Chapter 143 Going to Zhongzhou
In the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, Xu Yu, who had been away for a year, returned to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion and brought a lot of rare treasures to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, and even brought many secret techniques.

Even after learning that Xu Yu obtained an ancient scripture inside, many people's eyes turned green, especially after hearing that Xu Yu and the others had brought out a sacred bodhi tree, they were even more surprised and couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

In addition to this trip to the Heavenly God Realm, Xu Yu's vest "Mu Qing" was exposed, and everyone in the Holy Land of Zifu also knew that the one who took away the ancient scriptures in the underground palace of Licheng was their own holy son.

Compared with this trip to the Heavenly God Realm, Xu Yu obtained a total of two Emperor Scriptures, and many people became short of breath.

After thinking about it, Xu Yu still decided to hand over the Emperor Sutra of Wuliang Tianzun to the old man Zixu, and the old man Zixu would arrange it.

As for those fanciful people, Xu Yu didn't care too much about it, not to mention that he possessed such a powerful weapon as the Yuan Shi Yin in his hand.

Even his current strength has surpassed the Holy Lord of Zifu, and even many living fossil figures of the older generation in the Holy Land of Zifu are no match for Xu Yu, so Xu Yu completely ignores those who have other thoughts .

And behind him, there are ancient sages like the old man Zixu backing him up, and he is not afraid of those Xiao Xiaozi in the holy land of Zifu at all.

After learning of the opening of the Qishi Mansion, Xu Yu's mind was no longer in the Eastern Wilderness, and now the young generation's talents in the five regions are all concentrated in Zhongzhou.

Although Xu Yu's cultivation base and realm are far superior to the current younger generation, there is no need to communicate with them.

But opportunities in Zhongzhou should not be missed, such as the Immortal Mansion World near Qishi Mansion.And Hualongchi in the Qinling Mountains, not to mention Bingzimi, one of the nine secrets.

So after dealing with some trivial matters in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, Xu Yu left for Zhongzhou.

Because I missed the enrollment time of Qishi Mansion, but I was in Shencheng before.The Holy Lord of the Purple Mansion has already negotiated with the old man of the Qishi Mansion.

Whether it is Xu Yu or Zixia, if you need to go to Qishi, you don't need to go through the normal enrollment process, you just need to go with your token.

Xu Yu took the golden lion, and Zixia came to Zhongzhou through the domain gate of the Zifu Holy Land. This place is different from the rich source of the Eastern Wilderness and the Northern Territory. There are countless dragon veins underground, and some dragon marrow will be bred, and even dream-level dragon marrow has appeared. , that is the holy medicine that is enough to keep the mighty and strong alive!

In addition, there are outstanding people here, and many arrogances have been born here. After Xu Yu and Zixia came to Zhongzhou, before they had time to go to Qi Shifu, they encountered a sacred treasure of an ancient saint in Zhongzhou that was about to be opened.

"Brother, I heard that Jie, a young man of Zhongzhou's generation, was born one after another. When traveling in Zhongzhou, many people rumored that they saw them near the ancient relics."

"I would like to meet the masters of the younger generation in Zhongzhou. I hope they won't disappoint me."

Amidst the conversation, the golden lion supported Xu Yu and Zixia, and rushed towards the direction where the ancient treasure was born.


Riyue Ridge was originally one of the top ten wonderlands in Zhongzhou.

It is even rumored that there are sages who entered it and turned it into a dojo, creating a glorious line.

But now, what attracts the monks in Zhongzhou is no longer these illusory rumors, but real events.

The ancient relics were born here!

During this period of time, strong men gathered and great figures emerged in large numbers, all of them broke into Sun Moon Ridge in order to excavate the ancient relics.

But so far, they have not been in-depth, and they are also afraid of each other, so it is difficult to truly cooperate.

Here, there are many stone cliffs, low mountains and fairy vines as bridges, connecting one cliff to another, quiet and plain.

"It's really weird. What's going on these days? I haven't even seen a preacher of the great religion. Doesn't it mean that they will all appear here?"

"Hey, once they come, I'm afraid it will be lively here! This is really a grand event!"

Under the stone cliff, there were vague figures, and the sound of conversations sounded one after another, revealing the recent situation.


There was a strong wind, dust filled the sky, the sound of the wind came from a distance, and the roar of the tiger swept all directions. A black tiger was supporting a man, and there was a lot of movement, which shocked the casual practitioners in an instant.

"Hiss, what kind of force are these young people, why are they all here?" People were surprised.

Booming, the golden lion came through the air, whizzed past the heads of the crowd, brought a strong wind and waves, and hit the sea directly.

Soon, the people surrounding the Ancient Relics trembled, and they all looked at the black tiger and the man on it. The black tiger was surrounded by a murderous aura, and its aura was fierce and fierce. Obviously, this was not unusual. A savage beast that can be cultivated by forces.

"The arrival of such a character is probably not a good thing." Some people were also worried, suspecting that the person in the chariot was very likely to be a powerhouse of the leader's level.

"Which force is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

On a beautiful mountain, standing a man in white, with a unique temperament.

At this moment, his expression moved slightly, as if he felt something, his eyes locked on Xu Yu who was on the back of the golden lion.

Vaguely, just now, two beams of eyes collided with each other, and they had a wonderful echo with him.

"It's interesting!" Xu Yu said with a light smile, this Zhongzhou really lived up to its reputation, with all the kings rising together, it really is the era of turbulent wind and clouds.

"Brother, why didn't I see a successor of a great religion!?" The voice of the golden lion came, and looking around, there was no one who could fight, and it landed on a mountain.

"Don't worry, there will be enough for you to fight." Xu Yu said while stroking the golden lion's back.

Surrounded by strange rocks and sparse vegetation, there is an inexplicable sense of desolation, which is completely different from the vastness seen by the outside world.

This is the outer area of ​​the ancient relics, many figures hurried past, mostly monks from the secret realm of the Dao Palace, few people at the quadrupole level, and even people from the secret realm of the Lunhai mixed in.

"The terrain here is interesting." Xu Yu opened his eyes. Ever since Xu Yu tempered his eyes with three-color stone gallbladders, the combination of the two is more powerful than before.

The wild mountains and rivers in front of me are actually the place where the dragon veins meet, where the nine dragon veins meet, and the nine dragon heads gather in one place, breathing out the majestic dragon energy, which is full of shocking fortune!Maybe the rumors are true, but with the geomantic omen of this place, the sages should also be moved.

Xu Yu said: "These nine dragon veins are not simple. This kind of terrain is a treasured place for burials."

"Brother, what do you mean? There will be many large tombs here?" the golden lion said.

"Pay attention, this relic may be shocking, but it must be guarded by some terrible creatures and patterns!"

"It is said that an elder of the Yin-Yang Sect also said that there seems to be a living being in it. What are you guarding?"

On the way, many people were talking and revealing a lot of secrets. Some of the Yin-Yang Sect, one of the hundred religions, were defeated and had to retreat.

Xu Yu naturally wouldn't let Zixia do such dirty work as searching for dragon veins and opening tombs. He just asked her to rest on a nearby mountain and wait for their good news.

But Xu Yu and the golden lion left in a hurry, searching the ground to find a safe entrance.

Soon, they broke into a strange place, where the mountains are undulating, surrounded by fairy mist, the ancient trees take root on the mountains, the vitality of life is strong, and even a few elixir can be found!Surrounded by ancient forests and covered by mist, there were faint roars of ancient beasts.

"The terrain here should have been changed so that the nine dragon veins can be gathered here. Thinking about it, even if it is not the remains left by the ancient sages, it is almost the same. The rumors are true."

Suddenly, Xu Yu suddenly opened his mouth and pointed in the direction of the mountains, and saw some man-made signs. It may be that too much time has passed, and Xu Yu can't see anything for the time being.

The two stepped into the mountain forest, and the surrounding stone forest was verdant. After walking for ten miles, they saw some stone pillars one after another. I don't know how many years have passed, but they are still standing on the ground.

Occasionally, a few rare beasts and elixir can be seen, which is enough to show the strong dragon aura here, which can be described as a beautiful place in the world.

"Brother, there seems to be an altar here!" The golden lion found something.

"What an old pattern!"

Xu Yu looked at the altar with Yuantian eyes, and groped for the pattern on the altar with his palm. Although the altar was a little broken, the heavens, earth and stars were depicted on it. People worshiped the sky and the earth, and wild beasts fought each other. The air is like a picture that lived before the ages.

"Continue to go deep, this place must be extraordinary, since there is a huge opportunity here, let's go and have a look."

Xu Yu put away the altar, thinking that it might be useful later, he looked aside and said directly, "Who!?"

Xu Yu and the others suddenly saw several distressed figures fleeing with Feihong, their bodies covered in blood, flying towards Xu Yu's direction, shouting to this place: "Hurry up!"

"Run! There are puppets here, and there are still... ahhhh!"

The faces of those people were anxious, and they were signaling to Xu Yu and the others to flee, but suddenly a sword light streaked across the sky, and one of them stopped, and was directly torn apart, and was killed here, without a sound of mourning.

Behind them, a corpse approached quickly, wearing broken armor, with red eyes, a ferocious spirit, and hair all over its body.

Their aura has reached the first and second levels of the Dragon Transformation Realm, and they used the corpses of monks in the Dragon Transformation Realm to train them into puppets.

You must know that the experts in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm are already elder-level figures in the major sects, and they can also serve as elders in the four ancient dynasties!
"It's over." The rest of the people's faces were snow-white, with an expression of regret that it was too late.

"How come there are ancient corpses here?" Xu Yu was startled when he saw this, and felt in his heart.

This kind of evil ancient corpse is very strange, sometimes there are living creatures inside!

At the same time, after devouring a monk, the ancient corpse roared violently, as if it heard heavy breathing, and a hazy roar came out.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared at her intently, and the rumors hunted.

"The dragon vein pregnant ancient corpse, the product of this terrain, is a bit weird here!"

Xu Yu stretched out one hand, and the re-sacrificed divine sword appeared in his hand, his face turned cold instantly.


He held the divine sword in his hand and swung it out. After re-sacrificing, the Nine-Sacred Sword was even more extraordinary. Both its material and power had increased a lot. The sacrifice continued like this until Xu Yu became the emperor. I am afraid that this sword will also turn into a real emperor sword.

The sword light is peerless, and the blue light is cold, like the coldness of the winter and the twelfth lunar month, piercing through the ancient corpse.

There were bursts of evil spirit, like a cold glow, and the skins of the few surviving monks felt a tingling sensation, and they couldn't help shivering.

And they who witnessed this scene were even more horrified. Not only did that young man not escape, he even made a move like that ancient corpse?
"call out!"

The sword light remained undiminished, and it went straight to the remaining ancient corpse. The ancient corpse screamed, surrounded by black mist, and grabbed Xu Yu.

The cold light flickered, and a sword glow pierced through, piercing the arm of the ancient corpse, and the arrow glowed coldly.

The ancient corpse let out a mournful howl like a whimper as if it had been irritated.

"Be careful, this ancient corpse is just one of them. They travel together. There are many in this area, and they have been hunting monks!"

The monk who was hunted down had lingering fears and showed pain in the roar, but he still spoke out to remind him.

Immediately afterwards, several ancient corpses approached from behind in succession. The dead air seemed to be connected as one, driving the wind to billow, and with the sound of huge bodies taking steps, the mountains seemed to be trembling slightly.

The black wind swept across, and the ancient corpse rushed forward, making a terrible roar, revealing the body covered with animal hair, full of chaos and evil.


The eyes of the golden lion stood up, and a bloody king character was reflected, bursting out a bloody evil spirit that boiled like a flame, surrounding the side, forming a lion mark, and pounced forward.

The golden lion stepped down, and the lion's seal that shot out clanged, the killing intent shocked the past and the present, passing through the sky like a flying sword, piercing through the black mist in an instant.

The ancient corpse was blown into a puddle of blood by the Fearless Lion Seal.

The golden lion roared into the void, and its sharp claws tore through the void, tearing it apart in an instant, and the remnant body fell into the wasteland, flowing black blood, sizzling, and corroding the vegetation.


At the same time, the ancient corpses in the rear rioted together, as if they were irritated, they seemed to be roaring incessantly, and approached quickly.

"That lion has such a vicious aura that it killed that ghost so easily."

"No, let's go, those ghosts are enraged, they want to surround and kill them!"

The surviving monks were terrified that this young man and the lion were so powerful; but the riot of dead bodies in the rear made them even more terrified.

Soon, a figure sprang out and rushed towards Li Xuan. His body was covered by a layer of hazy black mist, revealing a body poured like steel, exuding a cold metallic light.

Xu Yu remained motionless, with sharpness in his eyes, and with a bang, the body of the ancient corpse was cut open by the golden lion's sharp blade, breaking into several pieces, leaving a large pool of blood on the ground, and the whole body was shattered.

"Brother, did these evil things come out of the deep area?" The golden lion's expression tightened, its instinct made it feel bad!
"I don't know very well. Could it be that this is not some ancient treasure at all, but a corpse farm? Could it be that the ancient sage wanted to dispel the corpse?" Xu Yu was puzzled, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.Quickly called the Golden Lion to stop.

But I didn't expect that the golden lion had already been killed, blood glowed across the sky, and the fearless lion seal was particularly strong in murderous aura.

With a bang, the blood-colored Changhong crashed into the crowd of ancient corpses, and in an instant, domineering and murderous intent burst out of the air, accompanied by bursts of light.

(End of this chapter)

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