Chapter 149 Three Thousand Small Worlds

Everyone present thought that Ye Fan would be suppressed by the purple-haired man.But Xu Yu doesn't think so. After all, this is the future Emperor of Heaven, and he has become a quasi-immortal emperor in the Holy Ruins of later generations.

"You are so brazen!" Sure enough, just as Xu Yu's thoughts fell, Ye Fan's cold voice came from the purple-haired man's sleeves.

"Into my sleeve, you still can't figure it out, the universe in the sleeve forms a space of its own, and I can refine you clean in half an hour." The purple-haired man sneered.


There was a riot in the big sleeve, like a world collapsing, exuding a palpitating breath, constantly bulging.

"At first I wanted you to kneel in the Qishi's mansion, but now it seems that you can directly refine you!" The purple-haired man was furious, his entire right arm was glowing, and his sleeve was shining like a big furnace.


However, something astonishing happened, the sleeves swelled, making explosive noises, and the surrounding void was rapidly collapsing.

"What a powerful force this is!" Cheng Hui was surprised.

"Crushing the vacuum and shattering everything, this kind of force is too terrifying, even the universe in my sleeves can't bear it!" Zhang Wen, Princess Yudie's follower, was also shocked.


With a loud bang, the sleeve shattered, and Ye Fan rushed out like a demon god, split the void with his palm, and sent the purple-haired man flying.


The purple-haired man was horrified, he had everything in his sleeves, this kind of supreme holy art had never been missed before, but it was broken by someone, his whole body was cracked, and his soul was almost shaken away
What kind of terrifying power is this? !
Several people present found it unbelievable that the sleeve has evolved into a world, and they are really going to be trapped. Few of their peers can escape.

Do your best!

They were shocked by Ye Fan's fighting power, and he fought it out. Even Princess Yudie's cherry mouth was wide open, and her beautiful eyes were shining.

"Do you still want me to kneel down in Qishi Mansion, you can kneel for me outside the ancient village for a few days!
Ye Fanxing stretched out his calligraphy, with unparalleled speed, he rushed over and punched him to the ground.

"The line is secret!"

Seeing Ye Fan's super speed, Xu Yu couldn't help but think of a supreme secret technique that he also possessed. Seeing that Ye Fan still went to the holy cliff like the original book and obtained the secret of Xingzi!


The purple-haired man spurted blood, and fell to the ground like a wooden stake, with many cracks all over his body, and blood gushed out.


Ye Fan landed and kicked him away. The purple-haired man's body almost fell apart, and the moment the universe in his sleeves collapsed, he was seriously injured and lost the ability to resist.

"I won't make it difficult for you. Kneel outside the ancient village for three days and three nights. Don't you want me to do this in Qishi Mansion? You can demonstrate it!"

"Ah..." the purple-haired man yelled, struggling violently, his eyebrows turned upside down.

"Brother Ye, forget it, let him go." Princess Yudie stepped forward to persuade, fearing that the matter would become too big and out of control.

Cheng Hui, Zhang Wen, and Li Xinyue also stepped forward to persuade them to avoid causing a bigger disturbance.

"Well, let him kneel overnight." Ye Fan sealed the purple-haired man, kicked him to the entrance of the village, and ignored him.

"You are like you really want to be a lord here for a long time?" Princess Yudie said, like the other three, almost speechless.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yu felt very interested. At this time, Ye Fan did not have the kind of aura of a heavenly emperor in the future, but was more like a flesh and blood person, full of emotions.

That night, in the depths of the fairy mountain, some people knew the news and started discussing it in a small area. If it wasn't for the Qishi Mansion's regulations, not to come out at will, many people would definitely come to watch.

"Have you heard that Princess Qi's dragon horse was eaten by someone, and a flower protector was not angry, so he went to argue and was punished to kneel outside an ancient village."

"I've heard it a long time ago, he is really a top-ranking lord, he dares to do such a thing, his jaw dropped in shock!
On the second day, there were more people who knew the news, and they were all surprised and talking about it.

"This little lord is too awesome. It's really speechless to dare to act like this."

"County Qi hasn't left the customs yet, otherwise, he will definitely go desperately."

"Just wait and see. There will definitely be flower protectors going there in the next two days. It's a pity that we can't go out soon, otherwise we must see this lord with our own eyes."

In the next few days, Ye Fan fought with people one after another, and a total of six flower protectors came to make trouble, trying to suppress him and bring him into Qishi Mansion.

This is not an ordinary person, but a top expert in the five domains, otherwise he would not be able to enter the once-in-a-thousand-year Qishi Mansion, and they all have powerful combat power!It's a pity that they were defeated by Ye Fan one by one, which caused a heated discussion in Qishi's mansion, and now many people know that there is a very good and personality lord outside the fairy mountain.

The six masters knelt down in the barren hut all night, and all returned with serious injuries, and three of them rode away on their mounts. As a result, a peacock, a golden roar, and a colorful luan failed to return, and they were all stewed and eaten. up.

"I X, that lord is really top-notch, he ate three more spirit beasts!"

"Where did this guy come from? Six masters were all defeated by him. They knelt down all night without saying anything, and even let him eat their mounts. What kind of person is this?"

In Qishi Mansion, half of the people knew about this matter, which caused a commotion, and many people were talking about it.

If it wasn't so difficult to get out of Qishi's mansion, there would definitely be a large number of people watching this lord of Niucha, and even many beautiful women were curious and wanted to see what happened.

"Just now, the seventh person lost, and his purple unicorn was stewed by the super lord in an iron pot without any accident."

Everyone was dizzy and wished they could run out and take a closer look.

"That guy is now addicted to eating spirit beasts. It is said that Tiyi has now made a big bow and wandered around his territory all day. He said that there are many strange beasts here, which can be used for hunting and tooth sacrifice."

When this news came back, many people were dumbfounded and wanted to see what kind of lord this was.

"The best lord in history is really speechless! People can only sigh like this.

"Princess Qi has left the customs!" On the same day, when the news came out, everyone was excited.People know that when the Lord appears, there will definitely be huge waves.

"Desperate to be punished, I have to leave the Qishi mansion to watch the battle.

In Lucheng, everyone knows that this city lord is not doing his job properly, but recently he actually made a big bow and started hunting in his own territory.

"Do we have any prey here?"

"It doesn't seem to be. The area within a hundred miles is very barren. There are no large beasts at all, and there are only a few rabbits at most."

People in the city were very surprised and didn't know why he did this, but within a few days they were dumbfounded.

"Oh my god, is this the prey that the city lord brought? It's like a mountain, that... seems to be a roar!"

Everyone was dizzy, hunting the legendary rare and exotic beasts in this barren land was like a fairy tale, leaving everyone in a daze.

In the barren hut, the villagers often eat wild game recently, and many of them are exhausted, because those strange beasts are too precious, and they are all sacred items of nourishment, which are invaluable.

Jiaopi, Kongpi, Luanyu, etc. are drying on the end of the ancient pagoda tree, very eye-catching, with shining scales and feathers, colorful.

Just these few days.Xu Yu felt that Ye Fan's practice had become faster.

In the past few days, Ye Fan has defeated many masters in a row. Some of them have extraordinary cultivation bases and inexhaustible thaumaturgy, which gave him a lot of inspiration. occur.

Regarding the interesting events between Ye Fan and Master Qi, Xu Yu was just a spectator, and spent more time looking for traces left by Emperor Hengyu under the ancient locust tree.

These days, Xu Yu often meditates outside the ancient Huai Lin, and has tasted a special kind of energy, but he can't grasp it in his hands.

Since ancient times, no one has been able to clarify the mystery of the land where the ancient great emperor settled his hut in his later years, and many lords have died.

Xu Yu had also carefully studied in the forest, but he felt a sense of danger and did not dare to continue, so he came outside the forest.

"Ye-Zhe-Heaven, come out for me!"

On this day, there was another soft shout from outside the desolate hut, the sky was filled with turbulent clouds and mist, and there were only a few figures in the direction of the fairy mountain. I don't know how many masters came, all of them were heroes from the five great domains.

Such a large group of people all have their own extraordinary experiences, each of them is a legend of one party, and it is not easy to gather together.

But at this moment, more than 150 people came to the barren hut, forming a strong pressure, the fairy mist burst out, the clouds rolled, and descended like heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

"Ye Zhetian, come out!" The voice of one of the women was very cold, although the voice was very pleasant, but there was a hint of chill.

"The city owner's brother has returned to the city, and he is not here." Snot Baby wiped her nose, and shouted into the sky honestly: "You have ridden so many spirit beasts here, we are all tired of eating."

"Food!" A servant beside Princess Qi was extremely angry and snorted coldly.

"Let's go!" Princess Qi flicked the fairy clothes, and flew to Lucheng with the colorful clouds, followed by a group of people from a distance, they came to watch the battle specially.

Because, as soon as Princess Qi leaves the customs, there will definitely be big waves. Not only is she as beautiful as a fairy, but she is also a chili-level beauty.

Outside the city of Lu, clouds of various colors floated over and fell on the outside of the city, filled with light and mist, as if the gate of heaven had opened.

"City Lord, something is wrong, a lot of immortals have come!"

Many people panicked and came to report. Ye Fan heard the words, took off the big bow on the wall, carried the quiver on his back, and strode out.

"What are you going to do, the city lord, why don't you run away?"

"Hunting, please eat meat!" Ye Fan responded.

"Ye Zhetian, come out!" Princess Qi shouted, her voice was crisp and clear, like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate, but there was a murderous aura permeating the air.

Hearing Qi Qunzhu's call, Xu Yu also left Guhuai Forest to watch the battle.

Xu Yu was also stunned when he came out. With so many people here, shouldn't the Qishi Mansion be free to come and go?
If these more than 150 people go together, even a few powerful people will have to run away. These are not ordinary strong men, they are all future kings of all parties, elites of the five domains.

"Return our dragon horse!" A servant shouted, full of confidence, now that the master is present, he has no fear anymore.

"Are you coming to my territory to make trouble again?" Ye Fan asked, he had nothing to fear, at worst, he patted his ass and left, and he could come back at any time if he wanted to learn enlightenment in the barren hut.

In front, there was a large group of people in darkness, but most of them came to watch. At this time, many people murmured.

"This lord is not very old. It is really a freak to lose many masters in a row. Why didn't he enter the Qishi mansion?"

"I'm here to watch on behalf of Donghuang cultivator!" A voice came from behind, and someone yelled.

Xu Yu felt that it sounded familiar, and suddenly remembered that it should be the son of the big bandit that Ye Fan had a good relationship with.

"I'm here to watch on behalf of Nanling cultivators!" Someone yelled again.

This time, Xu Yu stared closely and saw a fat white man, who he didn't recognize no matter what, but

Jue told him this was an acquaintance.He quietly operated his divine eyes, and was taken aback at this sight.

"Duan De, dog day!"

Xu Yu never expected that unscrupulous Taoist priests sneaked into Qishi's mansion, slick and plump, with a very rich appearance, which is quite different from before.

"I'm here to watch on behalf of the stunning Bodhisattvas in West Desert!" Duan De changed his position and transmitted the sound secretly, but Ye Fan's divine eyes saw clearly.

"This bastard is definitely an older young man, and he pretended to be young and ran in. There is a bad bag, he must be trying to trick people, and he didn't have a good idea.

"Ye Zhetian, the princess is talking to you, did you hear that?!" At this moment, a servant shouted loudly at Ye Fan.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Ye Fan asked casually.

"Return Princess Longma, if you can't do it, I will bury you alive!" After arriving here, Princess Qi stopped talking, and her servants were all shouting.

"Let's go, find a hole now." Ye Fan flew to the wilderness.

"You have the foresight to dig a hole for yourself first, and even dare to eat the dragon horse of the princess. You really don't want to live." Someone mocked.

"You are wrong, I mean, bury you all alive." Ye Fan said with a smile, and rushed forward without looking back.

"The lord of Niucha is really calm. He doesn't care if he comes to the door."

"Let's go and see how strong he is."

The onlookers watched the discussion of the legion, full of curiosity, and even a lot of female monks came to see what happened.

The area of ​​a hundred miles is very barren, although it is not a bare land, but there is no spiritual veins, there are barren hills everywhere, there are not even serious fruit trees, most of them are thorns.

Everyone rode the clouds and stopped above a barren vein, Princess Qi came out, looking forward to the brilliance, this is indeed a very beautiful woman, it can be said to be a disaster for the country and the people.

"It's no wonder there are so many flower protectors, and the rightful master is the first to stand up for her when she doesn't leave the customs." Ye Fan finally understood that this is a disaster-level beauty that makes the kings of the world abandon the world.

She is about eighteen or nineteen years old, her eyes are flowing, her eyes are beautiful, her skin is white, tender and moist, her lips and teeth are crystal clear, her hair is black, pouring like water, with golden steps on her upper body, trembling with every step, golden streamers wrapped around pearls and jade, and long tassels rippling.

"It's you... who ate my dragon horse?!" Princess Qi frowned, biting her silver teeth, her eyes like a rainbow flowing with a bit of coldness.

"Let's talk, what do you want, you all come to my territory to find trouble, I'm really fed up." Ye Fan was very impatient.

"You..." Princess Qi's Yuyan, who is enough to cause trouble in the world, showed a ray of anger, but soon turned into a spring breeze and laughed, saying: "You are fine, you are so righteous after eating my dragon horse, I am so confident today. Take you down, and pull the cart for me in the future!

"You want me to be your dragon horse?" Ye Fan squinted at this disaster.

"You're not stupid, that's what you mean." Princess Qi smiled very charmingly, her eyes were full of beauty, making the color of Wanhua dim.

"It's not very fair, why don't we make a gentleman's agreement?" Ye Fan folded his arms and opened his mouth, almost flirting with her, looking at her up and down.

"What agreement?" Princess Qi glanced at him, very vigilant.

"You and I have a fair fight. If I lose, I will pull the cart for you. If you lose, I will be a spirit beast." Ye Fan opened his mouth and came.

"Rogue!" Princess Qi's suet-like jade-like face rose into a haze, her face was flushed, her black eyebrows were erected, and her big eyes full of poetic charm were full of anger.


Everyone in the rear was in an uproar. This lord is really awesome and bold. The implication is to let Princess Qi serve as a mount for him?
"I said, where did this little lord come from? Did he eat the fairy gall?"

"It's next to the Qishi mansion, but it's not low-key at all. If he dares to act like this and is unscrupulous, isn't he afraid that the Pepper Legion will destroy him?"

"I heard you right, this kid is really tough!"

Behind, the onlookers who came in a group were dumbfounded at first, and then they talked a lot. Princess Qi's hotness is well known to everyone, and few people dare to go against her.

"What rascal, isn't it fair? If I lose, I will be your dragon horse, and if you lose, I will be your spirit beast. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Go to hell!" Princess Qi was extremely angry, really angry.


Flowers and rain are flying in the sky, gorgeous and crystal clear, and the endless fragrance intoxicates people's bones, making everyone feel comfortable.

However, in this beautiful fairy flower, there is endless murderous intent, all petals can kill, small worlds are opening up, appearing in nothingness.

"Three thousand small worlds! It turned out to be such an ancient secret technique. It has been lost for a long time. Why is it reappearing in the world?"

"This is Nanling's unrivaled secret technique, with terrifying power."

"According to legend, this was created by the Nanling Heavenly Emperor. There is still a follow-up to this ancient secret technique, and it will further evolve into a three thousand world, which can be used by the heavens for one's own use."


Hearing their discussion, Ye Fan felt dizzy for a while. According to Princess Yudie, the Nanling Heavenly Emperor is a ruthless man from Donghuang.

However, each hand is a unparalleled holy art, which is difficult to decipher. I never thought that this Princess Qi mastered one, and it seems to have reached the peak.

"You start a war with me. If you lose, are you willing to gamble and admit defeat?" Ye Fan dodged and shouted loudly, disturbing her mind.

Princess Qi's long skirt fluttered, and the flowers fell like rain, covering the sky. She was in the midst of it, she was pure and holy, and every piece of fairy flower was evolving.

"Boom", "Boom"...

One flower, one world, three thousand fairy flowers, and three thousand small worlds, making this place dreamlike and indistinguishable.

Ye Fan smashed his fists, and walked through this small world of the heavens, wanting to kill them.However, as soon as a flower bursts, a flower blooms again, and the world keeps changing.

"Nanling Heavenly Emperor is indeed invincible in ancient and modern times, and every sacred art he created is unparalleled in the world!

Everyone was suppressed, this method was inherently invincible, isolated from the enemy, and suppressed the opponent with the power of the heavens.

However, everyone was also very surprised, because Ye Fan's combat power was horrifying, he actually destroyed a small world with one punch, walking in nothingness, like an ancient god of war, going forward without hesitation, forcing towards Princess Qi.

"It's in vain for you to do this!" Princess Qi smiled, her hair flicked, her eyes were glamorous, turning all living beings upside down, a veritable disaster.

The flowers blossomed and withered, the small world shattered and evolved again, becoming more perfect and solid, turning into the heavens and suppressing Ye Fan.

"Do you dare to bet?" Ye Fan challenged.

"Okay, if you lose, be a dragon horse for me, and die! Princess Qi smiled so drunkly, her wrists were lightly raised, her white jade arms were shining brightly, her slender legs were faintly visible in the skirt, dancing lightly .

The peerless beauty dances in the sky, the sky is full of flowers and rain, and small worlds bloom, and a dreamy voice comes out of her mouth: "One flower, one world, one leaf, one heaven!

Ye Fan went forward without hesitation, fighting against the princess of Qi, and against the holy arts handed down by the Nanling Heavenly Emperor, all kinds of secret arts were unfolded in his hands to meet the master of Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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