Chapter 138 Sacrificial Words

In the restricted zone of gods and demons, everyone in the Holy Land of Zifu hides in a valley covered with patterns.

Among the quiet mountains, the sacred Bodhi tree stands on an island in the middle of the lake, and everyone in the Holy Land of Zifu sits under the root of the tree, cherishing this supreme opportunity.

Talking about the fairy road, in the millions of years of the world that covered the sky, only Ye Fan and others successfully entered the fairyland in the end.

And if those gods in the age of mythology, the emperors of the ancient times, and the great emperors of the ancient times lived in the primitive ancient world where the laws were perfect in the past, they would all be able to become immortal beings, and even become immortal king-level masters.

Such as Emperor Zun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Wuliang Tianzun, Immortal Emperor, Qingdi and other talented people can all be transformed into quasi-immortal emperors.

But today's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths has become the Dharma-ending era, and the way of immortality is even more dead end, which makes people feel no hesitation.

Although in the previous life, I saw how the protagonist Ye Fan was against the sky, and even many netizens thought that if they came to the world of shrouding the sky, they would definitely become immortals, but it is still a certain challenge to actually do it.

Xu Yu has been comprehending the scriptures since he read the letters and scriptures left by Wuliang Tianzun.

So far, Xu has obtained the inheritance of the Tianzun of Dujie, Tianzun of Wuliang, Tianzun of Yuanshi, Tianzun of Nirvana, and the four ancient Tianzun of the myth age.

Yu Beiyuan obtained the Nirvana Immortal Sutra of Nirvana Tianzun and one of its nine secrets, the "Lin" word secret.

From the Taichu Ancient Mine, we obtained Yuanshi Tianzun's "Yuanshi Xianjing" and Emperor Bing Yuanshi Seal, as well as the "Dou" and "Group" characters, which are also one of the nine secrets.

Later, in the Underground Palace of Belvedere, he obtained the Heavenly Tribulation Kung Fu of Cao Yusheng, the Celestial Venerable of Transcending Tribulation.

And now he has obtained the Immeasurable Immortal Sutra, one of the Nine Heavenly Venerates, the Infinite Immortal Sutra, plus he has obtained the Sun, Taiyin, and the Western Emperor Sutra.

Now Xu Yu has seven Wuque Emperor's Scriptures, not to mention the Lunhai Juan of Taoism.

Although one person can rewrite several imperial scriptures, in the memory of Xu's previous life, very few people can obtain two imperial scriptures at the same time.

Even if he is a descendant of a noble family, he rarely has the opportunity to come into contact with other emperor scriptures.After all, the emperor's scriptures are the lifeblood of every trend, so naturally they will not be easily leaked.

Now, Xu has a total of seven complete imperial scriptures, allowing Xu Yu to figure out the paths and ideas of many founders of the imperial scriptures, and accumulate experience for him to create his own imperial scriptures in the future.

In particular, it is an ancient sacrificial technique recorded in the handbook of Wuliang Tianzun. Through sacrificial language, it can communicate with the potential "god" inside the human body, and use it to stimulate one's own potential and improve one's combat power.

From this sacrificial secretary, Xu Yu saw the shadow of cultivation in the ancient time of the Immortals, but it was quite different from the path of the ancient sacrificial system described by the Bodhi Sacred Tree.

This kind of sacrificial sound is not passed down from ancient times, but the immeasurable gods combined with the characteristics of the age of mythology, ancient, mysterious, low, like chanting sutras.

On the small island, there are mysterious sacrificial sounds, which are endless and fascinating.

However, to others, it is very vague and grand, like offering sacrifices to the whole world, or like gods and demons chanting sutras, faintly hidden, but it can resonate with the heaven and earth, and make his heart resonate.

Xu Yu devoted himself wholeheartedly, his heart resonated with his body, and chanted the supreme sacrificial sound together, which shocked the world.

Such sacrificial words appear on a person, as if the whole world is praying for him, with mysterious power added to him, which makes people awe-inspiring.

The sacrificial sounds kept ringing, which shocked Fairy Qingyu and the others, wondering what Xu Yu was doing again?But judging from this situation, I'm afraid the background is not small. His skin is crystal clear, flowing with luster, as if he is casting a sacred body.

This is the potential in his body surging, and a majestic aura is revived, like the coming of an immortal king, shaking the past and shining the present.

It's hard to imagine, this is his potential, if it is fully developed, how terrifying it will be.

Moreover, this is only the tip of the iceberg that everyone sees, if his full potential is developed, how terrifying it would be!
The bright light became more and more intense, it was the intense divine essence, flowing towards his body like a golden river, one could see dense light spots appearing on Xuyu's body with the naked eyes, it was the unknown veil in his body Opened it, increasing his background and combat power.

The divine light is blazing, rich and unimaginably rich, like a liquid, shining brightly, and there are countless silk ribbons hanging down, steaming, baptizing his body, warming his soul, making his whole body golden and shining, giving people a wonderful feeling. This kind of illusion, he seems to have become a supreme god, full of charm.

It was blazing like a scorching sun on his head, and a door was pushed open, revealing a gap.

Countless dao patterns gushed out from it, shaking with the heaven and earth, and resounding with the myriad dao. The brilliance in the secret place of the gods became more blazing, as if a god really lived in it.

Every inch of flesh and blood in his body is crystal clear, like beautiful jade, and his energy is transpiring, beating like fairy fire.

Like a furnace of heaven and earth being opened, Xu Yu exploded with divine light!
The fetal bones in his body resonated, trembling crisply, like the collision of fairy gold, and the blood flow in his body was like thunder.

At the same time, his physique underwent an astonishing change, the pores on his body surface dilated, and some golden-white substances were eliminated.

"This is the impurity in Daogu's blood, which was forcibly washed out by the divine light." The elder brother explained.

At first everyone was a little surprised to see so much waste from his body, but now they understand.It turned out that the bone metamorphosed, the blood was refined, the divinity was condensed, and some originally pure substances were excreted as impurities.

This is forcibly forging blood bones, which is very overbearing, and ordinary people dare not use it at all.Because this is a very painful process, few people can bear it.

"What the hell is little junior brother doing?" Someone asked in surprise, his changes were a bit surprising.

"Looking at this, it seems that he is practicing an ancient heavenly skill, so overbearing! I'm afraid he won't lose to Emperor Jing!" A senior brother guessed.

Everyone was moved, such a skill, the origin must be no small matter, it seems that Xu Yu has obtained an unrivaled fairy fate!They are envious.

"Rather than envying others, it's better to break through by yourself. The ancient scriptures in my holy land are also unique." Fairy Qing Yu's beautiful eyes flashed, her grace was all over the world, she sat cross-legged on the stone platform, practicing her own method.

A moment later, her delicate body was surrounded by divine light, a fairy mist rose up, and she was shrouded in dense Dao Qi, becoming a fairy in the Moon Palace.

On the other side, Liu Feng had already closed his eyes and did not pay attention to Xu Yu's movements. He was practicing, tempering his own fetal bones, and comprehending the Dao.

Everyone came to their senses and sat cross-legged to practice one after another. They are also the best of the younger generation, with a firm mind.

This is a blue sky, the blue sky is like washing, the sun is shining brightly, the breeze is blowing, only a few white clouds are swaying, and below is a magnificent mountain and river, vast and ancient.

He is about to cross the catastrophe!

No one knows better than him how terrible his catastrophe is. Once it erupts, it will be devastating. Especially this time, it is different from the past, even he himself feels the danger.

Standing alone in the azure vastness, feeling the vastness and silence, his mind was far away.This place is far away from the earth, not far from the Jiutian Gangfeng area, and if you go up, you will reach a very high place in the world of gods. There is a forbidden area, and those who trespass will die.

"It's time. After preparing for so long, it's up to this fight." Xu Yu was cautious, looking at Gao Tian with incomparably deep eyes.

He began to stimulate the Taoism, no longer suppressed his realm, let go of his body and mind, communicated with the heaven and the earth, and showed his own Taoism.


In the vastness, a vast sea of ​​gods suddenly emerged, all of which were formed by thunder, with undulating waves, lightning and thunder, colorful and dazzling, and the people who illuminated it could not open their eyes.

It appeared suddenly, as if squeezed out of the void, which caught Xu Yu by surprise.

Ten thousand feet of lightning blasted down, and in just a split second, Xu Yu was buried in the sea of ​​lightning and thunder, and was tortured by the gods. One after another, huge lightning lights piercing the sky and piercing the earth struck him one after another.

The void collapsed, the heavens and the earth were destroyed, smoke rose from his skin, blood spattered, making people terrified.

This kind of catastrophe has shocked the past and the present, and it can be regarded as the only one in the past and the present. Any one catastrophe can shatter the monks of Xiantai. Thousands of them gather together to form a vast electric waterfall. This is his first round. catastrophe.

It's too scary, this is simply the punishment of the doomsday, even Xu Yu is still chilling.

In his bath sheet, his hair was disheveled, and he let out a wounded beast roar from time to time.He was injured fighting against this vast catastrophe, his skin was cracked, and blood flowed out. He showed his strong skin, fighting wantonly in the thunder light, borrowing this vast thunder pulp, washing
Rinse the flesh and soul.

This is a catastrophe, but also a great opportunity.Xu Yu's Heavenly Tribulation this time has been suppressed for too long, with profound foundations and profound realms. If he can't overcome it, everything will come to nothing. If he overcomes it, he will soar into the sky.

Before crossing the catastrophe, he conducted the deepest retreat, and he reorganized both the physical body and the primordial spirit.
Substantial breakthroughs have been made.

Especially in the physical body, he has survived several life and death calamities in a row, and the benefits he has obtained are unimaginable.

Although his cultivation has made extraordinary progress, Xu Yu still feels palpitations in the face of the catastrophe, which is a kind of life-and-death horror.

Thousands of thunders crashed into the sky, even the void was smashed to pieces, the sky fell into shattering, even the sun seemed to be shaking in the sky, and terrifying black abysses spread one after another, terrifying and frightening.

Xu Yu stood tall among them, with a slender body, strong and powerful, shining with precious light, fighting against the thunder.The boundless thunder light fell like a waterfall, and all the targets were concentrated on him alone. This was the wrath of the heavens, as if it wanted to destroy him.

Thunder light quenches his body, lightning refines his spirit, every inch of his skin is glaring, every inch of his flesh is extremely crystal clear, although he is often beaten to the point of blood spattering, it is hard to hurt his foundation.On his forehead, there is a golden villain standing, golden light, majestic and extraordinary, with a divine ring hanging on the back of his head, which is dazzling. When he opened his mouth and inhaled, it was a thunder waterfall, which was swallowed by him, refining the mystery environment.

Below, Zi Qingyu and the others looked up, with complex expressions, and sighed in their hearts, this kind of catastrophe is simply appalling, if they encounter it, they will definitely die.

The gap between them is too big!Although they were unwilling and decadent in their hearts, they were more fortunate that Xu Yu was the holy son of their Purple Mansion Holy Land.

"Today I finally understand why the elders in the Holy Land value my junior brother so much! He does have the potential to become an emperor!" The senior brother sighed.

This kind of catastrophe is like that of some young emperors recorded in history, and I am afraid that they have never experienced it. From this, we can see how terrifying Xu Yu's potential is and how brilliant the future will be.Everyone believed that under his leadership, the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion would surely reach another peak.

Zi Qingyu's pretty shadow is hazy, shrouded in a little bit of sunlight, her blue hair flutters, her eyes are like stars, her skin is icy and snowy, her long skirt flutters with the wind, standing in the void, she is indescribably born and holy.

Her heart was complicated, she was unwilling and resentful, but she was born at an untimely time, and met Xu Yu, a pervert, she could already foresee that her future as an emperor would inevitably be bleak.

"Dilu can't retreat, I still need to fight." She regained her confidence.

Fairy Qingyu has a strong personality, how can she be willing to submit to others, even if she is from the same sect, she has to fight and fight, otherwise how can she be reconciled.

What's more, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself!


The first catastrophe receded, and the second thunder punishment came one after another. Visions appeared in the void, and the humanoid lightning of the young emperor appeared as before.

This is not the first time he has encountered this kind of strange catastrophe. Since entering the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, every time he crosses the catastrophe, he will be split by these humanoid lightnings, scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, very impotent.

Of course, these human-shaped lightnings also contain traces of the original avenue, representing the past supreme law and way, which is the essence of their emperor's way.

Accepting such a test would be of great benefit to him.He was able to realize his own physical body enlightenment method, which was also based on this, and he learned a lot from it.

"Boom!" In the vast sky, the electric light was blazing, almost extinguishing the world, and human-shaped lightnings walked above.

Xu Yu is unparalleled in his flesh and shell, fighting against the catastrophe alone, his slender body is majestic, his skin glistens with precious brilliance, when the blood hits, there is thunder and his heart beats like a giant drum.

The golden primordial spirit flew out and stood side by side with him in the void, looking at the world in disdain, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, and challenging the calamity and punishment of heaven.

Although he didn't open the Yuan Mysterious Realm and the Divine Forbidden Realm, he transcended the limits of the world and stood upright in the Nine Forbidden Realms. He was still extremely powerful, and ordinary catastrophes couldn't do anything to him.

His fleshy shell was spotless and flawless, like a sacred gold artifact, after accepting Lei Hai's forging hammer, it became stronger and more immortal.


The void vibrated, and the dragon stele fell. It was simple and majestic, higher than the mountains, suppressing Xu Yu, with Emperor Ze, Emperor Dao, and various hexagrams imprinted on it, mysterious and strange.

"Dang!" Xu Yu raised his fist and struck dozens of times in a row. The brilliance was blazing, like burning stars. His arms trembled slightly, and blood sprayed in.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron beside him also greedily absorbed the Emperor Ze and the Origin of Heavenly Tribulation that had been scattered by Xu Yu, and imprinted them on the cauldron wall.

 Just posted the wrong chapter

(End of this chapter)

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