Chapter 132 The Destruction of the Powers

"Three points of primordial magic..." Xu Yu said to himself.

The three-point primordial spirit method is an extremely ancient secret method, which can temporarily transform a primordial spirit equivalent to the real body. Although there are many restrictions and the formation is extremely harsh, it is the most powerful ancient secret method.

Isn’t this ancient method long lost?How could she?Xu Yu was puzzled and lamented the power and profound heritage of the underworld.

It seems that it is not easy to kill her!

Beside him, Taoist Jin Wu was terrified, his face was snow-white, and he fled desperately.

God of Cookery Hua's combat strength is stronger than him, but he was dealt with by three punches and two kicks. He doesn't think he will be an exception!The God of Cookery flower has other methods to save her life, but he doesn't!

That's too late!Xu Yu, who controls the mysterious art of time and space, is too fast, even if he is the body of the Golden Crow, he cannot escape the pursuit.He stepped out of the mountains and rivers and reversed, time and space changed, like the changes of time, so close to the sky, Taoist Jin Wu was instantly intercepted by him in the void.

"You can't kill me~~~"

He hadn't finished speaking when Xu Yu's fists slammed, with radiant divine light, dominating the sky and the earth, no matter how he flew to escape, even the sun's real fire, he couldn't escape that punch, the golden crow bleeds, screams and spreads its wings.

Taoist Jin Wu is very popular in the world of gods, he is on the verge of danger, and dozens of strong people help him.Compared with him, that extremely powerful man has a difference of more than one hundred and eight thousand miles in treatment.

But it was still useless, Xu Yu's speed was too fast, even the black tiger and fierce beasts couldn't catch up, he followed like a shadow, clinging to Taoist Jin Wu, and blasted out eighteen punches in a row, golden light surged and majestic.

The shrill screams resounded thousands of miles away, and Taoist Jinwu's primordial spirit exploded, and then disintegrated inch by inch, turning into streamer fragments and dissipating in the void.

The entire battlefield was silent, and everyone was shocked. Some were afraid, some were silent, and some were full of fighting spirit, but everyone knew that Xu Yu was really almost invincible.

From ancient times to the present, how many people have been able to defeat Dacheng God-King at the Immortal Second Realm?Can the ancient emperor be able to do it?Can the emperor of Taikoo do it?Everyone doesn't know.

But this obviously exceeded the scope of the forbidden domain, and reached a state that they could not understand.

What kind of situation is this, is it a taboo, or a fairy ban?

The crowd was shocked and terrified. The unknown was fear, and they hesitated to go forward.

"It's not as mysterious as you think! Fighting across a big secret realm, throughout the ages, no one has been able to do it, and his current state is slightly stronger than the realm of forbidden gods." His eyes opened and closed, and the light flowed. Shocked, but not flustered, the insight was still there, and the bleeding was stopped with one injection, and the trick was pointed out.

"If I'm not mistaken, he may have triggered both the Divine Forbidden Domain and the Taboo Domain at the same time, reaching the most terrifying situation!
"At such a young age, he actually aspires to win two supreme domains at the same time." An adult secretly sighed. "Is this a sign of becoming a fairy?"

"Triggering two supreme realms at the same time can only be achieved by ascending to the emperor's realm. Besides, even the Dacheng Holy Body can't do it!" The monks of Mount Sumeru said expressionlessly.

In the other direction, the black tiger was fierce and his eyes were cold. He gathered dozens of strong men and wanted to kill Xu Yu.Just seeing Xu Yu in such a state, he was also shocked.

Whether it is the field of forbidden gods or the field of taboos, they are extremely terrifying titles. Since ancient times, those who can aspire to the top of a field are all amazing talents and unparalleled in the world.As for those who can trigger the two realms at the same time, that is even more remarkable. They can be famous in history, at least they are all figures at the peak of quasi-emperor, and many of them have surpassed an era and achieved the status of emperor.

Golden Ancient Tree, Blue Dragon, God Roar, Jun Ni, etc. all had solemn expressions, murderous intent, cold eyes, and a trace of fear in their hearts.

Xu Yu's performance was too powerful, and it deeply shocked everyone. At such a young age, he had already touched the realm of the emperor's way, and cast a shadow over the minds of countless young and strong outsiders.

This is an extremely glorious era. Many Tianjiao have the qualifications of great emperors, are ambitious, and have the ambition to become emperors.

However, the appearance of Xu Yu dealt them a severe blow. When they met such people on the Emperor's Road, they were doomed to be eclipsed and even perish.

Many people's faces were ashen, with murderous intent in their hearts, and their thoughts flashed, wanting to unite with the natives of the God Realm to kill Xu Yu together.

There are too many people who have this idea, even some people who had a good relationship with him before, such as Daoyi Holy Land and Desolate Ancient Style Family.

Xu Yu put too much pressure on them, almost made them despair, he is alive, no one can see the hope of Dilu.

But is Xu Yu really that powerful?the answer is negative.

Although he is extremely talented and stunningly talented, he has not yet reached the point of defying the sky, at least not yet.By initially breaking through the extreme realm, the most direct benefit he can obtain is to break the shackles of heaven and earth and not be affected by the human body.

Limit impact.Even without triggering the Divine Forbidden Domain, just relying on his own combat strength and secret techniques, he can fight across nine small realms, and even higher.

If he touches the Yuan Mysterious Realm, or triggers the Divine Forbidden Realm, it will be even more terrifying!
Secondly, his primordial spirit has improved a lot, and he can rival the Dacheng King. This is the basis for his invincibility.

With a bang, Xu Yu shot again, staring at all directions like a god, and went straight to the black tiger.To shoot a man, shoot a horse first, to capture a thief first, to capture the king, here he has the highest level of cultivation, so naturally he must be the first to target him.

Heihu gathered a large group of people to besiege and kill Xu Yu.Fighting alone, he felt a little apprehensive, so he wanted to use the wheel to fight, exhaust Xu Yu's energy, survive his state, and then use a surprise attack to kill him.

He believed that Xu Yu's invincible state would not last long, as long as he endured this period of time, he would definitely be able to fight back.

It's a pity that Xu Yu won't give him this chance. He squeezed the seal with both hands, and the dragon and the tiger fought for hegemony. The radiance was bright and the lines were thousands of lines, shaking this small world.

The aura of the avenue spread, the tiger roared again and again, Xu Yu pinched seals, and fought again and again with the black tiger and other ferocious beasts.

As a great king, Heihu has superb combat power and extraordinary blood, so he naturally has many followers, especially in the world of gods, he is one of the biggest black hands of the beast tide, with countless subordinates, although not all of them are brought.

But even now, there are still many people who are willing to follow him, especially those who hate him from the ancient clan, the monster clan, and the gods and gods gather around him.

He was much stronger than the original king. Even in the face of Xu Yu, he still did not lose the wind in a short time, which greatly boosted everyone's morale.

Heihu's body was filled with immeasurable light, murderous aura surged, and an incomparably fierce aura erupted. Dao lights flowed from his tiger's claws, which were brilliant and dazzling. One after another, the divine energy was gathered by him from the heaven and the earth, forming a vast expanse. Falling down like a waterfall, the brilliance is brilliant.

Xu Yu's steps, stepping on the ground, are as heavy as the sound of a drum. Every step that falls, shakes the void. Sometimes the law of time is shrouded in him, setting him off like a young god.

He raised his fist and bombarded, the sky and the earth trembled, the yin and yang streams flowed, the golden glow surged, and the whole body was surrounded by golden divine brilliance, just like a blazing divine flame.

"Clang", "Clang", "Clang"

When the fists and claws collided, the black tiger's body was shaken, and the sharp tiger claws burst open, and the brilliance splashed everywhere.

If it wasn't for this aspiration of Yuanshen, the black tiger would have been bleeding profusely and howling miserably.But in reality, this kind of damage to the soul is actually more serious than the physical body.

Heihu was at a disadvantage, lost and injured, and the people in the front quickly rushed forward to stop Xu Yu and buy time for Heihu.

This is a strong man from the ancient clan who hated Xu Yu deeply. Back then in the emperor's tomb, too many strong men in their Ancient Demon Ridge died in Xu Yu's hands. That blow almost broke the backbone of their holy land. For thousands of years, there will be faults in the ancient magic mountain that are not connected.

They were too weak to be Xu Yu's opponents at all.He followed up step by step, and swept out with one punch. The yin and yang qi were entangled, and the sky collapsed.

There are no bloody scenes, but there are screams, howls, and gods are shattered, which makes people feel creepy.

Xu Yu's eyes were sharp and his battle aura was surging, like a god of war descending from the nine heavens, standing proudly in the world, looking at all directions. Wherever he passed, no one could beat him, almost killing his life with fists, every blow was like a soul collapse destroy.

This scene is holy and beautiful, but full of weirdness.Xu Yu is invincible and unstoppable. He is full of steaming golden glow, unparalleled in splendor, sacred and aloof, but he is merciless when he kills.

All the people of the ancient clan also fought to the death, and they would not retreat. Even if the casualties were heavy, or even all died here, they would drag Xu Yu to die together.

Absolutely not let the Zifu Holy Son walk out of the Heavenly God Realm alive, otherwise, their ancient clan may not have a bright future, and will be suppressed by this man again for an era.

Obviously, many people have seen this point, and countless powerful people have made their moves one after another. The monks from the Shaking Light Holy Land, Mount Sumeru, the ancient golden tree, the roar of the gods, the cunning, the blue dragon, the blood moon demon wolf, etc., have joined it.

Only a small group of powerhouses are still choosing to wait and see, their eyes are flickering, and they seem to be ready to move.

"Son of God, do we want to make a move?" A strong man from the Wind Clan asked.

They only followed the God of the Feng Clan, and they had to listen to him in everything. It was obvious that these people had changed.Although Xu Yu has some friendship with them, but in the face of major events such as the Daoism and the Bodhi tree, that little friendship seems weak.

"No, let's just wait and see what happens! As humans, we can't attack the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion in the face of foreign enemies." The God Son of the Wind Clan shook his head.

"But... the Son of the Purple Mansion has reached..."

Someone opened his mouth, wanting to distinguish, but was stopped by the God Son of the Wind Clan.

He knew what these people wanted to say, but he was afraid that Xu Yu would trigger the two taboo areas, and he felt that he was the biggest obstacle on his way to proof.He even thought that he might not be his opponent on the road to emperor, so he wanted to eliminate the threat in advance.

It's just that the emperor is invincible!Do I need to use such a despicable way to win?
God Son of the Wind Clan shook his head, he will reach the forbidden and taboo realm sooner or later, Xu Yu is only one step ahead of him, it is nothing.If he uses this method to deal with Xu Yu, even if he wins, his Dao heart will leave flaws, and it will be even more difficult to prove Dao in the future.

"You don't believe me? Think I'm going to lose?"

The Son of the Wind Clan asked back.His eyes were sharp and shimmering, staring at the person who proposed, watching his body chill and his fetal bones slap his face.

"We naturally believe in the Son of God, but that divine Bodhi tree~~?" Someone came out to smooth things over.

The sacred Bodhi tree is a peerless fairy treasure, comparable to the medicine of immortality. If they can win it, the prosperity of the Feng Clan will definitely be able to rise to a higher level, which is also very important to them.

"Xu Yu was kind to me once, and gave me the fairy scriptures, and this matter is over." The God Son of the Feng Clan said decisively.

Although everyone in the Feng Clan was unwilling, they had to obey orders.Their Son of God has a proud heart and a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, which makes them both admire and regret.

Feng Zhenming, the senior of the Feng Clan, sighed and retreated silently.In fact, he also intends to attack the Son of Zifu, but since the Son of God has already spoken, he can only give up his thoughts.

"Everyone, with so many of us together, even the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor can be killed. There is no need to be afraid of him, let's go together!" A strong man encouraged his morale.

None of the people they came here were weak, they were all geniuses rare for thousands of years, among them were alien beasts with bloodlines returning to their ancestors, people with special physiques of the race, and there were also peerless arrogances with extreme aptitude, and the lowest ones all had the qualifications of saints. There are not a few people who have imperial capital. They unite and can indeed make the emperor's son and emperor's daughter back three points.


However, Xu Yu is not among them. He is stronger than the young emperor, and he is a person who has broken the limit.He made a strong move, and before the speaker finished speaking, he stopped abruptly, and a bright brilliance bloomed in front of his eyebrows, which was instantly shattered and turned into a streamer.

Xu Yu flicked his fingers, the sword light was like a rainbow, and it was peerless and sharp. He used two kinds of supreme sword art alternately, the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art and the Chaos Calming Art.In a short while, several people were split into pieces, their souls were torn apart, and they screamed incessantly.

"Kill!" Xu Yu yelled loudly, stepping on the profound method of time and space, his figure disillusioned, and wandering back and forth among many strong men.

He mainly attacked the ancient clan, blasted out with one punch, overwhelming the world, and several strong men exploded, the light and rain flew, and the souls wailed.

Facing Xu Yu, who had already broken through the extreme realm and created the Yuan Mysterious Realm, they were not opponents at all, and they were all killed in an instant.

Xu Yu's fist, flowing with yin and yang, densely covered with dao lines, is extremely domineering and unparalleled in the world. It can kill a person in ten steps, and it will never stop for thousands of miles.

The essence of Yuanshen boiled, turned into divine power, entangled with dead energy, and merged into a strange Tai Chi diagram in the mysterious territory of Yuan, resembling a sea of ​​bitterness, providing him with endless combat power.

This is the Dao fruit obtained by his primordial spirit's evolution of the world. Although it looks like a Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram from the outside, it actually covers everything, including the universe, and has endless potential to be tapped.

The battle became even more tragic, with too many people coming, Xu Yu fell into a stalemate for a while.

He fought with both hands, tearing several people apart one after another. These people are basically the first-tier masters in Sendai. They rushed forward together. For a while, even Xu Yu seemed to be in a hurry.

According to preliminary estimates, the number of visitors has reached nearly a hundred, and there seems to be signs of follow-up.

In the dark, there are kings attacking, and even more powerful beasts are coming to kill, Xu Yu almost suffered a disadvantage.In an instant, more than ten peak powers surrounded him, and the fighting was extremely fierce, and no light rain was allowed to fly out.

The most ruthless attack on him here is not the natives of the Heavenly God Realm, but the various arrogances from the outside world.

They are afraid of Xu Yu's talent, triggering two supreme realms at the same time, this is too amazing and brilliant, beyond their imagination.

In a sense, Xu Yu has already touched part of the realm of the Emperor's Dao. With him, everyone basically has no hope of proving the Dao. They can only look up to his brilliance and live in his shadow throughout their lives.

This is not allowed by all the arrogance, they all want to walk the road of the great emperor, how can they be willing to be inferior to others, killing Xu Yu is their only choice.

But obviously, they underestimated Xu Yu. Xu Yu was in a special state and his combat power was unimaginably strong. Although it was impossible to kill everyone at once, he did not lose the slightest bit in a group battle.

"Holy Son of the Purple Mansion, today I want you to pay for my clansman's life." A woman from the ancient clan spoke powerfully.

Although she looks elegant and refined, with peerless beauty and murderous eyes, she looks like a fallen fairy.

Her facial features are exquisite, her skin is fair, her breasts are full, her waist is slender, her legs are straight and slender, her hips are straight and her hips are straight, and her black dress outlines a graceful and charming fairy posture. It looks quite amorous.

"Here comes another widow Yan Wang..." Xu Yu shook his head secretly.

Many people in Gu Moyuan died at his hands, and it was only natural for Goddess Taiyin to seek revenge on him.

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore, Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Several monks from Mount Sumeru walked up step by step, carrying the Buddha's light, and chanted the Buddha's name.

"Holy Son of the Purple Mansion, you are too murderous, and you have committed such a crime, why not take refuge in my Buddha and cleanse your heart for revolution. Moreover, this Bodhi tree has a predestined relationship with my Buddha, so it should be returned to my Buddhist sect!"

Not only were they participating in the siege of Xu Yu, but they were also fighting for the Bodhi Sacred Tree.Regarding this, Xu Yu sneered and remained silent.

These bald donkeys really don't know how to live or die, and dare to take the idea of ​​the Bodhi tree!Here, the strongest and scariest thing is not him, but the old sacred tree. If he really offends him, everyone here will never leave alive.

Xu Yu didn't speak, but it didn't mean that other people had no opinion.In fact, most of the powerhouses here came for the bodhi tree.

After all, real benefits are more appealing than getting rid of future threats.

"Bald-headed monk, you are really impure, and you want to swallow the Bodhi tree alone." Someone in the dark could sneer.

"This tree is originally owned by my Buddhist sect, so how can I say it alone!" The leading monk said, his body was full of golden light, as if poured with red gold, and he could vaguely feel the sharp and vast aura.Six feet golden body!
This is the most powerful physical body of Buddhism. It is said that pure power can subdue the gods of the heavens and overwhelm the three thousand worlds, second only to the holy body of the human race.

"What evidence do you have?"

On this side, the fight was still in full swing, everyone besieged and killed Xu Yu, but on the other side, there was a war of words, and the fight was also extremely fierce.

"Everyone in the world knows that the real Bodhi Immortal Tree was born with my Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, when he attained enlightenment. It is the supreme sacred tree of my Buddhist sect, also known as the Buddha tree, and is respected by my Buddhist sect!" A young monk stood up. road.He seemed to be very hot-tempered, and he didn't have the slightest peaceful air of Buddhism. There was a bright aura hanging behind his head, and there was the sound of Buddhist sutras and Zen singing, as if all the Bodhisattvas and Arhats were chanting Amitabha Buddha together.

This is formed by the power of faith, which is very sacred, but for non-Buddhist people, it has great restraint.

"So what? This tree is not the other, it is not the Immortal Tree!" The man in the dark sneered and retorted.

In fact, most of the people were fighting against Xu Yu, while others were preparing to fight for the Bodhi Sacred Tree. Before Xu Yu was taken down, they had already started fighting among themselves.That's right, they were not in the same group, so how can we talk about unity?
"The Bodhi Immortal Tree is the tree that my Buddhist great emperor proclaimed. This tree is transformed from the root of the immortal tree, so it naturally belongs to my Buddhist sect!" the leading monk said confidently.

"You idiots! The wild geese have not been hunted down yet, and you want to eat them roasted or boiled! Hurry up and help." Sun Shenzi shouted angrily.

He couldn't figure it out, how did these idiots grow their brains?Didn't you see that Xu Yu next to him is killing the Quartet?They couldn't hold on any longer, and those idiots were still having a disagreement over the spoils, what a bunch of pig teammates!He scolded his mother in his heart.

"That's right, I'm not dead yet, and you all want to carve up my sacred Bodhi tree?" Xu Yu laughed.


While speaking, he struck mercilessly. A Taoist map appeared behind him, and it flew across the void. Countless strong men were blown away. Pure spirit.

The patterns on the Dao map are natural, and the stars are dotted, like a condensed large universe. It is the change of the divine map in his Yuan Mysterious Realm, and its power is infinite.


There was a sound like the rolling of the universe, killing people from all directions, dozens of people were completely annihilated, turned into bright light, and completely annihilated.

The Taiji Diagram in the Yuan Mysterious Realm is ever-changing and not rigid to a fixed form. It is the embryonic form of the virtual universe, and its divine power is naturally terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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