Chapter 158

With the innate eyes and the source technique comparable to the source technique master, although the path chosen by the area is full of dangers, it entered the Huaxian Pond one step ahead of Ye Fan, the protagonist.

However, before they had time to search extensively, people from other holy places also broke through the taxis that climbed the sky and came to Hualongchi.

Although it was only a quarter of an hour earlier than the people in other holy places, they entered Huaxian Pond.But Xu Yu also chose to go public and reaped a lot of money.

In these two quarters of an hour, he had already harvested dozens of fragments of the former imperial soldiers from the lake.

The most unpredictable thing in the world is the human heart.When there are common interests, even two people who have a hatred higher than the sky and deeper than the sea will choose to cooperate.

Just like Ye Fan and All Saints.When Ye Fan was about to decipher the terrain of Dengtiandi, no one shot him.He even wished that he could crack the terrain of Dengxian Land as soon as possible.

Just like now.Many great teachings are after you enter the Huaxian Pond, while looking for various fairy things in different ways.On the other hand, he did not forget to apply eye drops to Ye Fan.For example, Ouyang Ye from the Yuanshu family fell into trouble at this time, with a despicable face like a moral god.

Opening his mouth and shutting his mouth is to ask Ye Fan to hand over the Yuantian Book, and even people from other holy places.It is even the idea of ​​not letting Ye Fan leave Huaxianchi alive.

Ouyang Ye from the Yuanshu family joined forces with members of the Zhongzhou Xiao family to attack Ye Fan.But in the end it came after some traction.Zhongzhou dragon veins turned into fly ash.

The fairy pond is sparkling, the haze is flowing, the colors are colorful, and the water is dotted. It is not so violent, it can be called gentle, but it makes many people frown, because they vaguely heard the heaven and the earth reciting the ancient scriptures.


A monk couldn't bear it, and was the first to jump into the lake, and the other plunged down, trying to find holy objects such as fragments of the emperor's soldiers.

"It must be the shattering of the extreme emperor's soldiers here, and it is the Dao scriptures contained in them that are echoing!"


A monk faced each other with horizontal swords, and fought to choose a favorable position. With a "poof", heads flew up, blood splashed down, and the corpse fell to the ground.

Facing the Immortal Pond, everyone could not be calm, and they shot one after another. Many people jumped into the lake one after another, trying to salvage the shocking holy things.


Violent fluctuations came, and the two master-level figures started to stir up a wave of water, and the life energy in the fairy pond overflowed, making the hearts of those present palpitate.

If Huaxian Pond and Qiangulong Cave can be obtained, there is a glimmer of hope for enlightenment. This legend is widely spread, and people are naturally moved, and everyone wants to gain something.

In just a short moment, dozens of people have already jumped in, and the others jumped in one after another, not to be outdone.

"No, why didn't anyone come up." Ji Ziyue muttered softly.

The water in the lake is as clear as sapphire, and streaks of auspicious clouds are flowing, but no one is seen jumping out of the water, entering or exiting.

Many strong men felt palpitations and sensed the abnormality, they all stopped in their steps, and those who had just jumped up screamed and forcibly fell back.

"Just now a powerful person also jumped in, but didn't come up..." someone whispered.

The rest of the people were terrified in their hearts, and they didn't dare to act rashly anymore. Could it be that these people had accidents and died below?People get hairy.

"Let the old man take a closer look." A dragon-hunting master stepped forward, opened his eyes, and observed the fairy lake.

Everyone held their breath and listened to what he said quietly. Facing a fairy land that could prove the Tao, but they couldn't enter it, they were nervous and anxious.

"There shouldn't be a problem. It's a real land of flying immortals. It's so wonderful that it's unparalleled in the world. How could it be dangerous..." Master Xunlong said to himself.


Suddenly, there was a loud earthquake, and another eternal dragon cave at the root of Dayue Mountain swallowed the source of the real dragon, and a dragon chant went up to the nine heavens and down to the nine secluded worlds.

Obviously, a group of leader-level figures broke in, causing drastic changes, and it was as if the ancient dragon's lair had been revived!
In the ancient cave, there is a elixir of the world, a magic essence of fantasy level, and even a holy spirit comparable to a great emperor. Many people have changed their colors.

"Ancestor of the Cai family, is the fourth generation of Yuan Tianshi also born?!" Ye Fan wondered.

This is a young man who is still somewhat immature, sitting down in the shallow water of Xianhu Lake, holding a green copper block the size of a fist in his hand, with mottled embroidery.

The most peculiar thing is that there is a small green lotus more than one foot high rooted on it, and the tough and crystal roots are entwined, and the two grow together.

Ye Fan's scalp twitched, and his heart turned violently. This piece of green copper was in tatters. It was similar to the one in his body, and it was very likely that it came from the same source!
The most important thing is that there is a small green lotus growing on the green copper block, which is too similar to the legend, that is how the demon emperor was born back then.

Not only did he stare at the green copper and the little green lotus, but everyone else turned their gazes over. Even though people didn't know the origin of the copper block, they were moved when they saw a green lotus.

It is well known that a great emperor walked out of Huaxian Pond, and everyone who saw this scene was horrified.

"There is no living thing in the fairy lake, not even a single fish, but now... another demon emperor is about to be born?"

"This piece of green copper, could it be a fragment of the Emperor's Armament of the Extreme Dao, which has sunk into countless treasures since ancient times!"

The hearts of the several leaders were beating faster and beating non-stop, and they stepped forward together. The things in the young people's hands are of great importance and must be won.

The young man trembled, and several leaders forced him to come. He made his bones shudder, and he felt that he was on the verge of life and death. He knew that he had got something he shouldn't have.

At this moment, a fat man came running from a distance, with a broken bowl as big as an iron pot on his head, his feet did not touch the ground, and he flew over a foot above the ground.

He is the only monk who can fly here, and he fell into the lake like a stone pier, reaching out to the green copper block, with an excited expression on his face.

Several sect masters shot together, pressing down like a mountain to block the unscrupulous Taoist Duan De, the white waves of the trembling fairy lake soared into the sky, and the fat man fell into it with a thud.

People were terrified, several leaders didn't hurt him, but he was stopped by the black light from the broken bowl, and he just fell into the lake.

"Wuliang Tianzun, Pindao has a destiny with him in his past and present lives!" Duan De shot again, and at the same time, thousands of strands of black light fell from the broken bowl on his head, and the cover fell down.

"Bold!" several leaders shouted, and they all attacked again, offering magic weapons to suppress them.

The young man was frightened. The fight between several big shots made him look like he had eaten bitter melon, with a painful expression and unable to move forward or retreat.

For him, it was a great opportunity, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, he was not blessed to accept it, and it was impossible to put away the precious materials in his hands.

Several leaders descended from the sky, and the Wan Dao Wuguang of the broken bowl also fell down, but at this moment, the green and copper upper green lotus shook slightly, breaking everything.


It is only one foot high, but it has immortal power, smashing everything, and sinking to the center of the lake with the green copper block.

"!" Duan De was heartbroken, screaming like a dead old woman, and was about to rush over.

The several leaders were also very distressed. They jumped forward, stretched out their big hands, and tried their best to fish for the depths of the fairy pond, but all these were in vain, and they failed to catch it.

"Oh my god, I missed it again, only a little bit, but I missed it like this." Duan De was dizzy and almost fell into the lake.

Xu Yu was also nervous for a while. Seeing the green copper piece sinking into the center of the lake, he felt lost.

"The fragments of the Jidao Emperor's Armament, something that existed in the ancient times!"

"The name of this lake is Huaxian Lake. Maybe immortals were born there. Maybe it's the fragments of immortal soldiers!"

People sighed, feeling extremely regretful and regretful, the leaders and Duan De were in the mood to cry, wishing they could hit their heads on the ground.


There was a loud roar in the distance, the lake was boiling, and the haze was soaring into the sky. The place was full of auspicious colors, crystal clear and brilliant.

At the root of another mountain, there was an extremely tragic scene. After the humanoid red-haired creature appeared, it went on a killing spree. Eighteen people from the first floor of Sendai died in an instant.

The humanoid red-haired creature rushed past, and a big paw covered with red hairs tore off their skulls, and their brains were scattered everywhere.


Finally, a great power also suffered, and with a scream, half of his body was torn off.

Blood spurted out, and all the internal organs flowed out.

The dozen or so weapons he sacrificed were all swallowed by the red-haired creature, panting and bouncing like chewing beans, and destroyed between its teeth.


The red-haired creature lifted his skull and sucked it clean with a "lift", only a few drops of brains stuck to the thick red hair at the corners of its mouth, which looked extraordinarily ferocious.

Everyone's hair stood on end, and their skin and bones were cold. This humanoid red-haired creature was more terrifying than a ghost, extremely murderous, and extremely cruel.

"Shi Jiexian, is it going to succeed in cultivation? It's so terrifying!"

No one is not afraid, even a great power has fallen, no matter how you fight, no one will be an opponent, unless a saint of the human race comes, otherwise they will all die.

The eyes of the humanoid red-haired creature flickered with blood, obliterating all emotions in the world, like two bloody abysses, it can scare people to death.

No one thought that the so-called divine orb contained such a creature, and it was almost called a magic orb, and breaking it was equivalent to opening the gate of hell.

"It is the ancestor of the Cai clan. It is the third generation of Yuan Tianshi in the Eastern Desolation. In his later years, something ominous happened. His bones were buried in the cave of the ancient dragon in the Qinling Mountains, and it turned out to be like this!"

Someone knew the secret and yelled out.

"Let's do it together, or everyone will die!"

Even the sect leaders of all parties couldn't calm down anymore, they roared together, and all shot, sacrificing various weapons.


The bell rang, and a big golden bell rang for nine days. It sank down like a star and hit the humanoid red-haired creature.


The sky fire is raging, and a gossip furnace is flickering. It is huge and cast in green gold.


A large black millstone was turning, like jet-black divine gold, crushed down, as if it wanted to wipe out all living beings in the world.

All the major sect masters took action, attacking and killing with weapons that were sacrificed for their lives. It is very critical now, if one fails, the entire army will be wiped out, and no one will survive.

The humanoid red-haired creature was really fierce. It turned into a beam of blood and shook all kinds of weapons. In just one breath, it heard the screams of the weapons breaking and the big man.

The golden bell that rang for nine days broke into dozens of pieces, the blazing Bagua furnace was broken into several large pieces, and the big black millstone was squeezed into a pile of scrap iron, all of which were destroyed!

"Ah..." a powerful man screamed, his heart
It was pulled out and thumped in the big red-haired claws.

(End of this chapter)

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