Chapter 137
Suddenly a figure appeared riding a green bull with a fairy sword on his back. He looked like an amiable white-haired old man, but Xu Yu knew that this phantom in front of him was also one of the nine heavenly gods in the age of mythology.

Daode Tianzun, the Taoist who created the most powerful fairy scripture known as the Lunhai Secret Realm, Xu Yu felt the breath of the "Taojing" Lunhai scroll from the phantom of the old man in front of him.

This is the emperor's shadow made of lightning, which is similar to his realm, both in the realm of Xiantai, and it didn't make him timid.

Xu Yu let out a long cry, and rushed towards Daode Tianzun, fist seals, not afraid of Tianzun, and wanted to kill Tianzun forcefully.


They entangled in one place and fought fiercely. The two sides were Yu Liangcai and Jing Mang against Hu Mang.


The sky was full of creation and light, and a huge sword array descended from the sky. Although it was lightning, it was surrounded by chaotic energy and strong murderous aura.Standing above is a stalwart figure, in a green shirt, with a heroic appearance, as if real.

This person is so strong, three points stronger than the Daode Tianzun. The Emperor Ying seems to be real, with a fierce aura of bowing down to the heavens and being the only one.

"Lingbao Tianzun!" Qin Fen squinted his guts, and said in a deep voice with abnormal rationality.

This Tianzun is very famous in ancient history. Although he has not been passed down, but is recorded in historical materials, he is one of the people who are suspected of becoming immortals.

The sword qi is as vast as a waterfall, each of which is peerlessly sharp and bright, like flying out of the sea of ​​blood, opening the void, almost cutting off his arm, the two of them attacked, and Xu Yu was unable to deal with it.

However, despite the dangers, he can still hold on.Although they are young emperors, they are controlled by heaven and earth, but they can't do anything to him in a short time.

"If it's just the two of you, I'm afraid you won't be able to take me down!" Xu Yu said confidently and relaxed.

Below, everyone was shocked. Throughout the ages, no one dared to challenge the young emperor.Those are all invincible characters who have swept the sky and the earth all over the ages. If anyone stands up, they are all invincible in the same realm. Xu Yu is one against two, and he is not afraid at all.

Just relying on this demeanor, it is enough to shock the ages. If he does not die, he will surely prove the supreme fruition in the future.

He has the confidence to break through the extreme realm with his physical body and Yuan Shen at the same time. From ancient times to the present, no one should be his opponent except Emperor Huangtian.

Even if it was two young emperors, he could kill them in the same way.

The most terrifying battle broke out, Xu Yu fought one against two, although in a short period of time, he repeatedly fell to the disadvantage, but after adapting, he immediately suppressed the two Gu Tianzun!
With the mysterious method of time and space in his left hand and the secret technique of returning to the ruins with his right hand, he used Yuanshi's blow from time to time. Daode Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun were beaten by him several times, blood spurting.

They all displayed their own magic techniques, the universe was torn apart, and the world was turned upside down, and no one would show mercy.

Even in the face of the most famous Nine Heavenly Venerables in the age of mythology, Xu Yu did not have the slightest fear, his heart was soft, he killed them forcefully, and he wanted to take the two of them with force.

Although the two Heavenly Venerates were transformed by lightning, they were as terrifying as real people, and they used various methods to make them extremely terrifying.The Dharma way that used to dominate the world has shown its most brilliant side in their hands, and Xu Yu has also fought extremely hard.


A fairy tear green and golden flew over, swallowing the world, and the light of time fell on Xu Yu's body, causing him to vomit blood, almost turning into powder.

It's dangerous, but fortunately he also has the secret of Xingzi, but compared to this one, he seems much shallower.

Xiaoyao Tianzun!

He is the founder of Xingzimi, and with his joining, Xu Yu was instantly overwhelmed. Dao encountered a crisis and survived from death.

He has never been afraid to compete with the young emperor of the same realm, and he can even suppress it with the most powerful posture. Even if he is one against two, he is also likely to win, but if he wants to one against three, it is very difficult. .

After all, every young emperor is supposed to be the only one in the ages, the most pinnacle existence in the heavens and the universe.He also has the qualifications to surpass the Great Emperor, but it doesn't mean that he can really look up to the Young Emperor.


The loud noise sent out millions of strands of thunder, covering the sky and covering the earth, another heroic and magnificent man came to attack, when he made a strike, he opened and closed, and the sky was covered with frost, which made even Qianqi feel dizzy.

Yuanshi Tianzun made a move!
This is also a sage of the human race, the founder of Douzimi. He is a born fighting saint. He was clearly transformed by lightning, but he has a monstrous blood and fighting spirit. Xu Yu's flesh and blood spasmed, his bones throbbed, and his whole body ached.

Xu Yu could feel the breath of the Yuan Shi Jing very freshly in him, and the Yuan Shi Yin in his sea of ​​suffering was restless.

Xu Yu yelled again and again, how shameless is this?He even bullied the few with more.Four teamed up to beat him, are you still Emperor Guan Zun?Is there still a trace of the dignity of the strong?
But he had no choice but to fight hard and use all means to kill the Dao Bodies of several Heavenly Venerates in lightning.This is no longer a duel, but a naked massacre. He is strong enough, but he has not yet reached the point of becoming an immortal. It is really difficult for a strong man to face four Heavenly Venerates at the same time.

After all, each of them is the strongest in an era, their power is overwhelming, and they are called the dirty heavens.

Although they don't have the shackles of Datan Tiandi, it doesn't mean that they are weaker than Xu Yu, but they don't have Xu Yu's chance and sudden inspiration.

They are only slightly inferior in potential, but their real combat power, each of them is unparalleled, and they have all reached the pinnacle of the universe, and they are the strongest fighters.

After all, Xu Yu only has great potential and is a young dragon that has not yet grown up. If he really encounters a pack of wolves and tigers, the possibility of falling is also limited.

Ancient Celestial Venerables, in terms of realm and cultivation, are equivalent to today's Human Race Great Emperors. They are all amazing heroes through the ages. They have not achieved the ultimate achievement. As the capital of the emperor, if one can defeat one, it will be enough to be praised through the ages.

At this moment, when the four of them pressed together, even a true immortal would feel his scalp tingling, and there was no way to resist.The city of the extreme realm breaks the original pattern and breaks free from the shackles of God. The heaven and the earth do not allow it, and it will bring unprecedented catastrophe.

Xu Yu was covered in blood, his two arms were torn, and a big hole was broken through the window. In terms of combat power, he was based on the gods. In theory, he could completely rival the four great heavenly gods, but the fact is not the case.

The outcome of a battle is not determined solely by combat strength, but also involves many factors such as combat skills, will, mentality, etc. Therefore, it is completely understandable that Qin Zhaimo has been severely injured repeatedly.

After all, every ancient supreme's fighting skills, willpower, Taoism, etc. have already been worn down to Shi Feng, and it is not something Xu Yu can learn.

However, in the process of this battle, he also made rapid progress, exchanging blood and the living emperor for experience and tempering himself.

The four Tianzun shot at the same time, and he couldn't avoid it at all. Xiaoyao Tianzun cut his way slightly, Yuanshi Tianzun punched the yellow dragon, Lingbao Tianzun chopped off limbs with a sword, and Daode Tianzun towered his head.With a touch, his body exploded, his bones shattered, and golden blood flew in all directions, everywhere.

The sound of Fengming sounded, Chini was brilliant, he was reorganizing his physical body!But it was still useless. After he reorganized, the flesh shell was smashed into pieces with only a few hundred strokes.

This is unsolvable, as long as the Four Great Heavenly Venerates join forces, no matter how many times Xu Yu recovers, it will be useless.He was still wounded, but his spirit was still there, and he was even more fierce.


In the sea of ​​thunder, five suns rose again, shining brightly, illuminating the sky. It was the combined force of five voices and shadows, making a total of nine.

The corners of Xu Yu's eyes twitched, the holes in his mouth closed, his heart felt cold for a while, and his bones felt cold. He wanted to die, and he almost yelled at him. Does this make people live?

The Nine Heavenly Venerates come out together!

That is Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, that is Longevity Heavenly Lord, that is Nirvana Heavenly Lord... He looked at them one by one, his head was getting bigger, and his heart was so cold.

"Is there a chance of winning if the God Forbidden leads the city together? Xu Yu thought silently.

In the end, he was desperate. No matter how he calculated, he couldn't see a glimmer of life. This is a situation that must die!

In the middle of the sea of ​​thunder in the distance, in the center of the ancient heavenly court, a round of sun is slowly rising, brighter than the nine emperor shadows, brilliant and dazzing. However, the threat it poses to Xu Yu is greater than that of the Nine Emperor Shadows.

"Damn it! Why is it again!" Xu Yu's head was huge, and he still remembered the thunder pool, and his heart broke out.


As soon as Pu fought, he immediately died, his body exploded, and the nine emperors shot, which was enough to kill an immortal, and he couldn't stop it at all.

"Roar!" Xu Yu's eyes were red, and he roared in a low voice, like a wounded beast. There was a ray of light on his celestial cap, dazzling and rising, like a cluster of fairy fire, with runes beating, he tried his best to release himself Potential, used to improve combat power.


But obviously, he failed.At the moment when he was about to succeed, Wuliang Tianzun came suddenly, as if he came back to life, pointed out, like a magic pen, reaching the peak, piercing through Xu Yu, who had never been opened and was still trying to discover his own potential.

Xu Yu vomited blood and failed to open it.After all, he still couldn't do it. He just established a preliminary induction, and he failed to attach to reality, which was much worse.

Especially, in front of the sage of Wuliang Tianzun, his comprehension of sacrificial language is not worth mentioning at all, and can be easily broken.

He opened his mouth and screamed, his black hair stood on end, his golden fighting spirit surged, like a mad god of war, fighting against the ancient Tianzun amidst the thunder, his blood was surging, and his divine light drowned everything.Unable to open the densely packed doors in the body, the combat power is steadily increasing.

But it's a pity that this is still not enough. He has the forbidden realm of the gods, and the opponent has the forbidden realm, so he lost faster.

"Boom!" Xu Yu punched Wuliang Tianzun, the shoulder blades were almost removed by Changsheng Tianzun, the blood and bones were splattered and torn apart, and the internal organs could be seen vaguely.He roared again and again, turned around to fight back, but was intercepted by Yuanshi Tianzun, and with the cooperation of Nirvana Tianzun, he was restrained everywhere.

"Bastard!" He let out a roar, and was cut into several pieces by Lingbao Tianzun, and Xiaoyao Tianzun smashed him to pieces, bloody flowers, and he was destroyed again.

There is no way to fight this battle, it is simply bullying, he opened the Yuan Mysterious Realm, the opponent opened the taboo field, he triggered the forbidden field, and the other party also triggered the forbidden field, there is no solution at all.

His body was broken, and there were blood bones floating in the void, exuding emptiness, and the primordial spirit was hidden in it, shining brightly.

Blooming immeasurably, the red clouds soaring into the sky, the sound of the phoenix singing is clear, the bones and blood flow back, condense together, connect the flesh, and the bones creak.

"I'm not willing! If I can understand the two great mysteries, even if the nine of you go up together, why should I be afraid?" Xu Yu, bathed in divine radiance, looked up to the sky and sighed.

He looked up to the sky and screamed, full of unyielding and unwillingness. He had the mystical realm of the gods and the mysterious realm of the primordial. If the two could operate at the same time, he could definitely sweep away all the gods.

But the requirements for the physical body are too high, and he is not good enough, so he can't do two things at once and control two secret realms at the same time.

No matter the Yuan Mysterious Realm or the Divine Spirit Realm, they are both broad and profound. To comprehend any of them, you need extremely high Taoism, and you have to invade for countless years. Xu Yu's Taoism is too shallow, and it is very difficult to maintain one, let alone two. up.

But this is indeed a path to becoming stronger, and he has been thinking about it all the time.

The boundless divine power fell and surged, and Yuanshi Tianzun's appearance was submerged and he couldn't see clearly, but that supreme aura overshadowed the other eight Tianzun.He has a majestic posture and a strong aura, as if he can crush the past, present and future, and make the heavens and the earth bow their heads, and I am the only one who is invincible.

He slashed down with his palm, the void collapsed and turned into chaos, and the catastrophe was scattered, the momentum was magnificent, and the power of his palm was boundless, even the other eight celestial beings were blown away, unwilling to show their sharpness.

Well done!Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and being able to meet Emperor Zun, this is really a chance, which made him excited and full of fighting spirit.


Xu Yu exerted all his strength to fight against Emperor Zun, and the two sides fought very fiercely.He has respect for Yuanshi Tianzun, but at this time he has to cut it off. This emperor's shadow is too terrifying, stronger than the other nine, and even he is a little scared.

He faintly felt that this Emperor Shadow was different and seemed to have wisdom. During the battle with him, he was actually excluding other Supremes from joining, and wanted to fight Xu Yu alone.Moreover, his display is not a taboo field, but Yuan Shi Jing, as if he intends to point him out, teaching him by word of mouth and example.


After hundreds of rounds, Xu Yugang came to a realization, and several Heavenly Venerates killed him. He was sent flying out, his flesh cracked, he spit out blood, and let out bursts of electricity.

This time, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't help him intercept it, as if he had changed back to the original, without wisdom, just transformed by lightning, and the condensed traces of heaven and earth.

Was it all just an illusion?
Xu Yu didn't know what to do, but he couldn't let him think about it anymore. When the Nine Heavenly Lords came and killed him, he became extremely miserable and was killed time and time again. Every shot made him bleed on the spot.

"Boom!" The ancient cauldron fell down, freezing his figure, and he was beaten into a meat paste by the six heavenly gods at the same time.

"Qiang Qiang! Qiang Qiang!" Countless sword qi spilled out, unparalleled in sharpness, and Lingbao Tianzun's killing was also terrifying. He was the only murderous person who approached Emperor Zun, which made Xu Yu very afraid.

Xu Yu was trapped in the killing formation. He tried his best to break through, but four more Tianzun came to kill him. Although they did not preside over the killing formation with Lingbao Tianzun, they still smashed him into pieces. Create.

He only dared to use the mysterious method of time and space, the holy technique of Tai Chi and other secret methods, and did not dare to use the nine secrets at all.Showing the Nine Secrets in front of the Nine Great Heavenly Venerates is the most stupid act, Yin Jian is in front, how dare he make this mistake again.

The God Forbidden Domain and the Nine Secrets were abolished, and he couldn't use many methods. This battle was very useless.

In the end, even the Yuan Mysterious Realm was forced to close, because the opponent opened the taboo field, and the increase in combat power was not weak. If we persisted, it would only make the situation worse.

"Damn it! It's unreasonable, let's fight!" Xu Yu scolded.If this continues, he will only end up being tortured to death. Instead of doing this, he might as well try his best to see if he can break out of the encirclement.

He didn't care about that much anymore, he used all his strength, the left hand returned to the ruins secret technique, and the right hand hit Yuan Shi, thousands of visions appeared behind him, the chaos was surging, and the light was overwhelming. He wanted to kill the heavens, kill all the gods, and fight for himself Find a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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