Chapter 157

After learning about the grievances between the Cai family and his younger brother, Xu Yu left the sick old man and continued to search for Huaxian Pond among the millions of Qinling Mountains.

However, maybe it's because the timing didn't come, maybe it's because of destiny, Xu Yiku searched for half a month, but found nothing.

But that's all.It was about to change from today, because Xu Yu met a handsome young man in purple clothes in the Qinling Mountains, it was Ye Fan.

Presumably, he also searched all the way from Zhongzhou to Qinling through the clues about the secret of military characters.

Xu Yu knew that the arrival of the protagonist of destiny in this world would inevitably lead to the appearance of Huaxianchi.

Sure enough, in the next few days, Ye Fan first found Hua Yunfei and Li Xiaoman, fought a battle with them, and then joined the Qin Sect and became a disciple there.

During the years when Ye Fan joined Qinmen.While cultivating bitterly in the millions of Qinling Mountains, Xu Yu was looking for Huaxian Pond everywhere.But he found that the Zhongzhou aisle was the place.

And even the holy lands of the Eastern Wasteland came, and he saw Zixia, the Lord of Zifu and others from a distance.

After a few days, more and more people gathered in the Qinling Mountains.And Ye Fan, just like in the original book, met the sick old man again after Xu Yu, and got many secrets from the sick old man's mouth.

It was also during this period that Xu Yu met everyone in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion.At the same time, Xu Yu also asked the disciples of the Holy Land of Zifu to find Huaxianchi, because he knew that as long as he followed Ye Fan, he would be able to find Huaxianchi.

As expected, he is worthy of being the son of destiny in this world. Only half a month has passed since Ye Fan came to the million Qinling Mountains.He found the location of Hualongchi.

And Xu Yu, who followed Ye Fan and others in secret, discovered that the Zifu Shengdi family was not the only one who followed in Ye Fan's footsteps.All the famous holy land religions in the Big Dipper Star Region followed Ye Fan.

For example, the God Lord of the Ji family of the Huanggu Ji family, the emperor of the Immortal Dynasty of Zhongzhou, etc., there are too many. Basically, the famous people of Wulang Island are gathered in the Qinling Mountains, waiting for Ye Fan to open the Immortal Pond.

And Ye Fan is naturally not an ordinary person. After discovering the terrain of Dengxian Land in a lake, he found that there were many people following him behind him.


On a road, the little moon of the Ji family screamed and shocked Ji Haoyue in the adjacent area, and then heaved a sigh of relief. It turned out that the Holy Master of the Ji family had come and followed his sister's footwork.

"Quickly retreat, don't come in here, it's too dangerous." The Holy Master of the Ji family pointed out a road map between Ji Ziyue's eyebrows.

"This old fox must have come a long time ago," Ye Fan said to himself on another road.

"Patriarch, take me in." Ji Ziyue pouted, shaking Patriarch's arm, refusing to let go.

"A lot of people are going to die here today, you should retreat quickly." The Holy Master of the Ji family stretched his sleeves and threw her out, landing at a safe place.Ji Ziyue wrinkled her delicate nose, turned around and ran out, followed the road where Ye Fan was, and followed.

In the distance, the masters of the Jiang family, Yaoguang, and Fengzu's great holy lands all appeared, followed by many masters, among them Ouyang Ye who was infinitely close to the realm of Yuandi master was also on the list.

On the other side, all the sects of Zhongzhou, the great leaders of the four great immortal dynasties appeared one after another, and there was a dragon-hunting master following them.

There are many strange people in the world. After deduction, they followed the eight paths pointed out by Ye Fan, and many strong people followed.


A group of old monks appeared in the cassocks, some of them had multiple Buddha lights behind their heads, their bodies were covered by divine rings, they were compassionate, and their faces were suffering. They looked like top masters.

On the road to the east, a young man appeared, driving a golden ancient chariot, majestic and majestic, with black hair and shawls, Wang Teng had arrived.

He has cultivated martial arts heavenly eyes, two brilliance shot out from his pitch-black pupils, staring at Jiang Huairen's back, his whole body was radiant, and he chased him down.


On the golden ancient chariot soil, Wang Chong stood beside his elder brother, looked back, and sneered disdainfully: "Come in later, don't let me see you guys, go as far as you can. Previously in Qincheng The boy who troubled us must be Ye Fan, this time my elder brother is here, let him wash his neck and wait to be slaughtered."

The golden ancient chariot rumbled by, with knife marks and pot holes on it, like an ancient imperial chariot traveling, with a frightening force, dragons and phoenixes rose up around it, singing nine heavens, and the light soared into the sky.

Jiang Huairen was so angry that the golden ancient chariot rushed past, almost crushing his disheveled head.

Even that little evildoer didn't take him seriously, stood on the car, looked down at him and said such words, domineering.

"I'll wait for you inside" These were Wang Chong's last words. The golden ancient chariot was too fast and disappeared in a flash.

In the distance, on another road, Ye Fan's eyes were flickering, and he said to himself: "The eyes of the martial arts"

Wang Teng has cultivated the Heavenly Eye of Martial Dao, which is even more terrifying than his Yuantian God's Eye, but it can see through all falsehoods, and can see through all falsehoods.

The most frightening thing is that during the battle, the sky eyes can catch all the flaws, and the most terrifying thing is that after some sky eyes are cultivated, other people's movements are as slow as snails and as static in their eyes.

"That person is very powerful, but my brother said that he is not number one in the world." Ji's little moon followed Tulai, with flying black hair, bright eyes, suet-like cheeks, combined together, very playful and charming. soft.

All kinds of religions have come, and a large number of masters have entered. The route chosen by Master Xunlong with his unique vision coincides with the eight paths of life determined by Ye Fan.

"The emperor is here."

Outside, there was a commotion, and many people started talking about it. A man with disheveled hair walked slowly, like a mountain, and entered the fairyland step by step along a path of life.

9000 years ago, he was already a generation of emperors. Now even the leaders of all parties are frightened when they see him. Although his physical age is only 20 years old, his cultivation level is there, and he is superior to others.

"Small, can we go in like this? Will that Wang Teng trouble you?" Ji Ziyue whispered.

"It's okay to be in this place, and their brothers are not allowed to act wild." Ye Fan didn't care.

"The son of Yaoguang is here." The little moon of the Ji family pointed to the other side and whispered: "My brother said that Shengzi Yaoguang is far more powerful than the world imagines."

On that road of life, the Holy Lord of Shaking Light, with his sleeves fluttering, followed behind him a man bathed in divine radiance, like a sun god.

In addition, Yao Xi also followed, a long skirt dragging the floor, graceful and beautiful, like a fairy in the moon palace, walking gracefully.

Ye Fan's heart moved and said: "It seems that Yaoguang Sheng can be alone, otherwise the Yaoguang Shengzhu would not dare to bring him to such a place."

"The people from the Holy Land of Zifu have also come, as well as the Holy Land of Wanchu, and all the people from the Holy Lands of the Eastern Wilderness have come. It seems that Huaxian Pond really affects the hearts of all the Holy Lands."

Beside Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue was introducing to him the people in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, because among all the people present, only the Holy Son of the Zifu Mansion had no intersection with Ye Fan.

But Ye Fan killed Mu Ming, and had an unresolvable hatred with the Holy Land of Zifu.

Xu Yu, who was riding on the golden lion at this time, didn't know that Little Moon of the Ji family was talking about him.

A few days ago, after he joined the people in the Purple Mansion Holy Land.I also met people from the Zhongzhou Qishi Mansion, and there were many golden lions in it.But in the end, under Xu Yu's enthusiastic call, he had to lower his noble head and bow his head to Xu Yu.

The root cause was that he was dealt with by Xu Yu.One-sided face abuse.

Under Xu Yu's hospitality, the golden lion had to return to his job and serve as Xu Yu's mount.

"You have to be careful of the Son of Zifu, he is more mysterious than the Son of Yaoguang among the holy places in the East, he can even be said to be the strongest figure in the younger generation of Beidou, even the Queen Mother of the Yaochi Holy Land I said that the Son of the Purple Mansion is someone that even he can't see through!"

Beside Yifan's heart, Ji Ziyue opened her red lips slightly, and said to Ye Fan in a low voice.

People from the four great immortal dynasties also entered, and there were a few princes who were particularly eye-catching, walking like dragons and tigers, following behind their fathers.

When the old monk from West Desert stepped in, the masters from Nanling also arrived. Not only were there human race masters, but also several great demon masters. There have been many demon masters in Lingnan since ancient times.

"A fight between dragons and tigers is indispensable."

Almost all the people from the five major domains came, and the birthplace of the Qing Emperor was indeed Si Xiaoke. This time, many people's hearts were moved.

"It was deduced by divine calculation, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to find it." Ji Ziyue revealed such a secret.

"It's this magician again, what's his origin?" Ye Fan became suspicious. Two years ago, the master of magician helped the Yin Yang Sect figure out his position.

At this time, they entered the central area of ​​the Immortal Land. They were in the open space between the Huaxian Pond and the ancient cave, and many people came shadowily.

However, no one dared to act rashly, because this place might become more dangerous the closer it was, and they were all waiting for the conclusions of Master Xunlong and Ouyang Ye from Donghuang.

When he came here, Ye Fan was extremely relaxed. He has been studying here for more than a month, and he understands everything better than several dragon-hunting masters and other strange people.

On the other side, Xu Yu and the people in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion are also deciphering the terrain here.After all, he also obtained the Yuantian Book, but he didn't study it in depth.

The smoke and water were lingering, and the mist was hazy, and gradually a thick fog covered the entire stone forest.

The golden lion carried Xu Yu towards the dry lake.

In the dry lake, stone forests grow in clusters, cliffs soar into the sky, and the terrain is undulating and strange, leading to mysterious and unpredictable places.

"Why is there such a thick fog? It's so weird that the divine sense can't penetrate it!" The golden lion shook its tail.

"This is the Land of Climbing Immortals. It is often difficult to get through. It is rumored that it only appears once every ten thousand years. Of course it is weird."

Climb to the Immortal Land, which is not visible on weekdays, and hides in nothingness all the year round, it reappears on its own initiative in the mortal world.

Only when it takes shape can it be captured by the world.

"Climbing to the land of immortality? Isn't it possible for immortals to cross?"


Xu Yu knocked it violently, "If an immortal can pass, why would I look for it, don't talk nonsense, follow the route I said."


The golden lion responded aggrievedly.

Xu Yu's eyes were shining brightly, and he kept checking the terrain of the place, driving the golden lion to the depths of the lake mist.

The thick fog was very thick and eerie, and even the spiritual sense could not penetrate ten feet away, which always made people feel uneasy.

Xu Yu is not calling, this place is not a desperate place, with his current cultivation level, he can walk here without any scruples.

for a long time!

"Master, did we go the wrong way! Why does it feel like the journey is getting longer and longer."

"Don't disturb my deduction!" Xu Yu once again gave the golden lion a shudder.

Xu Yu was also very annoyed, this time the terrain was too weird and complicated, and it was very difficult to deduce it.

This kind of thing is still reliable for professional people.The inheritance of Yuan Tianshi really has its unique features.

"Master, those corpses have appeared again."

The golden lion glanced behind him.

"Some dead people have immortal obsessions. As long as you don't bother me, don't bother with them."

Xu Yu continued to explore the terrain and deduce the correct path. His eyes were full of divine light, and his hands continued to shoot out golden divine patterns one after another, sinking into the ground, moving the terrain, and deducing the path.

After wandering around for a long time, Xu Yu found the right way after going wrong more than a dozen times.

A few days later, Xu Yu drove the golden lion out of the Milu area.

The night quake in front was like blood, staining the sky red, and at the same time, it still had a faint golden brilliance.

"Finally out of that ghost place." The golden lion sighed.

It has been living in fear these past few days, not daring to take a wrong step, and moved forward completely under Xu Yu's guidance.

Because Xu Yu told him that if he took a wrong step, the Supreme Lord would be turned into blood mist.

This piece of terrain is very extraordinary, the mountains respect the warmth, the valleys are open, and the dragon air surrounds the mountains. It is magnificent and magnificent.

A tall corpse on the ground looked very personable under the bloody sunset.

In the distance, there are more than a dozen silver-winged yakshas, ​​their bodies are cast like silver, with a metallic luster, and they only dare to look at them from a distance.

"Why are there so many mummy corpses on the ground, isn't this a piece of immortals?" The golden lion monster shouted.

A huge mountain lies ahead, and on top of it is a pool of water, shining in the setting sun, flowing like a dream group of brilliance.

Next to it, there is a big mountain, and there is an ancient cave on it, which breathes out dragon energy, which attracts people's hearts and minds, which is very extraordinary.

Huaxian Pond and Qiangulong Cave live side by side, not very far apart.

Huaxian Pond is on the top of a huge mountain, where it is very open, the water is visible, the streamer is colorful, full of rays of light, gushing out, the yang energy is extremely heavy, blowing towards the face, like fire from the sky.

On the other side are all Dalei, and the ancient cave at the root of the mountain breathes out dragon energy. Although it is sacred, there is a kind of true power of the sun flowing.

"Huaxian Pond, Qiangulong Cave in Qinling Mountains." Xu Yu looked at these two precious places.

One yin and one yang, just like the yin and yang acupoints.The corpses on the ground were all born after entering this place by chance and falling, and were nourished and metabolized by the dragon energy of the terrain. The strength is not very strong. The breath emitted from Xu Yu's body, those ancient corpses avoided far away.

"Let's go to Huaxian Pond.

Xu Yu drove the golden lion towards the giant mountain in Huaxianchi.

Xu Yu opened his divine eyes and pointed the way for the golden lion.

The closer you get to Huaxian Pond, the greater the invisible pressure will be.

In the last ten miles, the golden lion could no longer move forward.

In the last ten miles, it is said that immortals cannot cross the road, even if immortals come, they will not be able to cross it.

Only when ascending to the immortal land will completely manifest the world, and the immortals will not cross, can they pass through.

But Xu Yu couldn't wait for so long. It would take at least a while for the immortal land to fully manifest in the world.

"You can't get through here, I'll do it myself." Xu Yu collected the golden lion into the small world.

Then enter the last ten miles of Dengxian Road by yourself.A peerless murderous intent was overwhelming, wanting to kill Xu Yu.

Xu Yu's divine light came out through his body, forming gang energy around him, resisting the murderous intent.The more you go inside, the more powerful the murderous intent is, and when the king comes, he will die.

One mile, two miles, three miles...

At the last mile, the peerless murderous intent can kill the saint.

Ordinary saints come, and if they are not prepared, they will fall.

However, Xu Yu's strength was comparable to that of a Dacheng king, and this peerless murderous intent could not stop him.

Relying on his own strength, Xu Yu broke through the natural moat unscathed.

Let the golden lion out, Xu Yu drives the golden lion to search everywhere,
Huaxian Pond is full of brilliance, and the water is overflowing with rays of light, coming out thinly, mysterious and hazy, steaming, and gorgeous.

"Huaxian Pond, according to legend, in the ancient times, fragments of emperor soldiers fell into it. There are supreme immortal treasures, immortal gold, and a chance to become immortal!" Xu Yu said flickeringly.

"How about it, is your heart fluttering?"

"Gulu, there's no danger, right?"

The golden lion was obviously moved, his eyes sparkling.

The water of the lake is clear, like a bar of fine wine, with flowing clouds and auspicious clouds, steaming smoke and clouds, lingering in the sky, and eleven pieces of five lights are translucent.

Although Huaxian Pond is not very big, it feels like a world where someone is reciting scriptures.

The golden lion carried Xu Yu and jumped into the Immortal Pond.

"Puchi, Huhu!!"

After a while, the golden lion couldn't help but floated out of Huaxian Pond, panting heavily.

"Hey, it's so dangerous!" The golden lion was terrified.

Under Huaxian Pond, it seems that a world is connected, and the spaces overlap.Can't get to the bottom of it at all.After entering the bottom of Huaxian Pond, it separated from Xu Yu.

Then he was frightened back by the murderous intent shot out by a fragment of the imperial weapon.

Coupled with the murderous intent contained in the terrain here, the majestic sun power gushing out from the Immortal Transformation Pond forced it back to the table.

If it weren't for its ancestral ancient holy weapon and ancient mirror protection, it doubted whether it would be able to escape.

"Ah, I'm not reconciled! The golden lion jumped into the Immortal Transformation Pond again with the ancient mirror of the holy weapon. The Immortal Transformation Pond is the place where everything is reversed, the place where immortals fly, and the source of life.

Shangxianzhen is also accompanied by a peerless disaster.

Xu Yu turned on the holy body protection, and explored cautiously.

During this period, Xu Yu also saw fragments of the emperor's army, and the intertwined divine chains inside were almost wiped out with the passage of time.

Xu Yu collected it, took out the Immortal Gold Cauldron, and melted it into the Immortal Gold Cauldron.

Although the Dao Ze Divine Chain was obliterated, it was still the Immortal Gold, which could be absorbed into the Immortal Gold Cauldron to be devoured, strengthening the Immortal Gold Cauldron Dixuan.

In the process of continuous exploration, Xu Yu collected more than a dozen fragments of the emperor's armament, which did not belong to an emperor's armament.

There are eternal blue gold, dragon pattern black gold, feathered green gold, fairy tears green gold...

They are all fragments of emperor armies of an unknown age. From the age of mythology to the present, an unknown number of emperors and emperors have been born in the past countless years.

(End of this chapter)

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