Chapter 126 Dragon Yuan Fruit

He had just obtained the Pingchao Jue, and hadn't had time to practice it to temper his primordial spirit, but he still felt that his spiritual consciousness was much stronger after practicing the technique.

His divine sense pierced into the unknown beyond the Sea of ​​Consciousness, where there was chaos, hazy, indistinct, an undeveloped area, and a potential area.

The dazzling beam of light broke in, illuminating this place, as if it had opened up the world, dazzling, blazing and gorgeous, dispelling the chaotic fog here, until finally, it stayed in front of this thing.

It is still the same as before, covered by chaotic afterbirth, and the innate dao rhyme is misty, with an ancient charm before the creation of the world.

This is an innate thing, it cannot be refined by the day after tomorrow!
Xu Yu had a guess in his mind. He had heard the old man Zixu mention that in the remote universe, bordering on the chaotic zone, some congenital things appeared there. There are big and small, and the degree of preciousness is also different. Some even the ancient emperors would be moved by them.

The most precious of them are not even under the emperor's armament, such as the legendary Kunlun Immortal Bell, one of the few remaining immortal artifacts in this universe, which was washed from the chaos and then fell into Kunlun!
Is this the same as the origin of this thing?
Innate things?

Xu Yu was shocked, this kind of thing is rare, it is rare in the whole universe.

Innate things contain the mysteries of opening up the world, and are infiltrated with chaotic dao rhymes. Some of the innate dao rules are more valuable for people with stronger cultivation bases.Even the lowest innate things can make a saint break his head. As for some rare innate gods, they can even make ancient emperors bow down.

Among them, the most typical one is Chaos Immortal Treasure, which can be compared to the Nine Great Immortal Gold, and is the first choice for refining extreme emperor soldiers. I don't know how many great emperors have searched for it.

Xu Yu's spiritual consciousness stood in front of this innate fetish, and looked up, where he saw, it was still chaotic, hazy, full of primitive Taoism.

This is the essence of chaos, it is the essence extracted from the vast amount of chaos energy, it is very rich, and it wraps the innate fetish.

This thing is very tall, Xu Yu stands in front of it like a small dot, like an ant looking up at the sacred mountain, and can't see the end at all.

This is not because its body is really so huge, but because of the origin of this fetish, the Dao Yun is much stronger than Xu Yu, which is why it has caused such a shocking scene.

"What does it really look like?
Xu Yu's divine sense was like a knife, extremely fierce, and he used Ping Luan Jue, trying to crush the essence of chaos and force it to show its original shape.

But he found that the essence of chaos was too thick, no matter what he tried, he couldn't break through the barrier of chaos.On the contrary, his divine sense was repeatedly shattered and almost annihilated.

"It's a pity that Yuan Shiyin is not with me..."

Xu Yu shook his head.

He stayed here for a long time, and finally gave up helplessly, and his spiritual sense returned to Yuanshen.There is no rush to search for this innate fetish, he has more important things to do, looking for clues to the body of the holy spirit.

Looking around, the main hall is still quaint and vicissitudes. After obtaining Xiaoping Luanjue and Zhenhuang Immortal, this ancient temple has nothing worthy of his nostalgia.

He strode out, looked back, the setting sun was like blood, dyed it with a layer of golden-red gilding, and the smoke was shining brightly.The desert, the setting sun, and the temple all complement each other, forming a beautiful picture scroll of vicissitudes and vicissitudes.

Walking out of this desert, he was still greeted by countless divine birds and ferocious beasts. They wandered aimlessly like a group of lonely ghosts.Sometimes fighting, sometimes biting, they are ignorant, only instinct is left.

Passing over one after another of the gods and beasts, he carefully avoided them and walked towards the depths of the kingdom of God.There is no shortage of dry quilts here. On the vast land, there are ancient forests, vines like dragons, towering mountains, waterfalls and springs, majestic yet beautiful, with an ancient and long-lasting atmosphere.

Along the way, he saw many similar ancient temple buildings, most of which were dilapidated, and only a small part was complete.Xu Yu was very moved. A temple that has been mostly collapsed has remnants of the Pingchao Jue, so what about other ancient temples?What kind of ancient art fairy scriptures are hidden?

It's a pity that these temples are not ownerless. In some temples, there are gods sitting cross-legged. Some temples are surrounded by immortals, birds and beasts, and some ancient buildings have remnants of restraints. These are beyond his ability. intruded.

He once looked at a temple in the distance, and there was a god sitting cross-legged in it, with a hazy golden light, his figure was close to him, and a bright divine disk hung behind his head, exuding great majesty.

He recites the fairy scriptures, mysterious and unpredictable, and expounds the principles of heaven and earth. There are flowers falling from the sky, divine springs springing from the ground, thousands of divine rainbows, and auspicious colors, like an immortal king sitting cross-legged on the nine heavens, preaching and teaching.

But the scriptures are intermittent, and I can't hear them clearly. I can only feel a mysterious Taoist rhyme.

With such a scene and such ostentation, at least he is at the quasi-emperor level!

Xu Yu was surprised in his heart and didn't dare to approach, that kind of aura was too frightening, as long as a wisp of it could kill him.

He held back the greed in his heart and continued to move forward, avoiding many crises.It is really dangerous here, even if his soul is strong and he is proficient in void art, he is still close to death.Although those creatures will not take the initiative to attack, there will still be accidental events that will put him in danger.

"Huh? What's the smell?" Xu Yu twitched his nose, his eyes lit up, and his spirits lifted. "It smells so good, there shouldn't be any magic medicine or fairy tree here?"

He is not a country bumpkin who doesn't know anything. This spiritual kingdom is a legacy from the ancient times of the Immortals. It is not surprising that there are magic medicines.

Of course, the magic medicine of the spiritual kingdom may be much worse than the medicine in the real world in terms of efficacy, but it is still a rare good fortune.

With his spirit lifted, he strode forward, opened the way with his divine sense, and used the time-space mystery and the void technique to avoid many crises and go along the source of the fragrance.

"Boom!" A huge wing swept across, setting off a violent hurricane. Suddenly, sand and rocks flew between the sky and the earth, and the sky was dark.

This is a black dragon with a huge and terrifying body, like the Great Wall of Steel, with amber-like dragon eyes shining with cold light, terrifying and frightening.

It passed through the sky, swallowed clouds and mist, and wandered high in the sky. The wind that was unintentionally rolled up fell down, almost bringing disaster to Xu Yu.

He had no choice but to be cautious, so he mustered up all his energy again. He was careful, and avoided terrifying creatures several times along the way. After traveling for several miles, he finally arrived at his destination.

There is a sacred tree in front of it, about tens of feet high, with luxuriant branches, full of old bark and cracks, like dragon scales, lingering with divine glow, bright leaves, blooming fairy glow, it is breathing dragon energy.

Around it, there are dragon tongues, green orchids, and fairy flower embellishments. The whole body is translucent, full of aura, very sacred and peaceful.

"This is... Long Yuanshu?" Xu Yu was in shock.

His heart was shocked, his pupils shrank, and he remembered some records in ancient books.Dragon Yuan Tree, this is a rare holy medicine in the world. It is rumored that it is only produced in the lairs of real dragons, or at the junction of some dragon veins. It is the favorite of snakes, dragons and other dragon species.

This kind of sacred tree can help them evolve their bloodline to transform into a real dragon, and it is the supreme sacred tree in the minds of the descendants of the dragon species.

"Why is there a dragon yuan tree here?" Xu Yu asked doubtfully.He looked around and found that this place is really special. It is full of aura, rich in Taoism, and there are traces of dragon aura overflowing.

Is it the junction of dragon veins?Using the source technique to observe the situation, he checked carefully and found that there are indeed a large number of dragon veins handing over here, but it is not here at all, but an ancient temple in the distance.

Surrounded by dragon veins there, dragon energy is steaming, the purple clouds are misty, the rainbow is myriad, and the clouds are steaming under the clouds. It seems that there are one after another dragons soaring into the sky and rushing into the sky, which is very spectacular.

What a holy land of Tenglong!
Xu Yu sighed in his heart, there must be a great opportunity and great fortune in that temple, but it's a pity that he can't get close to it.There is a green dragon beast entrenched in the ancient temple, its aura is like an abyss, far from what he can provoke.

However, how could there be dragon veins in this illusory spiritual kingdom?Is this place already tending towards reality?Or is it that the spiritual kingdom is exactly the same as the real world?He couldn't figure it out.

After a long time, he shook his head violently, and simply stopped thinking about it, and set his sights on the Longyuan tree again.

"Dragon Yuan Fruit!" The Long Yuan tree is as vigorous as a horned dragon, with luxuriant branches and leaves, similar to ordinary ancient trees. Among the densely packed leaves, you can vaguely see fist-sized fruits, shining brightly, like a young real dragon , lifelike, devouring dragon energy.

This is a holy medicine, which is equally beneficial to other living beings. It can not only purify the body and spirit, but also comprehend the Dao.

"It's not fully ripe yet. If you take it off now, the efficacy of the medicine may be greatly reduced!" Xu Yu frowned, the bright dragon fruit fruits were still a little green and not fully ripe, almost a few years old.

However, even if this holy medicine is not mature, it will not lose to some medicine kings, and it also makes him salivate.

"Whatever, as long as you can eat it!" Xu Yu licked his lips, very excited.

It would take at least ten thousand years for this holy medicine to mature, how could he have waited so long.What's more, I don't know when I will come next time.

He couldn't wait to rush forward, reaching out to pick a fruit, it was a green gold baby dragon, very lifelike, alive, exuding a fragrance, lingering brilliance.

"Not good..." Xu Yu was vigilant, aware of the danger, and instantly picked off the dragon fruit, turned into a bolt of lightning, and retreated extremely quickly.

But it was still too late, several streams of dragon energy rose from the ground, like a fairy sword drawn out of its sheath, radiant and unparalleled, clanging and clanging, striking at extreme speed, very terrifying.

"Pfft!" Blood splattered, Xu Yu's body flickered continuously, and he used the void technique, but he still didn't dodge it. He was sent flying by several dragon qi, and his body burst apart.

This is a natural terrain killer!The dragon veins occupy the land, which contains great good fortune, and naturally also contains great dangers.

Xu Yuyuan's spirit is as powerful as it is, and he can't stop it. The terrain is really terrifying.

This is not the core of the place where the dragon veins are entrenched. It is only the edge area, which can kill the powerful, so how strong is the murderous intent in the center of the ancient temple?No wonder Yuan Tianshi is so popular and sought after in the land of Kyushu.


The dragon fruit was picked, the dragon tree was shaken, and the dragon veins on the ground were stimulated, and they all came back to life unexpectedly.In an instant, the wind and cloud changed color, the dragon spirit rose into the sky, one dragon after another rushed from the ground, the dragons chanted, the sun was shining, the divine splendor was transpiring, and the sky and the earth were flooded with dazzling light.

The brilliance is dazzling, with thousands of auspicious colors. Although it is incomparably sacred, its murderous aura is even stronger. The big dragon fills the sky, crowding the space, and turning this small world into chaos like destroying it.

Xu Yu screamed, coughed up blood, and flew out.He had already hid far enough, but he still couldn't escape the disaster. The dragon's veins were alive, and an invisible force shot out to imprison him.

The invisible murderous intent pierced through his body, causing him to bleed profusely, and he was severely injured.

What was even more frightening was that the invisible force of confinement wanted to pull him into the ancient temple and completely destroy him.

"Shoot!" Xu Yu opened his angry eyes wide and let out a shout. His whole body was full of radiance, resplendent and dazzing, with dao marks flickering, which changed drastically.

In the blink of an eye, his body disappeared, leaving only a jet-black sword body in place, shining brilliantly and peerlessly sharp.

This is the method of calming chaos, the soul of the sword, the power of the horse, can destroy all tangible things, for his current state, it is the most suitable magic.

Clanking and clanging, the sword is full of aura, cutting off the imprisoning force in an instant, and avoiding this catastrophe narrowly and narrowly.

"What a terrifying terrain! If you want to make a difference in this kind of place, besides absolute strength, you can only rely on the source technique!" Xu Yu sighed.

Although this terrain does not dare to say that it has exhausted the mysteries of the world, it is definitely a rare and fierce place.If you want to run rampant here, unless you have the cultivation base of a saint or above, or the presence of Master Yuan Tian, ​​it will be difficult to move an inch.

"Damn it, it's a pity that I only picked one..." Xu Yu was angry, full of unwillingness. Although this dragon fruit is not ripe, it is definitely a big medicine. If he can pick a few more, his cultivation will definitely be Able to advance by leaps and bounds.

"Let's be content and be happy!" Xu Yu laughed at himself, it was quite a blessing to be able to get one of these great medicines.It's really inappropriate for me to still think about Long Wangshu, when did I become so greedy.

However, if you think about it carefully, this is also human nature.This kind of holy medicine, not to mention me, even a saint would be tempted.The group of immortals in their own holy land, don't they think about the Bodhi tree all day long, so it can be seen that greed is originally human nature.

He retreated from this place and found a safe cave, intending to eat the dragon fruit first, and then move on.

In the cave, he took out the Dragon Yuan Fruit and looked at it carefully again, only to see that the fruit looked like a real dragon, lifelike, very expressive, if not for its fragrance, it would be hard to imagine that it would be a fruit.

It was golden and shining, with divine splendor flowing, exuding vast divine fluctuations. Even if he didn't take food, just supporting him like this made the pores of his whole body open, like a feathered flying fairy, and his whole body was comfortable.

It is indeed a holy medicine, even if it is not fully mature, it is far better than the general king of medicine.

It's a pity that this thing is only a spiritual body, which can only exist in the spiritual kingdom and cannot be taken out.Otherwise, with the addition of the fairy juice and essence on his body, it would be enough to refine a batch of elixir.

The old man Zixu is good at alchemy, but he has never cherished the medicinal materials, otherwise he may not be able to practice the peerless alchemy.Now there is fairy juice and jade liquid, which has the essence, but only one main medicine is missing. He feels that if this fruit can be taken out, it is definitely the first choice for the holy product.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, the car has its own way to the front of the mountain." Xu Yu still decided to take the divine fruit first to enhance his strength.

In any case, living is the most important thing!
(End of this chapter)

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