Chapter 135

The area was finally clean, and those who attacked Xu Yu in the scuffle left, not daring to stay for a while.

They all knew that Xu Yu was simmering with fire in his heart now, and if the God Son of the Wind Clan hadn't interceded, none of them would have thought of leaving alive.

The God Son of the Wind Clan left, taking many masters of the Wind Clan with him.

Only Xu Yu and this old tree are left on this "island" of the spiritual kingdom. They stand together, side by side, the breeze blows, the leaves rustle, and there is auspicious light and auspicious colors hanging down, the breath of life is washed away, sacred Flawless, they set off like figures from the God Realm.

"Sure enough, I saw you right, boy, you are truly stunning!" the old tree opened his mouth, and he stretched out his emerald green branches to express his praise.

"Senior, I've given you too much credit. I haven't thanked you for your help!" Xu Yu laughed.

"This bodhi tree can actually talk..." Heifeng and the ancient golden tree were so shocked that their jaws almost fell to the ground.

A semi-miracle medicine spit out people's words, and what did Xu Yu say?The one who helped him...was this divine tree?

Since ancient times, the elixir of immortality has been transformed into a form, and the only one who can practice in ancient history is Qingdi.

But even so, Qingdi is an immortal medicine, which is rarely known in this world, even his descendant Yan Ruyu doesn't know this secret.

But now something happened around Black Phoenix and Ancient Golden Tree that subverted their cognition, and broke the record that the elixir of immortality could not be practiced since ancient times.

Even if it is a semi-miracle medicine, there is no record of practice in ancient history.

At this moment, the two of them were confused and stunned. At this time, they looked squarely at the Bodhi tree, and the more they looked at it, the more frightened they became. This old tree is not as simple as a simple psychic, it seems to be really cultivated!Could it be that the ancient saint hiding in the dark is really him?Black Phoenix and Golden Ancient Tree have mixed feelings in their hearts.

Envious and jealous, why is Xu Yu so lucky?A demigod medicine that can cultivate is absolutely valuable, and it may even be higher than the medicine of immortality, so he picked it up so easily.

"No need to do that! Even if I don't make a move, you can still win." The Bodhi Sacred Tree laughed.

"Senior! We should go!" He took out a space magic weapon.

"Okay! I also want to go out with you to see something." The old tree smiled.With a sound of swiping, the sacred Bodhi tree shrinks, taking the soil of all things in the center, and the soil of gods and spirits, all of which are buried in the magic vessel.

"It's time to go out!" Xu Yu said.

He began to return along the original road, walked through the ruins of chaos, and returned to the spiritual kingdom. One after another, continuous and dilapidated.

Along the way, he also saw many treasures of heaven and earth, all of which were made of spirit and guarded by strange beasts.

There are many relics here, which are remnants of the chaotic ancient times. The Bodhi tree told him that this place was not called the spiritual kingdom before, but the virtual god world, also called the spirit world. It is a virtual world built by the spirits of the gods. With a big secret.

Although there were speculations, Xu Yu was still a little stunned when he actually heard the news from Bodhi Tree.

In the memory of his previous life, Chen Laomo did not give the final whereabouts of the False God Realm, but only introduced the unrivaled murderous person who was suppressed in the False God Realm to break through the seal. The last record about the False God Realm is just Not here anymore.

But he didn't expect that when he actually came to this world, he would discover this False God Realm that had been passed down from the chaotic times.

Although it can be said that the current Goddess Xu is dilapidated and dilapidated, she has long since lost the vigor and vitality of the chaotic ancient times, and the scene of "friendly communication" among the creatures of all races.

But Xu Yu was very interested in the chaotic ancient secrets recorded in it, even if it was incomplete.

However, with the end of the chaotic ancient times, many secrets here have been completely buried by the years.

According to the Bodhi Tree, this place was very prosperous in the ancient times, not inferior to the real world. There are many immortal arts left over, engraved here, including the most famous three sword formulas, the ten fierce treasure arts, and the inheritance of the immortal king.

However, with the shattering of the spirit world, most of them have disappeared, leaving only sporadic fragments, and most of them have disappeared.

"Actually, most of the ancient immortal techniques that have been passed on to the outside world are spread from here. The Bodhi tree said.

There are also some incomplete records of immortal arts in the Celestial God Realm, but most of them are not as complete as this one. It was inherited and supplemented by later generations. For example, Xu Yu learned the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art.

"How glorious is the chaotic ancient era? Even the inheritance of immortal kings can be seen everywhere!" Xu Yu was dumbfounded.

"Who said that? Do you think that the inheritance of immortal kings is Chinese cabbage? You can see it everywhere?" The Bodhi Tree heard this and rolled its eyes.

He was bored in his heart and didn't know what to say, let alone the chaotic ancient era, even in the immortal ancient era, there were very few immortal kings. In total, there were only a few dozen or so people, all of whom were supreme and worthy of the heavens. People who respect each other.Those who can get their inheritance are rare, either direct descendants, or disciples and grandchildren,

The rest are just some scattered fragments by chance.

"Didn't you say..." Xu Yu was puzzled and confused.

"I'm talking about the claws and half scales of the fairy art, not the inheritance of the fairy king, and the fact is not what you think." The Bodhi tree explained.

Chaotic Ancient was the era immediately following Immortal Ancient, and there were indeed many immortal spells left, but most of them were sporadic fragments.For example, the True Dragon Immortal Art, at that time there were True Dragon Claw, Green Dragon Horn, Wrathful Dragon Roar, etc., all of which were secret arts evolved from the True Dragon Immortal Art, and their power was extremely different.

The real ten fierce treasures are not in the hands of some powerful forces, but are hidden in some dangerous places, and can only be obtained by some special opportunities.

Among them, the most typical ones are the spirit world and the virtual god world, both of which contain ten fierce treasures and the inheritance of the immortal king, but it is even more difficult to obtain them.Only those who are amazingly talented and brilliant, who have repeatedly broken records, can be bestowed.

"It is rumored that Emperor Huangtian broke the record of the False God Realm back then, and thus obtained a peerless treasure from it!"


"True Phoenix Art!"

Bodhi tree path.The Ten Fierce Immortal Techniques are very rare. In terms of their status, they are very similar to the current Nine Secrets. They have all reached the extreme in a certain field.The Ten Fierce Immortal Art is the foundational Immortal Art of the ten most powerful clans in Immortal Ancient.It has the ability to overwhelm the world and reverse the universe, which is no less than the inheritance of the immortal king.

However, these races all have descendants, such as the real dragon and the real phoenix, needless to say, let’s take the skyhorn ants for example, they also have many descendants. They have inherited part of their blood, but they are not pure enough, so that the supernatural power Incomplete and lost its essence.

Therefore, in the chaotic ancient times, the Ten Fierce Immortal Techniques were dismantled to pieces, and there were very few who could be completed.

"So, are there any more here now?" Xu Yu's eyes were flooded, and his heart moved.

The spirit world has been shattered to such an extent, is there any remaining immortality of that level?Xu Yu didn't know what to do.He has carefully felt that all the temples in this spiritual kingdom may indeed have remnants of the ten fierce treasures, but not all of them.

Those who are in a slightly better situation can get nearly half of the essence and evolve into another kind of supernatural power; those who are in a slightly worse situation have only one or two remnants, which is not a system at all.

Even the best ones are still far from the Xianshu in its heyday, and of course, those who are worse are not to mention.

"There should be remnants! But they are all in the deepest part of the spirit world." The Bodhi Tree said with some uncertainty.

What he was referring to was naturally those complete immortal king inheritances, or the Ten Ominous Precious Techniques.But with the rupture of the spiritual world, those things have been difficult to appear, their traces are uncertain, and he is not sure whether they exist or not.

Of course he could see that Xu Yu coveted this, but he could only sigh secretly.

With Xu Yu's talent, if he was born in Xiangu or Chaos Gu, he would have a chance to get these inheritances.

But now... it's difficult!

"If you prove the Tao and become an emperor, you may have a chance!" said the bodhi tree.

What he meant was that after Xu Yu proved his way, he broke into the deepest part of the spiritual world and searched forcibly. There might be a chance or two of success.

Xu Yu was resentful and dejected. If he had proved the Tao, why would he come here?However, he didn't say it out loud, and directly denied it, leaving a hope.

"Let's go, let's go out." He found the original coordinates, directly shattered the void, and flew out.

The moment he broke through the spiritual kingdom, he sensed the catastrophe, which is a catastrophe in the realm of Xiantai, very dangerous.Xu Yu didn't dare to be careless, and didn't plan to cross the catastrophe before returning to his physical body.

He covered his aura with the pattern of bullying the sky, and his figure turned into a stream of light, flying back to the physical body.

In a mountain range not far from the forbidden land of gods and demons, there are singing birds and fragrant flowers, and the scenery is beautiful. Although there are towering ancient trees, there are many strange stones and fairy flowers dotted with them. The stream is gurgling and flowing, clear and flawless, bright and quiet, shining brightly.

Zixia and the others are sitting here cross-legged and waiting.There is a divine seal between them, lingering in the haze, exquisite like a work of art, magnificent and dreamy.

"Little brother will be fine, right? Why haven't you come back after going away for so long?" A senior brother asked.

It has been dozens of days since Xu Yu left, but there is still no news. Everyone is anxious, worried and panicked.

Xu Yu was not only the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion Holy Land, but also faintly became their leader and established a certain prestige, so they were naturally worried.

"Don't worry, Junior Brother Xu is extremely talented and has great luck. Naturally, he will turn bad luck into good fortune." Xiao Yun said.

Competition is competition, but the unity within the Holy Land of Zifu remains undiminished.He sincerely hoped that Xu Yu would return safely.

"We also hope so, but this time, he took too long to go!" Liu Feng frowned, hesitating to speak.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, although he didn't say it, everyone understands.

Hearing this, everyone turned their gazes to Fairy Qingyu. Here, she had the highest prestige. Without Xu Yu, everyone naturally listened to him.

"Wait for another two days, if you still don't come back..." Fairy Qingyu frowned slightly, her beautiful eyes were deep and filled with inexplicable light. "Then we will enter the spiritual kingdom to find him!"

She is beautiful and elegant, tall and graceful, like a goddess in the nine heavens, with a beautiful fairy appearance.

Her heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface. Xu Yu had been gone for more than ten days and there was no movement at all. How could she not be worried?Don't look at her and Xu Yu's discord on the surface, but after all, they came from the same school. It is related to the rise and fall of the Zifu Holy Land, and he can't take it lightly.

And Zixia on the side also showed a worried look on her face, but after all, she is not like Zi Qingyu, who has a particularly high prestige among the disciples of Zifu.

In the final analysis, she is also a person who likes to be quiet. Being a saintess of the Purple Mansion is generally related to her physique, and it is usually the result of competition among various forces in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion.

It can be said that the main reason why Zixia became the saint of the Zifu is due to her innate Taoist fetus, the supreme physique that has been successfully proved by her predecessors.

It was also because of the success of the Queen Mother of the West's enlightenment that everyone in the Holy Land of the Zifu had to pay attention to Zixia who had an acceptable physique. After all, her physique had the possibility of enlightenment, which was much higher than Zi Qingyu's upper limit.

"Hmm..." Everyone nodded in response.

Before the words were finished, a change occurred, and a bright stream of light shot from afar, like the sun and the moon, brilliant and holy, and instantly plunged into the furnace.

"Boom!" The divine seal vibrated, the haze rose to the sky, and the divine light spread all over the sky, like a fire burning clouds, and there was a soft chirping sound, which was clear and pleasant to the ear.

"Junior brother is back." Senior brother said happily.Among these people, he was the one who was most worried about Xu Yu. He had a good relationship with Xu Yu, and the two belonged to the same faction, so they were naturally closer. Otherwise, Xu Yu would not have given the Yuanshi Seal to him before leaving.

"Just come back!"

"I don't know what's going on?"

Everyone was excited, and there was a lot of discussion. Xu Yu's return at least proved that his life was safe, which was already good news for everyone.Xu Yu is the Eternal Immortal Physique, the future Optimus Prime of the Holy Land, and also their hope.

"Touch!" In the divine furnace, Xu Yu opened his eyes, a pair of pupils shot out two rays of divine light, dazzling, clanging like a divine sword, cutting through the void, unparalleled sharpness, at the same time, the vast golden blood energy flowed from him It rushed out of the body, like a peerless sharp sword, directly piercing the sky.

The essence, blood and spiritual power in his body are rolling, roaring and rumbling, golden light is shining, lightning is intertwined, the breath of the beginning is permeating, and the vast blood is brewing, like a dormant volcano, which can burn the heavens at any time.

Xu Yu could clearly feel the changes in his body.As soon as the primordial spirit returned to the physical body, there was a shocking change. The waves of the Lunhai Secret Realm turned golden waves, and the lightning danced wildly.

Like the magnets of yin and yang poles, they attract and repel each other, and have a common pulse and frequency. In the two secret realms, the golden divine power is transpiring, and the essence of the primordial spirit is dense, intertwined and fused with each other. Silky wisps, weather myriad.

He felt that he was in a better state than ever before. The gods and the shell resonated, he realized Taoism and immortality, and heaven and man were one. I want to lift Xia Feixian.

God forbid!

Unprecedented limit!Only after he was perfected in form and spirit did he discover that breaking through the extreme realm possesses more benefits, and many treasures of flesh shells have also been developed, such as impenetrable by water and fire, flesh and blood containing gods and spirits, fetal bones turning into stars, etc. All kinds of supernatural powers that would only appear appeared on him in advance.

His whole body exudes radiant brilliance, his whole body is flawless, flowing nine-colored rays of light, every inch of his body contains infinite power, surging majestic momentum, like a god on the altar.

"Junior brother, you're back! I'm so anxious to die!" The senior brother complained.

"How long have I been out?"

"Today is the No. 11 day." The senior brother smiled wryly.

"That's really embarrassing senior brother." Xu Yu apologized.It can be seen that during the time when he disappeared, the elder brother was really worried, and he comforted and worried for himself, he felt a heat in his heart, and comforted him.

"However, don't worry, brother, there are not many people in this area who can accept me."

"What do you gain in it?" Fairy Qingyu asked, her beautiful eyes flashing, interrupting their words.

"Find a sacred Bodhi tree!"

"Sacred Bodhi Tree?" Everyone was shocked.

When they heard the news that Xu Yu had found the Bodhi Sacred Tree, everyone in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion found it inconceivable.How precious is the Bodhi tree!It is one of the most famous demigod medicines in the world, and its value is immeasurable, let alone
The whole plant, even the broken branches and leaves, can cause a person's head to be broken and cause a bloodbath.

Especially for the big forces with a long history, it is like a shark smelling blood, which is an irresistible temptation.

"Could I lie to you?" Xu Yu rolled his eyes and said angrily.

This girl is really out of tune, how could she still lie about this kind of thing.As soon as I brushed my body, the rays of the sun flowed, and the dense energy filled the air, and a space magic weapon appeared, and there was a crystal clear sand in it, which was the soil of all things and the soil of gods.

And in the fairy soil, there is a small tree planted, green and crystal clear, vigorous and ancient, with a myriad of rays, transcendent and sacred, although it is only more than one foot high, it is majestic and majestic, as if three thousand worlds are rotating, majestic and eternal.

"Is it really the sacred Bodhi tree?" Everyone was shocked again. This kind of precious tree is rare in thousands of years, and its momentum and divinity are unique and cannot be imitated at all.

In particular, this Bodhi tree also has the effect of making people calm down, enlightening the gods, and opening up wisdom, which makes everyone feel unsatisfied.

"Great! After finding the Bodhi Sacred Tree, my Zifu Holy Land will definitely be able to improve to a higher level and prosper forever!" Zi Qingyu's big eyes lit up, and he clenched his fists, feeling excited in his heart.The lotus steps swayed, and Xiao Man grasped her waist with a bewitching posture.Under the excitement, she couldn't control herself, she wanted to get closer and see more clearly.

Two years later, she was even more stunning. Her appearance was overwhelming, her melon-shaped face, her eyebrows were curved, her big eyes were watery and sparkling with divine brilliance, her figure was tall, her curves were alluring, almost perfect, her temperament was ethereal, but With a heroic posture again.

At this moment, her pretty face was full of excitement, and her beautiful eyes sparkled with a dreamlike brilliance.

"Of course, don't look at who I am."

Xu Yu was proud, raised his head and said.

As Fairy Qing Yu approached, his nose fluttered, and he smelled a body fragrance like orchid and musk deer, which was very attractive and made people feel ecstatic.

"By the way, where are we going next?" Xu Yu asked curiously.With the Bodhi Tree in hand, they have completed their mission this time, and now, they don't know where to go.

"We have already visited almost all the opportunities in the world of gods, and everything that should appear has appeared, only the body of the holy spirit has not been found. Although various clues point to this restricted area, it is not only us, but also other people. We haven't found it either, now we just have to wait." Fairy Qingyu held her cheeks, thought for a while, and finally said.

"That's right, not only our family is looking for the divine liquid contained in the body of the Holy Spirit, but also the main goal of the outside world's holy lands entering here. Even the aborigines have many people looking for it. No matter which side finds it, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble. Changes, when the time comes, we can reap the benefits of the fisherman." Xu Yu also nodded, agreeing with Zi Qingyu's idea.

Naturally, everyone had no opinion, and finally decided unanimously to choose a quiet place to practice in the vicinity.

The gold is sinking, and night is coming, but it is not completely dark because of this.A jade rabbit leaped out, emitting a silvery white light, bright and soft, mysterious and hazy, and sprinkled on the ground.According to legend, the sun and the moon in this world are all formed by chaotic ancient beasts, and the circulation in this world is not good, and there is a regular ups and downs.

On the second day, two uninvited guests came, Golden Ancient Tree and Black Phoenix. This time, they rushed over in real bodies, well-formed and extremely powerful.At first, there was almost trouble, and the two parties almost fought.

After Xu Yu explained, everyone was relieved?They had already been subdued by Xu Yu in the spirit world, and they separated when they escaped from the spirit world. They each returned to their physical bodies, and now they follow Xu Yu again.Of course, they were not willing, but were restrained by Xu Yu and had no choice but to come.

This mountain range is very vast, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the scenery is pleasant. It is hidden in a broken forbidden law, and ordinary people can't find it at all.

They just meditate here and practice silently, waiting for the news of the appearance of the body of the Holy Spirit.

On this day, Xu Yu sat on a small island in the middle of the lake, chanted silently, and reflected a scripture in his heart. This is an ancient scripture that he has always wanted to read, but he has never understood it.

It is described in the text of the mythical era, written by Xuanhuang himself, and was obtained by Xu Yu in the emperor's tomb in the past, but he can't understand most of it, and only understands a small part.

Now, he wants to watch it again.

At that time, the battle was fierce and he acted in a hurry, so he didn't have time to think about it carefully. Now that he is translating again, he feels that he should gain something this time.

"Hmm!" When a series of mysterious symbolic words reappeared in his mind, it immediately triggered a vision of heaven and earth, golden lotus springing from the ground, auspiciousness descending from the sky, real dragon dancing in pan, immortal phoenix singing, and even more rays of light. , the light of flying immortals lingers, and the atmosphere of immortality fills the void.

All this happened in his mind, outsiders could not see it, they could only vaguely see it, his figure became more and more blurred, his figure was close to the way, resonating with the heaven and the earth, wrapped in the chaos, hazy, like an innate god sitting in the chaos Only.

How rare is the method of becoming an immortal!
It is a priceless treasure, and it cannot be exchanged for any amount of gods, celestial treasures, or holy medicines. Even if it is priceless, it is not enough to describe its preciousness.

Because let alone a city, even an ancient star of life may not be able to exchange for a method of becoming a fairy.Because this is a taboo field explored by the ancient emperor.

Immortals are gone, and chaotic ancients are far away. Since the age of mythology, there have been many Tianzun, ancient emperors, and great emperors, but Changsheng has never been seen.

If the method of becoming a fairy recorded here is true, then this will be the beginning of an eternal upheaval, the fuse, and affect the ancient, modern and future.

However, Xu Yu still had doubts in his heart. If Xuanhuang really possessed the method of becoming an immortal, why there is no record of his process of becoming an immortal in the history of practice. This can only prove that Xuanhuang has been buried in the bones for years. It may not be able to make people become immortals, achieve Taoism and live forever.

Of course, the scripture comprehension of a Daoist is still a destiny for him, and it is not to be missed!

Xu Yu sat there cross-legged, reading scriptures, comprehending the Dao, pondering every word, and then he was deeply attracted, the sea of ​​bitterness in his body was churning, the Dao Palace was gorgeous, the four poles, Hualong, Xiantai and other secret places could also hear the sound of the Dao, the momentum Majestic, profound and mysterious, the lingering sound curls up.

There is a layer of misty fairy light that wraps him, dense runes are branded, and dense mist rises, sinking into his flesh and bones, the branding is washed away, and it goes back and forth, baptizing the body and spirit.

The scriptures are grand and profound, and even just reciting them is already slowly washing the marrow for him. This is good fortune, and it has benefited him greatly.

(End of this chapter)

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