Chapter 150 149 The Immortal Mansion World Opens

One flower, one world, one grass, one heaven!

Among the endless crystal petals, there are more than 3000 divine flowers that are the most beautiful. Princess Qi's alluring appearance stands in the center, holding flowers and smiling, with black hair, snow-white skin, and vivid eyes. The beauty is fascinating.

Three thousand small worlds, like roulette wheels, revolve around her, and she is like a fairy queen, standing proudly among them, looking down on all living beings.

This is the supreme secret technique inherited from the Nanling Heavenly Emperor, but there is a lot of information in Xu Yu's memory that the Nanling Heavenly Emperor is the third generation of the Ruthless Emperor.

Not to mention other things, just say that the supreme secret technique of the Three Thousand Small Worlds is just like the Ruthless Emperor's Flying Immortal Art.

Ruanren Dadi is recognized as the most talented empress in the world. Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of people who can stand side by side with her.

Even Xu Yi was very envious of her inheritance.Because Xu Yu knew that when Ruthless Land was still in the world, he once fought alone against the backhand left by the Nine Heavenly Venerates in the age of mythology.

From another angle.The talent of a ruthless emperor can be compared with the nine heavenly gods in the age of mythology, or even surpassed.

But that is the record in the original work, since Xu Yu came to the world of Shatian.I found that there are many things that are not recorded in the original book.

For example, Wuliang Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun among the nine Tianzun in the age of mythology are the ones who lived out the seventh life. According to Xu Yu's guess, most of them still exist in the world like Emperor Zun, but now It's just hidden in a corner of this world, unknown to everyone.

Counting the Changsheng Tianzun who is dormant in the Immortal Mausoleum, the Dujie Tianzun who is in the cycle of reincarnation, the Xiaoyao Tianzun in the sea of ​​reincarnation, and the Ji Mie Tianzun who was gifted by Emperor Zun Town on the road to Feixianxing, and the corpse The psychic became Lao Tzu's moral god.

In addition to the emperor in the strange world, the nine gods in the age of mythology, only Lingbao Tianzun is missing, and the other eight gods have all survived to this life.

Because Xu Yu obtained the inheritance of two ancient Tianzuns at the same level as the Ruthless Emperor, Xu Yu is very interested in the supreme secret art of the Ruthless Emperor who can compete with the ancient Tianzun.

While Xu Yu was still savoring the secret techniques of Nanling Tiandi, the battle on the field also changed.


When a thought blooms, a flower of the world blooms.It turned into a small world and engulfed Ye Fan, trying to seal him inside.

At this moment, Ye Fan clearly saw a few strands of chaotic mist lingering, as if he was opening up the world, this is the evolution of a small world that is tending to perfection.

A flower blooms into a world, so magnificent, but also so terrifying, it makes people frightened, and this is just one of three thousand flowers!

At this moment, Ye Fan's expression was dignified, he unfolded the unparalleled sacred body, and took the challenge seriously, not daring to be careless in the slightest. This kind of unparalleled holy art shocked the world and made him feel the crisis.


When Ye Fan moved, it turned into a ray of floating light, passed through, covered the golden light, and the palm of his hand bloomed with brilliance, and he slapped it down like a sky monument.

One monument towns the world!


The monstrous divine power shook, the flowers bloomed gorgeously, and the splendor of the world was interpreted to the extreme at this moment. The chaotic mold rushed out, and each one could destroy a savage dragon.

"When!", "When!"...

Ye Fan shattered the sky with his bare hands, and collided with the world of God Flower and the chaotic mist continuously, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

This is the holy body, and it is difficult for another person to bear. This kind of confrontation with the power of the small world can almost obliterate any magic weapon, but Ye Fan took them all.

Princess Qi showed a smile, and all the petals were no longer beautiful for a while. She flicked her black hair lightly, stretched her jade arms lightly, and flapped continuously. She was ethereal and natural, as beautiful as a fairy, and her dress was fluttering, with a sense of grandeur.

"Bo", "knock"...

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of divine flowers bloomed and evolved into a small world at the same time. With such a burst of power, even Ye Fan's scalp tingled for a while.

The unparalleled holy art is truly terrifying!

He couldn't help but marvel in his heart, the ruthless Heavenly Emperor was the most powerful in the past, and there were only a limited number of secret techniques left in the world, but each of them gave him a headache.

There was Hua Yunfei in the past, and now there is a Princess Qi. He has been keenly aware that although "Three Thousand Small Worlds" and "One Thought Flowers Bloom, King Lands the World" are different, they have similar spirits.


Could it be that Emperor Ruthless had really become Nanling Heavenly Emperor? How many kinds of holy arts did he leave behind in Nanling?
If so, the ancient emperor of heaven is really shocking. His or her life was full of legends. How many lives did he or she live to be the emperor in the five great domains?

Ye Fan doesn't believe in cause and effect, but now he finds that all the constant encounters with the ruthless emperor make him feel a little bit guilty.

"Lame", "Bo"...

The divine flower bloomed again and again, hundreds of thousands of small worlds surrounded Ye Fan, all the heavens trembled, and the divine sound of the world penetrated down, shaking Ye Fan violently.

"Is this... the divine voice outside the city!?" Ye Fan was taken aback.

He felt like the voice of other worlds, as if flying from outside the sky, one world after another was suppressing him, all the heavens came together, and the fairy king came to the dust, trying to wipe him out.

At this time, he was rare to be quiet, as if he was standing in an empty and quiet world, and let the wild geese fly south.

He was immersed in a kind of Dao state, and evolved his own Dao with the sacred method of fighting and fighting. He was inaction and peaceful, and everything outside could not move his fundamental heart. He was the only one in this world.

"Pfft", "Pfft"...

He learned one world, smashed them all into pieces, and turned them into fragments of divine flowers, dancing in the air.This is not the small world that evolved at first, this is the small world that tends to be perfected, although it is not
It is big, but it has a trace of the mighty power of the heavens, which is extremely terrifying.

If Ye Fan has not been promoted to this state, it will be very difficult to break through, unless all kinds of unique skills are developed to the extreme and a desperate battle is fought.

However, this time is different, he has no self and nothing, and he has enlightened in the duel of life and death.

Ye Fan didn't deliberately pretend to be anything, he just shot with instinct, constantly deducing a way, moving with his heart, and hitting unconsciously.

The people watching the battle were terrified. No one knew better than them how terrifying those small worlds would be when they were perfected, enough to suppress most of the people present.


Ye Fan shattered the thousandth small world before he recovered, and his consciousness appeared in the real world, instead of being immersed in his own Dao realm.

Pinying flowers and rain danced, and in the center of Princess Qi's independent field, her shiny black hair was dancing, and her eyes were full of beauty.

Cheeks like white jade, bright red lips, combined together, surrounded by divine flowers, as if standing in a fairyland.

"You have some tricks, which is beyond my expectation!" Although she was smiling, she was more delicate than Hua, but she was extremely dignified. She knew that she had encountered a formidable enemy.

Ye Fan also didn't expect that this calamity-level pepper was just arrogant, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful that all the saints could only bow down.

What's more, this misfortune was in the second transformation of the dragon, but he showed such combat power. You must know that the people who fought the sixth transformation of the dragon have no pressure.

"If you lose, you really want to be a dragon horse for me! Princess Qi has a beautiful smile and is very confident.

"Are you going to be my spirit beast if you lose?" Ye Fan keenly caught the loophole, and from the beginning to the end, this troublemaker never said what would happen to her if she lost.


Princess Qi is like a fairy, a flower blooms at a thought, and at this moment, all the fairy flowers bloom, and eternity become the unfading brilliance in the world.

Three thousand divine flowers bloom together, and the dense chaotic air rushes up, and the breath of opening up the world is extremely strong.

Different from the beginning, this is a real small world that is derived, and each small world overflows with a little chaos, and it is terrifying enough to merge together.

Qi Fushui's clothes are fluttering, her jade arms are white and pinying, her waist is slender, her legs are slender and straight, she dances the wind of the sky, and her divine splendor blooms.

At this moment, she is really like a fairy queen, standing in the center of heaven and earth, shaking all the heavens with a single thought, and moving with her orders.

Three thousand small worlds rotate, which is a kind of horror
The terrifying attacking holy art, even the Holy Physique as powerful as Ye Fan was too much for him, so he fought fiercely.He put away his contempt, the Qishi mansion gathered outstanding people from the five major domains of the world, there are all kinds of strong people, and those people he defeated before are nothing at all.By no means stand out.

Now, a princess of Qi is so conceivable that the Qishi mansion hides a dragon and crouches.

He clearly knew that there must be a heaven-defying evildoer inside, just how powerful the combat power is, no

It can be speculated.

Ye Fan tried his best to fight against Princess Qi. Surrounded by three thousand small worlds, he became the only point of attack between heaven and earth.

For Xu Yu who knows the plot of the original work.He was not interested in the fight between the two of them.

Because he knew that the two of them were just fighting each other, and Ye Fan was powerful in battle, but he was afraid of the Nanling Tianjiao Nanyao who was also in the mansion of Qishi, so he didn't dare to kill the killer, it didn't really mean anything So Xu Yu didn't plan to watch it any longer.

In addition, he has been searching for the "shortcut" for Emperor Hengyu to go to the world of Immortal Mansion during the journey for the past few days, but he has not found anything, so he is about to return to Qishi Mansion. A picture of the burial of immortals.

In the evening, Xu Yu, who was in Qishi Mansion, heard about the result of the battle between Ye Fan and Princess Qi. In the end, Princess Qi was defeated and suppressed by Ye Fan.

Because of losing the bet, Qi Qunzhu can only serve as a maid who brings tea and water by Ye Fan's side, which makes Ye Fan's life miserable in the future. Every day, groups of flower protectors go to Lucheng challenged Ye Fan.

Xu Yu was also practicing while waiting for the entrance to the Immortal Mansion World to open.

But Xu Yu didn't wait too long, just a few days passed.The entrance to the world of Immortal Mansion located in the back mountain of Qishi Mansion is opened.

Immortal mansion is open!
In the back mountain of the Qishi Mansion, even a large formation cannot seal the divine and beautiful aura there. Immortal energy is permeating, rising purple smoke, leaping like a dragon. In the Qishi Academy, if you take a breath of that essence, you will have An illusion of improvement.

Entering the cave, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, the scenery in front of you is suddenly bright, the ancient trees tower into the sky, the mountains and rivers are primitive, the old vines are like dragons, the high mountains are majestic, the river is magnificent, and it has an ancient style.

On the mountains, the vegetation is abundant, the green clouds are lingering, and the whole is radiant, as if carved from emeralds, the mist is surging, and the fairy charm is ethereal.

This is the Immortal Mansion, just like a small world opened up by the Immortal Family, with its own wild and ancient atmosphere.

A woman floats out of the dust, she is as beautiful as a fairy, she does not eat fireworks in the world, she seems to be going away by the wind at any time, and ascends to the Nine Heavens Palace.

Standing at the entrance of the Immortal Mansion, she is as fresh as flowers and trees piled up with snow, with a graceful body, crystal-clear skin, a peerless face, fluttering white clothes, dancing black hair, eyes like water, as if shrouded in water mist, giving people a dreamlike feeling , beautiful and flawless, no trace of flaws can be found at all, almost perfect.

Qiushui is divine and jade-like, and seems to have stepped out of the realm of poetry and painting, not like a real person at all.

This stunning goddess is Zixia.Master Zai Qi opens.When the world of Immortal Mansion is about to open, Xu Yu specially meets Zixia to bring her into the world of Immortal Mansion and compete for fortune.

As for the golden lion, he didn't want the friends around him to know that he was Xu Yu's mount, so even if he bought it at the intersection of the Immortal Mansion World, he would still be far away from Xu Yu.

After entering Qishi's Mansion, Xu Yu and Zixia rushed straight to the depths of the Immortal Mansion's world, because he knew that the periphery had been turned over hundreds of times by countless monks throughout the ages, let alone the What treasure are you looking for here.

After Xu Yu and Zixia entered Xu Shenfu, the world of Immortal Mansion, they found that there was an open land with lush vegetation, rocky cliffs juxtaposed, purple mist curling up, and majestic mountains.

The sky is very bright, the blue sky is like washing, without a trace of impurities, like a huge sapphire buckled on it.

This savage ancient world is primitive, and the spiritual energy is many times stronger than the outside world. Birds and beasts are haunted, most of them are ancient aliens, and they are extremely powerful.


A giant bird passed across the sky, blocking the sun for an instant, and its feathers flowed with five-color brilliance, casting a large shadow on the ground.

"I didn't expect this exotic bird to have the blood of the phoenix bird!" Xu Yu was surprised.

"It's not just one, there are other kinds of divine birds!" Zixia beside him was also surprised. There were similar clouds in the distant sky, although they were not of the same race as the five-color divine bird in front of him.


In the distance, the sky was shaking and the earth was shaking, a mountain ridge flew up, rushing towards the sky, exuding endless vicious aura, one could only find out if one looked closely, what kind of mountain was this, it was clearly a big blue snake.

It doesn't know how many years it has been sleeping, its body is covered with mud, and many ancient trees have grown there.

It rushed to the high sky and fought with the giant bird like a cloud. Snake scales flew, colorful feathers fell, and blood poured down. The fight was extremely tragic.

"Sure enough, it is a small world left over from the ancient times. There are so many wild beasts like this. It seems that it is very common for two wild beasts of the extremely powerful level to fight like this."

Xu Yu's heart was full of ups and downs, this is not a fairy mansion, it is clearly a world!

He just released his divine sense and discovered that this ancient world has a radius of at least [-] li. It is very difficult for even the emperor to open up such a large world. This is a chaotic fairyland left over from the era of the creation of the world.

Any piece of Chaos Immortal Soil has fantastic value, there are countless rare treasures in the world, and there will be one of the most valuable treasures in it, but unfortunately the treasure in this piece of Chaos Immortal Soil must have been taken away by the Immortal Emperor.

In the distance, the ancient trees tower into the sky, the mountains and rivers are primitive, the old vines are like dragons, the high mountains are majestic, the rivers are magnificent, and it has an ancient style.


A bird's song shook the mountains, and a golden figure flew across the sky, smashing a mountain top in the distance, and grabbed a twenty-meter-long ancient elephant and flew back, landing on a cliff.

There is a large bird's nest, more than ten feet long, covering the cliff. It is all made of purple maple wood, with sweetgum wafting in, and the purple light is faint.

A huge lightning king bird, extremely majestic, flowing with golden light, with a phoenix crown on its head, is shining brightly. It is tearing the ancient elephant more than [-] meters away, dripping with blood.

A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off, and it was nursing its young. Each of the little Lightning Kings was almost ten meters long, with electric lights flowing and golden lights shining.

That cliff has long been dyed dark red, soaked in blood, it seems that it has been a few years.

"A Lightning King Bird with such a pure bloodline is rare, and has already cultivated to the second level of Xiantai, and is about to catch up with the beasts in the God Realm!"

Looking at the lightning phoenix whose cultivation was already comparable to that of the holy masters outside, Xu Yu couldn't help sighing.

It was only more than one foot long, and its whole body was golden. Counting those beautiful tail feathers, it was only three or four feet long. The moment the Lightning Phoenix appeared in this ancient world, it was extremely gorgeous and eye-catching.

Although it looked very petite compared to the Lightning King Bird, which was more than a dozen feet in size, it exuded an extremely powerful aura.

Xu Yu also found some scratches on the cliff, although they were very old, they were still vaguely visible.

"A sword formula!"

This is an incomplete sword formula. It seems that a master sat here in the past and carved some instant insights. Although it is very messy, it also gave him some enlightenment.

The incomplete sword art is very profound, but Xu Yu didn't pay much attention to it, but concentrated on appreciating those sentiments, his heart was empty, and then he looked at the inscriptions on the top of the cliff, carefully pondering, and felt a lot of sentiments in his heart.

He didn't stay here for long, just now he quickly scanned the world with his divine sense, and didn't find too many monks, which meant that many people didn't go deep enough, behind Xu Yu and the others.

Taking advantage of the fact that they haven't come in and can't locate the world accurately, Xu Yu must race against time to hide all traces of the Immortal Mansion.

Next, he and Zixia went to every corner of this fairy mansion world, searching for the insights of the former sages and collecting elixir and treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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