Chapter 145 Stone Statue Yun Treasure
Suddenly, a monk shouted excitedly and found the spiritual essence plant, bursts of refreshing fragrance hit.

A stone statue holds an ancient tree with one hand. The roots are like horned dragons, and the branches are coiled, just like a carefully cultivated strange tree.

The most special thing is that the spiritual ginseng produced by the ancient tree is very magical, the whole body is blood red, like a red agate, crystal clear, and looks like a villain, very special.

"This kind of ancient tree is rare. It blooms for a thousand years and bears fruit for a thousand years. After taking it, blood will appear, temper the body, strengthen the limbs and bones, and even sublimate the blood! The stronger the body, the better the effect!"

Yuhua taught Xu Zixuan to open his mouth, and told the origin of this ancient tree in one word, which attracted many people to fight for it.

The younger generation with strong physiques, such as Yin Yang Shengzi, Wang Chongxiao, etc., all showed signs of emotion.

Several of the elders were more direct, and they focused on the monks who were scrambling for the ancient tree, and waited for them to finish their fight before making a final decision.

Seeing the salivating look in the golden lion's eyes, Xu Yu said angrily, "Wait a minute, there are some weird things in it, wait for them to explore the way first, then you can grab it, there should be a lot of good things in it !"

The stone statue woke up, its aura surged, and a giant black hand protruded from it, smashing the rushing monks into a puddle of mud with blood spattering.

The shrill screams suddenly resounded.

Sudden misfortune.It made everyone look horrified.

The huge stone statues woke up one after another, and the eyes of the stone statues were all red.It looked extremely savage and ferocious.

Around these stone statues.There are also astonishing aura fluctuations, each one, the aura has reached the peak of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, and some stone statues have even more aura, and may enter the Xiantai Secret Realm!


Xu Yu looked at the black stone statues struggling out of the stone pillars, and couldn't help but gasp in his heart. This place is really dangerous, and there are so many stone statue guards hidden there!

Xu Zixuan and the others also changed their expressions slightly, such a change was too unexpected.


The golden lion burst out with killing intent and a domineering aura. The golden lion raised its head to the sky and roared, and then an ancient seal appeared in front of the golden lion again. It was the fearless lion seal formed by its law and pattern.

At the same time, a phantom also appeared in the stone pillar.

The phantom is a demon lion, exuding a strange and ominous aura, its scarlet eyes slowly opened, its limbs are like pillars of heaven, supporting the world in all directions, and the bloody lion roared at the stone statue as soon as it appeared!
The lion's roar was deafening, resounding through the sky, shaking the hearts of everyone present like a Hong Zhong Da Lu!
Endless murderous aura spread, as if at this moment, the entire sky was plunged into Shura's blood field, which seemed strange and dull.

At this time, the golden lion's blood glowed like a bloody demon god, a fierce and domineering aura erupted from Ba Xue's body, the scarlet lion stared at the stone statue coldly, and his figure flashed!
The golden lion appeared behind the stone statue in an instant. The golden lion's blood-stained claws seemed to be able to tear the sky, and directly hit the stone statue's heart.

The stone statue roared, cracks covered the whole body, and then turned into stone chips, and the ancient blood ginseng tree fell into the hands of the golden lion.

"So that's how it is. As long as you defeat this stone statue, you can get the treasure." Seeing the golden lion's move, Xu Zixuan took the lead.

"Each according to their ability!" Wang Chongxiao sneered.

The yin and yang saints, the twin kings of the Gao family and other peerless arrogances also nodded, and those who can be buried here by the ancient sages are not ordinary things!
The rest of the monks also wanted to get some soup to drink when they saw Tianjiao Qiqi, but they still underestimated these stone guards who knew no pain and were born to fight. Even if they had the advantage in numbers, they could break through The stone statues are defended layer by layer, and there are very few people who advance into the depths, and they still need to pay a huge price for this.

Xu Yu and the Golden Lion were also competing for treasures, and each of the arrogances tacitly divided a region, and Xu Yu also felt the powerful aura of these arrogances.

The yin and yang qi emerged from the body of the yin and yang saint, and turned into a yin and yang diagram, as if he was riding the sun and the moon, misty, and the surroundings were surrounded by chaotic fog, dyeing the surroundings in black and white.

Xu Zixuan's face was peaceful, exuding an ancient and profound aura, with endless Dao accumulation, as if it could make people ascend into the sky, and make people addicted to it.

Xu Zixuan gives people a kind of simplicity and unpretentiousness, but can make people feel the feeling of vastness and boundlessness.

The twin kings defend the enemy side by side, one is as hot as the sun, and the other is as dark as the night, and the two complement each other, and they are bursting with twice as much energy.

"The twin kings of Zhongzhou?" Seeing the twin kings of the Gao family, Xu Yu immediately thought of the day when the god king was revived, there was a night king who came to kill the god king, and was finally killed by the god king.

Neither of these two should be underestimated by Xu Yu, they are naturally complementary, and it is even more terrifying to combine them together.

But at this time, shouldn't they be practicing in Qishi Mansion?It's hard to go out for a trip, but you haven't seen the elders of the Qishi mansion?

In fact, what Xu Yu thought was right, they were just going on a trip. After all, Qishi Mansion was not the university that Xu Yu studied in his previous life. At any time, there will be a counselor by your side to protect you.

In Qishifu.The main purpose is to select the Tianjiao who can go to the starry sky trial road, and it does not need some flowers in the greenhouse, so there is a kind of stocking attitude for some elders whose disciples go out to visit the Qishi Mansion.

Because they know that the real strong do not need external force, even if there are high-level monks to bully you, that is your own business, it is impossible not to go to the starry sky to test the road just because the enemy has a higher cultivation level than you up.

While Xu Yu was still thinking, something changed in the field.

Wang Chongxiao was filled with a ghostly aura, holding a battle dagger in his hand, his iron clothes clanged and turned into a wall of ghosts, and he was able to shake three stone statues by himself!
Xu Yu scanned the audience, and immediately looked at a stone statue, holding a purple lotus flower in his right hand. The lotus has nine petals, and mysterious patterns emerge on the lotus leaves. The fragrance of people can't help but make people feel like a spring breeze.

Xu Yu's eyes lit up, and it turned out to be a 5000-year-old elixir——Amethyst Lotus.

Xu Yu rushed directly to the stone statue, the stone statue roared, a huge stone palm slapped Xu Yu, the ground trembled, Xu Yu's blood and blood rolled into the sky, a huge fist hit the stone statue, and the entire void shook.

The fist seal hit the crushed stone palm, turning it into powder, and the amethyst lotus fell into Xu Yu's hands, sealing it.

Xu Yu saw the golden lion rushing towards a red gemstone with a large human head, its blood was extremely hot, filled with dazzling red brilliance, and there were bursts of phoenix cries.

There is only a faint layer of brilliance surrounding the bloodstone, but the faint sound of the phoenix is ​​still heard.

"What is that? Could it be the phoenix blood red gold!? No, that's the phoenix stone!" An old man whose cultivation had reached the dragon transformation secret realm stared at the blood-colored divine stone in the stone statue's hand and said.

"Phoenix stone, that is a strange stone that can ward off all evil. The most important thing is to cleanse the blood and improve the physique. It is also useful for those with a strong physique. There is even a chance to get a trace of Phoenix blood! It is a rare treasure in the world!" An old antique immediately revealed the magical effect of this sacred stone.

"There are still such treasures in the world!"

Many monks looked at the blood-colored divine stone eagerly, wanting to snatch it away.

Even Xu Zixuan, Wang Chongxiao, Gemini Sovereigns and other Tianjiao are coveted in their eyes. They have powerful and unparalleled physiques. If they can go further, their strength will be even higher!
"Evil animal, hand over the Phoenix Stone!" Yin Yang Shengzi said to the golden lion, with a domineering tone in his tone, and even more arrogance on his face.


When the golden lion heard the words, anger appeared in his eyes, and he moved the lion's claws directly, and with great force, he patted the son of Yin-Yang,
"Evil beast, dare to attack me. Today, I will definitely drink blood from this Yin-Yang holy sword!" Yin-Yang Shengzi said coldly, with his hands behind his back, looking down at the golden lion, looking at the golden lion, full of murderous aura.

"Take your life!" The Son of Yin-Yang screamed, and the Yin-Yang diagram formed cut off the way forward, and the void collapsed!
The yin and yang figure is mysterious and unpredictable. This is the ancient people's understanding of "Tao".

I have to say that the Holy Son of Yin Yang Sect is indeed extraordinary, in Northeast dialect.Are you a tiger? Don’t you know that the golden lion’s cultivation level is higher than his?How dare you provoke me so brazenly?Sure enough, a poor person must have something to hate.

On the other hand, the Golden Lion is also a beast king in the God Realm, so how could he stand up to this kind of provocation, even Xu Yu had to fight hard to subdue it.

Anyway, it is also a beast king from the Second Heaven of Sendai. When it saw a little ant in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, it dared to provoke it. It immediately waved its claws and slapped it.

I saw that his paws were covered with some gorgeous rune orders, how complicated and ingenious the truth was, even he himself couldn't tell, but it was still very easy to deal with a little dragon-melting cultivator.


The sky was smashed down by him on the spot, and an unfathomable black hole was born, swallowing everything, and the minds of the spectators would be swallowed into it.


One after another, large black cracks are spreading, rushing to the distance, with the black hole as the center, smashing everything, it represents the source of destruction.

The eruption of the golden lion was like a volcanic eruption, earth-shattering, especially its body has also been smelted, and now the killing intent erupted has increased several times, just like a king, when the king is angry, blood flows for thousands of miles!
An aura of supremacy and murderous aura set off a billowing air wave, and the Fearless Lion Seal bombarded the Son of Yin-Yang. There was an instant explosion, and the Fearless Lion Seal swelled to tens of meters. It was generally boiling with blood-colored evil spirit, and violently buzzed, forming a This kind of domineering killing field restricts the yin and yang saints.


This is a terrifying big collision, one person and one lion came up and showed the supreme holy art, the Yin and Yang Dao against the fearless lion seal!


The void is constantly collapsing, and the energy is violently surging. This is a collision of similar avenues!

The golden lion exudes a bloody murderous aura, and its aura is extremely domineering. The murderous aura destroys everything and swallows everything. Its domineering aura is even more unpredictable than Yuan Hai.

The black sky formed by the left hand of the Son of Yin-Yang covered the sky, as high as a mountain and as wide as the earth, but it was breaking and cracking, and it was about to collapse.


Finally, with a loud bang, the black sky collapsed and was sealed by the golden lion Fearless Lion, and everything ceased to exist.

The Son of Yin-Yang yelled, his black hair was disheveled, and he flew upside down, his body exploded, and there was a trace of horror in his blade-like pupils.

On the other side, the golden lion remained motionless, its blood was rising against the sky, its murderous intent pierced through the world, its aura was invincible to me, like an ancient king.

"This lion has such a powerful bloodline. When did the Yaozu become such a proud man?"

"This lion is so powerful that it was able to suppress the Yin-Yang Son within a week."

Everyone was in an uproar, all showed surprise, and felt a little unbelievable.

On the other side, the recovered Yin-Yang Son's eyes were extremely cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Silly animal, since you don't know good and bad, then I will fulfill you and let you see my true strength."


He wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth, and an incomparable radiance erupted from his body, which made it impossible to look directly at, like a black and white sun burning blazingly, illuminating the entire wasteland.

Unparalleled strength.Like a divine rainbow penetrating the sun, like a tsunami pouring down on the nine heavens, he broke out from hell like a god who unleashed the shackles.

At this time, the Son of Yin-Yang sent out bursts of horrifying and frightening aura, which was extremely dangerous, and black and white mist filled the whole body, as if chaos was raging.

Behind the golden lion is a vast expanse of white black mist, exuding a sense of coldness and domineering, condensing into a phantom of a huge black tiger tens of meters tall, with blood flowing all over his body, and the domineering aura is like a tide, following the golden lion Kill the Son of Yin and Yang!
The golden lion took out the battle spear it had obtained in the God Realm, and stretched across the sky. It was bright and dazzling, and filled with bloody aura, like a murder weapon pulled out of hell.

The appearance of the golden lion brought enormous pressure to Xu Zixuan and others. After all, this is the blood of the former king of beasts. In terms of talent and strength, it is definitely stronger than their strong physique.Although Wang Chongxiao and the others possessed all kinds of secret techniques and hole cards, they did not dare to be careless.


The two collided, and the fluctuations of the battle were like a galaxy flowing backwards, a vast expanse, deafening, shattering the void, and the endless turbulence wreaked havoc, making the ten directions tremble.

The rumbling sound directly caused a crack more than ten miles long to open in the ancient temple world, tearing open a terrifying abyss.

This is no longer a confrontation of strength, but an insistence on the understanding and belief of each way.Self-cultivation is the supreme way, this is their unshakable confidence!

I saw that the spear was murderous, like a meteor falling from the sky, blasting towards the Son of Yin-Yang.

Yin-Yang Shengzi's left hand evolves into a yin figure, and his right hand evolves into a yang figure. When both hands are united, the black and white aura falls like a river of heaven, and the sky and the earth tremble!
All the spectators were envious. If they could obtain the supreme holy art of the Yin Yang Sect, they would be almost invincible and invincible among the strong at the same level.

However, within that, there was the roar of an ancient lion, the sound of golden spears and iron horses reverberated, and a majestic lion manifested, standing majestic for nine days, surrounded by the Milky Way, protecting a golden lion that burst out from the Milky Way.

"Where did this lion come from, to have such a powerful vision!"

People were shocked, the invincible yin and yang secret technique has failed!

The black phantom is like a round of black sun hanging in the air, moving with the golden lion, breaking through the secret technique of the Son of Yin-Yang directly, and rushing into him.


The golden lion swung its sharp claws, with black awns intertwined between its five claws. It was so fierce that it shattered the void and directly imprinted on the chest of the Yin-Yang Son.

Blood spattered, and Shengzi Yinyang showed an unbelievable expression on his face, and his expression was distorted.

"The unity of yin and yang makes the world invincible! Kill!"

The Son of Yin-Yang showed madness on his face, and immediately started desperately. The two collided with each other, and the violent energy turbulence raged in all directions.

With a bang, the Son of Yin-Yang flew upside down like a cannonball, sank deep into the ground, the masonry cracked, the Dao pattern shattered, and a deep pit appeared in front of everyone, with cobweb-like cracks covering all directions. The heart of a monk!

People shuddered, the strongest saint son of the Yin Yang Great Sect was defeated!Being defeated head-on, if this spreads, it will definitely set off a storm!
The golden lion glanced contemptuously at Son of Yin and Yang!Then put the Phoenix Stone into the sea of ​​bitterness!

After a while, except for the stone statue with the most powerful breath, all the rest had been robbed, and then they turned their attention to the remaining stone statues!
At this time, Xu Yu had already obtained an amethyst lotus, a fist-sized Nine Heavens Scarlet Jade, a 6000-year-old Yin-Yang Shensoul Grass, a roll of animal skin recording Dao patterns, and a dream-level dragon. marrow!
The golden lion snatched the ancient blood ginseng tree, phoenix stone, vajra fruit, a saint soldier, and a stone carving!
The others also gained a lot. Although 50 to [-] people died, those who survived will get a treasure.

For example, Xu Zixuan and the others all had expressions of satisfaction on their faces. Even the Son of Yin Yang got three treasures, but these have now become the trophies of the Golden Lion.

Suddenly, at this critical time, there were bursts of complicated voices from the crowd, which suddenly affected people's minds.

"Oh my god, is the medicine king in that stone statue's hand?"

"Really! There are three medicine kings! The treasures of the remaining stone statues must be as valuable as the medicine kings!"

Someone exclaimed, and there were even more quarrels, and there was a commotion. Many people wanted to step forward, but they couldn't help it.

Because the remaining stone statues disappeared one after another, the remaining nine stone statues recovered continuously, and at the same time, the things they guarded also revealed their true faces!
Even Xu Yu and the golden lion couldn't help but look over. The stone statue's shocking aura was only slightly different from the aura of a real powerful figure, and it must have been comparable to a half-step powerful figure.

There is a towering jade platform behind the nine stone statues, decorated with luxurious jade on all sides, and pattern patterns are branded on it.

(End of this chapter)

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