Chapter 159 Dream Essence
The humanoid red-haired creature turned around and spread its five fingers together, leaving five finger holes on the skull of another powerful man, and five white streaks of brains rushed out.


With a strong pull, it tore off the third Almighty's right arm, put it in its mouth and began to chew, the bones stubbled, and blood flowed from the corner of its mouth.

The scene here is bloody and cruel. The third generation of Yuan Tianshi seems to have escaped from the evil god who opened the shackles from hell, killing anyone he sees, and no one is an opponent.It doesn't do anything on purpose, but it does

You can use the original power of the heavenly way at will for your own use. The masters just now were all fixed by it, and they couldn't even struggle.

"If the saint of the human race doesn't come, there's no way to fight him!" Someone collapsed, and a powerful man yelled in fear.

"There are only two saints in this world, one is far away in the Eastern Wasteland, and the other is the Fighting Victory Buddha at Mount Sumeru, far away in the sky, there is no way to suppress them!"

Suddenly, there was a long howl, the Peacock King's hair was flying, and the Chilong Taoist robe was hunting. The two of them took a weapon from Yan Ruyu's hand, and they emitted a blue light.

The aura of the ancient great emperor permeated the air, and a terrifying fluctuation like the collapse of the universe and the starry sky fluctuated in the vastness, and the eternal blue sky will be empty!
The soldiers of the Jidao Emperor revived, and the power of the Qing Emperor reappeared in the world. The leaders of all parties couldn't help bowing down, and the ancient gods trembled because of it.

This is a chaotic green lotus, with nine leaves supporting the heaven and earth, and a emerald vine rooting against the gods. This is like a living demon emperor, because it is made of his body!

As soon as the emperor's soldiers came out, they almost crushed the heavens and myriad realms. Finally, some of the great powers in front couldn't help it, and knelt down, unable to bear the pressure of the great emperor.

The humanoid red-haired creature was terrified, stopped killing, trembled slightly, and kept retreating, fear from the heart.

This is the power of the demon emperor, the only supreme emperor who proved the Tao, broke the rules of heaven and earth, and overwhelmed this big world in the post-desolate ancient times!

At this moment, another dragon chant came out, and a dragon sword flew out, as if it could shake the heavens, and possessed unparalleled attack power!
The dragon head has a sword edge, a nine-clawed sword pattern, and the dragon tail turns into a sword hilt.

The birth of the Taihuang Sword prevents No.10 from being the most beautiful in the past 1 years. The two soldiers shine together, and the sun and the moon are dark.


Many sect masters coughed up blood, even though they were the rulers of this world today, they couldn't bear this kind of power, and they all staggered back, their faces white.

The two emperor soldiers are like two beams of eternal light, people can't resist at all, this is a surrender from the heart, even a holy master can't help but kowtow and worship.

The humanoid red-haired creature is very powerful, killing a sect leader is like picking flowers and weeds, but at this time, it has the intention of retreating, no matter how powerful it is, it dare not confront Diwei.

It kept retreating, and then it let out a loud cry, rushed out of the ancient cave, and ran in another direction.


By the side of the Immortal Pond, cultivator Zhou felt chills down his spine, and the humanoid red-haired creature rushed up the mountain, rushing towards them, as if urging them to die.

"Where to go!"

In the rear, Red Dragon Taoist and Peacock King shouted, holding chaotic green lotus, circulating the power of opening up the world, chasing and killing them.

The Great Xia Emperor hung the Taihuang Sword over his head, transformed into a golden dragon, and killed it too. When the sword came out, the sky and the earth trembled.

The humanoid red-haired creature rushed up to the top of the mountain, and before it could make a move, there was a scream from the shore of the fairy lake. Without exception, the several masters of origin technique in the Eastern Wilderness all gave birth to red hair, like ghosts, in front of them. Rolling on the ground.

Even Ye Fan was trembling all over, as if he was resisting something terrifying, his whole body exploded with golden blood.

Everyone was chilled from head to toe when they saw this scene. This scene made them heartbroken, and they didn't know why it was like this.

At this moment, everyone was silent, not daring to vent their breath, waiting quietly for the arrival of the extreme emperor soldiers, no one dared to snatch your elixir from the monster's body.

Xu Yu in the distance called everyone from the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion to go to the shallow part of Huaxian Pond to search for treasures, while he, Zixia, the Holy Master of the Zi Mansion, and several elders of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion were slowly approaching the third generation of Yuantian division.

At the same time, he also took out the Yuan Shi Seal, preparing to give it to the third generation Yuan Tianshi at a critical moment.


Suddenly, a loud shout came from the deepest part of the ancient cave at the root of the mountain, as if a supreme being woke up from a deep sleep, sending out a terrifying wave like a vast ocean.

An ancient chariot rushed out, not more than one foot high, pulled by a little purple unicorn that was more than one foot long, and a small cyan dragon that was more than one foot long hovered on it, and another one that was more than half a foot long The Red Blood Divine Phoenix danced behind.

In addition, seven or eight villains with a height of more than half a foot opened the way in front of them. They were of different colors and looked like jade carvings, running fast in front of them.

On the ancient chariot stood a humanoid creature more than one foot tall, like a god, surrounded by [-] divine rings, and shouted: "Who is making noise here to wake up our immortal ancient emperor?! "

It is a superior person, not the immortal ancient emperor, but it has a monstrous terrifying power. Although it is only more than one foot high, it will collapse the world.


"There is a living ancient emperor?!"

Everyone was stunned, unable to believe all this. How could there be such an existence in future generations? There was an ancient emperor sleeping in the eternal dragon veins of the Qinling Mountains. Who is he? !

Great Emperor, these two words can crush the past, the present and the future, representing the ultimate in combat power, the ultimate in Tao, and the ultimate in human beings!
Since ancient times, there have been only a few great emperors of the human race, and each of them has left a legacy of great deeds.

In the post-desolate ancient times, for 10 years, Emperor Qing was the only one who proved the Tao and became emperor. Now that he died only [-] years ago, did another emperor appear?
This news, like the explosion of the universe and the extinction of the galaxy, is almost unbelievable, too shocking, and people are terrified and frightened.

This team of creatures is colorful, each one is crystal clear, all of them are no more than one foot high, like a group of jade elves, but they are all extremely powerful.

The ancient chariot seems to exist side by side with the world. It is polished by stone tools. It is only one foot high, and the [-]-centimeter-long purple unicorn pulls the chariot and rushes out of the ancient cave.

"Whoever disturbs the emperor's sleep will die!" On the stone cart, the one-foot-tall humanoid creature roared, surrounded by one hundred and eight divine rings, and shouted loudly.

He waved lightly, and a piece of ancient characters flew out, engraved in the nothingness, several powerful screams, and flew out like a few tattered scrolls.

Every word is like a magic hammer, which can vomit blood, break bones and tendons, and is powerful and irresistible. It is the original embodiment of Dao, and a word is a kind of Dao.

After the bodies of two of them shattered, they never reassembled, and their bodies and spirits were all destroyed. The other three's souls were dim, and their bodies were bloodless.

When everyone saw this, they all flew away without any hesitation. There was no way to stay in this ancient cave. How could they resist such a terrifying existence? It was even worse than that red-haired creature.

"Where to go!"

The villain like Yu Jing shouted loudly, the divine ring on his body was shining brightly, he shouted behind him, and drove after him.

On its head, a cyan dragon less than a foot long and a red-blooded phoenix more than half a foot long danced along, chasing together, and the seven or eight half-foot-tall villains who were leading the way also raised their swords and charged forward. By the fairy pond, Pangbo's eyes were bright, and he said:
"The Jade Soldiers in these villains' hands are not much worse than my Nine God Soldiers!"

People are horrified, what kind of group of creatures is this? They are so short, but they are all so powerful that there is no one who can resist them.

"The creatures on the chariot are shrouded by divine rings. Except for the old lunatic and the Buddha who defeated the Buddha on Mount Sumeru, I am afraid that they are not their opponents!"

"I feel a power to destroy everything. The creature and the humanoid red-haired creature are almost on the verge of becoming holy, and their combat power is terrifying."

Those leaders rushed to the mountain where Huaxianchi was located, and now only the Chaos Qinglian and Taihuang Sword here can suppress the powerful enemy, otherwise they will die wherever they flee.

"The coercion of the ancient emperor cannot be desecrated. You disturbed his sleep, and you can only apologize with death." The humanoid creature seemed to be announcing the doomsday judgment.

The red-haired humanoid roared and shattered a lot of corpses by the fairy pool, many people died unexpectedly.

Several Yuanshu masters from Donghuang all stood upright with red hair, no longer rolled over, got up from the ground, and stood beside him, with blood in their eyes, obliterating all human emotions.

"What kind of monster is this? Why is it still contagious?!" People were terrified.

The Red Dragon Taoist and the Peacock King hold the chaotic green lotus, and the Great Xia Emperor hangs the Taihuang Sword above his head. The two imperial soldiers complement each other, and they have the potential to run through the past, present, and future.

Most of the people knelt on the ground, unable to resist the coercion of the ancient emperor, the third generation Yuan Tianshi's eyes were bloody, and he no longer retreated, but wanted to strike again.

Seeing him like this, the people holding the imperial weapon also muttered for a while, if there is a big fight, it is not certain who will live and who will die.

The Jidao Emperor Soldiers are indeed powerful, but how many blows can they deliver?It can destroy the saint, but a group of jade spirits behind chased them up, and it is impossible to always mobilize the emperor's soldiers, because the consumption is huge.

A group of monks were caught in front of Huaxian Pond. It can be said that there were wolves in front and tigers in back, and they couldn't advance or retreat.

"Kill the humanoid red-haired creature first, but what about the dozen or so jade elves behind?" Emperor Daxia discussed with Chilong Laodao.

At this time, the third generation Yuan Tianshi also saw their fear, let out a roar, more than a dozen bloody rays rushed out of his body, and there were many screams.

Those dragon-hunting masters in Zhongzhou, without a single exception, were all enlightened, and all of them turned into humanoid red-haired creatures, resembling ghosts.

At the same time, the golden holy blood in Ye Fan's body burned again, and a layer of strange power was pushed out.

"It's broken, it's hard to tell if it's real or not. He has taken over so many bodies, which one is the place where his soul lives?"

People were very frightened, keenly aware that the third generation Yuan Tianshi was splitting the soul, even if the emperor soldiers were to fight, it would still be able to escape.

"The ones who have red hair are all origin masters and dragon seekers. Could it be that people who have been walking in the depths of the earth all year round have already been stained with a terrible mark?"

Xu Yu said to himself.

At the same time, a one-foot-long unicorn arrived with an ancient chariot and appeared on the top of the mountain. The Peacock King and the Great Xia Emperor held imperial soldiers, and they didn't know which side to kill first.

"The real emperor's soldiers, this is a grand feast. The great emperor of our clan happens to be short of weapons, so please present them together." The villain on the chariot sneered.

"I think you are impatient to live." The old Chilong shouted, and the Chichao Qinglian was about to sweep forward.

"You think that I am afraid that you will fail, my patriarch has already become the great emperor, and he is the ruler in this land of ascension to immortality, and everything is for his use.

In front of the unicorn chariot, eight half-foot-tall villains each held a command flag, stood in all directions, and began to worship the sky, while the blue dragon and the half-foot-long scarlet-blooded divine phoenix began to sing. .

The Qinling Mountains trembled violently, and the infinite dragon energy soared into the sky, gathering into a huge real dragon, condensing in the sky, looking down, the dragon's might was like the sea, and people were suffocated.

"This is the Eternal Dragon Vein. All the dragon power has rushed out to fight against the emperor's army!"

People are surprised that this is the strongest dragon vein in Zhongzhou, which has existed for thousands of years and stretches for millions of miles. It has already given birth to the ancestral gods with incredible power.

"This is to use Zhongzhou's ancestral roots to fight against the Jidao Emperor's soldiers!"

People were shocked. The most powerful ancestral roots in Zhongzhou represented the great luck of Zhongzhou, but now they are used to deal with the ancient emperor's weapon. One can imagine the seriousness of the matter.

If the dragon force is broken up, Zhongzhou will undergo drastic changes from now on, and God knows what terrible consequences will be, because this is the collapse of the earth essence.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the power and terror of the imperial army requires the entire vast expanse of Zhongzhou's great luck to fight against, how domineering and powerful this is.

"Humans, so what if you have emperor soldiers, the great emperor of our clan is still alive, and he will be born, who of you can resist?" The humanoid creature covered with a hundred and eight divine rings shouted.

However, his body couldn't help shaking, it was completely suppressed by the extreme emperor soldiers, even if he was as strong as him, he couldn't bear the breath of the ancient emperor.

However, both sides did not fight. Once the Qinling Dragon and the Emperor Soldiers collide, it will be disastrous. Now they are just deterring each other, and no one dares to make a move unless it is absolutely necessary.


The Peacock King snorted coldly, and said: "Zhongzhou's great luck, it is already very difficult to compete with an imperial soldier. We have two here. What do you use to suppress it?"

Suddenly, there was a cold snort from the depths of the earth, and a ray of emperor's power rushed up, and the power of the emperor's soldiers suddenly became much smaller, almost sealed.

"What, there is really a great emperor?" People were dumbfounded. Many thought it was the jade elves who were intimidating, but now they knew that there really was a supreme being, sleeping deep in the earth's veins.

"Ignorant human beings, you disturbed the great emperor, even if you die, it will be difficult to wash away your sins, so present the emperor's soldiers." The humanoid creature stood on the chariot and shouted.

On the other side, the third-generation Yuan Tianshi led more than a dozen red-haired creatures towards Ye Fan step by step, forcing him past, with endless murderous intentions.

When Ye Fan cast the source technique, lines flew out one after another, imprinted in the void, which was the secret technique recorded in the book of Yuantian.

Perhaps the third-generation master Yuan Tian was very familiar with the Yuan Tianshu. When he saw Ye Fan cast the source art, his body froze suddenly, and he lost his mind for a moment, and he was a little dazed.

"Patriarch!" Seeing this situation, Ye Fan was also calling for the third generation of Yuan Tianshi, wanting to wake up the third generation of Yuan Tianshi.

The third-generation Yuan Tianshi let out a low growl, and blood and tears rolled out of his eyes, filled with endless despair and sadness, and stretched out his hand to grab something.

Ye Fan lost his mind, what happened to Yuan Tianshi, he had such an expression, what is the ominousness in his later years?

However, the third-generation patriarch suddenly raised his head, all emotions disappeared, revealing endless icy aura, and rushed towards him like lightning.


Ye Fan was terrified, stepped on the Xingzi Jue, and disappeared in a flash, and came to the Peacock King. The chaotic green lotus trembled, and the red-haired creature yelled, turned upside down, and did not dare to approach.


Screaming one after another, the third generation of Tianshi Yuan shot continuously, killing anyone he saw, no one could resist.

Chaos Qinglian and Taihuang Sword were respectively blocked by Qinling Dalong and the murderous intent almost like a great emperor, and they didn't dare to be distracted to block them.

"It's a dream-level spirit. He must have psychically transformed into a human form. Did he really succeed in proving the Tao and become a great emperor?"


There were screams, and the third-generation Yuan Tianshi and the creature covered with one hundred and eight divine rings started killing at the same time, and even the leader-level figure died a few people.

This was a catastrophe, and people were powerless to resist, crying and shouting, dodging to Taihuang Sword and Chaos Qinglian for shelter.

"The human race is nothing more than that, but with your strength, you are worthy to be the ruler of this land. You are too weak and vulnerable!" The humanoid creature on the ancient Qilin chariot sneered cruelly.

People know that even if the old lunatic comes, or the battle against the Buddha of Mount Sumeru comes, it may not necessarily solve the problem.Because, the majesty of the terrifying existence in the dragon veins that is as terrifying as the great emperor is getting stronger and stronger, and it is about to be born.

(End of this chapter)

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