Chapter 133 Unparalleled Invincibility

Xu Yu was in a frenzy, even though he was in the form of a primordial spirit, he was still full of blood.His fighting spirit soared to the sky, and his golden light was dazzling, blazing like divine flames, as if a heavenly emperor had descended into the world.

In the field of Yuanshenyi, he is already the leader, completely fearless of any strong man, even if he is besieged by many strong men, he is still fearless.

Xu Yu has a fairy golden tripod on his head, fighting vertically and horizontally, stepping on secret characters, his speed is extremely fast, he is like a dreamy empty flower, his figure protrudes beside Yan, he raises his fist and blasts away, the blazing light of his fist streaks across the world , like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, as powerful as a thunderbolt, it arrived in front of him almost instantly.

"It's not so easy to kill me! Even if you have already entered the realm of forbidden gods, the difference in realm means that you can't do anything to me." Junyi roared.He has a huge animal body and a majestic momentum. Although there is fear in his heart, he does not show it to the outside.

Once upon a time, Xu Yu was hunted down by him with nowhere to go, and now everything was reversed, which made him feel aggrieved and resentful.

He is a descendant of an ancient divine beast, and his bloodline is extremely strong, but he was beaten by a monk with a lower level of cultivation than him, which made him feel so unbearable.

"Ah..." Junyi roared with grief and anger, countless runes filled the sky, and even a huge specter appeared behind him, following his steps, like a black mountain pressing down, with boundless terror.

"I can't do anything to you? Today, I'll let you see how I killed you." Xu Yu's eyes were filled with cold electricity, his momentum was fierce, and he had an invincible belief. He kept moving his hands, as if he was pushing the sun, the moon and the stars, The breath of the avenue was pervasive, and a simple and simple clock appeared in his palm.

This is a large-scale killing style evolved from the secret of the word "dou".

The vicissitudes of the ancient clock are ancient, and all natural things such as innate gods, sun, moon and stars, flowers, grass, fish and birds, and ancient ancestors are imprinted on it, which is simple and atmospheric.

As soon as the bell rang, it seemed that the fairy light from the beginning had washed away the ages, and the vast bell sounded slowly, shaking the ancient and modern.


Jun Ni flew out, spurting blood from his mouth, and there were many horrible wounds all over his body.The sound of the bell spread far and wide, causing many monks beside him to shatter their souls. He was defeated, and the phantom behind him almost shattered, his body cracked, and a large amount of divine essence spilled out.

Everyone was shocked. This is also a king. Although he has just entered the game not long ago, his combat power is extraordinary. It is counted here, but he did not expect that he would be severely injured so easily.


One move was not completed, another move was made, Xu Yu raised one arm, which looked like a holy sword that opened the sky, and the aura was extremely sharp.After splitting Yan's body in half, no blood splashed out, he wailed miserably, red clouds overflowed, and traces of steaming.


Jun Ni was desperate and full of unwillingness, but after only two moves, he was beheaded, which is unimaginable on weekdays.But this is the fact, he couldn't resist, the primordial spirit was chopped into pieces, which hurt much more than the body.


Without waiting for him to dissipate naturally, Xu Yu punched again, and the blazing Sun God Fist directly burned him into ashes.

Seeing this scene, those people who came with Suan Ni attacked Xu Yu together, wanting to take this opportunity to keep Xu Yu here forever.

Even if Xu Yu stepped on the line at the first time, the secretary quickly reacted.

Dozens of strong men attacked, even though he had the Time and Space Profound Technique in his body, he was still slightly injured.

"Hmm..." He frowned slightly, the Yuan Mysterious Realm couldn't hold on anymore, it was on the verge of falling, and his fighting strength was faintly fading.

However, fortunately, he was prepared for this state and was not flustered.A year later, his control over the realm of forbidden gods became more and more handy.

"People of the Yin-Yang Sect, you are courting death!
Xu Yu was furious.During this period, the one who attacked him the hardest was that crazy woman from Yin Yang Sect.

She has picturesque features, tall and attractive, and she is wearing a long black dress dancing in the air like a beautiful butterfly.But her attack was extraordinarily feminine and weird, silent, the cold air from the sun invaded, trying to freeze his primordial spirit.

More than one person came from the other party, and three or five people joined forces to form a strange formation, stepping on the mysterious veins, and strangled Xu Yu with all their strength, which brought him some trouble.

"Go to hell." They shouted in unison, killing intent filled the entire sky, and the mountains, rocks, plants and trees in the distance exploded one after another.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."


To kill Xu Yu and avenge the elders of the Yin-Yang Sect is their belief, and it is also the task entrusted to them by the masters of the Yin-Yang Sect.

Even though they knew that Xu Yu's combat prowess was extremely high, he had reached the forbidden realm of the gods, and he was invincible to them, but they still had no fear and dared to die for the Holy Land.

Their gazes were icy cold, and they pinched their seals at the same time, splitting out one after another of divine light, like a bright fairy rainbow, dazzling and blazing.

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die."

Xu Yu roared loudly, with his black hair flying, his feet stepping on the secret characters, and he went straight into the formation, raising the saber in his hand, the light of the sword flickered, clanging and clanging, as if the real Heavenly Sword was trembling.

After Yuanshen broke through the extreme realm, he has no restrictions, and his combat power can fight across nine secret realms. The coordination is all secret, which is not much different from the taboo realm of some young emperors.


The entire world was filled with blazing brilliance, the divine chain of order moved the sky, and massive amounts of divine energy surged wildly.

"Not bad! Not bad! At first it was the realm of the forbidden gods, but now it is the secret of all characters. At such a young age, he not only broke the extreme realm of the primordial spirit, but also triggered the forbidden realm of the gods. It is amazing! It seems that he is really expected to become the second Desolate Emperor." At the center of the island, the Bodhi Tree nodded and said to itself.

He had been watching silently since the war, and Xu Yu's performance satisfied him very much.Breaking through the extreme realm is nothing more than triggering the divine ban, which is truly remarkable.

In the endless years he has experienced, there are as many outstanding people as there are sands in the Ganges River. Even the ancient supreme, who proved the way and became emperor, he has seen a few people.But no one can compare to Xu Yu, only Huang Tiandi, who once had a glimpse of it in the chaotic ancient times, can keep pace with it.

It is also rising in the shortest time, breaking the limit, equally amazing, and has its own unique ideas.

Although their faces are different, they have too many similarities.

When the Forbidden Realm was triggered, Xu Yu's fighting power was unrivaled. Killing these people was like killing chickens and dogs. With a violent shake of his hands, a monstrous brilliance emitted, turning them all into light mist and dust.

The taboo field receded, and the forbidden field took over. Xu Yu was still invincible in battle. Standing in this field, there was no one to search for, and no one to resist.

The women of the Yin-Yang Sect came here and wanted to save these fellow disciples, but they were killed by Xu Yu's punch. The power of time and space rippled, and the peerless beauty disappeared.

"Pfft!" A rune wrapped her remaining primordial spirit and fled away.

"The Saint's Secret Artifact!" Xu Yu's pupils shrank, and he wanted to intercept it, but was blocked by another enemy.

"I'm here to kill you." This is an extremely powerful man, exuding an aura like Yuan, although he didn't cut Dao, but his strength will never lose to those kings who cut Dao halfway.

On his body, Xu Yu even felt the breath of the Eight Secrets.

Xu Yu knew that the power in front of him was even different from some of the kings in the world of gods who had been tested for time. He relied on his own strength and worked hard step by step to reach the state of supreme power.

Such a person can already become a king, but this powerful man has been suppressing breakthroughs in the realm, and he has cultivated the few secret realms in front of the human body to the extreme.

But this kind of person didn't know which power he belonged to, and he joined forces with Heihu and several other powerful people to kill him.There are also ancient golden trees, blue dragons, divine roars, and the mighty power of Yaoguang Holy Land, the ancient Jiang family, and monks on Mount Sumeru to help, surround and kill Xu Yu.

It seems that they have reached an agreement, no longer fighting for the ancient Bodhi tree, and instead kill Xu Yu first, to solve this future threat.

Of course, if Xu Yu died in battle, they would naturally have a big battle. After all, there is only one Bodhi tree, and no one is willing to give up.

However, they didn't know that no matter how they win or lose, there is only one ending for them, and that is the entire army is wiped out.

This old tree has already opened up its spiritual wisdom and is proficient in cultivation. Its cultivation level is close to that of a saint, at least it is also a great king. It is not easy to kill them.

"As a human race, but join hands with other races to slaughter the same race, you deserve death." Xu Yu said indifferently.

He is very principled in his conduct and conduct. He can allow a cultivator to be despicable or shameless, but he cannot allow a cultivator to have no bottom line, no lower limit, and even betray his own clan.

As a cultivator of the human race, it is true that this person intends to deal with him.After all, Dilu is ruthless, and has always been formed by mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Not to mention the same clan, even if they are brothers, only one person can climb to the top.

But his mistake was that he shouldn't join forces with other races, which Xu Yu would never allow.


The sky and the earth shook, several people shot at the same time, the divine light was shining brightly, the laws of Dao marks were intertwined, covering the sky and covering the sun, turning into a big net that covered the sky, and came forward to suppress it.

The sky is shaking, and the sky is falling apart. If there is no bodhi tree to suppress this place, this island will definitely be sunk and fall into the ruins of chaos.

Several powerhouses shot at the same time, and the power was truly terrifying. The golden ancient tree, the blue dragon and other powerhouses were shocked, with hope, eager to kill Xu Yu with this blow.

Xu Yu frowned slightly. This blow was really powerful. Even if he was in the forbidden realm, he didn't dare to take it head-on.

He stretched out a finger, condensed all the divine power, the primordial spirit was radiant, almost burning, the endless divine energy, divine chain, and the origin of the universe were forcibly absorbed and integrated into the pole, the brilliance was brilliant and bright to the extreme.

This extreme point makes people look at it, and it is daunting. It condenses too much power, is compressed to the extreme, and then erupts, and the explosive power is too strong.



Xu Yu made a move, and when there was no time to send it, he clicked it like a magic pen, the extreme eruption, the endless brilliance tore everything, the law god net was broken, and a big hole was torn open, Xu Yu continued to work hard, and pointed his fingertips at the powerful human race .

"Yuanshi strikes, Dingding Wuji!"


Pointing it out, the most brilliant light erupted, like a hundred thousand volcanoes bursting at the same time, and like a cosmic eruption, countless avenues, thousands of gods, vast divine power, everything was born from it.A powerful energy swept across the ten directions, shaking people's hearts, and sweeping across the world.

Everyone trembled, and could only watch helplessly as the body of the stranded human was shattered and turned into debris that filled the sky, shining brightly.

Yuan Shi struck, this secret technique was too domineering, too terrifying, beyond everyone's expectations.In the minds of everyone, the power of this secret technique has surpassed most of the emperor's forbidden methods, which is unimaginable.

Another great power died!Everyone was sad, the rabbit died and the fox was sad. If this continues, everyone is afraid that they will be slaughtered by Xu Yu.

When the black tiger came to kill him, he couldn't just watch Xu Yu go on a killing spree and remain indifferent.In that case, everyone's heart will be lost, and he will die in the end.

"Boy, let this king come to meet you!" Heihu was extremely fast, driving the black gang wind, and once again fought against Xu Yu.

In fact, there was no way for him to retreat, Xu Yu stared at him with a cold expression, full of murderous intent, and had no intention of letting him go.

Moreover, Heihu won't run away either, he's tired of staying in the Heavenly God Realm, he just wants to go out and see the outside world, God Furnaces his hope, and never gives up.

It is tall and tall, like a big black mountain, the animal fur is shiny, and there is a strong tiger's evil lingering, and the black air is filled, which makes people feel chilling.

He has already reached the peak in this area, and there is no way to advance. He has half a foot into the realm of the Dao, and he is so strong that he has reached a terrifying situation.


The world shook violently, the black tiger made a move, and a huge "King" character flew out. It was shining golden, as if it was made of real gold, and it was as big as a mountain peak, coming forward to suppress it.

This is an immemorial divine script, an imprint in the bloodline of inheritance, and it is also a great art of killing. Every stroke is condensed by the law of killing. It is very terrifying and smashes the sky.

"If this goes on, when will the battle last? Let me help you!" The voice of the old tree came from Xu Yu's ears, and a vast power poured into his body out of thin air, increasing his power step by step. Until the early stage of the king, he was on par with everyone.A fair fight, this is the truth.

"Roar!" Xu Yu howled the mountains and rivers, two golden light beams shot out from his pupils, stretching for dozens of miles, his black hair fluttered wildly, and his momentum was overwhelming, like the birth of a peerless great demon king.

"Dang!" He made a move, pressed down his palm, and the bright golden light burst out, piercing the sky.The entire arm turned into a Dao monument, which was hundreds of feet high, penetrating the sky and piercing the earth, with golden light, and the runes of the Dao were engraved on it, which was majestic.

"Boom!" The sky tablet fell, mountains and rivers shook, mountain ranges shattered one after another, high mountains collapsed, rocks pierced through the sky, and patches of forests were destroyed and turned into dust.

His palms covered the bottom, and his fingertips shot one after another, mysterious and radiant, all of which were congenital emperor patterns.

The characters for Emperor and "King" kept colliding, erupting with the most brilliant light, like a blazing active volcano bursting, with divine energy soaring to the sky, and like dozens of stars burning, raging the world.A powerful air force swept across the ten directions, shaking people's hearts, and sweeping across the universe.

The word "king" was broken, and the black tiger let out a mournful roar, its huge body shaking like a mountain, bleeding from the pores all over its body, and its limbs collapsed inch by inch, and finally turned into a pool of bloody mud.

The King Heihu was killed, and everyone was terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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