Chapter 156 Meeting Hua Yunfei

"The marrow belongs to me."

The silver giant ape sent out powerful mental fluctuations, and when the pupils opened and closed, two silver rays shot straight into the sky, with extremely strong energy.

With a neighing sound, the five-color giant spider carved like jade sent out soul fluctuations, swallowing rays of light, and the moonlight in the sky was connected with it, insisting that the marrow belonged to it.

On the other side, the old monk with a golden body of six feet, although skinny, but strong, sat cross-legged on a cliff, uttered a white light, and recited an ancient scripture.

Although the old monk died, he still had Buddhist supernatural powers, and it was quite pure, which made the other giants deeply afraid.

"Stop arguing, the marrow was born for me."

In the tattered bronze car, the little purple man who was over a foot tall opened his mouth, and his mental fluctuations were extremely powerful, causing the waterfall in the distance to stop for a short time and stop falling.

The power of its divine sense undulates like a sea, suppressing all fluctuations, almost stopping the old monk's chanting.

According to Xu Yu's observation, among the five creatures, it and the old monk are the strongest, and some of them are not inferior to the peerless power of the Peacock King. Even the one who drives the car for it is the corpse of a emperor, and its purple body is completely transparent. ,very beautiful.

"What kind of creature is this?" Xu Yu was most interested in it.

"Shi Zhongyu, you still have 500 years of lifespan, and the end is still far away, why are you fighting with us?" Ye Tianlang roared, his body covered with green feathers.

"It's the Purple Jade King in the Nine Heavens Jade who is psychic!"

Xu Yu was surprised, that little purple figure more than one foot tall was born from a piece of purple jade.

This kind of thing is hard to come by. In the ancient times, saints could hardly find it. Therefore, the weapons left behind can only be passed on for five to 10 years, and the holy weapons were eventually destroyed under the years.

"This is a piece of divine object. The ancestor king of the ancient times would be tempted to see it, but it became psychic and turned into a human form!"

Xu Yu's eyes were burning. That purple villain over a foot tall was much more valuable than ordinary magic materials, because it was a divine jade that had psychically transformed into a human form, and its spirituality was beyond the reach of ordinary magic materials.

"Qinling is really mysterious. It can make a piece of Ziyu King psychic. It still has 500 years of lifespan. If it can't break through, the divine sense will be dissipated, and it will become a treasure that the saint loves again."

"Everyone will take it according to their ability." The silver giant ape uttered, and smashed down a mountain with one palm.

Several other creatures let out a low growl, the light in their eyes flickered, and then they all stood there motionless, as if petrified.

Xu Yu was a little puzzled, he had learned the magical arts from the Youyuan Heavenly Book and was familiar with the Taihuang Sutra, he had observed the terrain repeatedly, but he didn't see any rare marrow, how did these powerful creatures judge, and what did they find.

In the middle of the night, a dragon chant suddenly resounded in the sky and the earth, and it spread far away under the bright night moon, and the mountains were shaking.

In the distance, the mountain peak with a silver waterfall hangs from it, filled with dragon aura, rushing out a streak of green clouds, attracting stars and moonlight, connecting them together like a dragon soaring.

"I understand. Qinling's ancestral roots are alive and can move around. Today, there is a dragon pulse leaping underground. These five creatures seem to have seen this scene before."

Several powerful creatures rushed forward together, and reached the main peak in an instant, each stretched out a big paw and patted it down.


This majestic mountain split open and fell to the ground. If they hadn't controlled their strength, there would definitely be nothing left, and this mountain would definitely turn into flying ash.

There is a dragon cave at the bottom of the mountain, the blue light soars to the sky, like a haze, the dragon's breath overflows, and it is fragrant.

"As expected, the moving dragon's veins rushed out of the earth's veins today, absorbing the power of the stars and the moon!" Xu Yu said to himself.


Five powerful creatures fought against each other, and within a radius of more than ten miles, all the mountains were like paper, turned into dust under their power, and no mountain stood upright.

Xu Yu turned his celestial eyes and looked at the dragon cave through the five kinds of divine light. The green light flickered, and a green stone basin was formed beside it. There were six drops of divine liquid in it, as green as agate, with a fragrant fragrance.

Each one is as big as a lychee, without a trace of impurities, green and confusing, and it makes a sound like a tsunami.

"High-grade dragon marrow!"

The fragrance is strong, seeping into the bones of a person, the dragon veins in the ground have long since left, leaving only these few emerald green marrows, reflecting the green sky.

"This is really a treasure. These six drops of divine liquid are worth half a plant of the King of Medicine!"

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and the five creatures fought fiercely. Whenever someone tried to grab the jade basin, they would be attacked by others.

They restrained each other, no one could get close, they were all fighting on the sidelines, fighting non-stop around the green marrow, their strength was very careful, no one dared to attack the jasper basin.

Worried that the battle would get out of control and destroy the six drops of high-grade dragon marrow, Xu Yu decided to get the green marrow first, and then attack the powerful creature with purple jade psychic.

Xu Yu took out the Enlightenment Ancient Tea Tree Pendant with the pattern of bullying the sky, and then operated the source technique to unite with this land vein, concealed the energy, and submerged into this big underground, that dragon cave.

This is Yuan Tianshi's method. As long as there is no biological obstruction in the dragon veins of the earth, it is unbelievably fast like entering a land of no one, and walking with dragon energy.

Without a sound, Xu Yu appeared in the dragon cave and received the six drops of divine liquid in his hand.


The five creatures were furious, never expecting that someone would snatch food from a tiger's mouth, and dared to snatch the marrow from the hands of several of their strong men, and all of them sacrificed their monstrous mana to fight down.

"I only need one drop of these six drops of dragon marrow, but this person belongs to me!"

A loud shout came from afar, and the jade in the stone that the ancient sages would regard as a treasure rushed quickly. The little purple figure more than one foot tall was full of brilliance, and the howling sound shook the endless veins of the earth.

He saw the purple jade wrench worn on Xu Yu's thumb. He was determined to get this thing. He was only one foot tall now, and he was still far from consummation.


It opened its mouth and spit out a purple jade divine light, which was its innate energy, the most terrifying, it broke 81 earth veins and hit the dragon cave.

The old monk also sent out a shocking blow, and a huge Buddha appeared in front of him, ten times faster than the monk, approaching the dragon cave at a very high speed.


The golden Buddha opened his big hand, and a huge Buddha's handprint was photographed. The land veins continued to collapse, and the ground was undulating like a raging sea. The mountains were destroyed, and nothing could stop it.


In the distance, a mountain range of more than 20 miles long was captured by Xu Yu, and turned into a [-]-meter-long magic whip, which was drawn towards the attacking innate purple energy and Buddha's handprint, crushing the world!


The divine light was overwhelming, and the divine whip was shattered by the purple light and the Buddha's handprint, revealing its real body immediately, the mountains more than [-] kilometers long were shattered, endless rocks and dust fell into the sky, and the smoke rose into the sky.


Behind Xu Yu, the five-color divine light shone, and he shot five divine swords, killing the five creatures, and finally pierced through the frontal bones of the silver giant ape, the alien night sirius, and the five-color jade spider, killing them instantly.

However, the old monk's Zhangliu golden body and Shi Zhongyu's purple jade body were so powerful that they both blocked Xu Yu's five-color light and supernatural powers.

The old monk chanted, a huge Buddha appeared out of thin air, and appeared behind him. The golden Buddha light was so bright that it seemed to save all living beings.


A sound of the Buddha's name came, and the Buddha's handprint of the golden body Buddha fell again. This is the combination of law and power, which transformed the phantom of Amitabha Buddha, which is one of the most powerful magical powers in Buddhism.

Xu Yu met the attack with his big hand wrapped in five-color divine light, and with a loud sound, the Buddha's palm was torn apart and smashed to pieces.

Xu Yu's battle with Shi Zhongyu and the old monk became fierce at first, the scene was astonishing, the aura pierced through the Changhong, and the sun and the moon were dark.


Immortal Phoenix Seal!
Xu Yu once again transformed into the second layer of heaven in Xiantai and performed it. The divine phoenix danced and swallowed mountains and rivers.

The old monk turned into a golden light to dodge, but still screamed, half of his body was blown off, the black blood in the corpse was splashed, and the broken body flew out, which was horrible.

Shi Zhongyu changed color, realizing that today may not be good.

"Clank..." In the sky, five-colored sword lights rang out, and I don't know how many divine swords shot out, turning into beams of sword light, lingering in the chaos, and killing the old monk.


A corpse fell, and half of the old monk's body disappeared. He was smashed to pieces and stained the sky with blood. Although Shi Zhongyu spewed out a large amount of innate purple energy from his mouth, his vitality was severely injured, but the jade body was still intact.

"The creatures raised by heaven and earth are indeed powerful!"

Shi Zhongyu gave Xu Yu a deadly look, then turned into a purple light and shot up into the sky, trying to escape.

"I still want to escape in front of me!"


Xu Yu unleashed Phoenix Speed, stretched out a big hand of five colors, grabbed Shi Zhongyu, who was only over a foot tall, and lifted it upside down, as easily as an adult grabbing a baby!

He slapped the Immortal Phoenix Imprint of Immortality, hitting Shi Zhongyu on the spot until his whole body trembled, cracks appeared on his body made of purple jade.

Xu Yu grabbed it tightly, shattering its body-protecting purple energy while trying to refine its body.

Shi Zhongyu panicked, spit out a stream of innate purple energy, which was his most original essence of life, shook Xu Yu's big hand away, and escaped.


However, what was waiting for it was a heavy blow, and it still couldn't escape. Xu Yu caught up like a god and demon, and with a palm strike, the wind and thunder shattered the sky.

Shi Zhongyu roared and kept fighting. After dozens of collisions, its crystal clear purple jade body was beaten with tiny cracks everywhere. It was full of purple air. Its soul wanted to escape, but a big hand covered it. down.

"You don't want to get anything!"

It roared, and in the radiant brilliance, its primordial spirit emitted a dazzling brilliance, ready to kill itself, and blew up its body without leaving anything behind.


Xu Yu yelled loudly, and the nine five-color divine rings behind him were filled with colorful lights, and a lot of auspicious energy rushed up and enveloped it, imprisoning Shi Zhongyu's soul power and preventing it from exploding.

"Should I erase Shi Zhongyu's primordial spirit or subdue it?" Xu Yu was a little moved, a top-notch holy master-level creature with purple jade psychic is also qualified to follow him.

Xu Yu's fingertips forced out a drop of blood essence flowing with five colors of light, tapped it on the center of Shi Zhongyu's eyebrows, and performed the soul seal method recorded in the "Immortal Phoenix Sutra" to control the mind.

In Shi Zhongyu's crystal-clear Ziyu body, the five-color blood turned into tiny veins and quickly spread all over his body like a big net, and many of the cracks that Xu Yu had punched had disappeared.


Shi Zhongyu respectfully said that after being controlled by the secret technique in "Yuan Shi Xian Jing", he would naturally respect Xu Yu extremely.

Shi Zhongyu didn't realize that he was being controlled, and the most original part of his soul and blood made him believe Xu Yu instead.

"Well, you should recover from your injuries as soon as possible."

Xu Yu took out a drop of dragon marrow that he had just obtained. The dragon marrow was as big as a longan's eye as it rolled. There were waves of tsunami sounds, reflecting half of the sky in green.

"Thank you master." Shi Zhongyu was a little excited when he saw the dragon marrow he had snatched earlier.

With the help of the dragon marrow, the fragments of the Dao law and the power of life contained in the dragon marrow are enough for Shi Zhongyu to quickly recover to the peak state, and even improve.

After recovering from his injuries, Xu Yu put Shi Zhongyu in the God Ring Cave behind him, and set off to continue searching for Huaxianchi.

Among the millions of miles of mountains in the Qinling Mountains, Xu also met Hua Yunfei and Li Xiaoman by chance.

At that time, Xu Yu was looking for a dragon vein, but he didn't expect that the end of the dragon vein was the tomb of a certain emperor in Zhongzhou tens of thousands of years ago.

I happened to meet Hua Yunfei and Li Xiaoman who were devouring the source of the corpse. If Xu Yi hadn't seen them when he went to Taixuanmen to search for the secrets of all characters a few years ago, Xu Yu might not have recognized them. them.

The temperament of the two of them has changed too much.

When I saw Hua Yunfei before, his demeanor could be regarded as a personable, polite and refined young man who likes to play the piano.

Now he has a terrifying black hole condensed on his head, which seems to be able to swallow everything.

Li Xiaoman, who was not by his side, radiated fairy light all over his body, and a vase of the Dao was suspended above his head, holy like a fairy coming to the dust.

"Swallowing the Devil!"

Xu Yu, who had been observing in secret for a long time, still couldn't help but speak out, saying the Heavenly Kung Fu performed by Hua Yunfei.


Hearing Xu Yu's voice, Hua Yunfei immediately turned his head and shouted. The sound and the air stirred like two magical weapons colliding, causing the funeral objects in the entire cemetery to fall to and fro, and many of them turned into fly ash.

"It's me! Brother Hua, long time no see! I didn't expect you to get the inheritance of the Ruthless Emperor!"

After being discovered by Hua Yunfei, Yu was very generous, and walked out and looked at Hua Yunfei and said with a sigh.

"Mu Qing? No, you are the holy son of the Zifu! Why do the brothers of the Zifu have to follow the example of the outside world in eliminating demons and defending the Tao?"

Hua Yunfei said in a very cold voice.When Li Xiaoman, who was beside him, heard his words, his aura immediately changed.

Almost instantly, 360 light spots appear on your body corresponding to 360 stars in the sky.

"Flying Immortals!"

Xu Yu took a deep look at Li Xiaoman, then turned around and said to Hua Yunfei:
"I don't intend to be your enemy. I just came here during the dragon vein ceremony. I saw you by chance. I heard that you disappeared after fighting Ye Fan a year ago, but I didn't expect you to come here. Qin Ling, it looks like you didn't get your Sky Swallowing Demon Art in Qin Ling, but you got it before, right?"

"It seems that the world has underestimated you, senior brother Xu, you can get a glimpse of the whole leopard just from these clues, you know so many things!"

Hearing Xu Yu's words, Hua Yunfei calmed down instead, and talked with Xu Yu calmly.

He also told his own secret.Controlled by others since she was a child, she couldn't help herself. She practiced magic skills just to become someone else's wedding dress.

After Xu Yu finished listening, he couldn't help sighing.Hua Yunfei is like a fish longing for freedom and the sea.

But, still can't break free from the cage.Just like in the original book, he finally died in the hands of Ye Fan in the burial place of Yuhua Shengchao.

"Everyone's fate should be in their own hands. If you only rely on external objects or others help you, then everything you plan will become a mirror image."

Xu Yu.It is also for the sake of being in the machine behind the Taixue Gate before, pointing out a way out for Hua and Fei.

"The universe is vast, with countless stars and ancient places of life. Why do you have to be limited to the Big Dipper? You can also choose to jump out of the cage of the Big Dipper and go to the vast universe to find opportunities. Maybe it will take hundreds of years. You too You can change your own destiny!"

"Just like the girl next to you, although she is far away from her hometown, she has embarked on a different path because of it! Even though he did lose a lot. But the opportunity she gained is something that many mortals spend their entire lives on. Impossible."

"However, I still need to help her solve the hidden dangers in her body!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Yu pointed at Li Xiaoman's head like a sword, and his words flew into the sword.Li Xiaoman wanted to resist, but was instantly suppressed by Xu Yu and couldn't move.Hua Yunfei at the side also wanted to rush forward when he saw this, but was suppressed by Xu Yu with a wave of his hand.

I saw the sword light condensed from Xu Yu's hands shoot directly into Li Xiaoman's and into a golden divine fetus in her immortal platform.

Naturally, the current crocodile ancestor has not yet awakened, so he can't resist the current Xu Yu at all. Just a face-to-face kung fu, the divine embryo condensed in Li Xiaoman's fairy platform was shattered.Before being shattered, his venomous gaze looked at Xu Yun through Li Xiaoman's celestial platform.

"what is this……"

Seeing the shattered golden light in his own immortal platform, Li Xiaoman asked in surprise.

"This is a saint-level demon ancestor. I don't know when it lived in your body and wanted to use you as a container?"

Xu Yu naturally knew the origin of Crocodile Ancestor, but he didn't point it out, just because many things were said and wronged.

After solving the hidden dangers in Li Xiaoman's body.After Xu Yu exchanged the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art with Hua Yunfei, he left here and continued to look for Huaxianchi.

(End of this chapter)

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