Chapter 134 The situation is reversed

The fall of the black tiger completely shocked everyone.

It is not a cat or a dog. The Three Immortal Kings are already considered the peak masters in this world of gods.What's more, the black tiger has the blood of an ancient alien species, and its combat power is extraordinary, almost comparable to the king of the road.

Even if he didn't have a physical body and his combat power was greatly reduced, he shouldn't be killed by Xu Yu so easily.

However, the fact is that one of the biggest villains behind the beast tide in the God Realm was blown away by Xu Yu's punch just like that, and he couldn't die any more.After beheading the black tiger, Xu Yu's attack did not stop. He made a fist seal and killed everyone at the fastest speed.

He pressed down with both hands, the Dao Dharma is boundless, there are silk ribbons hanging down, steaming, and the vast divine power is falling down, like a vast waterfall, and like a river hanging after another.

With a bang, the few people in the front were hit hard and flew out. They were torn apart, their bodies exploded, their souls turned into ashes, and they died immediately.

Xu Yu's murderous intent was so high that he wanted to kill all the enemies.With the support of the Bodhi tree, his realm is not inferior to the king's powerhouse. When the Taoism is reached, and with the support of his soul power, crushing them is not a problem at all.

"Impossible, how could it be so strong?

"No matter how talented he is, he is still at the peak of Immortal Er, how could he blow up the peak of power with one punch!"

"There must be someone secretly supporting him!"

Many people's eyes flickered and they speculated.But at this time, Xu Yu had already arrived, so they had no choice but to hastily respond to the enemy.

A powerful aura broke out in an instant, and it went straight to the back of Xu Yu's head. It was God's Roar, and dozens of order god chains rattled and dazzled, as gorgeous as phoenix feathers, intertwined into a prison, shining golden light , burning divine fire, this is his primordial spirit ancestral technique, although there is no divine energy contained in it, it is equally powerful and can destroy mountains and rivers.

Xu Yu was fighting against two powerful men, when Huo De turned around, his body seemed to have turned into a painted halberd, sharp and domineering, unstoppable, capable of destroying mountains, rivers and myriad souls.

This is his body secret technique, and he used it with some reluctance.But now, with the help of the bodhi tree, the Taoism has become completely satisfactory, and it is equally terrifying when applied to the primordial spirit.


The void exploded, chaos surged, this land was destroyed, the Law Prison was torn apart, God Roar was bleeding from the mouth, he failed to sneak attack, and was almost killed by Xu Yu.


Xu Yu shouted angrily, with murderous aura rising to the sky, followed closely, took a step forward, spun around, and came directly to the God Roar, raised his hand and pressed down.

The void became dark, myriad ways collapsed and fell into nothingness, all dharmas, all ways disappeared, and only the giant hand covering the sky remained in the world, dark and evil, terrifying to the extreme.


Roaring and screaming, he struggled desperately, but his primordial spirit was dizzy, eroded by darkness, his consciousness dissipated, and the world was swallowed by that palm.Return to the ruins!
This secret technique was obtained by Xu Yu when he evolved into the extreme state of Yuanshen. Although it looks weird and evil, it is actually upright and upright. The spiritual consciousness will fall into the state of returning to the ruins, without the slightest resistance, and can only wait for death.


The god roared in despair, the primordial spirit was obscured, the Taoism was useless, the spiritual sense was useless, even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't do it, he could only be crushed inch by inch by the palm of his hand.

Another great power was killed!Although God Roar is not that kind of peak power, but he is a rising star in the world of gods, a giant who claims to dominate the world of gods in the future, but now he is killed by two moves like this, which is really shocking, but everyone has already Numb.

There are two more superpowers rushing over, they are the last big shots.A rune flashes between the eyebrows, evolving the universe, with the rotation of the sun, the moon and the stars, and the surging chaos, specific and subtle, similar to the big heaven and the earth.

This is a secret killing technique, to trap him in it, destroy it together with the world, and die by transforming into Tao.Xu Yu moved his hands to disassemble it.

His status in the Divine Forbidden Domain had already been lifted, but now with the support of the Bodhi Tree, he persisted.

At the same time, another powerful man came over, holding an ancient artifact, to be precise, it was an ancient artifact god, and suppressed Xu Yu, with thousands of traces of sky marks covering the sky and covering the earth.

The two great powers besieged Xu Yu, giving everyone hope. Blue Dragon, Golden Ancient Tree, Yaoguang Holy Land, Huanggu Jiang Family, Ji Family and others participated in the battle and wanted to join forces to besiege and kill.

The bodhi tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, exuding wisps of dao light. The leaves are green and dripping, and the breath of life is washed away. When the breeze blows, the leaves rattle, like a hundred thousand Buddhas reciting scriptures.

"Boy, don't waste time. Hurry up and deal with them. It's time for us to go on the road." Bodhisattva said, he was a little impatient, this "small island" was almost wiped out by this battle.

He didn't want the treasures under his feet to be destroyed, so he lent his strength to Xu Yu, hoping that he could end this battle as soon as possible.

"Okay!" Xu Yu said, unfolding the extreme realm, like a fairy king coming to the world, with unparalleled divine power.

He slammed forward with a pair of fists, no one could resist, although there were many people rushing up, but all of them were like rag bags, blasted by Xu Yu's three punches and two legs, turning into light particles.

Even the two great powers couldn't bear it. Their bodies were cracked, their souls were dimmed, their souls were split, and they were killed so that they were about to collapse.

"Boom", "Boom"...

That soul weapon is very special, no matter how Xu Yu attacks it, it will never be broken, even the Immortal Phoenix Divine Art and the two major sword arts can't help it.

This is a special weapon soul, or a god. Although it is not as big as a fist, it has a human body.

Of course, he is just a rudiment now, and has not yet fully grown up. He is only equivalent to a king's weapon, and has no imprinted supreme law.

With a loud noise, the Horcrux was not destroyed, but the holder was killed and turned into dust, and the Horcrux remained.Gorgeous and soft, very dazzling, this is at least a god cultivated by saints and strongmen, and it is difficult to destroy.

Xu Yu waved his hand and put it away.This thing is very rare, it is considered a rare treasure, and it may come in handy in the future. He already has a vague idea in his mind.

Fusing it with the Nine Gods Sword, it can be cast into a peerless heavenly sword, which can be used as his sharp weapon in the future.

The black phoenix that turned into a foot long, eyes like autumn water, showing a trace of regret, the second god, rare in the world, absolutely amazing treasure, even she couldn't help a burst of envy and jealousy.

If she hadn't been suppressed by Xu Yu, she would have rushed to snatch it without hesitation, but unfortunately, now she can only feel jealous and envious in her heart.


The last powerful man was frightened and angry, his companion was killed, and the sharp weapon he relied on was imprisoned. He couldn't bear it in his heart, but he couldn't do anything about it, because he was already unable to protect himself.

When Xu Yu came to kill him, he punched out, his mouth was bleeding, his spirit was scattered, he was submerged by strands of dao hui, and he was about to disintegrate.

The divine light was surging, Xu Yu approached every step of the way, making him tremble, but after only two or three moves, he had already lost all courage, so why talk about life and death?

His cultivation base was obviously higher than the opponent's, but he was so crushed that he had no strength to stand up, and he said unwillingly, "Who on earth lent you strength?"


What responded to him was sword energy all over the sky, and the sword light was extremely fierce, piercing through his primordial spirit and tearing him to pieces.The primordial spirit decomposed and merged, but it was still difficult to resist the monstrous sword energy, and finally disappeared.

Lan Long and the others were terrified, turned around and left, no more courage, but facing Xu Yu's secret script, where could they escape?The retreat was cut off in an instant.

"We fought him!"

Countless strong men shouted angrily, they shot together, the runes intertwined into pieces, exploded the void, and suppressed it again, causing the mountains and rivers to shake, the void to tremble, the ground, water, wind and fire to spurt, and the chaos and mist to fill.

This is the tendency to open up the world. Although they don't have divine power, they are able to borrow the power of the world, and they are still unimaginably powerful.

Xu Yu sneered, moved his hands, the extremely dark void reappeared, ten thousand ways disintegrated, ten thousand dharmas dissipated, and all runes and dao marks were annihilated.


Several powerhouses such as the blue dragon and the silver snake disappeared without a sound in an instant, and the horror and horror reached the extreme.

Xu Yu's expression was indifferent, and he strode towards him with a golden light soaring to the sky, piercing through the Han sky, and with his hands moving, crystal and gorgeous feathers emerged, with a fierce and violent momentum.

The monstrous divine fire, the screaming of the fairy phoenix, rolled up the thousand-foot fairy flame, and the dao light was surging. His whole body was like a divine phoenix fighting the nine heavens, shattering the void, and with a hundred million jun, he suppressed the sky. rain.

The Golden Ancient Tree and others spat out blood, and they couldn't compete at all, and the difference in combat power between them was too great.


He pressed down with one hand and suppressed the ancient golden tree. With five fingers beating, the law was like rain, sealing him.This is a peerless treasure tree with psychic powers, very rare, it would be a pity to kill it.

The ancient golden tree struggled violently, but it was useless.Finally subdued by Xu Yu, he placed it on his other shoulder. The golden tree swayed, shining golden light, like the legendary hibiscus tree, very sacred.

He has a slender figure and a handsome face. Although there is still a little immature, he is majestic and cool, without losing his majesty. There are countless corpses under his feet. The result makes people feel numb in the scalp and chill in the bottom of his heart.

The entire battlefield is silent, and now, the living are desperate, how to fight?Not an opponent at all.The two powerhouses of the Almighty level have both fallen, and only these little shrimps are left, how can they fight!
Their faces turned pale, and they wanted to run away, but found that in front of Xu Yu's secretary, they didn't even have a chance to run away.

There were too many strong men who died, and most of them were from foreign races, and the remaining strong men of the human race also felt sorry for each other. They were afraid of being killed by Xu Yu, and there was no trace of fighting spirit.

It's just that they still have a lot of things they can't figure out. How did Xu Yu have such a skill?Who on earth lent him such a powerful force?

"Three Immortal Kings, this is definitely the cultivation level of the Three Immortal Kings?" someone muttered to himself.

"Could it be that there are ancient sages hiding around here?"

Although this area of ​​the Heavenly God Realm can only accommodate the Dacheng King at most, this place is special after all. It is a forbidden place for gods and demons, and it is an area shrouded by a spiritual kingdom. If some variables really appear, it is not impossible.

As many great powers went off to confront Xu Yu in turn, they understood that Xu Yu's original realm and combat power were the peak of Immortal Er's cultivation.

But as one after another of the top gates fell in front of them, they also knew that there must be a mysterious strong man secretly providing Xu Yu with continuous divine power, pushing his combat power to the king's realm for a short time.

And being able to achieve this step, but the extremely powerful and great masters on the scene can't find it, it proves that the realm of the person who made the shot is far higher than that of the people present, and it may even be the existence of ancient sages.

Although there are indeed a few saints left behind in the world of gods, those are the long-term accumulation of the aborigines in the world of gods, and they will not appear without special circumstances.

Even if it was the last time when the three thousand jade steps competed for the emperor's scriptures, the highest combat power of the aborigines in the world of gods was only in the semi-sacred realm.And the shot is limited by many factors.

More importantly, as far as everyone present knew, it was impossible for the ancient saints in the world of gods to stand on Xu Yu's side.

So this time the saint who mysteriously acted for Xu Yu was beyond their calculations.

At the same time, their hearts were terrified, what a terrible thing it was to have an ancient sage hiding in the dark!If so, they have no chance of winning at all.

"Not necessarily, maybe it is some secret treasure, and it is not yet known. After all, even the second god has appeared. If he really brought some Horcrux secret treasures in, it may not be impossible to achieve this level." Some people argued strongly. , They looked panic-stricken and fearful in their hearts.

If there are ancient saints here, it means that they have no way out and are in a desperate situation.

The faces of the remnants of the besieged outer holy land powers were pale. Although they were not injured, their confidence had already been defeated.After all, they are also the main force of the siege. Although they are on the periphery, they have already captured Xu Yu. Can they survive now?

The monks on Mount Sumeru, Yaoguang Holy Land and others also trembled in their hearts. The situation of the battle turned around so fast that they didn't expect it.

"I hope fellow daoists can raise their hands high for the sake of being a human race!"

"That's right, Brother Dao, I've already realized my mistake, so please forgive me."

"I hope Brother Dao can consider the overall situation of the human race."

Some people were unwilling to beg for mercy and wanted to threaten with harsh words, but when they saw Xu Yu's sharp and murderous eyes, they felt chills in their hearts, and their tone subconsciously weakened.

After all, people are under the eaves, they have to bow their heads, their lives are being pinched, how dare they be presumptuous!
"Brother Dao, although they have gone too far and led people to besiege you, what they say is not unreasonable. The human race really needs them now." The God Son of the Feng Clan stood up, personable and unrestrained, he was one of the few Those who did not participate in the siege of Xu Yu, their combat power was preserved intact.

Moreover, Xu Yu had some kind of friendship with him. Whether it was in the Emperor's Tomb or Jubao Peak, this person's actions could be regarded as aboveboard, which made Xu Yu feel good about him.

If other people were to plead for mercy, Xu Yu would definitely do it without saying a word.But Xu Yu had to think carefully if he came forward to intercede. After all, he couldn't really make enemies all over the world.

"Senior Brother Feng, you are a kind person who understands the general situation and the overall situation. If they are in trouble today, you will help them. But, if I am in trouble tomorrow, will you also help me?" Xu Yu smiled.

The God Son of the Feng Clan was startled for a moment, then patted his chest, laughed and said: "Brother, if you trust me, you and I are best friends, if you have any difficulties in the future, say hello, brother, I will go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire." Never frown."

Feeling a little relieved in Xu Yu's heart, the murderous aura on his body subsided and he glanced at them coldly, then turned and left:


(End of this chapter)

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