Chapter 164
Unknowingly, half a year has passed since the Battle of Qinling Mountains, and a lot of things have happened during this half year.

First, Ye Fan, the holy body, searched for the forces that attacked him in Huaxianchi in Zhongzhou to take revenge, and then he had a shopping battle with the living fossils of the Yin Yang Sect in Qishi Mansion.

Relying on the advantage of vitality, he successfully consumed the living fossils of Yin Yang Sect, and then left Beidou in the Kowloon coffin after a battle between Ji's family and Beidi Wang Teng.

And Xu Yu also began to comprehend him in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion and obtained several imperial scriptures. At the same time, he also re-evolved the inheritance obtained from Lin Xun, and wanted to combine the different cultivation methods of the two worlds to create his own invincible way.


The sun rose and then set, and the flowers and trees in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion withered and then radiated vitality. It has been five years since Xu Yu retreated to comprehend the path of slashing the way.

During these five years, Xu Yu combined many imperial scriptures and Lin Xun's inheritance in Tianjiao's world to continuously develop the secrets hidden in the human body and tap his own potential.

Finally, he has cultivated all five of his secret realms to the extreme, and tempered his body and primordial spirit to the most perfect state of his realm.

Not to mention anything else, just taking his soul as an example, he reorganized the cultivation method of the soul that he had created before, making the villain of the soul as solid and immortal as his body, and could even condense into a body. The stem of the Yuanshen sword, when activated, is invincible and invincible, and in a true sense, it has the supreme style of the three major swordsmanship of the past and present.

Xu Yu, who has been quiet for five years, has decided to enter the realm of breaking through, hoping to enter the realm of kings.

To cut off the way is also to cut off the way forward of the practitioner, so that he has no way to find and cannot go further.

This hurdle is extremely difficult, and it doesn't make much difference if you practice for a hundred days or a hundred years, or even a thousand years, it all depends on your own understanding.

Some people can break into this realm in a day, and some people stop here all their lives.

God's will is like a knife, destroying the foundation.Immortal San cuts the way, that is, the heaven wants to block the monk's way.

Similarly, you can cut the way yourself, cut off the obsession in your heart, and cut out your own way forward!

Donghuang, on a peak in the Holy Land of Zifu, this place is not a fairyland, there is only one wooden house on the peak, Li Xuyu has been living here alone.

Now what he faces will be an extremely important node on the road of practice, cutting the way.

It has been many years since he reached the peak of Immortal Er, and five years of comprehension gave him a great understanding, feeling that he has reached the edge of slashing the way.

These days, he carefully comprehended everything he had learned, recited the scriptures of Yuan Shi Xian Jing, Tai Yin Sun Bible, Infinite Heavenly Venerable, etc., thinking about the path he was going to take, and his heart gradually became clear.

Cut the road!The time is not far away.

"The act of practice is to transcend everything, to achieve true freedom and freedom, so that nothing in the universe can hinder itself."

"Since this is the case, how can I let the heaven and the earth cut my own body, obey the mortal, and rebel the immortal? I can't control my fate!"

Xu Yu gradually understood what was in his heart, his goal was to become immortal, to step on the top of the world, this is his obsession.

But this side of heaven and earth does not allow people to live forever, and it has become the biggest obstacle on the road. Then he can only cut the road against the road, break the shackles of heaven and earth, and make his own road wider and wider. Only in this way can he have the opportunity to become a fairy.

"Immortal, you should still be full of emotions and desires, not a ruthless aspirant. Obsession is also a part of the human body, how can it be missing..."

Xu Yu's will became more and more firm, and he realized his own Dao more and more, which is a road against the world!

If he succeeds, his road ahead will be a broad road, and he will really begin to surpass other Tianjiao.If it fails, then everything will naturally cease to exist.

"Cut the Dao! Only by cutting through the thorns and thorns, and opening up the road ahead, is the real immortal three cutting the Dao, this is the true meaning of the Dao!"

It's just that the Big Dipper is the Emperor Burying Star, and there are many great emperors and ancient emperors who have been here. If they cut the Dao here, it is unknown how many powerful Dao Marks of the Great Emperor will be attracted to come.

But if he breaks through the past, the achievement will definitely shock the ages, and he will go straight to catch up with the most powerful emperors in ancient and modern times, and see scenery that has never been seen before.

In front of the wooden house, a few green vines coiled around, accompanied by a green pine, swaying gently in the breeze, Xu Yu stood in front of it, fluttering in white clothes, ethereal.

"it's time!"

Seven days later, he suddenly opened his eyes, in which the sun, moon, and stars disillusioned and evolved, and the moment of severing the Tao came.

He kept all his treasures, including the emperor's soldiers, and only Xian Jinding went through the tribulation with him, leaving no way out.

"Are you ready!" The old man Zixu and the Lord of Zifu appeared beside Xu Yu and asked seriously.

"That's right, cut the path today and start heading towards the distant throne." Xu Yu said firmly.

He stepped into the depths of the sky step by step, away from the vast land, and went to the depths of the universe, otherwise the thunder calamity would destroy a mountain and river and sink the peaks.

The catastrophe of reversing the Dao will be extremely terrifying, and it will definitely be devastating. Even he himself cannot guarantee that he will be able to survive.

Everyone in the Holy Land of Zifu also set off together, especially the core disciples who had gone to the God Realm with Xu Yu before, and others were also brought by their elders.

I want them to observe the Dao Slashing Tribulation up close, so as to accumulate more experience for them in the future.

But there are also people who look worried. After all, for thousands of years, no one in the entire Beidou has successfully cut the way, and only the god king Jiang Taixu 4000 years ago is the only one who has recorded a successful way in the past thousand years.

Stand alone in the vast universe, feel the extreme silence, the vast coercion of the ancient Big Dipper comes from far away, like a dormant ancient god.

"let's start!"

There is an immortal golden cauldron floating on Xu Yu's head, urging Dao Xing, letting go of his breath completely, linking the heaven, earth and universe, exuding a will that overrides everything.


The starry sky universe was originally nothingness, but at this moment, tribulation thunder fell from the eternal unknown, forming a vast sea of ​​thunder!

In an instant, Xu Yu was submerged in it, accepting the punishment and catastrophe of the will of the heavens and the earth, and thunder lights as thick as divine mountains struck him continuously.

The scene at this moment is shocking, and it will make all practitioners terrified, almost like a punishment from heaven that will destroy the world.

This kind of catastrophe is rare in ancient and modern times, and it is extremely terrifying. Even a single thunder light is far more powerful than other people's great catastrophe, but Xu Yu has to endure its bombardment endlessly.

He bathed in the sea of ​​thunder, his long black hair danced wildly, and fought against the great catastrophe alone, using thunder as the divine liquid to temper his body and soul.

The sky thunder is destructive, splitting the starry sky of the universe and continuously collapsing, with terrifying black cracks extending endlessly.

Only Xu Yu in the center has an immortal golden tripod on his head, with divine light shining and never extinguishing, accepting tempering and baptism.

Boundless and boundless, it seemed as if all the thunder from the heaven and the earth had gathered here, trying to stop that little figure from moving forward.

The skin of his whole body is full of precious brilliance, and every pore is swallowing the light of thunder. The primordial spirit in the celestial platform steps out, and takes a deep breath of thunder light like clouds and the sea, and it is absorbed into the mouth, like a fairy breathing.

At this moment, the monks in Donghuang seemed to sense something. The unknown place in Tianyu seemed to be pregnant with a catastrophe, which made them feel a little panicked, as if a catastrophe was imminent, and the end was coming.

This overwhelming aura made many monks tremble, and even the ancestors of some ancient clans were shocked, and they looked at the sky in horror.

However, they didn't see anything. The Eastern Wilderness is too vast, with hundreds of millions of miles at every turn, and no one understands the specific situation. Even those who are proficient in deduction of divine arts don't understand the reason.

But someone felt the general direction, and went to explore the endless wasteland of the Eastern Desolation.


After a long time, the first thunder calamity dissipated, and inexplicable and strange electric lights appeared in the depths of the sky, some of them were eternal furnaces, some were like Taihuang swords, and one after another emperor's weapon was constantly manifested, mysterious and terrifying.

This kind of thunder is extremely violent, falling one after another, enough to smash a star!
This is the trace of the Dao engraved between the heaven and the earth, representing the supreme gods that once manifested in this sky, and every time they are struck down, they have the power of destroying the world.

If Xu Yu wants to cut against the Dao of Heaven and Earth and get out of the way, he will naturally have to bear the impact and obstruction of thousands of Taos from ancient times.


Thunder and light danced in the universe, human-shaped lightning and emperor soldiers changed form, and many ancient stars were shattered in a trance, which was the replay of the historical scene.

After the lightning from the Emperor Artifact, there were hundreds of lights streaking across the endless depths, emitting incomparably brilliant divine lights, shining with eternal brilliance, and colliding together, they were actually stars.

They have the power of thunder, shake bright and long tail lights, and carry the power to destroy the world!
Xu Yu frowned slightly. He knew that there might be visions during Dao Slashing, but he didn't expect that there would be hundreds of meteors at the beginning. This is a terrifying sight.

It rushed from the depths of the universe, filled with a mysterious power, vast and boundless, and every star was as dazzling as the sun.


Xu Yu controlled the Immortal Golden Cauldron and at the same time performed the Immortal Tribulation Sword Jue, cutting out in the midst of the Heavenly Tribulation, the sword energy emitted a towering divine brilliance, filled with black and yellow.

The catastrophe was moved by him, and when he met with the stars, he held the golden cauldron in his hand, shook the stars hard, shattered all dharmas, the rays of light were billions, and all the stars were turned into dust.

Even a small ray of catastrophe is destructive, equivalent to the catastrophe of other people's great realm, enough to destroy mountains, rivers and giant mountains.

The pores of his whole body are dilated, thousands of rays of light come in and out, his body is autonomously swallowing the sea of ​​thunder and light, and his flesh and bones are breathing.

He knew that although the catastrophe at this moment was terrifying, it was only in the early stage, and there would be even more terrifying catastrophe in the future.

Xu Yu's body stretched out, the pores all over his body opened, and there were streams of electric lights gushing out from them.

At this moment, there was no place on his body that was not covered by the infinite lightning. Every organ and every cell in his body was being baptized by the lightning.

He opened his mouth and exhaled, and what he exhaled was a burst of lightning, his lungs had already been filled with the vast electric light, and even the fine hairs on his body were being ravaged by Jieguang.

Standing in the sea of ​​thunder, Xu Yu stood upright, waiting for the sky marks to land.


The void was trembling, and a pitch-black sky monument landed, directly smashing him into a somersault, almost breaking his bones.

It was a dragon stele, simple and majestic, with a diagram of the Eight Diagrams on it, and the immortal stele made of black gold with dragon patterns was like a black dragon, overwhelming the past and present.


A yellow mud platform appeared from the void and hit Xu Yu's back, causing him to fly upside down for dozens of miles. The yellow mud platform looked simple, but it had the aura of suppressing the heavens.

The Fuxi Dragon Stele and Nuwa Dao Stone all came, and then the void trembled again, a phoenix blood crimson furnace appeared, and then there was a sky map across the sky, cutting off three thousand realms.

Lei Hai went berserk, because of the appearance of these few artifacts, the elements in the entire cosmic starry sky were boiling, and a large number of meteorites were chopped into ashes, and nothing could get close to this place.

There is the Heaven-swallowing Demon Pot, and there seems to be a sigh in the dark that makes people's scalp tingle; there is also a purple-gold subduing magic pestle, and the words of Amitabha have shocked the ancient and modern.

A total of nine artifacts landed, each of which is of extraordinary momentum, each of which can cross the ancient and modern times, none of them is simple, and any one of them will make people wait for it.

Xu Yu picked up the fairy golden tripod and collided with these weapons. The strong force sent his arms trembling, and his bones were about to crack.


In the middle of the sea of ​​thunder, Xu Yu was caught in a bitter fight.

A majestic body appeared from the map of the day, it was a majestic man, he held the map of the sky standing in the sky, his whole body had an aura of dominating the sky and ten places!

I am afraid that no one in the entire universe can recognize the identity of this man, he is the Great Emperor Jiuli.

A phoenix cry shocked the nine heavens, and a man with peerless grace appeared behind the phoenix blood red gold furnace, whose appearance was enough to fascinate thousands of women, and Emperor Hengyu also came!
A faint sigh sounded, and a peerless figure in white clothes appeared in front of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar. She was wearing a bronze grimace mask, she seemed to be crying and smiling, her eyes were cold and chilling!
On the yellow mud platform, a beautiful figure stood alone leisurely, and Xinghe lost all color in front of her. Emperor Nuwa, a very mysterious emperor who is rarely understood by people, she also appeared at this moment!
Fuxi, Nuwa, Yaohuang, Yuhua, Amitabha Buddha. A total of nine great emperors appeared, and they stood under the nine magic stars, all of them with extraordinary momentum.

At this moment they have a common goal, which is to obliterate the person who wants to be above Wan Dao!
Even though he was prepared in his heart, the corners of Xu Yu's mouth twitched when he saw this scene, and his heart felt cold.

Fortunately, this is only the Great Emperor's imprint engraved on the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, not the real young Emperor.If it is true that the young emperor has come, then no matter who is under the same realm, he will die, and no one will survive.

Whether it is Shi Wu, Ye Fan, Ruan Ren, Wu Shi, Emperor Zun, or Immortal, no matter which one of them, if they meet the nine young emperors when they are young, they will die.

But even if the young emperors are just the imprints of heaven and earth, this is a lore situation. For those who dare to trample on the heavens and earth, God will send the most terrible punishment.

Although there is no record in ancient books, there are definitely people who have experienced this kind of catastrophe since ancient times, and all those who survived have become people who are astonishing in the past.

How could she, who was so ruthless and obsessive, kill herself?She definitely cut all the way against him!

Another example is that Emperor Zun, who escaped from the secret layout of this universe, should also be reversed, otherwise how could he escape so easily?

Now that the predecessors have already walked this path and made it through, the future generations should follow suit, even if it is a death calamity, they must go through it!
The nine great emperors all came out and attacked him together, intending to kill him.

Xu Yu was speechless, his eyes were cold. At this moment, there was only one word to kill, to kill a way out, to break out a bright universe, to break through the shackles of heaven and earth, and to kill above ten thousand ways!
The nine young emperors attacked at the same time, and none of them would be merciful, because it was all driven by heaven, earth and ten thousand ways.

When Emperor Fuxi saw him, a dragon stele fell on his forehead. The yellow clay platform of Nuwa Emperor radiated a dark yellow light, immobilizing him. , Immortal fire billowing to burn his golden body...

In just a short moment, Xu Yu was severely injured, blood spattered, golden blood dripped into the sea of ​​thunder, and even the thunder couldn't evaporate it dry.

One of his arms flew out, which was a fierce attack by a ruthless man with the power of a flying fairy; half of his head was cut off, which was caused by the demon emperor flying a foot in the air; It was the Jiuli God Picture that suddenly floated by.

Only Emperor Amitabha was the most merciful, the subduing magic pestle covered the sky and never made a move, but the sound of chanting sutras was endless, which made his brain ache!

This trick is the most insidious, and Xu Yu is always distracted to deal with it, otherwise he will be saved by Amitabha if he is not careful!
He is also making a move, the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art penetrates the heaven and the earth, the two worlds of Yin and Yang are unpredictable, the two worlds of Yin and Yang are immortal, and the six realms of reincarnation penetrate the nether world.

He ran the Xingzi secret with extreme speed, but most of the emperors on the other side also mastered the Xingzi secret, and the speed was no slower than him.

Under his feet and in the void in front of him, there were group-character secret array patterns flashing, but the emperor on the opposite side also had someone who mastered group-character secrets, and one after another divine patterns flew over to offset his.

Xu Yu looked calm. Although his body was full of scars, he was still calm. He kept running the word secret to repair his injuries, and at the same time, the word secret was constantly trying to trigger it.


After hundreds of thousands of attempts, he finally managed to trigger it once. At the same time, he stepped into the unpredictable realm of forbidden gods.

Combat power superimposed, Xu Yu ran Xingzi Mi, and disappeared with a "swoosh".

The next moment, the nine great emperors on the opposite side also triggered the divine prohibition, and all of them were superimposed on their bodies, bursting out at an astonishing speed.

But after all, he took a step ahead, rushed out of the encirclement of the Nine Emperors, rushed to the farthest Amitabha Buddha, and made a series of relentless moves, vowing to deal with this one first.

Xu Yu roared angrily, swallowing the universe with anger, with the Six Paths of Samsara Fist in one hand, and the Immortal Stele in the other hand, with two moves, it was extremely ferocious.

Amitabha Buddha on the opposite side has also triggered the divine prohibition and all word secrets, and he glared at him like a lion roaring.


The six heavenly sounds of Buddhism exploded, and Xu Yu's body was blocked. At the same time, Amitabha swung his fist with boundless power to subdue demons, blocking Xu Yu's ultimate move.

At the same time, Emperor Fuxi rushed over behind him, and the dragon stele slammed down, knocking Xu Yu out.

The demon emperor turned into a dragon soaring, and with a flick of his tail, he flew back.

The Ruthless Flying Immortal Art amazed the past and the present, and directly smashed his body to pieces. When the Hengzi furnace hit it, half of his body flew out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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