Chapter 139 Fighting against the Seven Monarchs Alone
"Meteor Immortal Seal!"


Xu Yu made seals with both hands, murmured in a low voice, and slowly pushed forward, with a solemn face and shining precious light, as if he had entered a strange state of enlightenment.

The whole person has a solemn expression, obviously he is attacking and killing, but there is a detached aura, like a banished immortal, revealing the charm of Taoism.

Although Xu Yu was only facing the Nine Heavenly Venerates who were in the Second Immortal Realm, it was still very rare.

After all, every enlightened person is the most outstanding creature in an era, not to mention the Nine Heavenly Venerates who have been passed down through the ages.

Even if it was just a phantom, it made Xu Yu suffer a lot.

Xu Yu was one against nine, he fought very hard, his body was crushed many times, but he was not in vain.

Xiaoyao Tianzun and Changsheng Tianzun among the nine Tianzun were severely injured by him. Although they were not real bodies, they were also dim in shape, and it was obvious that they would not last long.

"Junior brother Xu is finished, and he encountered such a catastrophe, it is simply a miracle that has never happened before!" Liu Feng sighed.

They were all shocked, and they didn't wake up until a long time later, but their hearts are still not at peace.The nine heavenly deities besieged at the same time, and several people have enjoyed it throughout the ages, and they seem to be reluctant to let go, and they must kill Xu Yu.

Under such catastrophe, they can't see any hope.Not to mention Xu Yu, even if an ancient sage came here, I'm afraid he could only end up with hatred.

Of the nine Heavenly Venerates, which one is not an outstanding person from ancient times to the present, if you can meet one, you will be blessed for ten lifetimes.When meeting nine of them at the same time, they are the luck of the little junior... It's really against the sky!
"It's Junior Brother Xu who is too strong! He has surpassed ordinary young emperors, and he is envied by heaven, this is heaven's punishment!" The elder brother said in a concentrated voice.

He was also worried about Xu Yu, but he was very knowledgeable and saw some clues. He knew that at this time, he should not go up at all, otherwise it would only add chaos and cost his life in vain.

"This level of talent... is really disappointing!" said the golden lion.

He, Heifeng, Jinshu, etc. were all stunned, and the nine emperors and shadows shot at the same time, which was the rhythm of killing immortals.

It's too perverted to have such a catastrophe!If Xu Yu died, it would be fine, but if he didn't die, it might become a bad dream for their whole life!

It's so hopeless to be born in the same era as this kind of people.

"It's not human..." many brothers and sisters sighed.This kind of talent and talent is no longer something they can look up to, and they can only worship for the rest of their lives.

Zi Qingyu is silent, with a peaceful face, elegant and elegant, with crystal clear and white skin, a graceful appearance, and a fluttering long skirt, which outlines a slender and charming figure, like a nine-day mysterious girl who is about to ride the wind and go away.

She had to admit that Xu Yu's celestial beauty was much better than hers, and just because of this catastrophe, she might not be able to match her in her entire life.

Although she is hailed as Tianjiao, she is actually a bit inferior to the real emperor's son.

On the other side, Zixia also looked at Xu Yu who was crossing the catastrophe with a different expression.

For those who agree with a special physique, although they are congenitally born, it is true that the Queen Mother of the West has the righteous way in front.

Even though Zixiaxiu has the "Xihuangjing", which is very suitable for her, but she has been overwhelmed by Xu Yu on the way of practice, so she can only catch up with her from afar, not to mention, get through Such a horrible catastrophe.

The root cause is that Zixia has not yet found her own "Tao".

Blindly following the steps of the predecessors, the final result can only be limited by the path of the predecessors.

Although the speed of practice becomes very fast in this way, it will be slightly weaker in terms of combat power.

At this moment, Zixia looked at Xu Yu going through the catastrophe, and understood that her Dao heart was affected.

But Xu Yu can rival the nine great emperors, galloping horizontally and horizontally in their siege, invincible, beating Changsheng Tianzun and Xiaoyao Tianzun consecutively, such a record is so shocking, it is astonishing in the past.


Xu Yu put aside his distracting thoughts and concentrated on evolving the Guixu secret technique and the Yuanshi secret technique. His hands shook together and moved slowly, with Dao Qi permeating, evolving the law and the Tao.

It can be clearly seen that a natural black hole emerged in the palm of his hand. It was as black as ink and bottomless.

There is a way, there is no way, all in one thought.He put aside distracting thoughts, his heart is peaceful, detached and refined, he evolves his own Taoism, resonates with Taoism, and has no thoughts or thoughts in his heart.


The figures of the nine Heavenly Venerates kept shaking, eroded by this secret technique, their bodies were dim, and they seemed to be about to disappear.

This is their fatal weakness. After all, they are only dao marks, without spiritual intelligence, and they are inferior to real people who can think, have detachment, and have the possibility of breaking laws.

Their figures were swaying, and they were about to dissipate, but in an instant, there was a riot of thunder and light, and they seemed to be replenished. They shouted in unison, and the sound of the sky rolled, resonating like thunder, and the sea of ​​​​thunder in the nine heavens shattered and reorganized.


The Nine Heavenly Lords made their move together, and they formed a strange formation, each displaying their unique skills, they were the Nine Secrets.

This is their original supreme secret technique, even more famous than themselves. Since the ages, not many people remember their names, but the Nine Secrets have been passed down through the ages, making it unforgettable.

The Nine Secrets were cast by them, and their power is more than a hundred times stronger. The nine secrets are combined into one, invincible in the world. They broke through the Secret Return to the Ruins in an instant, shattered the darkness, blasted his body again, and injured his soul.

The secret art of returning to the ruins is only an incomplete holy art. It may have infinite potential, but after all, it cannot compare with the perfect nine secrets. It is only natural that it will be washed away by the black hole.

He has the Undead Divine Phoenix Art, it doesn't matter if he gets hurt once or twice, but if there are too many times, he can't stand it.After all, casting the Undead Divine Phoenix Art is not free, it also needs to consume the source, once used frequently, it will exhaust his energy and spirit.

"Boom!" There was crackling in his body, the five secret realms glowed at the same time, and the sound of scriptures came out, vast and boundless. His whole body seemed to be imprinted in the void, becoming a Taoist diagram, a carrier of the Dao, and dense runes all over his body , shocked the world.

At the same time, the dense portals in his body are releasing his own light, resonating with it, absorbing the essence, expanding his body, and releasing the potential in the human body.

He is in the Tao, understands his own way, and strives to strengthen himself in the shortest time.


He fought hard, using the pressure of Jiu Tianzun to forcefully release his potential.Every bone in his body, every drop of blood, and even a strand of hair shone with crystal brilliance, intertwined with dao patterns, illusions came and went, and sang together with dao.

The five secret realms are constantly changing, stretching and expanding, and containing the potential of life. In a trance, it seems to be transformed into a universe. There are huge scriptures coming, like offering sacrifices to all spirits, and like fairy kings preaching. Majestic, magnificent.

Tianzun Changsheng and Tianzun Xiaoyao were finally completely annihilated, but Xu Yu was also severely injured and had almost no strength to resist.



"No! Junior brother!"

"Why is God so unfair..."

There were two loud bangs, and the people below couldn't bear to watch anymore. Many senior sisters exclaimed and closed their eyes, while the elders roared angrily and shouted at Cang Wang. They wanted to step forward to help, but found that Can't get close at all, Lei Hai cuts off everything there.

The mutation happened, and at the moment when the Qi Tianzun joined hands to kill, Lei Chi suddenly rioted, and there was a monstrous suction force, the brilliance was blazing, dazzling, releasing unparalleled divine power, Xu Yu and the Qi Tianzun could not resist.

With a bang sound, they all fell into the thunder pool, splashing the starting point of thunder light. This thunder pool looks small, only three feet in radius, but it contains a vast void inside, like a world, with terrifying fire coming from all directions. power of transformation.

His whole body was in severe pain, as if he had been stabbed by thousands of swords and spears, blood dripping from the stabbing, and his bones exploded.But he was not depressed, on the contrary he was very happy, because he was not the only one who was refined, but also the seven Heavenly Venerates.

They were even worse, they were originally transformed into lightning, but now they completely disappeared.With the greatest crisis resolved, Xu Yu only had to fight against Lei Chi.

Of course, Lei Chi was also terrifying, even stronger than the seven Heavenly Venerates. Under normal circumstances, it was impossible for Xu Yu to fight against him, and he would definitely die.

But he has already experienced it once, so he naturally knows how to fight against Lei Chi.To break through this thunder pool, there is only hope, that chaotic fetish in his mind.

Last time it was it that made Xu Yu dodge it, but this time it had to rely on it again.

Although a little unwilling, but compared with his own life, all principles can be temporarily put aside.


The Thunder Pond is terrifying, even more terrifying than last time. Its area is vast and empty, and there is endless power hidden in it. One after another, bright beams of light enter, blasting and killing refining Xu Yu.

This is a very painful exercise, but if you can pass it, there are many benefits.There are endless Dao rhymes here, and each beam of light is condensed by countless symbols, containing the highest principles. While refining him, it is also helping him to open up and nourish two secret realms.

His body was broken again and again, blood and flesh splattered, and his soul was also severely injured. If it wasn't for Xu Yu's strong origin and strong vitality, he might have been smelted into fly ash.However, even so, he was dying.

It's too miserable, the physical body is broken, and the soul is turned into light spots, densely distributed among the broken bones.His origin was bleak, he had already cracked, and he was only a little bit close to completely shattering.

"Roar! I'm not willing..." Xu Yu roared, with black hair shawls and cold eyes, although he was covered in blood, he was unyielding and full of fighting spirit.

The sound of countless scriptures came out of his body, mysterious and indescribable, as grand as an abyss, shocking.He has compiled many complete ancient scriptures, all of which are mysterious and difficult. They are the emperor's scriptures, and they have the mysteries of good fortune that surpass the world.

Now in such a life-and-death crisis, they run crazily, tap the potential in their bodies by themselves, and burn their divine energy.

There are also nine secrets that resonate with it, all of which are word secrets, sinking into the sea of ​​wheels, colluding with potentials, and making the Dharma run ten times, with golden light and raging waves.

Douzimi evolved into Yuanshiyin, just like a giant mountain from ancient times, it also suppressed from the endless sky and smashed down to the nine heavenly gods.

At the same time, five Qin Qi broke out of the "Huang Ting Jing" on the Dao Dao in the region, and jointly blocked the refining of Lei Chi and resisted Jieguang.

And in his Xiantai secret realm, a golden villain, shining brightly like a small golden sun, is more real. In the dim light, through the bright light, one can see a giant god lying in the depths of the secret realm. Among them, the momentum is majestic.

The Lunhai Secret Realm and the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm are even more radiant, absorbing divine energy and power, and constantly expanding the internal space. in.

In the end, the immortal essence melted, and the secret realm of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness became even more magnificent, and there were things such as the wheel of life and the spring of life. Although it was very illusory, it was extremely mysterious and stabilized the crumbling secret realm space.

The two great secret realms bloomed with divine power, and five Qin Qis attacked together, one real body and three Dao bodies, and jointly attacked, blasting and killing Lei Hai, wanting to kill the general.But it failed in the end. I don't know what made this thunder pool. It doesn't look like thunder and lightning, but it seems real. It breeds vast power and has great power.


The Thunder Pond shook, the inner space rioted, one after another chaotic light beams hit, dazzling, white, falling like raindrops, instantly smashed Qin Qi into sieves, his whole body was broken, the three Dao bodies were scattered, the Ninth Secret Broken, he fell to the dust again.

The thunder pool is like a furnace, with thousands of fires burning, Qin Qi is lying in it, his body is melting, in a blur, there are two figures standing beside him, shrouded in the hazy years, passing me chanting, saying I am detached, The two are intertwined to form a special field, effectively blocking this refining.

Although Qin Qi was injured so badly that he was almost unable to move, he was still ethereal, his mind was transcendent, and he was intoxicated in the Dao realm.

He used the thunder pool as a furnace to sacrifice his body and spirit, temper his way of law, and forge every inch of his flesh and blood. The five secret realms are dazzling, blooming with brilliance, and they all have the tendency to transform into a world. The roar of the two secret realms is more realistic. resonance.

The sun, moon and stars rotated, mountains and rivers appeared, and five hazy worlds revolved in his body, surging with majestic power.

The dead self and the Dao self co-cast the secret realm of the Dao Palace, the secret realm of Xiantai bred the god self, the combination of yin and yang, the three talents stand together, and his real body becomes the carrier of the Tao.

Although it still can't fight against Lei Chi refining, isn't there still a Chaos God?
Sure enough, it saw that Qin Qi had tried his best and still couldn't stop it, so it slowly trembled and swayed, becoming chaotic and hazy, overflowing with immeasurable mighty power, like the surging sea of ​​stars, the surging universe, the three thousand great worlds were trembling, and there was an opportunity to open up the world Air machine collapsed.

Resisted!It withstood Thunder Pond!Although the bright light beam and Daohuo are still there, when they really get close to Qin Qi, the murderous intent and destructive power in them will be dissolved and become a gentle force, instead nurturing him.

It seems that two supreme beings are fighting against each other across the long river of time, one is responsible for destruction, the other is responsible for creation, the chaos is surging, the universe is born and destroyed, Qin Qi is mixed in it, and is baptized by inexplicable energy.

I don't know how long it took before the riot in the Thunder Pool subsided, leaving only a pool of crystal clear liquid, which was golden and full of vitality. Dragon marrow is even better.

After Qin Qi took it away, Lei Chi slowly disappeared.Although the Heavenly Tribulation is still there, Qin Qi has no fear. He led thousands of thunder lights into his body, refined all of them, and performed baptism.

His physical body is as strong as a holy weapon, indestructible, every inch of his skin is crystal clear, containing surging power, radiant, powerful and terrifying, and the same is true of his soul, which has become even stronger after baptism, and can crack the king's weapon.

He ascended to the sky and entered the deepest part of the catastrophe, which is the heavenly court and the Nantian Gate.

 Alas, Zhetian was drinking with friends at night, and forgot to update, and my full attendance is gone, poor, humble Xiaoxu Online, I implore all brothers and sisters to reward

(End of this chapter)

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