Chapter 136
Of course, this process is very slow, and the success or failure will not be visible for a while, but will gradually appear in the future.

In his mind, the vision shook the world, the clouds and mists were transpiring, shaking people's hearts, a real dragon was born, the scales and armor were as cold as metal, it was churning, swallowing the sun and the moon, sweeping the galaxy.

Then, the divine phoenix roared, and the flames soared into the sky, burning the heavens, and all the gods fell from the sky, and all spirits were terrified.

Large expanses of flying fairy light and rain fell, crystal clear and flawless, with a savory fragrance, as if a fairy was born, and the essence of longevity washed the meat shell, making it more tenacious and psychic, and immortal.

The weather is myriad, and the auspiciousness is overwhelming!
Simply, all of this happened in his mind, and outsiders don't know it, so as not to arouse the shock of onlookers.

While reading this scripture, all the scriptures he practiced in his body were trembling, the sound of the sky was rolling, and the momentum was magnificent, just like three thousand gods and demons chanting scriptures together, and the visions were frequent, not intentional, just natural Phenomenon.

Behind him appeared the Heavenly Emperor Linchen, the Jianmu World Tree, the escaped one, the chaotic world, etc., and countless visions overlapped, as if the heavens and the earth were opened.

Not far away, Fairy Qingyu and others exclaimed, and when they came back to their senses, they all showed strange colors.Is Xu Yu enlightening?What a powerful aura!

However, they also understand that Xu Yu, as a supreme divine body, should have secrets in his body, and they are inconvenient to delve into it.

Even now that Xu Yu is an eternal immortal body, only a few people in the Purple Mansion Holy Land know about it.

Even in the face of doubts from the outside world, the Holy Land of Zifu told the outside world that Xu Yu was just a divine body.

The scriptures shocked the world, all using mysterious Dao symbols mixed with chaotic ancient characters, Xu Yu could not understand many of them.But this time, there was an old antique by his side—the Bodhi Sacred Tree!
I can't understand it, can't he understand it too?

"This is indeed a remarkable immortal scripture. The first half tells about the method of becoming an immortal, and the second half is a practice scripture. It is very transcendent, and it is already close to immortality!"

The Bodhi tree sighed.

As expected, he was old enough, and the texts of the age of mythology could not trouble him. After thinking about it carefully, he began to translate and recite the scriptures.

Xu Yu has always acted in a seasoned manner.He was not completely at ease about the Bodhi tree. After listening to his translation, he first compared his own perceptions, and then guessed it again. After confirming that it was correct, he kept it in his heart.

He skipped the previous part of becoming an immortal, because his realm was not enough, and if he practiced rashly, he would suffer great calamity, so he chose to practice the latter ancient scripture first.

The Bodhi tree told him that this ancient scripture was called "The Book of Infinite Immortals", and it was not Xuanhuang's scripture on Godlessness.

This is the scripture created in his third life. It is extremely sublimated, mysterious and difficult, and it is better than the first scripture. It is the scripture closest to the true immortal.

The book also records that in the later years of the second life, Wuliang Tianzun cut off his own decayed body, found a place in the world of gods to ascend to the immortal land, imitated the transformation of the Holy Spirit, and lived out the third life in tens of thousands of years. .

And he hibernated for tens of thousands of years in the world of gods and gods, avoiding the witnesses of his later generations, and hiding in the ancient history.

Later, in his seventh life, following Emperor Zun's establishment of the Heavenly Court, he taught his achievements and conquered the road to immortality. Longevity Tianzun found him from nowhere and invited him to attack Emperor Zun together between immortals and mortals.

I don't know how Changsheng Tianzun persuaded Wuliang Tianzun. Since then, Wuliang Tianzun followed Changsheng Tianzun and left the Heavenly God Realm, preparing to ambush Emperor Zun.

hear this.Think of the records in the original book.When Emperor Zun broke through the immortal passage, someone in the strange world fought against him, then this person was probably the immeasurable Heavenly Venerable who had been waiting for a long time.

Wuliang Tianzun, who was about to turn into a mortal fairy, fought with the other Tianzun to suppress Emperor Zun, and indeed achieved extraordinary results.

Once the Heavenly Court, respected by all the world, was destroyed, even its founder, Emperor Zun, fell the "curtain" in that battle.

The translation of the Bodhi tree, Xu Yu listened attentively, the scriptures flickered in the sea of ​​consciousness, the sound of the sky was magnificent, like the deep and the sea, deep and vast, every word sounded like the thunder of the God of Opening Heaven, like a celestial emperor occupying the nine heavens, preaching the Dao , the secret of the origin of the evolution world.

The avenue is like the sky, like the prayers of the prehistoric gods, and like the sacrifices of hundreds of millions of living beings. It is magnificent and continuous, imprinted in his heart.His heart trembled, as if he was under the sky where the heaven and the earth had just opened, experiencing the vastness and eternity of eternity.

Xu Yu's whole body was fixed there, like a rock, with chaos rising, and the streamer passing by, misty, especially sacred and transcendent.

"This scripture..." Xu Yu frowned slightly. He carefully studied every symbol and every paragraph of scriptures, feeling it with his heart, and felt it was very familiar.This scripture fit him so well, it seemed like it was tailor-made for him.

The more he practices, the more surprised he is, the more surprised he is. This scripture is profound and profound, and it is half a chip higher than the "Tao Sutra", "Sun Ancient Sutra", and "Tai Yin Ancient Sutra" he practiced. Yuan Shijing is comparable.

And it fits so well with his physique, as if it was tailor-made for Xu Yu.

Now even Xu Yun doubts that the physique of Wuliang Tianzun in the age of mythology may be the eternal immortal body, or the supreme immortal body.One of two constitutions.

But these are secondary, the most important thing is that in this ancient scripture, he discovered some of the mysteries of the evolution of yin and yang, which are similar to the Sun Sutra and Tai Yin Sutra he obtained, but it is strange Yes, but there is a difference of nearly 100 million years between the two?

Could it be that the Dao leads to the same, and the different paths lead to the same goal? Even though the difference between the two is a million years, their understanding of the Yin-Yang Dao has reached an astonishing similarity.

On this small island, immortal sounds boomed, there was a golden glow, lightning overflowed from his body, and the aura of primordial existence wrapped him up, shining brightly and exuding holy brilliance, and visions appeared all over his body, as if he had opened up a fairyland.

One after another, ancient characters jumped out and revolved around him. Each character was cast like a divine gold, imprinted in the void, shining brightly like the scorching sun, illuminating the universe.There are all kinds of heavenly sounds coming out of his body, like the roar of a god, like a howl of a demon, like a drink of Zen, with thousands of intertwined resonances, resounding through the past, present, and future, condensing the mystery of heaven and earth, and spanning the universe.

Xu Yu fell into a deep level of enlightenment, and the vision behind him became even more grand and magnificent.The infinite treasure in his body was opened, releasing monstrous superficial energy.

In Xu Yu's sea of ​​bitterness, the sound of Dao roared, the brilliance of the sea of ​​wheels radiated, the golden sea of ​​bitterness was turbulent, the waves were surging, lightning intertwined, thunder was rolling, and there was an immortal air rippling.

He did not dissolve the original Dao fruit and recast it, but chose to learn from each other's strengths and make up for its weaknesses, taking the essence and discarding the dross, condensing the Lunhai Secret Realm again, and checking for omissions.


As if the heaven and the earth were opened, golden waves rose one after another, thunder rolled, and across the sky, it was full of vitality.

In the sea of ​​bitterness, the wheel of life is crystal clear and radiant, rippling with huge life energy, the divine spring is gurgling, spewing golden rays of light, like a volcano, and a section of nine-color crystal rainbow hangs, thick and frightening, shining like a dream The brilliance is like a sky bridge, the other side is misty, covered by chaos, it is even more mysterious and detached, like a kingdom of gods.

Lunhai condenses and becomes more magnificent. The Lunhai Secret Realm of a practitioner of the same realm is at least nearly a hundred times stronger.Dao Palace, Siji, Hualong, Xiantai and other secret realms have not changed as much as the Lunhai secret realm, but they have also made great progress.

If he hadn't suppressed it so hard, at this moment, he would have been able to break through and enter the Immortal Three Realm.

Don't look at it, Xu Yu is only at the second level of Xiantai now, but his Xiantai is several times larger than ordinary powers, the whole body is crystal clear, clear and flawless, intertwined with dao marks, and branded with runes. It is condensed from a huge background.

If he is willing to take the time to cultivate the realm of Xiantai, he will definitely be able to advance by leaps and bounds in the shortest time. This is the benefit of his strong soul.

Some people are indeed born to cultivate Taoism, and the genius of heaven is the best explanation for them, just like Xu Yu at this moment.

This scripture contains supreme good fortune, which perfectly fits his eternal fairy body, allowing his potential to be fully utilized.

His hair is shawl, and he is as light as a fairy. His slender body sits cross-legged, submerged in golden light and chaos, leaving only a hazy back, very detached.

"Oh, what a pity! I don't know if I can cultivate my Yuan Mysterious Realm according to this scripture!" Xu Yu suddenly thought after studying it.

His meta-mysterious realm was unprecedented, and it was his own original creation. Based on the Lunhai secret realm, the real secret realm he developed was [-]% similar.

Of course, there is still a difference, that is, the primordial spirit is originally energy, a fusion of the true spirit, without fixed meridians, veins, acupoints and bones, so it is difficult to practice directly according to the scriptures.So, his idea is still a little naive.

It's not that he didn't think about creating a scripture for practicing Yuan Mysterious Realm by himself, but it was too difficult.

He still hasn't perfected the five original mystical realms in his physical body, let alone this unprecedented and unprecedented primordial mysterious realm.

It is said that the strong must have their own Tao and create their own methods, but that is only after the fusion of various Taoisms. Only by standing on the shoulders of giants can we see farther.Obviously, Xu Yu hasn't reached that point yet, if he doesn't witness the Dao, how dare he make false claims to create a supernatural text to prove the Dao.

Moreover, his Yuan Mysterious Realm still has many flaws.The primordial spirit is empty, the secret realm is real, there is no blood, no meridians, only a secret realm, too isolated and unsystematic, this is number one.

This newly opened Yuan Mysterious Realm is too rough to build. It uses the two major swords as the front to open up chaos, time and space as pillars to open up the secret realm, Taiji as the core, yin and yang as decorations, and the phoenix immortality technique to ignite the spirit. , a secret realm that was forcibly opened up by accumulating essence.

But his practice is still too shallow, no matter whether it is the Yuanshi Xianjing, other ancient scriptures, or the two major swordsmanship, he is not clear enough to comprehend it thoroughly. Feeling, as if as long as the wind blows, it will collapse.

The amount of divine essence accumulated in it is still small, and it can still be maintained, but if a method for cultivating the Yuan Mysterious Realm is created, I am afraid that it will collapse by itself in less than a few weeks. A large number of gods will turn his soul into ashes.

"It seems that I'm still impatient." Xu Yu shook his head.

For now, what he should do most is actually to consolidate the Dao fruit, not to forge ahead, after all, haste makes waste.Only by improving the way and stabilizing the secret realm can he go further on this path in the extreme domain.

Xu Yu sighed slightly, the road had to be walked step by step, and the meal had to be eaten in one bite, so don't be too anxious.To be able to reach this level now, he is considered astonishingly talented and extraordinary, if he wants to reach the sky in one step, he may fall into the abyss.

The Bodhi Tree nodded inwardly. He was very satisfied that Xu Yu was good-natured if he was able to defeat without being discouraged and win without arrogance.

There are countless geniuses in this world, but there are very few who can really make it to the end.Natural talent is important, but character is also indispensable. Only with both, plus a little chance and luck, can we create the most powerful person who is astonishing in the past.

The translation of the Bodhi tree, Xu Yu listened attentively and pondered.This is the age of mythology, and the method of becoming an immortal left by the immeasurable Tianzun is the most likely way to become an immortal after he has repeatedly ruled it out.

Although I don't know whether he is successful or not, the method of becoming an immortal recognized by a celestial being still deserves the attention of all cultivators!
The first method of becoming an immortal talks about how to open a fairyland by yourself. Needless to say, even Emperor Zun probably can't do it, let alone others.

To be precise, it is almost impossible to evolve by yourself and create a fairyland by yourself.The Bodhi tree told him that, not to mention now, even in the ancient times of Immortals, few people could do it.

To create a fairyland out of thin air requires Taoism and magical powers, it is too vast, even ordinary true immortals can't bear it.

This reverie can basically be cut off!The second method of becoming a fairy is about how to build reincarnation. This kind of method of becoming a fairy has never been tried by Wuliang Tianzun himself, and it is his master's method.According to what was written in the Emperor's Immortal Sutra, this method of becoming an immortal was too demanding, and he couldn't accept it.

Through psychic communication with corpses, reincarnation imprints are formed in the body, which accumulates from life to life until consummation, constructing reincarnation of the physical body and immortality of the spirit.

This method takes too long and has too many variables, so he doesn't like it.

Moreover, how to lock the spirit in the physical body, keep the primordial spirit scattered and not extinguished, and not be replaced when a new primordial spirit is conceived, all the tricks in it, only he Mingzun knows, and he himself has only a half-knowledge.

Therefore, this method is also a dead end!

The last one is to live life after life in the world of mortals until he becomes an immortal. This method can only be achieved by those with great perseverance, but by those with extraordinary talents.

Suddenly, Xu Yu recalled that when he obtained the inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun, so did Yuanshi Tianzun.After living for the seventh time, he chose to enter the strange world and go to the fairy road, and now there is one more person within Xu Yu's known range.

It seems that the seventh world is a threshold, far from being as simple as Xu Yu remembered, full of mystery and unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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