Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 127 The Divine Medicine Against the Heavens

Chapter 127 The Divine Medicine Against the Heavens
Longyuan fruit has extraordinary medicinal effects. Although it is transformed by the spirit, it makes people feel the essence when touched.

It looks like a young dragon, the size of a fist, has a very strong wave of divinity, is golden, and wriggles like life.Xu Yu held it with one hand, and the light shone brightly, reflecting the flesh and bones in his palm, like glass.

"Let's eat first!" Xu Yu said.When he finds the divine liquid condensed from the body of the Holy Spirit, he can naturally refine another potion of great medicine. At this moment, he should focus on strengthening his strength.

Xu Yupan sat there, practicing the mysterious method recorded in the "Yuan Shi Jing", thousands of lightning bolts shot into his body, and the golden light gushed out.

Although he didn't bring a physical body in, there was still an aura of primordial primordial pervading in the primordial spirit, which was the special original creation of the eternal immortal body.

He opened his mouth and swallowed all the Dragon Yuan Fruit into his stomach. This is the fruit of spiritual energy, which fits perfectly with his Yuanshen body.As soon as it fell into his womb,
Immediately turned into a vast divinity, sprayed wantonly, washing away his primordial spirit body.

This dragon fruit is immature, divine and domineering, not peaceful, and difficult to absorb.He operated the method of "Yuan Shi Jing" and tried his best to refine it. From it, he saw fragments of laws and an incomplete Dao map.

His body trembled for a while, and he suffered an unimaginable impact, but finally calmed down, and the violent divinity began to soften, like a trickle, nourishing his entire body of primordial spirit.

Immediately afterwards, he began to change in a good direction.His whole body overflowed with brilliance, shrouded in radiant divine brilliance, feeling as if he was about to lift up into the sky, and the haze was misty.

Every pore in his body was erupting with rays of light, shrouded in hundreds of millions of rays of divine light, as bright as a small sun, surging with energy and radiance, crystal clear like a god on an altar, not stained by the slightest dust.

The incomplete laws and dao diagrams kept spinning in his mind, releasing the mysterious dao rhyme. His mind was clear and he fell into the dao state.

Guanghua shone, he was receiving a divine baptism, his whole body was shaking, and even at the end, his soul was flickering and dimming, and there was a crackling sound in his body, his body and spirit split apart, his soul transformed, and his soul faded away. layer of old skin.

His whole body was radiant, and he became more solid and more powerful. With every gesture, he seemed to be able to shake the void and tear apart the stars.At the same time, a dense layer of runes appeared on his primordial spirit, very subtle, permeating the rhyme of Taoism, like tadpole scripts, colluding with the mighty power of the heavens, and co-existing with Taoism.

Although he did not reach the realm of Dao Slashing King, he took another solid step and became even stronger.

Dragon Yuan Fruit is indeed worthy of being a holy medicine. Although it is not fully mature and it is only a spiritual body, it has brought him a huge transformation.

He took this fruit as a guide, supplemented by the formula of calming chaos and "Yuan Shi Jing", and carried out a thorough forging and refining of his soul.The realm and quantity may not have improved much, but the quality has been improved rapidly.

The primordial spirit is solid and immortal, turning into a sword fetus, and can split the heavy weapon of the Holy Master. Compared with the scattered spiritual powers before, it is completely different.

It is even possible to briefly condense the primordial spirit into a sword embryo and kill the opponent's primordial spirit.

He continued to move forward, crossing the land ravaged by ferocious beasts, and crossing the boundless sea. He has seen countless temples floating in the air and silent on the seabed, and he has also seen some dilapidated cities, collapsed ancient buildings, and ancient styles. , does not belong to any era in the present world.

This spiritual country should have been extremely brilliant in the past, and it has been home to all races. He has seen the traces left by some extremely powerful races here, which shocked people's hearts.

Majestic and majestic sacred mountains stand tall, surrounded by long white clouds, surrounded by auspicious light, auspicious colors are transpiring, boulders are overflowing with purple clouds, cliffs are full of divine splendor, embellished with sacred grasses and fairy flowers, full of vitality.There are many dilapidated ruins left here, such as ancient medicine gardens, military training grounds, animal farms, etc., all of which prove the glory of this place.

There are still no living beings in these places. To be precise, there are only some beasts and gods who are like ghosts, wandering around.

Some of the remnants of ancient steles recorded some remnants of ancient times, but unfortunately, they were all written in ancient times, Xu Yu didn't know anything about it, so he could only write it down temporarily.

This spiritual kingdom doesn't look big from the outside, but the inside is actually very vast and boundless. It's just that many of the land boundaries are seriously broken, and there are some broken islands of gods and rings floating in the air, and many inscriptions and inscriptions are floating in the air.

The deeper you go, the more severe the shattering, gully-like big cracks appear in many places, chaos overflows, and the spiritual kingdom is collapsing, heading for destruction, and returning to the original.

Similarly, the deeper the spiritual kingdom is, the more it tends to be real, and many places have blended with the real world.Here, he has not only seen the illusory things of the spiritual kingdom, but also seen many scenes of the real world.

Broken corpses are floating around, broken weapons are collapsing, and many ancient lands have been broken down into pieces. There are floating stars, floating bones, and all kinds of things, showing that this place was once a place where thousands of races shed blood. .

These are all fragments of the once great world, after being shattered, they never wanted to merge with the illusory world, and they evolved into this state.

He continued to walk deeper. At this time, there were no traces of those fierce beasts and divine birds in this area, and the ignorant heroic spirits could not survive here.

The real and the unreal blend, and the chaos is surging. From time to time, you can see pieces of ruins, covered by hazy fog.This place is like an island in the sea. Some places are real and eternal, with remains of corpses inside; some places are illusory and frivolous, full of vitality, like a pure land; some places are hazy and unclear, but more are still broken ruins and chaos.

After Xu Yu came here, he became more cautious, because this place was more dangerous. It was suspected to be an ancient battlefield. Although there was no aftermath of magical powers to destroy divine powers, any strange appearance could kill him.

He is in the state of primordial spirit, without a physical body, so he can only choose to walk in the illusory pure land, but it is not safe here. From time to time, there will be strange black mist drifting in, corroding his primordial spirit, and there are broken Taoism, immortal Shenguang, a fierce soldier with resentment, is in chaos everywhere

Flying might kill him at any moment.Gradually, Xu Yu traveled to the deepest area, and he saw a legendary sacred tree.

It was an "island" blooming with colorful divine brilliance, with various visions, bright auspicious light flowing, and incomparably sacred.

There is an ancient sacred tree there, very tall, with crystal green leaves, exuding a strong breath of life. The whole body is crystal clear, carved like jade, and the breeze blows, rattling, like the sound of chanting sutras.

This sacred tree is very special. Seeing it can make people feel ethereal, serene, and immersed in a kind of wisdom and perfection, awakening the true self.

This is the bodhi tree!
To be precise, this is the second generation Bodhi tree. It is made from the divine fruit borne by the Bodhi tree. It is a semi-magic medicine with amazing effects and can prolong a person's life for three to 5000 years.

According to ancient historical records, the real bodhi tree is the medicine of immortality belonging to Emperor Amitabha. After Nirvana, it became the seed of the magic medicine and fell into Ye Fan's hands.

But I didn't expect that in the depths of the Heavenly God Realm, there was a second-generation bodhi tree that had grown into a semi-magical medicine, far surpassing the flat peach tree in the holy land of Yaochi.

Rumor has it that if one day the Immortal Bodhi Tree is destroyed, it might evolve into a real elixir.

"It seems that it is the bodhi tree..." Xu Yu muttered in his heart.

Semi-miraculous medicines are very rare, especially those transplanted from immortal medicines, which are even rarer.The elixir of immortality is unique and cannot be duplicated. Naturally, it is difficult to grow this kind of variety that has been transplanted from the elixir of immortality. Throughout the ages, there have been very few cases of this.

This sacred Bodhi tree can be said to be a special case. It fell into this spiritual kingdom in the age of mythology and even the chaotic ancient times. It may even be that the real Bodhi tree was damaged during the catastrophe. Falling into the broken False God Realm at that time, it became the current demigod medicine.

In the pure land, there are many plants and trees, many of which are ancient medicines that have been said for thousands of years. There is no shortage of medicine kings.

Xu Yu unfolded the mysterious method of time and space, flew over many chaotic ruins, avoided many difficulties, and finally approached here.He opened the space-time sanctuary and was on guard, but this place was not dangerous.

Even so, he didn't dare to be careless, because this broken spiritual country is not a good place in the first place.

He was in danger many times here, and sometimes a thin wisp of black mist almost killed him.

It is a very strange substance, which erodes the primordial spirit and does a lot of damage to the true spirit.If it wasn't for the imprint of the jade plate of good fortune hidden in the depths of his soul, I'm afraid he would have been eroded long ago, and he himself doesn't know what he has become.

"This kind of sacred soil... seems very special!" Xu Yu said to himself.

As soon as Shi Shi stepped into this place, he felt the surging energy, his whole body was foggy, thin smoke rose from his feet, and the clouds overflowed with essence. There was a steady stream of innate essence pouring into his body to warm and nourish his primordial spirit.

Stepping on this piece of land, he seemed to feel that he had returned to his mother's womb, being nurtured by a mysterious Dao spirit, strengthening his origin.

This is definitely a kind of fairy soil. No wonder the Bodhi tree will take root here. It seems that the old tree has become a spirit, and it really knows how to choose a place.

The brilliant light shone, and there was chaos and mist here. He lowered his head and observed carefully. It was a mixture of two kinds of fairy land, one strong and the other weak.

The strong ones are very rare, and there are only sparse embellishments on the surface, each of which is crystal clear, like a gem being ground, and evenly sprinkled on the ground, the chaotic energy of the four directions and the original essence of heaven and earth are all gathered.

The weak ones are paved into the ground, and there are a lot of them. It is also an extremely rare kind of divine soil. Of course, Dao spirits are far inferior to the strong ones.

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, he turned his head and looked at the sacred tree in the center, his heart was full of excitement.

Although he now has the seeds of the unicorn magic medicine, no one would dislike the elixir, let alone the bodhi tree that helps people realize Taoism and practice.

Approaching step by step, you can experience the unique longevity breath of the sacred tree from a long distance.It is tall and thick, with cracked bark and palm-sized scales, and the whole tree is emerald green.

"Young man, you actually found this place, why did you come here?" Gu Shu asked.

As soon as it opened its mouth, Xu Yu was amazed. Let alone a semi-magic medicine, even a real immortal medicine, it was impossible to speak out.

They only have a vague spiritual will, and it is commendable that they can express themselves clearly.

This sacred tree can actually speak?
Obviously, this sacred Bodhi tree is extraordinary, freed from some shackles of medicinal herbs, it is possible to transform into a real living being.Xu Yu was shocked, and even more sincerely felt a sense of awe.

"I've met senior!" Xu Yu saluted respectfully.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yu couldn't help thinking of the rumors that the elixir of immortality might be related to the fallen immortals in the fairyland.

As a direct descendant of the bodhi tree, if this tree can transform into form, it will surely have great achievements
"Hehe! You have made it this far at such a young age, my little friend will definitely have a bright future. Seeing you really makes me ashamed!" Gu Shu laughed.

He is old and mature, and his eyelashes are empty, what can be hidden from him?As the ancient Puti tree, also known as the tree of wisdom, he can be said to be able to understand everything in one thought and know everything.

Although he has no form now, he has already lived for endless years, and has traveled more roads than Xu Yu has traveled across bridges. It is clear at a glance what his intentions are.

However, the Bodhi tree was also moved. Although he was born with spiritual wisdom, his cultivation of the divine medicine was still suppressed by heaven and earth. The cultivation was difficult and the road ahead was bumpy. The chances of becoming a true supreme master were slim.

However, generally speaking, he is luckier than other miracle medicines, and finally there is still a ray of light.

It doesn't matter if his practice is slow, he has plenty of time, as a magic medicine, he doesn't change form, and he doesn't get rid of the medicine body. It can be said that as long as he doesn't suffer robbery, his lifespan will be endless.From this point of view, he is equivalent to a fairy.

"Although my generation's cultivation speed is superb, but I am troubled by birth, old age, sickness and death, and cannot live forever. However, my predecessors, who are magic medicines, coexist with the world and are eternal. As long as we persist and never give up, sooner or later, we will surpass all the talents in the world and achieve supreme achievements. Fruit position." Xu Yu said.

"You can talk, which makes me very happy. But you don't know that my practice is slow, tens of millions of years, and it is almost impossible to make any progress. If I didn't hide here, I would have been taken away by someone and planted as a magic medicine." Bodhi tree path.

It is fifty feet high, with luxuriant branches, and the whole body is emerald green, with a sacred and clear aura, and the leaves are engraved with the laws of heaven and earth, imprinting the order of the universe.

"Hey! Eternal dimness, or a moment of light, which one is the monk's pursuit? What you want is eternity, because you have already enjoyed this kind of glory, and you don't understand its preciousness." It chuckled.

Its laughter is full of vicissitudes and loneliness. Although the life of a mortal monk seems short, it is as dazzling as a shooting star.And his life is long, it has gone through several epochs, but it remains unchanged, like a pool of stagnant water, it will only make him feel sad.

Although monks have great supernatural powers, they can turn rivers and seas, catch stars and catch moons, and are almost omnipotent, making the world look up to them, but their lifespan is short, so they long for eternal life; while magic medicines are immortal, but their lives are in a state of bleakness, and it is difficult to do anything. To be the food of others, one naturally yearns for strength and brilliance.

Different environments, different locations, naturally have different pursuits.

(End of this chapter)

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