Chapter 131 Facing the Enemies Strongly
Hydra, who had an irreversible relationship with him, died in Xu Yu's hands, and the two sides would never die.


She squeezed the seal with her slender hands, and collapsed the void, and the vision behind her came after her. She shot ruthlessly, and hit Xu Yu's sky cap directly, intending to take off his head and take his life.

A majestic sword intent soared into the sky, turning into a long golden river and splitting her away. It was the essence of Xu Yu's primordial spirit, that is, the divine power contained in his primordial mysterious realm.

The eyelids of many strong men jumped, they are too powerful!The God of Cookery flower came to kill her, and after she transformed into a human form, she was shrouded in hazy celestial brilliance, overwhelming the country, with a transcendent aura, just like a fairy in Guanghan Palace.Her white clothes are fluttering, and with the flick of her jade fingers, monstrous divine energy gushes out, with power like the sea, and blossoming fairy flowers, crystal clear, shining with nine-color fairy light, magnificent and dreamy.

Xu Yu's eyes were cold, his hands were still suppressing the Dacheng King, and he opened his mouth to spit out a galaxy, which was also the essence of divine power, and turned into a sky blade, extremely sharp and cold, with countless Dao pattern symbols engraved on it.


The boundless Dao Sea was split in half, the waves were surging, the fairy light was surging, and the fairy flowers were broken one by one, crystal clear, turned into debris, and radiant.The God of Cookery Flower's delicate body was shaken, like the jade posture of an exiled immortal, with lotus growing every step of the way, staggering back.

Her figure was also much darker, and she was severely injured. Although she was powerful, she was still inferior to Xu Yu who had reached the forbidden realm.

"Boy, you have taken my family's fairy scriptures, and you will take your life!" Taoist Jin Wu roared angrily.After he turned into a human form, he was an old man with a strange face, a thin figure, wearing a golden Taoist robe, flowing blazing golden light, and killing with the real fire of the sun.

Originally, Xu Yu and the Jinwu clan had no grievances or enmities.But in the Heavenly God Realm, Xu Yu accidentally discovered that the scriptures practiced by the Jinwu people living in the Heavenly God Realm are similar to the Sun Manual, but they are different.

Later Xu Yu became interested. He suspected that the Golden Crow Clan in the Heavenly God Realm was the bloodline passed down from the descendants of the Golden Crow Clan in the Immortal Realm in the Immortal Ancient Era.

Although I don't know if there is anything strange about the Golden Crow on Huosang Star in this world, but the Golden Crow in the Celestial God Realm is extraordinarily powerful.

Not only is the power of the bloodlines extraordinary, but there are also many masters of the Golden Crow tribe in the Heavenly God Realm. According to Xu Yu's discovery in the Golden Crow Clan's Immortal Scripture, although the Golden Crow tribe in the Heavenly God Realm is relatively small in scale, there are very few people.

However, each clansman has extraordinary strength, basically reaching the level of becoming a great power once they reach adulthood, and the supernatural powers they master are also very powerful, but because they have insufficient human realm and understanding of the Tao, they are able to As a result, the supernatural powers of this family were displayed. Although they were gorgeous, their attack power was relatively low.

Aside from the ones just now, due to personal reasons, it is impossible to fully display the Golden Crow's supernatural powers that have been passed down through the ages.

Xu Yu believed that the magical powers of the Jinwu clan were no less than that of the secretary in the Imperial Book.

Therefore, Xu once tried his best to get the Immortal Scriptures practiced by the Golden Crow from a single Golden Crow through friendly and civilized exchanges, which also caused enmity between them.

This is also an important reason why Taoist Jin Wu would attack Xu Yu.

Facing the real fire of the sun, which claims to burn mountains and cook seas, Xu Yu still did not change his expression, his eyes were deep, and there was a rumbling sound coming from his body. Incarnate.

Wisps of qi and blood emerged from his body, not powerful, but very pure, purple-gold qi and blood, with a unique origin, which greatly increased his primordial spirit's combat power.

He communicated with his own flesh shell, condensed and bred a trace of soul blood, which also contained the origin of immortal blood, the golden light was bright, steaming and lingering, making him extraordinarily powerful.

"Zha Zha!" He opened his mouth and let out a shout, the sky thunder rolled, and the sound waves shocked the world, turning into countless ripples, surging and surging.Before all the real fires of the sun approached him, they were already washed away by the soft and sharp ripples, and the Golden Crow screamed strangely, and was blown away!

Xu Yu didn't move his body, suppressed the peerless power with both hands, and retreated the three masters in a row with only blood, energy and energy, and he was truly powerful.

"How can it be so powerful? Even the young emperor doesn't have such divine power, right?"

"Could it be that he brought in the extreme emperor soldiers? With the help of the emperor soldiers?"

"Or, in that book of immortality, is there really unrivaled immortality?"

Everyone's face turned pale, they talked a lot, and kept guessing.Xu Yu's combat prowess was so frightening that it shocked the world.Fighting against the four masters at the level of Immortal Two, he actually gained the upper hand. This has to make people wonder if he really learned the world-shocking fairy art!

Is the forbidden domain so powerful?Everyone doesn't know.

But at such an age, he has already aspired to the top of the gods, and the duration is beyond everyone's expectations. In this alone, Xu Yu's aptitude surpasses most emperors in history.

This is a rival on the road to success!Everyone was depressed and couldn't bear to kill.

Heifeng was furious, showed her original shape, and came to kill again. Her hatred for Xu Yu went deep into her bones, and she would not give up so easily.What's more, phoenixes are arrogant by nature. Whether in myths and legends or in the real world, they are the most powerful fairy birds. They are worshiped by the world. How can they bow their heads and admit defeat?

Although she was wounded, she advanced instead of retreating, and the terrifying black flames swept across the sky, swooping down like the Tianhe Waterfall, turning Xu Yu and everything around her into ashes.

The black phoenix is ​​a fallen divine phoenix. Although it is not of the orthodox bloodline of the fairy bird, it is still powerful and scary if it can be related to the real phoenix.Her black flames are tainted with the magic of hell, which does the most damage to the soul.

However, under the sacred Bodhi tree, the branches and leaves are swaying, the green light is shining, and the breath of life is rippling. This old tree is suppressing the aftermath of destruction in all directions. The land of all things and the land of gods are too important to him, and he does not want his future hope to be destroyed.

Xu Yu stood under the tree, standing proudly, holding the seal with both hands, posing in a strange posture, motionless, as still as a rock.

Substantial metal runes flew out one after another, turning them into prisons, sealing off the black phoenix and its hell fire. The black wings covered the sky, and the black phoenix that filled the sky was suppressed by the law, and its figure became smaller and smaller. It was not her intention For this reason, it was oppressed by a powerful force.

The ferocious, bloodthirsty black phoenix chirped, struggled non-stop, and finally fell down gradually, turning into a petite bird shape, all power was sealed, and there was nothing Xu Yu could do.

Standing there, Xu Yu used his divine sense as a knife to engrave the patterns of the innate emperor. There are nine patterns in total, which are exactly the general outline of the "Yuan Shi Jing". Howling, but to no avail, there is no way to get rid of it.

Everyone was shocked. This is a black phoenix, a vicious bird from hell, the most famous fallen divine bird. It is known far and wide in the outside world as a devil bird that devours millions of lives. It was suppressed like this. At this time Like an ordinary bird.

In the end, all her resistance was suppressed, and she was downcast. Although her eyes were fierce and resentful, she couldn't hide her decadence.

"It's so strong! Although it's not with the will of martial arts to forcibly surrender the opponent, but with just a ray of divine sense, it's still like a myth..."

There is a strong man from Mount Sumeru in the distance, dumbfounded, thinking of an allusion in Buddhism, and feels somewhat similar.

Rumor has it that as soon as Emperor Amitabha became enlightened, he suppressed and subdued the eight dragons with his tyrannical martial arts will.

At this moment, Xu Yu suddenly stepped forward with bright eyes, a majestic sword intent gushed out of his body, peerless and fierce, piercing through Han Xiao, making everyone retreat involuntarily.

This sword intent was so sharp that they didn't dare to look directly at it, so they had to look away.

The Dacheng king was in a hurry. From the moment Xu Yu came, he felt the crisis of life and death.

Xu Yu was going to kill him, to annihilate him completely. After dozens of hundreds of attacks, his primordial spirit had already been weakened, and the so-called invulnerability had already been broken.

At this time, he was really anxious, it was a matter of life and death, he had no choice but to seek relief, for this reason, he even opened his mouth to ask for help from the beasts around him, and he did not hesitate to reveal their sinister schemes against Xu Yu and the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, thinking It is necessary to drag black tigers, fierce beasts and other great powers into the water.

Xu Yu was very quiet, staring at him as if he was looking at a dead person. Heifeng stood on his shoulder, although he was still resentful, but helpless.

"Have you finished your last words? Then I will send you to die!" Xu Yu pointed out, the brilliance was so bright that it exploded to the extreme, instantly annihilating his primordial spirit.

What kind of eccentricity is this?To kill a mighty primordial spirit so easily, even though he had been injured before, but being a mighty is a mighty, how could he be so easily injured?

"Is it a taboo secret technique in the imperial scriptures?"

Everyone was shocked and speculated that this might be a taboo technique in the Emperor's Scripture that Xu Yu obtained from the Three Thousand Jade Stairs.

The Great Emperor has never appeared in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, and naturally there is no Supreme Immortal Scripture like the Emperor's Scripture. In addition, Xu Yu's strikes are too fierce, and Susiren's secret technique is amazingly strong. Naturally, some extreme Taoists present The trial thought of the secret art of the emperor's scriptures.

After beheading the Dacheng King, Xu Yu's aura became even stronger, and his powerful aura swept across the sky, sweeping towards everyone.But everyone here is an opponent, his expression is flat and fearless.

"Which one of you wants to make a move?" Xu Yu said calmly, his eyes were twinkling, not sharp, but they pointed directly at people's hearts, making many strong men tremble.

Everyone backed away, the Dacheng King was so powerful, he was one of the best among all the people, yet he was tortured and killed like this, which made their backs chill and their flesh and blood convulsed.

"The imperial weapon in your hand may break us from the restriction of this world?" Some people are afraid, and naturally some are not. A strong man stood out from the natives of the God Realm and asked calmly.

Although the Bodhi tree is good, they value freedom more. Only by escaping from this cursed land can they have a future.

"I don't know!" Xu Yu said calmly.

He didn't lie to them. Although Yuan Shiyin is powerful, he doesn't know whether he can break through the restriction of the God Realm.

The strong man frowned, didn't say much, but retreated silently.Xu Yu's words did not convince them, nor could they make them give up.

Xu Yu shook his head, and ignored it. He had expected this kind of result, and there was nothing he could do about it.

His eyes fixed on the God of Cookery Flower, Taoist Jinwu, Heihu, etc. at the front, and he swept over these old opponents one by one, his killing intent was undisguised.

The enmity between him and these people cannot be resolved, no matter the new enmity or the old enmity, the two sides have long been irreconcilable.He has created a new extreme state in his soul, and his combat power is astonishing. In this state comparable to the taboo field, he can sweep all opponents.

"I regret it! Back in the emperor's tomb, I failed to join hands with Zi Xiantian to kill you!" Heihu sighed.

He really regretted it. Back then in the Emperor's Tomb, Zi Xiantian had repeatedly invited him to join him in beheading the heroes of the clan, so as to solve the future problems first.But he was addicted to the fairy scriptures at that time, and he couldn't believe in Zi Xiantian, so he missed the best time.

If time could be turned back, he would rather give up fighting for the Immortal Scripture, and get rid of Xu Yu first.

"Unfortunately, there are no ifs in life." Xu Yu's words were flat, and he ruthlessly punctured his last sliver of fantasy.

"That's right, you really can't live in regrets in life, you should cherish the present, so this time, you don't want to leave my hand alive again." Hei Hu said coldly, his eyes were cold and murderous.

"It's not certain who will kill who!" Xu Yu stepped forward and disappeared from the spot. The void was like water waves, with ripples. He appeared in front of him, punching several people at the same time. Incomparably, the golden fighting spirit swept the sky and the earth.

He is different from these people, he is almost in a perfect state, with every punch and kick, he has great strength, can overturn the whole world, and his blood runs through Han Xiao.

Countless strong men flew out one by one, and many strong men were directly torn to pieces.Everyone's liver and gallbladder were splitting, their faces changed drastically, and their scalps were numb.Yuanshen is so powerful, is he still human?It's like a prehistoric tyrannosaur, it's so shocking.

"You..." Huaqiao, the God of Cookery, turned pale, as she was being taken care of intensively.

For this black hand behind the scenes who repeatedly dealt with him three times, Xu Yu has the most murderous intention in his heart.He and Di Fu are old enemies, it is an endless situation, and there is absolutely no mercy.Moreover, Xu Yu has always suspected that the rumors in the world of gods may come from her handwriting.

The God of Cookery Flower trembled, she tried her best to resist, however, the golden light surged like a sea wave, making her heartbroken, and what greeted her was a fist, blazing like a scorching sun, full of masculinity, Smash everything!

The God of Cookery Flower roared, the sound was as sweet as ever, three thousand blue silks danced, shaking the heavenly light, revealing a beautiful face, with curved eyebrows, beautiful eyes, a straight nose, and moist red lips She is rosy, her teeth are like jade, her temperament is transcendent, flawless, and her beauty is breathtaking.

This is the true face of her body, which is so beautiful and elegant, just like the Nine Heavens Xuannv descending to the earth.But no one could have imagined that such a magnificent and peerless beauty emerged from the pile of corpses, which was unimaginable.

Her primordial spirit is very powerful, after all, she came from the underworld, the oldest restricted area, possesses the most powerful primordial mystery method.It's just a pity that in the face of absolute power, everything is false, and where the golden fist passes, everything is reduced to dust.

"Boom!" She was blasted out, her fairy body collapsed, like an angel with broken wings, beautiful and beautiful, no blood splashed, no screams came out, her face was quiet, watching her soul shattered bit by bit, sweetly smile.

"You won this time, but we will meet again!

Her primordial spirit was shattered, celestial light flew out, light rain fell, and she transcended the world.However, amidst this holy scene, a massive amount of black mist emerged again, as if the gate of the Netherworld had opened, endless dead energy, evil corpse energy poured out one after another, like a vast ocean, with the sound of ghosts crying and gods howling.

(End of this chapter)

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