Chapter 151

For the next half month, Xu Yu and Zixia have been searching for all kinds of treasures in the Immortal Mansion World. You two have harvested a lot of treasures with your peerless cultivation. A colorful and wonderful tree can be said to be very rewarding.

For unknown reasons along the way, Xu Yu and Zixia came to a pitch-black river without encountering Shendi Nian in the original book.

A black river, silent, flowing peacefully, crosses the road ahead, like a black abyss, almost swallowing people's mind and soul.

It is very calm, without any waves, not even a splash of water, but it is so dark that it makes one's heart palpitate. Looking at it for a long time, the soul will be broken!

"A river is full of true Taiyin water, and its value is immeasurable!" The true water of Taiyin can corrupt the world and all spirits, but it is also a kind of treasure for the strong to refine their bodies.


An iron chain swayed above the black river, as black as ink, flickering with forest light, leading to the opposite bank.

Xu Yu and Zixia crossed the River of Taiyin on iron chains. Although there were many corpses entangled on the iron chains, their eyes opened and closed, revealing green light, but under the power of Yuan Shiyin, they all turned into dust .

Resisting the increasingly powerful ancient emperor's energy, Xu Yu came to the deepest part of the earth's veins, and finally saw the real fairy burial place, and the endless immortal energy rushed towards him, making people want to lift up the sky.

In front, the flowing clouds overflowed with Rui, it was a vast world, there were tens of thousands of dragons hovering, endless brilliance lingered, and the fairy spirit was misty.

There is a high platform like a huge pyramid, of course, there is no spire, the top is very flat, it is completely built with five-color jade.

This high platform can be ten thousand feet high, and the jade platform can lead to the top step by step, and it can lead to the top from anywhere.

The [-]-foot-high jade platform is incomparably majestic, chaotic and turbulent, filled with immortal energy, tens of thousands of dragons are coiling around, it is extremely magnificent, and an ancient coffin is placed on the [-]-meter-high jade platform, almost crushing it forever.

On the ten thousand zhang high jade platform, step by step, the dragon leaps and the phoenix soars, surrounded by chaos. Although Xu Yu knows that it is not real, he is still shocked.

The green dragon and the divine phoenix are very lifelike, there are tens of thousands of them, they are transformed from immortal energy, adding a mysterious energy to the five-color jade platform.

"If you can refine this five-color jade platform with a height of five feet into a divine seal, it can crush the ages!" Xu Yu exclaimed.

Above the five-color jade platform that is as high as ten thousand feet, there is an old and ancient coffin that reveals endless vicissitudes. Although it is not more than one foot long, it seems to have carried the ages and pretended to be the years.

The coffin did not cross Chen Wanzhang jade platform, but floated up and down in the void above it, suspended in chaos and immortal energy, like life.

What vicissitudes of life, what vast land, what endless starry sky, do not reach the corner of the coffin, it seems to condense the ancient, modern and future, running through millions of years!
When they arrived here, Xu Yu and Zixia's bodies seemed to be about to burst, their bodies were in severe pain, and their bones were making noise.

On this five-color jade platform, there is endless terrifying coercion, like surging tides, in the mighty heaven and earth, people's bodies are about to collapse, like the revival of the extreme divine power of the ancient great emperor.

But Xu Yu knew that the tremendous pressure and the peerless terrifying aura did not come from inside the coffin, but from the human skin of the Immortal Emperor!

Yuan Shiyin appeared above Xu Yu's head, and wisps of fairy light fell down, protecting him and Zixia from the coercion on the jade platform, and the two moved forward step by step to the top of the ten thousand-zhang jade platform.

Although there was a terrifying aura, his footsteps were not blocked, and he slowly climbed to the top of the jade platform.

On the ten-thousand-zhang high platform, the dragon leaped and the phoenix soared, the ancient coffin ups and downs, and the immortal aura was lingering.

The inner and outer coffins were ups and downs, and there were branches more than one meter long growing on the coffin lid. They were verdant green, and there were a few leaves on them, exuding vigorous energy. The leaves were as crystal-clear as agate, with different colors and shapes.

"Using the trunk of the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment to make the coffin, only the Immortal Emperor has the courage."

In this world, only the undead medicine and the undead tree can last forever, and will not be obliterated by the years. The coffin carved with undead wood naturally maintains some characteristics.

According to legend, the coffin made of undead wood can be immortal. Xu Yu guessed that the immortal emperor should have completed his transformation in this ancient tea tree coffin and left his own god skin.

This platform is very vast, and surrounded by fairy mist and chaos, Xu Yu did not pay attention to the empty coffin, but went to other places to search for traces of the undead emperor's skin.

In the end, Xu Yu stared at a misty land, where the five-color glow flowed, and a piece of solid ice existed for an unknown number of years. Inside was a piece of human skin, which was stained with five-color blood, flowing out of peerless and terrifying fluctuations!
Long purple hair, smooth skin, flashing brilliance, still lustrous, there is a split in the back, from which the flesh and bones inside were peeled off, the blood stained is very dreamy, the same as Xu Yu, shared Five colors, gorgeous brilliance.

This piece of ice is very special. Although it is cold, it is not biting. The flow has five kinds of brilliance, exuding amazing vitality and vitality.

However, this peaceful atmosphere was completely dissipated by the corpse in the ice. He seemed to be standing on the top of the eternity, looking down on the past, the present and the future.
On the ten thousand-zhang jade platform, the supreme heavenly power that waves out to the surrounding fields all originates from it, the source of all power!

"The Taihuang moved out the remains of the undead emperor that was originally placed in the coffin, and after occupying the coffin of the ancient tea tree that enlightened the Tao, he entered the coffin to sleep, and then was shot by the undead emperor's real body!"

But Xu Yu was not much better, the Taihuang just threw the remains of the immortal emperor out of the coffin, but he tried to find a way to take it away with this magic belt. After all, to him, this magic skin was also a piece of treasure.

This fairy skin is almost comparable to the aura of the revived extreme weapon, and Xu Yu is about to collapse under the pressure.Even if he couldn't use the Yuanshi seal to protect his body, he felt that he couldn't hold on, and he couldn't take a step forward because he was imprisoned.

"This piece of solid ice is actually a source of immortality!"

"That's right, only Xianyuan can seal the extreme royal power of the immortal emperor's slough."

Xu Yu's heart trembled, and an astonishing light shot out from his heavenly eyes.

This is a kind of fairy source, which is a theoretical thing in the Yuantian book. According to speculation, it should exist in the world, but the Yuantian masters of all generations have never seen it, and Xu Yu only has a small piece, which can provide endless life essence.

Although if they want to remain immortal, even this kind of immortal source can't seal the ancient emperor, but they are willing to pay the unimaginable huge price. If they kill themselves, for the Supreme, this kind of immortal source is enough to seal themselves .

Feeling the undead heavenly fluctuations from the source of immortality, Xu Yu activated the True Phoenix treasure technique to merge with the supreme avenue, and he found that his body could move and was no longer imprisoned.

Then Xu Yu took out the seal of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, which was intertwined with dao patterns, simple and atmospheric, engraved with the chaos of the universe, explaining the mysteries of the way of heaven.

This is one of the most mysterious ancient Tianzun in the age of mythology, Yuanshi Tianzun, who personally refined it. Once this seal is released, the murderous intention left by the immortal emperor will no longer cause any harm to him and Zixia.

Xu Yu took a big step forward, the real phoenix art in his body trembled, making him come to the source of immortality, he stretched out his hand to touch the five-color solid ice, but felt that his muscles and bones were going to explode.

Although the murderous aura emanating from the fairy source no longer harmed him, the imperial prestige naturally emanating from the god skin still made him unbearable.

The power of the Immortal Emperor is unimaginable. Few people in this world are his opponents. Even if it is just a piece of divine skin left by transformation, it cannot be resisted.

The divine skin in the fairy source was too terrifying, and the infinite fluctuations spread like ripples, seemingly soft, but the slightest shock made Xu Yu's bones feel like they were about to shatter.

In Xu Yu's heart, it is even more terrifying than the Emperor Weapon, because the Emperor Weapon is controllable, and it is difficult to activate unless it reaches a certain level. It is always in a deep sleep and is harmless to others.

Even if it can activate the emperor's army, it is impossible to revive it completely if its own cultivation has not reached the ultimate level, because it is the emperor's exclusive weapon, which is so powerful that no one can truly master it.

And the divine skin in this fairy source is constantly fluctuating, which means that the aura of extreme destruction is always pervasive, and only the fairy source can be used to isolate it from the world, otherwise it will be a catastrophe.


Wisps of rosy light shot out from the fairy source and entered between Xu Yu's eyebrows. There seemed to be bursts of scriptures resounding indistinctly, and there was a sense of the broken avenue.

Naturally, Xu Yu has no shortage of imperial scriptures, and he has mastered the complete truth of the True Phoenix Treasure Art, but he has obtained miscellaneous talks and insights similar to handwriting, which are equivalent to cultivation experience.

This kind of sutra is priceless, not weaker than the ancient emperor sutra!
Although it is impossible to be complete, the imprint of the blood spirit bone of the Immortal Emperor remained in the world and manifested, which is still of great significance to Xu Yu.

"How can I use the skin of the Immortal Emperor to refine a supreme weapon?" Xu Yu was troubled.

This piece of divine skin is a natural extreme material, and it can even be said to be the embryo of an imperial weapon, but it is not strong enough, let alone refining an imperial weapon, and it is difficult to even get close to it.

As for directly using this divine skin as an imperial weapon, it would be difficult to accomplish it. After all, Yishui is not a weapon and cannot be manipulated at all. Xu Yu can only guarantee that he will not be seriously injured.

The power emitted by the god skin sealed in the fairy source is equivalent to the recovery of the extreme emperor's soldiers. Once the five-color ice is really broken, it will definitely be destroyed in all directions, similar to the result brought by the 81 emperor's banner .

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that if Xu Yu breaks through the immortal source, who else in the world can re-seal the divine skin with the immortal source liquid, and the resulting disaster will be devastating.

"Without all preparations, you can never break through the source of immortality!" Xu Yu warned himself.

"Even if I really find a way to directly use this immortal emperor's divine skin as a weapon, I'm afraid the ancient royal families will try their best to force me to give up!"

The corpse of a great emperor is a priceless fairy material that can be refined into an unrivaled emperor's armament. It is hard to find in the world, and no one is not tempted.

However, this corpse is too unusual. The god skin of the Immortal Emperor is used as a weapon, especially the followers of the Immortal Emperor are still alive in this world.

Therefore, if the human skin is taken away or used to refine divine weapons, it will cause great trouble to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion.

The Immortal Emperor is the god of all races in the ancient times. It can be said that the admiration of the Immortal Emperor by all races has reached an extreme.

The Immortal Emperor is an unsurpassable myth among the ancient races. At that time, the heaven and the earth respected him alone, and all races worshiped him.

If it is found that Xu Yu is using his god skin as a weapon, and even the eight gods can't pass the level, the ancient royal families will probably directly use the ancient emperor soldiers to force him to hand over the god skin of the undead emperor, and then Enshrined in the highest temple.

"We must find a way to refine this divine skin of the Immortal Emperor into a divine weapon that cannot be recognized by others." Xu Yu said to himself.

Xu Yu didn't immediately put away the five-color ice, but came to the coffin carved from the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment again, and planned to open the ancient coffin to take a look.

This piece of fairy source sealed with the god skin of the immortal emperor, unless it is placed in the coffin of the ancient tea tree of Huiwu Dao, it is impossible to store it in the space magic weapon.

The ancient coffin lay horizontally, and there was a twig more than half a meter long, which is indescribably miraculous. You must know that it has existed in the world for millions of years, and it is still alive. It is worthy of being carved from the trunk of the ancient tea tree of enlightenment.

It was cut off from the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment. The fracture is flat, and mysterious juice overflows. Deputy coffin.

The coffin carved from the trunk of Wudao tea tree is ancient, full of grandeur and antiquity, while the branches and leaves above are filled with the power of nature, full of life and Taoism, blending together, mysterious and mysterious.

At this time, the trunk of the enlightened ancient tea tree seems to still be growing on the main root, with vigorous vitality, the auspicious rosy clouds, and the traces of the Dao are falling down one by one.

Standing at this place, Xu Yu and Zixia's whole body cells are active, every pore is opening, exchanging light with the glow here, swallowing the essence, their feet are automatically lifted off the ground, like lifting Xia Feixian.

The Daoguang falling down from the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment made Xu Yu's mind peaceful, peaceful, happy and worry-free, forgetting all troubles, and fell into the state of Enlightenment in an instant.

This is the extraordinary feature of Wudao ancient tea tree tea. After appearing here, everything is different. It seems to be nourished by the Dao, making people feel peace and tranquility.

The trees are full of crystals, each leaf is different, the brilliance of the flowing path is so peculiar, the small tripod, the phoenix, the immortal, the divine bell, the mountains and rivers, the clouds, the gossip... are so lifelike.

Each leaf is like a small world, representing a different way, swaying with dreamy brilliance.

All kinds of leaves, strange shapes, all have unique and precious dao rhymes. Kazuki is brilliant, extraordinarily dazzling, and makes people lost.

"Indescribably wonderful, this is the complete enlightenment ancient tea tree." This is Xu Yu's true feeling.

The chaotic mist swayed, the fairy mist circulated, the coffin was motionless, and there were some vague marks on the side walls. Although the traces on the coffin were not clear, it was recognizable. It was a vague human-shaped mark, and his The back is a dragon!

Unique, the only one in the world who was the first ancestor of Daxia, Taihuang, took this as a mark.

Taihuang, who shocked the past and shines today, created a book called the Taihuang Sutra, which is an invincible ancient sutra!Among them, the attacking chapter--The Emperor's Daolongqi Zhongzhou Wushuang, vaguely has the potential to be the number one in the world.

It is said that in terms of attack, the only one who can compete with it is the Douzi Mi among the Nine Secrets. This kind of magic makes Xu Yu look forward to the Taihuang Sutra in the coffin.

Xu Yu slowly opened a gap in the coffin lid.


The original chaotic energy rushed out, the sound was like thunder, the chaos flowed away, and the coffin lid floated up silently, revealing everything inside the coffin.

At the bottom of the coffin, there is a human-shaped imprint, which is the figure of an ancient emperor, imprinted on the bottom of the coffin.This is the dao mark left by the Taihuang, which contains his supreme ancient scriptures.

Xu Yu sat in the undead coffin, sitting cross-legged on the Dao marks branded by the Taihuang. He held the heart of the ancient enlightenment tea tree in his mouth and the tea leaves in his mouth.

With the help of various gods, it is even better than the effect of enlightenment under the sacred tea tree in the undead mountain.

The Ancient Enlightenment Tea Tree Pendant in Xu Yu's hand was extremely hot, helping him to enlightenment, and the Enlightenment God tea in his mouth gave him peace of mind, his energy and spirit were highly concentrated, and his body and consciousness reached a level of unity between heaven and man.

At this time, he fell into the state of enlightenment, and he really saw the Taihuang Sutra!

At the bottom of the ancient coffin, a trace of a human figure seemed to have been resurrected, as if the emperor had returned from all ages.On its back, the spine is a big dragon, with its head raised and roaring, lifelike, it seems to run through the past, the present and the future.

The whole picture is full of dao marks. Through the imprint of the human form, Xu Yu saw five dao marks. They didn't have a single word, but they recorded the most original mental method of the Taihuang Sutra.

This is an ancient scripture that the Taihuang nitpicked in his later years, changed it, and finally left it in the coffin.

"The scriptures written by the Taihuang are indeed difficult and profound. Once you understand them, you can pick up the stars and capture the moon, collapse the star field, and have boundless divine power."

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Yu woke up, and he deeply felt the power of this line of practice.

"The ancient scriptures left by the emperor are terrible, and the use of the emperor's dragon energy is almost to an extreme. It will be of great use if we create a force similar to the heaven in the future!" Xu Yu exclaimed.

Now the people of the Great Xia Dynasty are collecting treasures with the old man Tian Blind and others, which also gave Xu Yu and Zixia the opportunity to comprehend the Supreme Immortal Scripture of the family.

 Alas, this income is really not enough to support my life, please give me a big reward

(End of this chapter)

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