Chapter 148 Goodbye Ye Fan
The momentum here is majestic and majestic. The peaks are towering, like a sword going straight into the sky. Daoist ink painting.

Xu Yu looked at the mountains and dense forests, and took the ancient enlightenment tea in his mouth, a stream of clear water wandered in his body, his mind could not help but become transparent and ethereal, the unity of heaven and man, and capture the traces of the great way.

One mountain, one realm, one stone, one scenery, as if someone had carved a natural avenue track with a big hand, and every mountain and stone here attracted his attention.

Not to mention Zixia.As an innate Taoist fetus, she is in this forest.The first person to enter the level of enlightenment.

It may be because of the relationship between how many imperial scriptures have been comprehended.The mysterious physique of Zixia's congenital downfall has been initially awakened.

Even the plants and trees in the eyes of ordinary people are different in her eyes.

Just like now, her jade hands are constantly moving in front of her, evolving her secret technique.

Judging from its trajectory and rules, it was like the supreme secret art recorded in the Western Emperor's Classic, scrolls unfolded around her, and the scrolls were filled with incomparably mysterious order and rules.

The golden lion is also comprehending the order and rules different from the world of gods. It seems to be in the ancient times, with its feet on the thick earth and the starry sky above its head, touching the traces of the avenue with its body, heart, and spirit.

This is a state of emptiness, an experience of enlightenment, and an all-round sublimation of the mind.

At this moment, the whole mind and consciousness of the golden lion has been fully integrated into the picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountain Forest in the stone wall, to carefully understand the rules contained in this painting, the mysterious and mysterious world and the mystery contained in it. .

Although the dao mark on this picture only contains a little sentiment of that strong man, it comes from a sage and strong man after all, so the power of this hegemony is really overwhelming and boundless.

Xu Yu's hands gently slid across the void, bringing up the faintly visible fluctuations of the Dao, as if he was interpreting something along the mysterious trajectory of the Dao?
After entering here, Xu Yu found that there are quite a few engraved pictures imprinted on the mountain walls, some of which were formed naturally by the heaven and earth, and some were left by the powerful people who enlightened here in the ancient times, all of which contain the Dao of heaven and earth.

Some of the engraved pictures can't see the track clearly, the years have passed for too long, even if they were once brilliant, they will be covered with dust, these engraved pictures have been blurred under the erosion of wind, frost, rain and snow, and can only be vaguely recognized.

Reading thousands of volumes of books and traveling thousands of miles, practice also needs to touch other types, and understand various rhymes of Taoism. Heaven and earth are naturally the best teachers.

Most of these engravings record some ancient events, past heroes and strong men, etc., and there are some pictures of scenery, such as mountains, rivers, birds and animals.

However, the engraved dao rhyme is real, and it can reproduce the appearance and style of those rare beasts back then, as if they really existed here.

Standing in front of a picture of the Golden Roc fighting against the sky, Xu Yu carefully comprehended the mystery in it, and the fighting spirit in his body was seduced, and he was copying and reproducing the Dao Yun of the God of War in the picture.

Xu Yu felt the fighting spirit and Dao Yun contained in Jinpeng Zhantian Picture,
The golden lion is lying in front of a picture of a tiger roaring in the nine heavens, and it seems that it is thinking carefully about the Tao in the picture, and even began to imitate the Tao in the picture,

As the saying goes, the cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, and the tiger has always been the symbol of the king, and the Tao Yun it contains is even more extraordinary and powerful.

After a while, the demonic aura around the golden lion boiled, and it appeared as a black tiger shadow, which made the overbearing aura on the golden lion even more domineering and palpitating.

Roar! ! !
The golden lion roared up to the sky, and the roar of the tiger shook the nine heavens. Its eyes were full of dominance, just like an overlord who dominates the world, looking down on the world!

Xu Yu stood in front of the picture of Jinpeng Zhantian, feeling that the picture in front of him "lived". Xu Yu seemed to see a golden-winged roc!

The golden-winged roc's eyes are full of rebellious fighting spirit and ambition to soar to the sky, and it sings to the sky, wanting to compare itself with the sky. The way of heaven seems to be enraged, and it wants to destroy the golden-winged roc. bird!
The gold-winged roc appeared to be fighting against the sky, and when it spread its wings, it covered dozens of miles. When its wings shook, the space in all directions was shattered, and its body shape pierced the sky like a golden light, breaking into the sky in an instant!

The heavenly calamity shook, and countless thunders fell. The purple sky god thunder, the colorful god thunder, the chaotic god thunder, and many other world-destroying god thunders couldn't help it. The avenues of the Dao pattern revived, this is the Dao pattern in the blood inheritance, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

Then there was a bang, and the wings shook, setting off a terrifying storm, tearing apart the space, tearing apart the void, and directly tearing apart the catastrophe.

The sky and the earth gradually became gloomy, as if something terrifying was about to appear, with a bang, the sky exploded, and a figure walked out from the sky, holding a measuring ruler in his hand, and an invincible aura waved out, the golden-winged giant Pengniao was not afraid, but the fighting spirit in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger, and he collided with the aura of Lingtian, and then fought with him.

Xu Yu stood straight in front of the Zhantian map, his dark eyes contained a strong fighting spirit and the ambition of Lingtian, the fighting spirit was rolling, Xu Yu seemed to have turned into a golden-winged roc, with a terrifying fighting spirit Overwhelming, exuding an extremely terrifying coercion.

A terrifying coercion erupted from Xu Yu's body, and a picture of Jinpeng fighting against the sky shook in the void, and an extremely powerful coercion appeared between the mountain walls, and the world changed drastically!

Xu Yu is like a real golden-winged roc, full of fighting spirit, and stands out from the crowd.

The domineering aura on the golden lion is even stronger, and once the domineering tiger's power comes out, all beasts will surrender!

Xu Yu gradually woke up from the state of enlightenment, and the interpretation of the Jinpeng battle against the sky soared into the sky, turning into a round of golden sun, rising into the sky and returning to the void.

He lowered his hands slowly, and the imprint formed calmed down, which made the sense of majesty in the field gradually disappear.

Xu Yu feels that the Golden Winged Sky Battle Map is a supernatural power, and it is also a vision. Although it is only a preliminary understanding, it is majestic, powerful, and undoubtedly has extraordinary potential. As long as Xu Yu's cultivation level improves in the future, the Golden Roc Battle Sky Map will naturally be gradually perfected, and the tide will rise. .

"The senior who carved this picture back then has definitely reached the realm of ancient sages, and the Peng blood in his body must be pure and pure!"

Xu Yu regained consciousness, only to feel that the state of his body was extremely strong, and his cultivation was about to break through to the third level of the quadrupole. Looking around, there was a gentle breeze, and there were bursts of vitality of vegetation, containing the breath of infinite life.

This is one of the benefits of enlightenment, the mind is extremely peaceful, and the soul is baptized.

The golden lion also began to wake up, and the domineering aura exuding from his body gradually became introverted and became ordinary, but Xu Yu felt the hidden power of the golden lion, which was enough to seriously injure and die the monk on the fifth small step of the second heaven of Xiantai.

Originally, the cultivation base of the Golden Lion was in the Second Heaven of Sendai. Later, after following Xu Yu, he paid more attention to the development of physical potential and no longer blindly pursued the realm. Now, after keeping a low profile and re-forging the foundation, its combat power is even stronger .

In the following time, Xu Yu and Zixia went to Qishi's mansion while comprehending the principles of heaven and earth.

Half a month later, Xu Yu and the others came to the Qishi Mansion, but now the Qishi Mansion has stopped enrolling students.

But not without exceptions.As long as he defeats any one of the younger generation of Tianjiao in the current Qishi Mansion, he can take his place and join the Qishi Mansion.

However, for Xu Yu and Zixia.Joining the Qishi Mansion is not that troublesome.They have tokens from the elders of the Qishi mansion in their hands, and they can directly enter the Qishi mansion.

On the other hand, the Golden Lion needs to challenge the Tianjiao inside and fight for a spot for himself.

Of course, he could also go in together as a mount, but the proud Golden Lion didn't want others to know that he entered the Qishi Mansion as a mount, so he chose to challenge the elders of the Qishi Mansion by himself.

Everything went so smoothly.The golden lion and his peerless cultivation at the gate of Sendai.With one claw, he overturned an elder of the Ninth Transformation of the Dragon Transformation in the Qishi Mansion, and directly got the quota to enter the Qishi Mansion.


The opening of the Qishi Mansion has attracted countless talents from the five major domains.

One after another, peerless evildoers entered the Qishi mansion.

This ancient force gathered countless arrogances to decide the true peerless evildoer and fight on the ancient road in the starry sky.

As for the Qishi mansion, a warlike innate Taoist fetus was ushered in. As soon as he entered the Qishi mansion, he fought with other peerless evildoers.

Regardless of victory or defeat, seeing who fights with whom is like a fighting madman!

This stunned countless old antiques, and also stunned the countless evildoers who entered Qishi's mansion.

Among the peerless evildoers, they seldom make moves, more or less avoiding war.

After all, if the same generation competes and loses, the invincible Dao heart will collapse!

Develop first, then compete for hegemony!
This is like a default unspoken rule.No one wants to compete with other peerless monsters prematurely. Once they lose, it means being eliminated.

Countless peerless evildoers from the five domains all came for the quota of the Ancient Starry Sky Road in the Qishi Mansion.Rumor has it that if you set foot on the ancient road to the stars, you will have a chance to prove the Tao and become an emperor.

This is the reason that really attracts those peerless monsters to join the Qishi Mansion.

The peerless evildoers who joined the Qishi Mansion from Donghuang were all shocked by the changes in Zixia, the congenital dao womb.

All of this stems from Xu Yu's repeated defeats of Zixia in the Holy Land of the Zifu, and Zixia has never had any outstanding records, so Zixia urgently needs to prove herself.

And Tianjiao, who gathered all the younger generations of the five great domains, is the arena for her to test herself.

After the golden lion entered the Qishi mansion, it fought fiercely with some demon kings in Nanling.That's why Xu Yu went to the deserted hut near Qishi Mansion alone.

Near Qishi's Mansion, an ancient city called Lucheng has changed a fourteen or fifteen-year-old city lord.

This city lord is very different, he is well-known in the Qishi Mansion, and is known as the strongest lord in history.Eating fairy beasts, capturing all the misfortunes, and beating many evildoers in the Qishi Mansion with bruised noses and swollen faces, they are so strong that people look sideways.

Known as a leaf covering the sky, a leaf covering the sky!
In the territory of Lucheng, there is a deserted hut. According to legend, it is the place where the ancient emperor married, full of mystery.

It has attracted countless people to come to understand the opportunity of the Dao, hoping to obtain a ray of emperor fate!
On this day, a young man came to the barren hut. He was dressed in green and had black hair. His face was peerless, surpassing countless peerless beauties!

"Big brother, did you also come to our village to enlighten the Tao?" A snot-nosed child of a few years old looked at Xu Yu.

"No, I'm here for sightseeing. The scenery here is pretty good, so I came here for a tour!" Xu Yu said, looking at the snot-nosed baby with a smile.

"Traveling! Oh! Our village is beautiful, do you want me to show you the way? Big Brother!" The snot-nosed baby rolled his eyes.

Xu Yu smiled inwardly, this little snot-nosed baby is really clever.

"Okay, it happens to be my first time here, so please show me the way!"

"I'm familiar with this area, come with me! Big Brother!" Snot Baby said happily.

Xu Yu followed behind the snot-nosed baby, looking at the ancient village.

A large area of ​​old trees surrounds the village, each old tree is old, and the trees are huge.The bark of some trees is split, like dragon scales about to fall off; some trunks form caves, and I don't know how many years they have grown.

The ancient village is not big, only about fifty families.

"These big trees, the old grandpas in the village said, I don't know how many thousands of years they have grown. Do you know how long it is, big brother?" The snot-nosed child tried his best to imitate the appearance of a young adult and explained to Xu Yu.

Xu Yu smiled warmly, "That was a long, long time!"

"The old man in the village also said that these big trees neither grow nor die, um! They haven't changed since a long time ago."

"Is this what the old man in the village told you?" Xu Yu asked looking at the snot-nosed baby.

"Um, no, it's from the big brother who is very good with another person and always gives us sweets!" The snot-nosed baby took a special look at Xu Yu's reaction.

At this time, the sky was bright red, and the fire clouds spread over half of the sky. The ancient village and the locust trees were all inlaid with golden borders.

Xu Yu, who was walking in the city suddenly, smelled a mellow aroma, it should be a jug of old wine, and there was also a blazing smell of meat floating in the wind.

A cloud of purple clouds came covering the sky, like a stormy wave, and dispersed the burning clouds in the sky. A man of medium build but very powerful stood above him, staring at the ancient village.

"The lord of Lucheng, get on me!" The visitor was quite domineering, shouting loudly, with thick purple hair and piercing eyes, like two magic lamps.

In Xu Yu's perception, since Ye Fan and Princess Yudie of Zhongzhou were still chopping their ears in large pieces in the City Lord's Mansion.

"The lord of Lucheng comes up to die!" Since no one paid attention to him, the purple-haired man roared the mountains, all the ancient locust trees were shaking, and the fallen leaves were falling, sending out a powerful wave.

"Ye-Zhe-Tian, ​​come up to me!" The man in purple stared at Ye Fan, stood on the purple clouds, and confirmed his identity.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Ye Fan drank a glass of wine and looked at the sky.

"Hand over Princess Qi's dragon horse, and then bind your hands and feet to plead guilty!" The purple-haired man looked down, his eyes shot down like arrow feathers.

"The dragon horse can't be sent back, let alone bound hands and feet." Ye Fan shook his head.

"Where is the dragon horse, come back quickly!" The purple-haired man's voice was loud and exploded like thunder, he was very strong.

"The dragon horse is here." Ye Fan held the horse bone, the meat on it was eaten clean, and waved it towards the sky.

"You..." The purple-haired man was furious. He had never seen such a bold person. He really boiled the dragon horse, and even worse, he ate it in front of him.

"The live horse is really gone, why don't you come down and taste it, and send a bowl back to Princess Qi." Ye Fan said.

"I'll kill you!" The purple-haired man shouted coldly, and pointed, a purple dragon shot out, a hundred feet long, soaring and roaring, and rushed towards Ye Fan.


Ye Fan sat on the stone pier, raised his wine glass, and greeted him. The big purple dragon opened his teeth and claws, but he was forcibly restrained, turning into a ray of light and sinking into the wine glass.

"Good trick!" In the distance, Xu Yu was a little surprised. The hundred-foot-long dragon made Ye Fan half an inch long and put it into the wine glass. This kind of trick is impossible for ordinary people to show.

"Thank you for sending so much energy. This drink is tasteless, just to make it stronger." Ye Fan smiled, his fingers shone, and he refined the dragon energy on the spot, turning it into a ray of innate energy, which was placed in the wine glass. Zixia overflows from the middle.

He picked up the wine glass, raised his head and drank it down, and said with a big laugh, "It's impolite to come and not to go!"

Ye Fan held the wine jar, filled the porcelain cup with wine, sacrificed it to the sky, turned into a moon cup, and hit the purple-haired man.


A cold snort came from the sky, and a purple dragon claw stretched out, covering the wine glass below, trying to grab it into the palm of his hand.

However, at this moment, the wine cup was full of brilliance, rising like a bright moon, shaking the dragon's claws away, and shooting out ten thousand sword lights!
A glass of wine turned into thousands of drops, and became ten thousand innate sword energy, which surged vertically and horizontally, smashing the purple clouds, and it was brilliant.

The purple-haired man was startled, he shook his palms and fingers, and finally dispelled the sword light, the wine glass shattered with a bang and turned into powder, but his fingers felt a sharp pain.

"Sure enough, there are some doorways!"

"Do you still want to play wild in my territory? Leave immediately if nothing happens." Ye Fan responded.

"A small lord dares to act like this. Today I will definitely capture you and bring you to the princess of Qi to kowtow and confess!" the purple-haired man shouted.


He reached out a big purple hand and grabbed it towards Ye Fan. Like a big mountain, it made a rumbling sound, shaking the sky and the earth.


Ye Fan didn't get up, he was still sitting in front of the stone table, and raised his hand to meet it. With a loud noise, the purple clouds in the sky collapsed, like a big mountain collapsed.

The purple-haired man flew hundreds of feet away, horrified in his heart, if he hadn't retreated urgently, his palm fingers might be abolished, his face suddenly darkened.

"I've already said what I said. If you don't capture you and go back, what face will you have? You will have to kneel in front of the Princess and plead guilty!"

"It's not good, this is what's in the sleeves, the ultimate skill in Nanling!" Princess Yudie reminded softly.

Many people know this secret technique, but only a few ancient aristocratic families in Nanling have a complete method. Once it is used, it will swallow the world, and it is extremely terrifying.


There was a strong wind, flying sand and rocks, and the mountain tops in the distance were cut down, sinking into the big sleeve that covered the sky, swallowing everything, like a black hole that destroyed the world.

Ye Fan changed color. This is indeed a top-notch secret technique. He wants to take the entire village in, so he rises into the sky and takes the initiative to fight.

"It's just a small lord. With some means, he dares to fight against the outstanding man of the Qishi Mansion. I accept you!" The purple-haired man sneered, his sleeves fluttering.

There was mist and mist, and there were traces of chaotic light flickering, as if the world was being opened up, the space inside was boundless and endless.


Ye Fan soared to the sky, trying to avoid it, but was pulled by a monstrous force, and he didn't go into the big sleeve, there was no way to get rid of it.

"As expected of Nanling Divine Art, it's too terrifying, devouring everything!" Below, Cheng Hui exclaimed.

"This kind of method is very difficult for people of the same level to deal with, and they will be ruthlessly suppressed. They are inherently invincible!" Princess Yudie also sighed softly.


The void rioted, the huge robe sleeve covered the sky, everything in the world was covered, Ye Fan was forcibly taken in, and disappeared all of a sudden.

"Brother City Lord..."

"Release the city lord brother quickly!
In the ancient village, a group of children cried out in fright.

"Brother, please be merciful, don't hurt his life." Below, Cheng Hui sent a voice transmission.

"He's just a little lord. He thinks he has some supernatural powers. Now that he kowtows and pleads guilty, it's hard to survive." The purple-haired man sneered.

"How can we let him go? Princess Yudie's bright eyes are like water, her beautiful face is shining, her long skirt is swaying, she rises in the wind, floating out of the dust.

Seeing her so beautiful, the purple-haired man couldn't help but startled. He saw Princess Yudie in Qishi's mansion, but he still didn't know her identity.

"Let him kneel for three days and three nights before the Qishi mansion, maybe he can save his life."

 It's too difficult. Last month's income was less than 1000 yuan. Big guys give a reward and support it!

(End of this chapter)

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