Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 152 Swallowing the Devil's Cover

Chapter 152 Swallowing the Devil's Cover
This time Xu Yu and Zixia gained too much. Although the Taihuang Sutra is powerful, it can only be used as a supplementary reference. It is impossible for him to give up the "Yuan Shi Xian Jing" to practice the most powerful part of the Taihuang Sutra.

Although Xu Yu has countless ancient scriptures, he wants to stand on the shoulders of many ancient emperors and publish his own unique scripture without God.

So early accumulation is very important.The more imperial scriptures he obtained before Chen Sheng, the wider his horizons will be when he develops his own scriptures in the future.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to rebuild the scriptures of the secret realm of transforming dragons recorded in Taijin alone. In this case, several secret realms of his body will be out of balance.

It's like a real dragon being chopped into several sections, it's hard to unleash the invincible momentum soaring into the sky!

A certain secret realm is the most useless, the key is the overall balance, so he will only use these scriptures to broaden his horizons, learn from the essence of them, and accumulate foundations for his own scriptures in the future.

His real reward is to get the last taboo verse of the Taihuang Sutra!

The ancient great emperors would complete the scriptures written during their lifetime before their death. The so-called "completion" is to add the last taboo scripture, which is the core and essence of their Tao.

Such a secret method will shock the gods and weep the gods every time it is born, and the moment the scriptures are finally completed, all kinds of disasters will befall, and visions will burst out, which is extremely evil.

This is the case for every person who proves the Tao. Before sitting down, the wind in the world is howling, and the catastrophe is coming. They will leave the scriptures of perfection at the last moment. There are endless legends about this aspect.

And the Taihuang left behind a shocking secret method among all kinds of taboo secrets - the Taihuang Sword!

This is left by a Taihuang who claims to be able to compete with the Douzi Secret among the Nine Secrets in terms of attacking and attacking. This secret method inheritance!

Xu Yu squeezed the Taihuang Sword with both hands, like a real dragon, and let out a dragon chant that resounded through the heavens. Nine green dragons really emerged, with blue dragon scales flashing, and the dragon body was powerful, shaking its head and tail.

The dragon chant moves Qingming, and the nine green dragons are flesh and blood, with strong breath, coiled together with the ten thousand dragons on the ten thousand-zhang jade platform, which is extremely magnificent.


Nine green dragons exhaled, a blue light fell, and a stretch of mountains under the majestic jade platform disappeared, scorched and turned into a barren land.


A resounding phoenix cry came out, and a fiery red fairy phoenix rushed out of Xu Yu's body, spreading its wings lightly, with a gorgeous scarlet cloud, cutting through the void, peerless, and meeting nine green dragons.The two are entangled together, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

"The dragon and the phoenix bring prosperity!"

At this moment, Xu Yu promoted his five secret realms, from Lunhai to Dao Palace, to Siji, to Hualong, and then to Xiantai.

His entire body, the five great secret realms glowed, and his whole body was shining brightly. He displayed his profound meaning of the Dao, and suddenly presented many visions of heaven and earth around him.

For example, the real dragon coiled around, the fairy phoenix roared, and there were even golden lotuses everywhere, submerging this place.

This is not an ordinary vision, not a phantom, but a truly powerful power that can shake the world!

"This volume of the Supreme Emperor's Sutra has a great effect on me, and it can even be said to be only slightly inferior to the god skin of the Immortal Emperor!" Xu Yu was a little excited at the thought of being invincible in the future!
The undead coffin floats up and down in the void on the ten thousand-zhang jade platform, suspended in the chaos and immortal energy, as if it wants to become a whole with the enlightened ancient tea tree, as if it has life.

In the next few days.Xu Yu and Zixia helped each other.The coffin of enlightenment.Come and understand the Taixuan Sutra.While admiring the fight between the descendants of the holy lands in the divine mansion under the high platform.

Rather than saying it was a fight, it would be better to say it was a one-sided killing. Before the forces with the extreme emperor soldiers arrived, the people present could hardly agree with each other.

It wasn't until the appearance of the Great Xia Emperor holding the Taihuang Sword and the presence of Jiu Litu that they were able to deter Shendi Nian.

In the Sanskrit sounds of Ximo Buddha and the mantra recited by the blind old man, Shendi Nian had to retreat temporarily.

"There's someone up there!"

The sharp-eyed monks have already seen Xu Yu and Zixia.

"When did they get in?"

"It's the Son of the Purple Mansion!"

Some people are wondering when Xu Yu and the others arrived here?Someone revealed his true identity in one bite.

"Damn it, I followed that bastard if I knew it earlier, and I just came here now, the treasures on it must have been scraped clean by that bastard!"

There were also people who knew Xu very well, such as the Golden Lion.He thought that since Xu Yu had arrived here a long time ago, there must not even be a single hair left on it.

It is true that the owner originally planned to scrape the ground three feet as the golden lion said, and did not even plan to leave a hair for them, but he and Zixia have been studying the Taihuang Sutra, which delayed the opportunity to collect treasures, so they had to Collect some divine source liquid now.

As for the five-color human skins and the emperor's coffin, they had no chance to collect them, because the holy masters of the various holy places had already come before Xu Yu and the others.

However, none of the people present dared to scold Xu Yu and Zixia like they did to Ye Fan. One was that there was a simple and simple seal floating on their heads, exuding a trace of imperial prestige; Some people are not ignorant.


As more and more people poured into the high platform.At this time, Ye Fan's grievances and grievances accumulated with some famous families in Zhongzhou exploded at this time.

The biggest influence on him was the deliberate targeting of him by the Zhongzhou Xiao family and the Yin-Yang Sect. If Duan De hadn't exposed the big weapon of the Swallowing Demon Gai at the critical moment to protect him, Ye Fan would probably have no chance with the treasures here. up.


Not far away, a set of golden battle suits emerged, shining soaring into the sky, and appeared beside the Emperor Guhua. It was in the shape of a human, holding a golden holy sword, carrying a golden bow, and there were life fluctuations.

The peerless divine clothing is psychic, and it is a holy weapon handed down from generation to generation. It is made of divine objects and can last forever!

"As expected of the ancient gods, they brought a perfect god clothes!" Many people gasped.

It has a human-like shape, and its golden light is gorgeous, as if it is a living ancient god, which makes people feel awed from the bottom of their hearts, and cannot help but want to bow down.


The divine power is surging and full of vigor!Beside the Demon Lord of Nanling, a day and a moon appeared, shining brightly.

When the sun wheel moved, it was like a dragon singing for nine days, dazzling and piercing everything.When the moon wheel moves, it looks like a phoenix singing in the nine seclusion, and the brilliance is like water, overflowing the sky and the earth.The two wheels of the sun and the moon are like the real sun and moon in the sky.

This is also a holy weapon handed down from generation to generation. It can be immortal, and it has already had life fluctuations. It was left by a peerless saint 15 years ago from the Southern Demon lineage. It is rare in the world.


On the other side, the Buddha's light soared into the sky, and above the head of a divine monk in Ximo, there appeared a one-meter-high pagoda with seven floors in total. It was made of rock, but it could suppress everything in the world.

This is a weapon used by a Bodhisattva to prove the Tao. Not only is the body of the pagoda made of earth-piercing immortal stones, which are rare fetishes, but also the Bodhisattva left seven relics in the body of the pagoda. Let this seven-storey stone pagoda become an immortal holy soldier handed down from generation to generation!

Moreover, its power is terrific, and few things can match it. It is one of the supreme sacred objects of Buddhism since ancient times.

Three real weapons of ancient saints appeared all at once, and they were all well-known divine objects in the ancient history of the human race. No one was unmoved.

Up to now, many people have consciously regressed, and there is no way to fight for it, because a holy weapon is enough to sweep them away.

In the end, the Great Xia, Guhua, Jiuli, and Shenzhou Four Divine Dynasties, Nanling Yaozu, Xifo Buddhism, Duan De, etc., a total of more than a dozen major forces came to the front, and the rest retreated.

The big forces with saint weapons, as well as Duan De and the others stood at the forefront. No one objected and said anything. Now strength is the last word.

People carefully read the writing on the coffin wall, for fear of missing a single word, because it was left by the emperor and recorded an astonishing secret.

The original owner of this coffin turned out to be the Immortal Emperor, a supreme existence before the ancient times, who surpassed the gods in the hearts of the ancient peoples.

"The Immortal Emperor really exists..." A Buddhist monk was moved.

Regarding the past events of the ancient times, the human race has long been lost, only a few bits and pieces have been recorded, and everything has been dissipated in the long river of history.

Immortal Emperor, this one is the most mysterious and ancient, even the ancient kings would worship him. People never thought that this so-called god was actually him!
Everyone looked at the piece of five-color divine ice. There was a piece of human skin inside, and the energy flowing out was comparable to the recovery of an emperor's soldiers, which was unbearable.

"Oh my god, that's the human skin of the Immortal Emperor. If the ancient race finds out, this place will surely become their godland!"

"If those ancient beings know that the undead emperor is buried here, there will be chaos in the world, and all the ancient kings will be dispatched to come here!"

This is definitely a secret that pierces the sky!The god worshiped by thousands of peoples in the ancient times is actually buried here. He is not illusory, but has actually existed.

"He is the Immortal Emperor!"

People's shock is hard to calm down, and the dreadful waves in their hearts can't be stopped.

"Existence from eternity, a god in legends, worshiped by the races of later generations, there has never been conclusive evidence that he existed, but now we have seen him!"

People are amazed, and only the Immortal Emperor of endless years ago has such a big hand, felling down the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment, and using an immortal tree as his own coffin.

He existed far away in ancient times, had no rivals, the heaven and the earth are full of aura, and the elixir of death can be found, only he can do all these things.

But the Taihuang was really good enough, he moved the undead emperor out, and fell asleep in the coffin by himself.

But, why is there only one piece of skin left for the undead emperor, and where did the emperor go? Why did he disappear?
Unfortunately, there is no record on the wall of the coffin, only a few lines of text explaining the origin of the original owner of the coffin.

"After all, it still can't prove that immortals exist in the world!" People sighed. After knowing the origin, they don't know whether they are relieved or lost.

Although the Immortal Emperor surpassed the gods in the hearts of the ancient race, he was only an invincible ancient emperor after all, only deified, not a fairy or a god.

Are there any immortals in the world?Up to now, these great figures are all confused, and all signs indicate that they don't seem to exist.


Suddenly, someone made a move and began to snatch the ancient coffin and compete for the world-shocking fairy treasure.

At the bottom of the coffin, there is an engraved picture left by the Taihuang, which is the brand of Dao, and no one is not tempted.

But Xu Yu didn't participate in it, after all, he and Zixia had already comprehended the imprint of Dao left by the Taihuang before that.

On the other side, Duan De didn't join in the fun, he shook the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar, turned it into a black abyss, and immediately closed the coffin lid. This is the Enlightenment Wood, no matter how many sources of God it can't be exchanged for.

"What you get in your hands is yours, it's real!" Fatty Duan was quite satisfied. When others competed for the Dao Tu, he snatched the most real and priceless fetish first.

Such a coffin board, sitting cross-legged on it to practice, can easily enter the realm of enlightenment, even if you cut a small piece and sell it, it is worth a fortune.


Some people activated their divine power, but they couldn't crack the coffin carved from the undead tree at all.Finally, the Nanling demon master pulled out a few stone nails and took the outside apart.

"That is the stone nail sacrificed by the Immortal Emperor. It has not been destroyed after a long time in ancient times. It must be a fairy treasure!"

Everyone was jealous, but the eight stone nails fell into the hands of the Nanling Demon Lord, and no one took them, because he held the ancient saint's weapon - the sun and the moon, and no one dared to approach it.


The wooden plank outside was snatched by people, and finally fell into the hands of the ancient Hua Dynasty and the Western Desert monks. One side held the peerless golden divine robe, and the other held the stone tower where the Bodhisattva proved the Tao.

The others were anxious, fighting for the small coffin inside and the Taihuang's Dao brand, and fought hard.

"You guys can take the coffin, but leave the bottom of the coffin. No one is allowed to damage the Dao mark left by the Taihuang, or don't blame me, Daxia, for being ruthless!" the Emperor Daxia spoke.

They did not hold the weapons of the ancient saints, but they were quite calm and calm, scanning everyone.

"Why, whoever gets it will go to whom!" Some people objected, representing the aspirations of all major forces.

"That's what the ancestor left for Daxia. If you are not convinced, just do it!" Almost fell to the ground.

Then, a dragon chant came out, and a dragon sword flew out, as if it could shake the heavens and the world!

The dragon head has a sword edge, a nine-clawed sword pattern, and the dragon tail turns into a sword hilt.


Some mighty men couldn't bear this kind of coercion. Even with the forbidden device to protect their bodies, they coughed up blood and retreated, which was unbearable.

The Supreme Emperor's Armament——Taihuang Sword was born, and the people of the Great Xia Dynasty actually brought it here.

A dragon chant resounded through the ages, like an eternal light, hanging above the head of the Great Xia Emperor, making everyone almost want to worship.

At this moment, everyone was silent, the Taihuang Sword was born to suppress the heavens, who can resist?Possesses unparalleled attack power in the world!

Suddenly, a creepy sneer came, and a ghostly figure stood not far away, with cold eyes, staring at everyone, and the divine mind appeared again!

Everyone was chilled from head to toe. The so-called divine spirit must be the embodiment of the evil side of the Immortal Emperor.

"Fortunately, the Taihuang Sword is here!"

The Taihuang sword can almost crush ten thousand realms, turning into a sky dragon, hovering in the air, shining endless brilliance on the sky, purifying every inch of space.


Suddenly, there was another shock, the sky shook, and an ancient scroll flew out from the head of the emperor of Jiuli Shenchao, hanging in the air, covering the sky and the earth.

"Oh my god, this is the picture of Jiuli, the extreme imperial soldier of Jiuli, the immortal god of Zhongzhou!"

This ancient scroll contains all things in the world and contains three thousand great worlds. It can suppress and refine everything, and make some powerful people retreat and spit blood from their mouths.

In one day, two intact extreme dao emperor armaments were discovered, which shocked everyone. They did not expect that these two ancient gods sacrificed the fairy treasures left by their ancestors at a critical moment.

Taihuang Sword confronted Jiulitu tit for tat, and did not suppress the devil, but wanted to fight, no doubt to compete for Taihuang's Dao brand.

"When two extreme emperor soldiers fight, they will be destroyed in a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Not to mention this place, even the world of the Immortal Mansion will collapse." The old blind man said, "I have to protect myself as a last resort!"


He opened his mouth and spat out a jar, which was very simple and ordinary, nothing could be seen, but it was breathtaking and chilling.

"Boy, let's cooperate!" The old blind man patted Duan De on the shoulder.

Everyone was dumbfounded, this is the ancient Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar of Tutian, the seventh largest bandit in the Northern Territory, which was borrowed by the second largest bandit, and it will become one with the magic cover at this time!


The monstrous imperial prestige rushed up, no one pushed it at all, and the magic pot merged into one by itself. Everyone who was shocked was terrified, and people heard a sigh.

"Oh my god, this magic jar is made from the body of a ruthless man, so it won't have his soul?!"

In the distance, the god Nian was shocked and took a few steps back. It is conceivable that the coercion of this jar after being united is like an ancient emperor resurrected!
"A ruthless person will be the enemy of the whole world throughout her life, and she will be astonishing forever. Her extreme emperor soldiers are united again. She won't be resurrected, right?!"

During this process, there is only one person who is always calm, and that is Ye Fan. He holds the bodhi seed obtained from Yinghuo Guxing in his hand, and he has enlightenment tea in his mouth.

His eyes stared at the Taihuang's Dao Mark in the coffin without blinking, constantly comprehending.


Thunder roared in the sky, shaking the ten-thousand-zhang jade platform, and one after another thick lightning fell down, and then the endless sea of ​​thunder poured down.

"Damn, who's been robbed?"

"Which bastard, who triggered the catastrophe at this time?"

Everyone's color changed, and they couldn't help but scold their mothers.

In the end, people saw it, and the thunder and lightning struck Ye Fan. After a short enlightenment, he will start to cross the catastrophe!

 ask for a reward
(End of this chapter)

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