Chapter 146 Mountain and River Banner

The treasures on the nine jade platforms are different, such as magical artifacts, medicine kings, colorful magic pills, and black fairy gold.

There is only madness in everyone's eyes. Some treasures have disappeared from the outside world, and they are rare to see in a thousand years. Xu Yu stares at the black fairy gold engraved with dragon patterns, as if it is the incarnation of the Dao, with infinite Dao!
There is a black thing on the jade platform on the left side of the furnace. It is black and crystal clear. It is born with dragon patterns. The black gold with dragon patterns is full of many natural dragon patterns. It is simple and natural. The whole body is black and a little bit crystal. The pattern of the shape is mysterious and natural, it is the natural dragon pattern of the avenue.

Even if they don't know it, people know that it is a fairy material, flowing with extraordinary aura, as if it doesn't belong to this world, it looks like a god at first glance, with layers of real dragon-like patterns hanging on its surface.

This is a piece of dragon pattern black gold as big as a baby's fist!

It was sealed in a divine source, dusty on the jade platform, as if it wanted to be different from the mundane world.Tens of thousands of years have passed, and it has not changed at all, and the years are inviolable.

"Dragon pattern black gold!"

In an instant, people's blood surged up, their eyes were burning, and they rushed forward one after another without reason.

Even Xu Zixuan, Wang Chongxiao, Gemini Sovereigns and many other arrogances couldn't calm down, and people rushed out one after another, wanting to snatch it!
The fetish on the jade platform turned out to be such a piece of fairy material, which was exclusive to the emperor. Although it was not very big, it was enough for training soldiers, and it was priceless.

"This thing really exists, and it's worth my effort to come here."

Xu Zixuan laughed loudly, and in front of the independent jade platform, a large piece of white light with wings also appeared all over his body, as if flying fairy together.


Without hesitation, Pluto Body King Chongxiao, Ye Huiling, Twin Kings, etc. immediately made a move, fighting around the Yutai, dragging Xu Zixuan into it.

"Golden Lion, let's snatch those medicine kings and colorful magic pills first! Will they get the results in a while!"

Xu Yu sent a voice transmission to the Golden Lion, and the Golden Lion nodded and said, "Understood, brother!"

"Do it!" Xu Yu shouted loudly!The two of them turned into two beams of light and went straight to the jade platform of Yao Wang and Shen Dan!

There are two people who are robbing the two plants of Yao Wang Yutai, one is a middle-aged man and the other is an old man!Their cultivation is the highest.

"Junior, since I was the first to find the King of Medicine, can I show the old man some face?" The old man said, although he was old, he was full of energy and blood, with a childlike face and hair, full of energy, and his cultivation had reached the third level of Hualong. The near state of the element.

"Evil animal, you are young, why did you rob me of the holy medicine!" The middle-aged man's tone was a little wary.

Xu Yu didn't say a word, and directly acted, his divine power surged, and he used the Dou Zi secret to evolve into a mountain, which was as high as a thousand feet, thick and heavy, and a mountain was pushed out horizontally, directly descending to suppress the void, and the whole collapsed.

A pitch-black mountain pressed down on the old man with overwhelming pressure. The old man's eyes were full of cold light, exuding a killing intent like the cold light of winter. It was icy cold, and directly erupted with a monstrous cold air. break out.

The yin and cold air turned into a black dragon and soared into the sky, facing Dayue directly. With a bang, ripples appeared in the sky, like waves on the surface of water, shaking the void.

Seeing Xu Yu make a move, the golden lion rushed towards the middle-aged man, and pressed down on the middle-aged man with a domineering momentum, bringing the middle-aged man pressure like Mount Tai. Son!The combat power is not much weaker than him, and you must show your full strength!
A layer of black was dyed on the golden lion's body, and it was getting blacker and blacker, as if it contained violent power, brewing a terrifying aura, which made people feel creepy and shocking.

A blue light appeared around the middle-aged man,

The golden lion erupted with a murderous intent as vast as the sea, and its murderous intent was as thick as mountains, rising into the sky, blocking all directions, its killing power was like a rolling tide, and its dominance spanned the ages, just like rushing at the beginning of the opening of the world.

The man was wearing a cyan armor, with cyan light surrounding his palm, which looked like it was made of sapphire and was indestructible. A giant cyan palm blasted towards the golden lion, crossing the sky, and printing it into the vast sky.

The golden lion slowly raised its right arm, and the evil energy gathered here, and the lines of heaven and earth appeared, like a pillar supporting the sky and earth, sending out a terrifying energy fluctuation, followed by a light pat.

With a bang, an extremely domineering momentum rushed up, penetrating the world.


The world is shaking, the earth seems to be trembling, a lion claw shatters the void, directly splits the green palm, and then becomes bigger and bigger, it becomes a size of more than ten miles, as if it wants to cover the world, wants to hold the whole world in hand!

The huge fearless lion seal came out in a mighty manner, with tremendous pressure and terrifying fluctuations oscillating in the entire void.

Blowing the middle-aged man into blood foam, the golden lion walked to the jade platform, and the golden lion put the medicine king into a white jade box to prevent the essence from passing away.

Both of them didn't give up, and after one blow, they charged forward even more violently!
Xu Yu rushed forward one after another, his aura suddenly rose, and a seal appeared in Xu Yu's hand, which burst out and directly turned into a hundred-foot seal, like a big hand that covered the sky and slapped it fiercely, and the energy emitted hit all directions, with an astonishing momentum.

The old man was also not to be outdone, and the cold air flew all over the sky, condensing into a waning moon, and the terrifying chill radiated, raging in all directions, and a layer of indifferent frost appeared on the ground of Yutai.

The collision of the two is like heavy waves of energy hitting the void, shaking the sky and the earth, and the sky and the earth seem to collapse.

Xu Yu became more and more courageous as he fought, his fighting spirit was like the surging sea, and he punched out like a star falling, and the earth collapsed.

Relying on his cultivation in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, the old man was not at a disadvantage for the time being, but as Xu Yu continued to strike, every punch shook the world, shook the earth, and erupted with violent power, which was astonishingly powerful.

Xu Yu's fighting spirit erupted, and Dou Zimi evolved into nine levels and hundreds of feet of Tianhe, one level after another, boom!An irresistible trend of suppressing and killing spreads. Each level of the Jiuzhong Tianhe is like a stormy sea. Each level is stronger than the last. It is crushed and passed by. The continuous nine levels of shock smashed the void, the ground shattered, and long scars spread out. , each long mark is extremely thick, ten miles in length and width.

The old man fought hard, the waning moon shone coldly, the cold light tore through the void, and the cold air was threatening. The waning moon broke through one level and one level, but still could not stop the nine waves, until the seventh level broke through the waning moon and drowned the old man!
"No!!!" The old man looked up to the sky and shouted, with a trace of regret in his eyes, which turned into blood.

Xu Yu looked at the king of medicine on the jade platform. This king of medicine was Yunlong Wenzhi, which was three feet long. He saw that the fiery red Ganoderma lucidum was densely covered on it, forming a giant dragon that seemed to be condensed by burning clouds. The dragon head, dragon body and The dragon claws are exquisite and beautiful, as if they were carved out by someone.

Yunlongwen Zhizhi is bright in color, lifelike in shape, restrained in breath, and its appearance is definitely the top grade. Only the most superior dragon veins can have this kind of magic medicine.

Xu Yu put the King of Medicine in his bag, looked at the jade box brought by the golden lion, opened the jade box, a majestic breath of life rushed towards his face, a green divine fruit was sealed on a piece of human head In the big divine source, the emerald green fruit has ninety-nine eighty-one lines, crystal clear, like a green crystal, and the liquid flowing inside can be faintly seen.

Xu Yu put it away and handed it to the Golden Lion. The Golden Lion shook his head and said, "Brother, you should keep this thing with you, I don't need it!"

The golden lion repeatedly stopped Xu Yu, but Xu Yu had no choice but to accept it.

One person and one tiger are all looking at the black gold jade platform with dragon patterns. Xu Zixuan, Wang Chongxiao, the twin kings and many other geniuses are attacking each other. The continuous energy is superimposed, as if two big planets were blown to pieces, and the waves are ups and downs , the trembling void buzzed and trembled.

Especially the twin kings, they were able to stop the joint attack of Xu Zixuan, Wang Chongxiao, and Yinyang Shengzi, and they had a faint upper hand. They really deserved to be able to compete with the powerful physique of the Eastern Desolation God King!

Xu Yu felt the raging fighting spirit, he was worthy of being one of the most powerful talents in Zhongzhou, and he was worthy of being the evildoer of all major forces!
However, they are just grasshoppers that can jump higher in Xu's language now.

After all, the current Xu Yu is only half a step away from cutting the Dao.

Therefore, Xu Yu was not interested in their play-by-play fights, and just like the other great powers present, he watched their performances.

While Xu Yu was still watching the changes, suddenly a young man in the field jumped up, turned into a streamer and rushed towards the jade platform!
"Where did this young man come from? He dared to get involved in the battlefield where the kings fought for the black gold of the dragon pattern! Don't die."

"I look at this person a little familiar, but I can't remember where I heard or saw it!"

People were shocked by the fighting power of the kings, and felt ridiculous at the young man's audacity.

I saw the divine power in the young man surging violently, using the holy method of fighting to evolve the power of the heaven and earth, presenting the earth and mountains.

A phantom of a mountain appeared above his head, and then bombarded towards the terrifying energy rushing forward.

The word "Dou" is secret, could it be Ye Fan?
Xu Yu looked at the Douzi displayed by the young people in the field, and subconsciously thought he was Ye Fan, but later found out that he seemed to be from the Jiang family.

After all, Xu Yu had dealt with members of the Jiang family many times.I can't understand the smell of blood foam on their Jiang family's body.

This person is, it should be the mysterious expert hidden by the Huanggu Jiang family.


The huge mountain phantom formed by the endless air of the earth and mountains reveals terrifying fluctuations, moving forward and downward, unstoppable.


The phantom of the mountain collided with the killing techniques of the kings, and then instantly collapsed into the void.

Everyone looked at the young man with anger in his eyes, and Pluto said coldly: "Who are you, why did you interrupt our competition!?"

Xu Zixuan and the twin kings all looked at Xu Yu. Xu Yu didn't say a word, his long hair fluttered, and his fighting spirit erupted like a volcanic eruption, enough to make the surrounding space tremble.


The young man roared, his voice was like a real dragon roaring, thousands of troops were galloping, the sound of the tsunami flooded the earth, destroying all obstacles in front of him, resounding through the sky, even the void was shattered by the roar!

Everyone felt their heads went blank and were stunned. This unknown boy dared to compete with the three kings! ?
The twin kings were silent, they felt a fighting spirit in that sound wave, a fighting spirit to fight against heaven and earth!

"All the kings rise together, and you are nothing!" Wang Chongxiao let out a long roar, which shocked half of the holy city!
He was holding a black war spear, with streaks of blood flashing from the edge of the blade, and the murderous intent soared into the sky.

For a moment, the temperature of the entire palace dropped to the extreme, and everyone changed their eyes, as if facing the cold winter, feeling the throbbing of the soul.

Wang Chongxiao's black silk danced wildly, and a magic wall flashed out, like a king of the underworld!
Hades' Wall!

Everyone's eyes changed, they all knew that this was the famous stunt of the Pluto body, the wall of Pluto!
This is not a vision, but a kind of natural magic, with endless magic weapons, which can penetrate all opponents and be invincible!

And that young man is extremely powerful, with boundless divine power in his body, his black hair dances wildly, he has unparalleled vitality and blood, he is like a god of war, invincible!


A big hand was thrown forward, the void roared, and the endless divine light was dazzling, turning into a vast ocean, even the stars and the moon were eclipsed!Shake the wall of Hades.

"The Pluto Divine Soldier can break through all defenses, how can it be so!"

Wang Chongxiao let out a roar, and danced with the sword in his hand. He was wearing a black iron armor. Like a god of the underworld, he could kill all the enemies and charge forward!

Then, another big hand, with boundless divine power, slapped towards the towering black divine wall!

If one palm can't solve it, use two palms!


Under the gaze of countless monks in the holy city, the black wall suddenly burst, the black light shook, and the black figure flew out backwards.

Suddenly, a great flag of mountains and rivers appeared in the young man's hand.I saw the man holding the banner of mountains and rivers, and the blood in his body was surging, like a huge sun, burning through the entire sky, the sky was shattered, like a god descending into the world!
The Sun King is bathed in golden light, and the sky is full of golden light, like a burning sun, like a sun god alive, punching out pieces of sea of ​​fire, burning the world.

The King of the Dark Night also felt Xu Yu's strength, and he also started to move. Behind him appeared the waning moon, bent like a knife, and the sky was suddenly dark. His arms shook, and the waning moon threw out thousands of moonlights. To Xu Yu!
"It turned out to be the Twin Kings who did it himself! What is this unknown boy capable of? You know, according to rumors, they are invincible together!"

All the monks watching the battle exclaimed, these two complement each other, and there are few rivals in the world.

The twin kings of Zhongzhou have a great reputation in Zhongzhou. The two joined forces, and their combat power has never increased several times. Even if they fight alone, they are still powerful kings.

I saw the young men of the Jiang family waving their banners, their fighting spirit almost tearing apart the world. Immediately, thousands of black and white divine lights rose into the sky, facing the sea of ​​flames and the moonlight, with a bang, like the collision of the earth, The land is turned upside down.

The three of them did not give up, but became more and more courageous and fiercer.

Xu Yu waved the big banner of mountains and rivers, and the pictures of mountains and rivers on the banner manifested, turning into hundreds of feet of mountains and rivers to envelop him, an ancient breath from the beginning of the prehistoric times.


The Baizhang Mountains and Rivers slowly suppressed the twin kings from the sky, it was like a hundred thousand ancient sacred mountains falling from the sky, and the void below collapsed.


The twin kings roared in unison. They felt the pressure brought by the mountains and rivers, which made them burst into fighting spirit.

Behind the Sun King, a great sun swept across the sky, burning everything, and it was high above his head. The dark night king emerged with the waning moon, and the cold air froze.

The two people's arms are connected together, and the magic is pushed out. The big sun and the waning moon merge into a Taoist map, crushing the void, the sun bursts and burns all things, and the waning moon freezes the void with cold, explaining the wonders of yin and yang in the world.

Pluto's body is surrounded by ghostly air, behind him, the black wall is filled with black mist, and a portal slowly emerges,
As soon as it was opened wide, there was a rumbling sound, and a boundless killing intent was immediately revealed.

It seems to communicate with the netherworld, there are endless peerless ghosts inside, as if they are about to rush out, killing thoughts are overwhelming, making the void here tremble.

"The dark wall is eternal!" Wang Chongxiao's eyes lit up and he shouted loudly.

Endless black awns bloomed on the black wall, the weapons and magic weapons inside vibrated, and the sound of clanging clangs kept flying out, slashing towards Xu Yu.

There are black war spears, red flame long swords, blue god seals, and blood-colored war halberds, which can be said to be as many magic weapons as rain in the forest. The terrifying murderous aura scattered the white clouds,

hum! "

The void fluctuated like the surface of water, and all the brilliance burst out, turning into a sea of ​​artifacts. The dazzling light took away the brilliance of the stars in the sky.

The lore divine technique!

Seeing that the Pluto body also participated in the battlefield, the golden lion's eyes inevitably showed worry. He wanted to fight three king bodies alone. Even the god king did not do this when he was young. In order to disturb the battle between them, they had no choice but to continue to stare at Xu Zixuan.

Xu Zixuan was also watching the battle with all his attention at this time. It can be said that he did not fall into a disadvantage in a one-man battle against the Three Kings. This made him not only doubt the strength of the Jiang family, but also felt like he had seen or heard of him when he saw him. I said this person, but I couldn't remember it for a while, so I had to give up.

The Jiang family's Tianjiao's energy and spirit had reached an unprecedented height at this time, exuding a terrifying aura that was invincible and overwhelming.

The seal of the king!
With a touch of the desolate breath from the ancient wilderness intertwined, it has the tendency to swallow mountains and rivers, as if it can destroy mountains and rivers with a raised hand!

A fist seal has an invincible crushing power, like a king alive, respected by all worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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