Chapter 144
With a puff, blood spattered from the chest of an ancient corpse, and an evil creature was pierced through by the sharp claws of the golden lion, and flew out horizontally from the claws.

The golden lion kept moving, coming and going without a trace, and killed with one blow.Shengsheng blocked this group of ancient corpses, which was particularly eye-catching.

It was so violent that it shot and killed the ancient corpses like a handyman, causing the ancient corpses to roar, and countless figures rushed over and surrounded the golden lion all at once.

Not long after, people saw the golden lion surrounded by murderous aura, condensed into streaks of blood, the murderous aura condensed, across the void, the murderous aura stirred up the sea of ​​clouds, piercing through several evil things like strings, and inserting them into the wasteland, The remnant body swayed, and black blood trickled.

Holding the divine sword in Xu Yu's hand, Xu Yu slashed the heavens and the earth. Xu Yu kept swaying the desperate sword light. Every sword light seemed to cut through the sky, and the stars fell, directly beheading the ancient corpse in the secret realm of the three-headed Taoist palace. Xu Yu stood still. At a height, the eyes became deeper and deeper.

There is only one person, but he has the momentum to stop thousands of troops.

"It was the group of ancient corpses from before, but they bumped into a ruthless man, and it seems that they were killed a lot."

"There are many secret realms in the Dao Palace among the ancient corpses. Even the senior brother has to retreat, but that man is brave."

Not far away, a group of brothers from the same sect stopped. They were all young and dressed in similar clothes. They were watching Xu Yu and the golden lion.

In the dark clouds, Xu Yu and the golden lion, who were becoming more and more imposing, were particularly glaring. Their combat power, which crowned thousands of troops, was like the sharpness of a divine sword, invincible, invincible, and majestic.

It even forcibly pierced through a sea of ​​clouds, and there was no cloud in a hundred miles.

Gradually, the group of ancient corpses receded slowly, not daring to join forces here, and began to retreat.

Xu Yu showed his sharpness, stepped on the wasteland, surrounded by ancient corpses, looked around.

"Let's go, let's find out who the owner of this ancient relic is." Xu Yu led the golden lion and continued walking along the dragon's veins.

"Which great teaching preacher is this, or the prince of the four ancient dynasties?" The man in white and his senior brother felt terrified.

As the two continued to go deeper, the Golden Lion felt a little depressed at first, and then Xu Yu also gradually felt a little bad.

Xu Yu looked around. Although he could feel the dragon's aura, it was silent and lifeless, and he could see a few monsters around it, but there was no living creature here.

"The dragon's veins are alive, this is suppressing the dragon's veins! Pregnant corpses! In such a terrain, do you want to bury living beings!?" Suddenly, Xu Yu's body felt cold.

This world is like a dragon stele to suppress the dragon veins, the mountains are like chains, trapping all parts of the dragon veins, and those who enter are like sacrifices!

Since entering this place, there has been no exit.

Dragon veins are the creation of heaven and earth, and they have spirits. Ordinary dragon veins are an excellent geomantic treasure, but here there are nine dragon veins. They do the opposite, trap the dragon veins, absorb the essence of dragon veins, and take away the good fortune of heaven and earth. This place is already a deadly place. land!
The ancient relics, created by nature, are like a seductive magic medicine, trapping everyone to death, which is extremely terrifying.

The golden lion and Xu Yu's muscles and bones felt cold, and the terrain began to become evil, as if a black hand covering the sky was advancing behind them.

"This is a trap, and the only way to break the situation is to move forward!" Xu Yu decided to continue moving forward. The terrain has changed, and it has become extremely evil and strange. The elders will definitely break the formation with all their strength.

The two of them advanced another hundred miles, and Xu Yu saw an ancient temple sitting in front of it. The ancient temple was simple and natural, and the Dao pattern was all over the temple, as if it was suppressing the dragon's veins.

Xu Yu opened his eyes, looked at the terrain, and said, "Sure enough, this place is blessed with profound blessings and is a place where dragon veins take off, and this palace happens to suppress the dragon veins, preventing dragon veins from taking off! Absorb the essence of this place!"

A huge canyon leads to an unknown place. It is long and vigorous. If you look closely, it looks like a real dragon, but it is no longer a real dragon soaring. Instead, it is a lying dragon. There is an ancient temple at the tail of the dragon, like a sharp blade. Nail it in place.

From Tenglong to imprisoning dragon, the terrain has changed drastically, it is simply heaven turning into hell!
"It seems that many powerful people from great religions have already discovered this place, but because this place is too risky, they spread the news, hoping to use their lives to open a safe passage."

When Xu Yu said this, he lamented the cruelty of the practice world. After a while, Xu Yu deduced a relatively safe place, avoiding the dragon's tail, and entering from the dragon's belly.

At the same time, Xu Yu took out the formation platform, drew the Dao pattern one by one, and arranged the pattern of attracting thunder.

"Let's go! It's not suitable to stay here for a long time." Xu Yu held the formation platform and entered from the belly of the dragon.

Xu Yu and the golden lion were walking forward in the canyon, and suddenly the golden lion stopped. Seeing the golden lion stop, Xu Yu couldn't help but look suspiciously.

In the next second, both Xu Yu and the Golden Lion's expressions changed drastically. From the entrance Xu Yu came in, a group of corpses rushed in like a tide, and the dead air spread over them. People are coming.

"Let's go!" All the people and lions who witnessed this scene were sweating coldly. In just a short moment, it was like hundreds of dead bodies appeared, and one person and one lion continued to go deep.

They groped forward along the terrain, Xu Yu concentrated all his attention, there was the unknown ahead, and the pursuers behind, if they were a little careless, they would fall into a situation where they would be invincible.

Gradually, a white light appeared ahead, and the path gradually narrowed, forming a straight line.

One person and one lion walked to the end, and the stars moved in an instant, and a ray of light shone on the eyelids, making them open their eyes.

As soon as the vast and boundless mountains come into view, one after another is located here. Each mountain is as high as hundreds of feet, majestic and majestic. Magnificent buildings stand on the top of the mountain, and a sense of ancient and vicissitudes spreads. .

It can be seen that there are some mysterious and complicated lines on the walls of those ancient temples. However, under the erosion of years, the runes have become unrecognizable. However, Xu Yu can still feel it vaguely. The residual power of the dao pattern is powerful.

In the center of it, a ten-thousand-ren mountain peak stands there, surrounded by mountains, like stars holding the moon. There is an ancient palace, which is not dilapidated and obsolete. After thousands of years of erosion, it still has not fallen down, overlooking the world.

A palace that stands forever!
Xu Yu also didn't say anything, and directly brought the golden lion into these palaces.

These temples are all quite majestic, but due to the erosion of the years, the current temples have collapsed a bit, and some huge stone pillars have fallen in the hall, exuding a sense of vicissitudes of ruins.

In the palaces that looked like ruins, one after another could be vaguely seen, but these figures were all walking around, looking for treasures, but there was no one in that palace.

Where the ancient relics were born, thousands of divine lights suddenly rose from the central palace, like heavenly pillars piercing the sky.

This scene was very dazzling. Many monks who were looking for treasures in the palace saw the place where the beam of light rose. It was a palace like a fairy king looking down on the world.

"What happened, the dragon energy between heaven and earth seems to be boiling!"

On a verdant mountain, a man was recuperating and closed his eyes. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the place where the beam of light rose.

This is a young man, tall and slender, with a face like a crown jade, black hair draped over his shoulders, and a black and white holy sword on his back, as unfathomable as an abyss.

Two kinds of power, black and white, lingered around him, like chaos raging.

"Looks like, let's go and have a look! I hope someone can be my opponent!" The tone was full of incomparable arrogance.

Then, he soared into the sky, and his whole body turned into a yin-yang diagram, imprinted in the void, like light and electricity, and disappeared into the northern sky in the blink of an eye.

Afterwards, several beams of light flew towards the central ancient hall at the same time.

Xu Yu came to a mountain peak and peeked at the ancient temple. The ancient temple was floating in the air, as if it would never fall. The walls of the ancient temple were engraved with Dao patterns. Xu Yu felt that the dragon heads of the nine dragon veins were here, swallowing endless dragons. Qi gathers in the ancient palace, and the palace is like an abyss, devouring everything.

There are streamers appearing continuously, these people are some ordinary monks, suddenly, there is the sound of footsteps, accompanied by black and white light, standing on the mountain.

A young man dressed in black and white came out, staring straight at the ancient and majestic ancient temple with his eyes.

Xu Yu felt a touch of yin and yang, which came from a very young man, slender and handsome, with a pair of yin and yang holy swords on his back.

Suddenly, Xu Yu felt a ghostly aura. A man in iron clothes stood on the barren hill, with black hair draped over his shoulders, and a pair of bright eyes, full of the belief that I am invincible.

"So it's you! Wang Chongxiao!"

The man with the Yin-Yang holy sword on his back saw fighting intent in his eyes when he saw the man in black, but more of it was arrogance.

"Son of Yin-Yang!"

Wang Chongxiao also saw the Son of Yin and Yang. The two looked at each other. Their auras were already colliding, and their auras were colliding with each other. They were heading towards a real battle. This was unexpected.

A ethereal aura suddenly mixed into the auras of the two of them, and they both looked at the place where the aura appeared, only to see a young man appearing.

"Emerging King Body, Xu Zixuan!"

When Wang Chongxiao saw Xu Zixuan appearing, there was only fear in his eyes, and the same was true for the Yin-Yang Shengzi.

Although this person is not well-known in Zhongzhou, his physique is too strong. He ascended to the sky and reborn. This is a rare physique in the world. It is rare to be born once in tens of thousands of years. He is called Gai Dai, and his name is Yuhua King .

This kind of physique is very terrifying, and has advantages that kings cannot match. In the process of cultivation, it is like a chrysalis transforming, breaking out of a cocoon and turning into a butterfly.

Every time you break through a big secret realm, you can open a sacred treasure in the human body, with boundless potential, turning Tao into a fairy, and is also known as the king of Gaidai in Zhongzhou.

"I didn't expect you to come too! It seems that this place is the ruins of ancient sages, is it true!?" Wang Chongxiao's face was serious.

"It's not just me, but also the Sun King of the Gao Family! The King of Stars also appeared here! There are also many young talents who rushed here." Xu Zixuan said.

"It seems that this time there is really a gathering of wind and cloud, all the kings are here!" Xu Yu had already seen the appearance of two kings, presumably the Son of Yin and Yang is no worse than those two people.

"Now, just wait for the palace to open!" Xu Yu began to rest his eyes and adjust his state.

In Riyue Ridge, the wind is raging, and the birth of the ancient relics caused a great commotion, attracting countless outstanding people.

All the kings rise together, the great teachings stand in clusters, and the undercurrent is already magnificent, rushing to the vast world.

Outside the area where the world is preserved, the ancient hall still stands, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, and nourishing the transcendent terrain.

Suddenly, the roar of wild beasts came out from the sky, pulling a divine chariot,

Nine colorful peacocks fly at a height of hundreds of feet, each hoof of which twists the air, and the same is true for the chariot exuding black and golden brilliance. The wheels are crushed in the void. , actually directly left a shallow void crack.

"Which emperor is this traveling, the savage beast pulling the cart has reached the peak of Hualong!"

"It's either the emperors of the four ancient dynasties who travel, or the leader of the great religion or the elders of the Supreme Master!"

Seeing the appearance of the big man, people talked a lot.

Afterwards, Xu Yu's spiritual sense was strong, and he could naturally feel that three chariots pulled by rare birds and animals were coming towards this place. Each chariot represented at least one powerful person. There were already two chariots here A great power exists, and many preachers of great teachings have appeared, and their momentum collides with each other.

"It's time to open the treasure!" A divine sense came from the colorful peacock pull.

"Indeed!" A divine thought came from the chariot pulled by Shen Yu.

The remaining three powerhouses also nodded.


Not long after, an earth-shattering beam of light came from the palace, and the radiant divine light broke through the sky and penetrated the sky and the earth.Like a volcanic eruption, endless divine light surged out, and the gorgeous light rushed in all directions like a tsunami.

The five big men acted together, mobilized their divine power, and launched a more fierce and domineering attack.


As if the sea of ​​gods was monstrous, the sky and the earth were boundless, dazzling rays of light were everywhere, and endless divine brilliance was impacting.

All the monks stayed away from there, and no one dared to stay.

The five big figures shot one after another, sacrificed their weapons, and shook the ancient temple, darkened the sun, moon, and stars, and made the whole world tremble.

The endless divine light and terrifying aura kept rushing towards all directions.

I don't know how long it took, the five big men didn't know how many times they shot, and finally broke through the palace gate.

The five powerful men rushed into the palace first, driving gods and chariots together.

"Come on, the opportunity is right in front of you!" Countless monks rushed into the palace like ants, Yin Yang Shengzi, Wang Chongxiao, Xu Zixuan, Sun King and some other young generation's arrogance rushed to the palace.

"Let's go! Golden Lion!" Xu Yu got up, and rushed in with the golden lion.

One person and one lion go straight to the center, Xu Yu is not interested in those ordinary things, only the center is the most precious!
Xu Yu and the golden lion came to a place in the stone hall, and saw the stone hall standing with Xu Zixuan and others. Xu Yu looked at the center of the stone hall, and there were 49 tall stone statues with mottled bodies and round eyes. Staring, there was a faint ferocious air, even though the face was covered with moss, but you could faintly see the lifelike expression, as if it was a living thing.

The left hands of the 49 stone statues hold something, each of which is rare on the outside, with a misty auspicious aura and a myriad of phenomena.

Only the nine stone statues No.40 have the most profound aura, holding a green stove with both hands, faintly visible, nine-colored flames boiling in the stove, even though separated by the stove, you can still feel the horror of the divine fire, even Even if the five mighty-level powerhouses came, there would be no ashes left. Nine rays of light danced in the furnace, like elves in the fire!

(End of this chapter)

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