his heart, bubbling like a ray of clear spring.

The aura of his whole body has changed, becoming sharp, like a peerless heavenly sword out of its sheath, dazzling, shining on the mountains and rivers, and overflowing with a destructive breath, it seems that you can hear the last mournful cry of the gods in the sky, the immortals fall, the world The end is coming, this is an unavoidable robbery and punishment swordsmanship.

"Clang clang! clang clang..."

The picture of the word "Tao" hanging in the center of the main hall was automatic without wind, and there were bursts of sword sounds, and there was a sharp sword intent overflowing, which was very terrifying and frightening.

The sword energy on Xu Yu's body was stimulated, and a more intense sword light erupted immediately. Between the two, the sword intent was agitated, and the Dao mark symbols formed into pieces, forming a sword field in an instant. The light was bright, and two mysterious figures were outlined, interacting with each other. Confronting each other, resonating with each other, intertwined with the principles of the Dao, they recite scriptures by mouth.

The faces of these two gods are blurred, haunted by fragments of time, wrapped in chaotic air, unable to see their real shapes, but they are extraordinarily majestic, with a majestic aura.

These are two kinds of sword intents, but they are very mysterious at this moment, turning into two gods, sitting cross-legged in the void, reciting ancient scriptures.

"This is not the Sword Art of Immortal Tribulation..." Xu Yu was shocked.

This is another kind of sword intent. Although it has an inexplicable connection with the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art, it is definitely not this sword art.

This is another kind of swordsmanship, which is also extremely complicated and mysterious, and it is also a unparalleled killing technique, not inferior to the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art.

"Good swordsmanship...a ​​good sword..." Xu Yu was pleasantly surprised.The sword technique hidden in this picture of "Tao" is called Yuanshen Sword Embryo Jue, also known as Xiaoping Luan Jue, which is a sword skill evolved from Ping Luan Jue.

Speaking of this chaotic formula, it has a big background. Like the Immortal Tribulation Sword Jue, it is a peerless sword formula throughout the ages, and it is said to be unparalleled in the world in terms of attack power.

Rumor has it that during the Immortal Ancient Years, there were a total of three major sword arts, known as the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the realm of immortality, namely the Caozi Sword Art, the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art, and the Peace and Chaos Art.

In Xu Yu's memory, as early as the middle of the Immortal Era, foreign lands invaded the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths on a large scale, and the Immortal King entered the pass, and the situation was critical.

At the most critical moment, a peerless powerhouse stepped forward and performed a sword art to the extreme, forcing the foreign army back, beheading the immortal king, and quelling the wasteland, and the art of calming chaos got its name.

Each of these three kinds of swordsmanship is domineering in attack power, reaching the extreme in a certain field, similar to the Nine Secrets of the Age of Mythology.

However, until now, the outside world has long since seen such ancient relics of immortality, only the world of the gods still has some remnants, but it is not complete.

According to the information left in the "Tao" picture, the broken three major swordsmanship have been evolved into many different swordsmanship in the world of gods, and it is obviously impossible to restore them all.

Xu Yu's heart is clear, he takes this kind of sword formula into his heart, and keeps deducing it in his heart, thousands of sword marks are intertwined, evolving from simple to complex, and then from complex to simple.He is restoring the formula of calming chaos, taking its essence and discarding its dross.

The person who evolved Xiaoping Chaos Jue is so talented that even Xu Yu would be amazed by him.

Although the Chaos Calming Art he obtained is very incomplete, even more damaged and disorganized than the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art obtained by Xu Yu, it is probably less than one-tenth of it, and it is not coherent.

However, the person who deduced the Ping Luan Jue in the spiritual realm is extremely talented. This person actually evolved the Xiao Ping Luan Jue from these words and phrases. surgery.

Xu Yu has a big heart, he wants to get the real Three Great Sword Art, so he is restoring this method.Of course, he didn't abandon this kind of Xiaoping's chaotic formula, and still engraved it in his heart. This is also a great offensive technique, which is what he needs most now.

Xiaoping Luan Jue is unparalleled in power, mysterious and incomparable. It was born out of Ping Luan Jue, and has part of its essence, such as forging the soul, strengthening and immortality and other methods.To him, this is no less than half of the imperial scriptures.

"Good! Good! Good..." Xu Yu was so excited that it was hard to describe.

 Update, update, wait for another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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