Chapter 140 The Magic Well
Xu Yu looked up, his heart was shocked, is this really the ancient heaven?

The super-large building complex in front of me is really spectacular, endless, magnificent and vast, with carved beams and jade buildings, multiple buildings, various flowers, grass, fish, birds, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, etc., all natural things are engraved, and there are also figures of gods and beasts , at a glance, mysterious and ancient.

Every palace towers high into the sky, surrounded by haze, and there are many giant palaces, leaning against mountains, majestic and majestic.

These are all transformed by lightning, but they are very real. It can be regarded as a grand scene. Above the ancient buildings, there are lightning flashes and thunder, thunder dragons churning, dazzling brilliance, illuminating the sky.

He stepped in, wanting to see what happened, but when he actually entered, he found that the place was empty, lifeless, and there was no one.

There are many palaces and palaces, all of which are tightly closed, as if there are restraints flickering, repelling strangers from approaching, he feels the danger, and does not want to rush into it.

Every palace is very ancient, with auspicious energy transpiring, colorful clouds, and runes carved on the palace gates, mysterious lines, very profound, it looks a bit like the emperor's pattern, but it is not the same.

"Could it be that every palace is facing a witness?" Xu Yu frowned slightly.

This reminded him of the Nine Emperor Shadows in Thunder Tribulation, how similar they are, and what is the relationship between the two?However, obviously this is not what he can figure out now, there is a big secret in the thunder calamity, even if the ancient
Even the emperor may not be able to understand all of them.

In the end, he came to the end, the pressure here was even greater, the chaos above was raging, and every bolt of lightning was entangled with chaos, which could destroy everything.

The corners of Xu Yu's eyes twitched, but the deepest part of the day was indeed terrifying. This kind of lightning was probably prepared for him in the future.

Thinking of this, he sighed in his heart, feeling that life was gloomy, and there were too many disasters.

In the end, he sat cross-legged, receiving the chaotic thunder and lightning, forging the soul of the body, and at the same time practicing the weapon, melting the immortal gold tripod. This will be his heavy weapon for killing in the future, and he may have to accompany him for a long time. time.

As well as other treasures, such as the bone sword obtained from Thunderbird, not only the material is amazing, but also the construction is unique, even he is amazed.

In addition, it is the Nine Gods Sword obtained from the golden-winged roc. The Nine Gods Sword and Sword can be separated or combined, and divided into Nine Killing Swords. , The power is infinite, and when combined, it will turn into a peerless heavenly sword, which will not lose to the crude embryo of the emperor's soldiers, and can compete with the red gold of the phoenix blood, the green gold of the fairy tears, etc.

Of course, he did not intend to forge this sword into a tool for attaining Taoism. He had already decided to sacrifice the Immortal Golden Cauldron as his tool for proving Taoism. Naturally, it was impossible to make any changes, but he still lacked a sharp weapon for killing with his bare hands. How inconvenient it is to face the enemy.

Therefore, Xu Yu plans to smelt the Nine Gods and the bronze sword he obtained before, together with the Heavenly Emperor Sword he obtained from Wang Teng in the Underground Palace of Belvedere, into a peerless killing sword. A leap from quantity to quality.

He wants to forge a peerless killing sword. This is the idea that came to him after seeing Lingbao Tianzun's killing array.

He received the chaotic lightning and forged the divine sword. In this process, he used his mind as a knife, engraved his own Taoism, submerged in the sword womb, over and over again, tempered thousands of times, and forged it in every way. In the end, he even made the divine sword The sword was thrown into the chaotic thunder sea.

With the help of the power of Chaos Thunder Sea, he refined it again, and he absorbed strands of Chaos Essence into it, and immediately, the Excalibur shone brightly.

This is not ordinary chaotic energy, but the essence of the chaotic gods, which contains innate principles and infinite uses.

The chaotic lightning strikes wildly, shining brightly, thunder and lightning, if it weren't for the transcendence of the Nine Gods Sword, it may have already become ashes of calamity, and there is nothing left. Even if Xu Yu went in by himself, he might not be able to last long.

If one refines a tool for attaining enlightenment, one needs to step by step, synchronize with one's self, and sublimate together, but one doesn't have to pay so much attention to refining a heavy weapon, the more powerful the better.

Moreover, he also obtained part of Yuanshi Tianzun's Dao of Artifacts, and he has a lot of experience in refining artefacts.

After three days, the Excalibur flew out of the chaotic sea of ​​thunder. At this moment, it was full of brilliance, lustrous and crystal clear, with thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and radiance transpiring. Beautiful, like a dreamlike work of art.

Its sword light is sharp, and there is a wave of life rippling, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

"A good sword!" Xu Yu held it in his hand and praised repeatedly.

With Chaotic Lightning as salary, and Supreme Immortal as fire, after all kinds of smelting, the appearance of this sword has changed drastically, becoming more crystal clear, more flawless, and more primitive at the same time, with some ancient patterns carved on it, exquisite and natural.

It breathed out sword light, its murderous aura was terrifying, and it was peerlessly sharp. Although it still lacked a lot of bloody and fierce aura, it had already shown its edge.

The more Xu Yu looked at it, the more satisfied he was. This is definitely a peerless weapon. Holding it in his hand, he can compete with all the heroes in the world, and Xu Yu's heart is full of pride.

After putting away his sword, he suddenly turned around and stared at the sea of ​​thunder. He opened his eyes, and two torch-like rays of light shot out from his eyes, penetrating into the chaotic electricity.

Sea, he showed surprise: "This chaotic thunder sea..."

His innate sky eye is very mysterious, it can see through the origin, trace the cause and effect, and it has more powerful attack power.He saw at the end of the chaotic sea of ​​thunder, there seemed to be a hazy fetish, wrapped in chaos, exuding strands of aura that would overwhelm the ages, making people tremble.

Although he didn't see the specific appearance clearly, he felt a familiar aura - Lei Chi.The end of the sea of ​​thunder may be a pond of thunder!

These thousands of chaotic waterfalls may all pour out from the thunder pool, Xu Yu felt depressed when he thought of this.What does this mean?He doesn't know, but it must be very important. It involves the secrets of the world, and he dare not speculate on it.

At this moment, everything faded away, Heaven's Punishment dried up, the thunder subsided, and the blazing sea of ​​electricity went out, as if it had never appeared before.

Just like Nankey Yimeng, in Xu Yu's independent universe, all the lightning and brilliance disappeared, both real and illusory, so unreal.

"Congratulations, Junior Brother, you have survived the catastrophe!
"Brother, you are worried about me to death.

Many senior brothers hurried forward and congratulated.Those who have a weak relationship will be polite, and those who have a good relationship will give a bear hug directly, and people like the senior brother will have tears in their eyes and are very excited.

The catastrophe just now really frightened them, everyone almost believed that Xu Yu would definitely not survive the catastrophe and was about to fall.

Everyone was sad, with despair on their faces, the nine heavenly deities fought together, who could survive?That was simply an unsolvable problem.

Although Xu Yu is powerful and known as having the appearance of a great emperor, but no matter how against the sky, it is impossible to withstand the joint attack of the nine heavenly gods, unless he immediately becomes a fairy.But what happened next left them dumbfounded, not only were they deeply shocked by Xu Yu's combat power, but even Lei Chi's mutation was beyond their imagination.

"Junior brother, with your combat strength, I'm afraid it has already surpassed the young emperor?" Liu Feng said.

He was still shocked, and has not recovered so far. He broke the seal of Jiu Tianzun, killed two of them, and severely injured several people. This record far surpasses any young emperor, absolutely breaking records, and can be called No. 1 in ancient and modern times.

"It's not that exaggerated!" Xu Yu smiled and explained when he saw their shocked faces.

"The emperor's shadow wall in Thunder Tribulation is not real, it is not as good as the young emperor, and some emperors are far beyond everyone's imagination."

Whether other ancient emperors could achieve this step, he didn't know, but Emperor Zun definitely did it. When he was young, he received the inheritance of Emperor Huangtian, and he had a deep research on the sixth secret realm, which definitely broke through the extreme realm.

Everyone was amazed that the ancient emperors were too mysterious. Even in the same era, few people knew how powerful they really were.Moreover, two emperors do not meet each other, she died when he was born, or she was born after his death, and there is only one person in an era.Therefore, no one in history can distinguish who is strong from who is weak in the ancient emperors. They can only be attributed to the strongest row.

Now it seems that the ancient emperor is also different.

For the next month, while Xu Yu was consolidating his realm, he would often go out with the disciples of the Purple Mansion Holy Land to search for the whereabouts of the Holy Spirit's body during some military operations.

During this period, I also dealt with people from other forces.

For example, half a month ago, Xu Yu and the others met dozens of disciples from the Five Elements Sect and the Palace of Disillusionment who came out to look for the body of the Holy Spirit in a valley of the waning moon.

The two sides had a very friendly exchange, and it ended with the disciple of the Five Elements Sect's Disillusionment Palace "accidentally" falling off the cliff.

Also over time.The places where the body of the holy spirit may be hidden in the forbidden zone of gods and demons have basically been searched by external forces.

At the same time, as the search area shrinks, the contradictions among the various forces have also intensified.

It is no longer limited to conflicts between the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion and other forces.Instead, it evolved into the aborigines in the world of gods, the extreme forces from the outside world, the grouped holy lands, the demon clan and other forces, and they played against each other during this period.

Trying to cut off the opponent's power and create favorable conditions for later competing for the Holy Spirit's body.

In this way, under the tacit consumption of various forces, they finally came to the last place where the body of the holy spirit might be hidden in the forbidden zone of the gods and demons.

Fallen God Ridge.

Spend the forest among the records of the aborigines of the Tenjin Realm.It is also a very terrifying terrain in the forbidden zone of gods and demons, which can be traced back to the distant myth age, or even earlier.

It is rumored that in the long past, creatures suspected of being gods fell and died here.

Now all the saints and many forces come here to find the body of the Holy Spirit.

But as soon as they met, everyone's face was not very good.

Obviously, I know that everyone has been playing tricks on each other recently, which has also led to fewer people coming here.

The Purple Mansion Holy Land merged with Huang Gufeng's family, and even the Daoyi Holy Land, which was unpleasant before, reappeared beside Xu Yu and the others.

Although some time ago, people from Daoyi Holy Land had a very unpleasant quarrel with Xu Yu and the others, but they were just private grievances between the juniors.

But it involves the greatest chance of creation in the world of gods.As the Daoyi Holy Land, which jointly controls the Xuanhuang Secret Realm with the Purple Mansion Holy Land, naturally needs to stand with the Purple Mansion Holy Land.

After all, no matter what, the Purple Mansion Holy Land and Daoyi Holy Land are the two major forces that jointly control the Xuanhuang Small World, and they can't fall out on the surface. The relationship between the two really has a long history.

This moment.The holy places allied to each other stand together.Watching other forces are at war.

If it wasn't for the fact that they haven't found the body of the Holy Spirit yet, they might already be fighting each other by now.

"I believe that the purpose of everyone coming here is very clear. It is to find the body of the holy spirit that was suppressed and killed by Emperor Wushi 10 years ago. But at this moment, we have gathered here, and we have not even seen the body of the holy spirit. Cannibalism!"

King Dacheng among the aborigines of the Celestial God Realm spoke out, advising the various forces that it is not time to confront each other. He hopes that the various forces will put aside their grievances for the time being, and now unite as a united front to find the body of the Holy Spirit.

Hearing this, the aborigines in the world of gods quickly huddled together, while some powerful extreme families outside were harboring ulterior motives?

They must have advantages that other holy places do not have, that is, these extreme forces, not only have imitations of emperor soldiers, but their overall strength is stronger than ordinary holy places.

For example, the Huanggu Jiang family and the Ji family hoped that the outside holy places present would obey their orders, serve as their cannon fodder, and open the way for them.

In addition to the Holy Land of Waking Light, the three are all extreme forces belonging to the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory. At this moment, they naturally unite together to put pressure on other forces that do not have imitations of the Emperor Weapon.

Because Xu Yu exposed that the soldiers who possessed the ultimate way belonged to some miscellaneous religions in the central region of Dunhuang, and they were also united with the holy land of Zifu, such as the Huanggufengjia, the holy land of Wanchu, the holy land of Dayan, and the holy land of Daoyi.

These people in the holy land have a good relationship with the holy land of Zifu, and they are all on the same level, so they are united at this moment to fight against the moral kidnapping of the Huanggu Jiang family and Ji family.

In this way, under the circumstances that various factions harbored ulterior motives, they searched in Fallen God Ridge.

In the end, all self-interests coincidentally came to a silent valley.There is a sealed magic well at the bottom of the valley.

This is the only unusual feature found in many holy places so far.

Just now, under the persecution of the Jiang family's great power, several disciples from some small sects were fed in as pioneers.

As a result, after those people went in, they only left a scream and then lost contact. Even under the powerful flicker of the Jiang family, it can be said that under the joint persecution of many forces, a powerful member of the Five Elements Palace "voluntarily" Comrades, explore the way forward.

He died instantly after entering the magic well, in order to thank the dedication of the Five Elements Palace and not to waste anyone's resources.

The Huanggu family once again forced the remaining disciples of the Five Elements Palace to enter the Magic Mirror Well to explore the way, and the remaining disciples of the Five Elements Palace who were in the secret realm of transforming dragons.

In the midst of unwillingness and despair, the divine power was locked by the gate of the Shaking Light Holy Land and thrown into the magic well.

Plus the gate of the Five Elements Palace and several disciples from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm.A total of dozens of people went in.

There are monks from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm to the Second Immortal Realm. After entering the magic well, all of these people died instantly without exception, allowing other forces to see clearly the horror of this magic well.

In the end, even using the imitation of the Jidao Emperor Weapon was useless, and did not have any effect on the magic well.

Even Xu Yu used Yuan Shiyin to test it out, but he couldn't open the magic well by force.

There are many forces here.When killing time.One of the few saints in the world of gods appeared here.

Tell them that under this magic well is the place where the body of the Holy Spirit, which was suppressed and injured by Emperor Wushi, is located, that is, the place where the holy liquid in the mouths of the holy places outside is located.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, it is obvious that the inside of the god has not been completely refined, so this magic well is still blocked by the Great Emperor's pattern.

Want to forcibly open this magic well?It's impossible without Zhundi's general strength, even if the saint holds the extreme way until the emperor's soldiers make a move, the result is the same.

After hearing the explanation of the saint among the aborigines of the Heavenly God Realm, the holy lands in the outside world still tried a few times without belief and evil, and it turned out that just like what the saint said, the magic well cannot be opened at all, let alone Said the spirit liquid.

In the end, the people who came on the journey had to return disappointed. At the same time, it was the saint who explained to the outside world that the rules in the God Realm were about to change again.

That is to forcibly repel foreign creatures. If outsiders do not leave the God Realm within a certain period of time, they will be locked here forever in the future.

After hearing this, the birthplaces of the outside world were trying to find a way to rush to the entrance of the God Realm and want to leave.

And some aborigines in the God Realm also want to take this opportunity to leave this cage that belongs to them.

For example, the Golden Dragon Girl, who had fought against Xu Yu before, came to Xu Yu, hoping that Xu Yu would help her and let her leave the God Realm.

At that time, he will use the polar soldiers left by her father.Coupled with the Yuanshi Seal in Xu Yu's hand, the two extreme emperor soldiers tried to break the rules of the God Realm and let her leave the God Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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