Chapter 165 The Terrible Emperor Shadow
The True Phoenix Treasure Art is constantly operating to repair Xu Yu's injuries. No matter what kind of serious injury he suffers, he can recover immediately.

However, this is at the cost of consuming a lot of divine power and origin. Without any spiritual energy supplement during this catastrophe, his origin will slowly dry up.

Xu Yu roared angrily, the divine power in his body was gradually drying up, and he was getting more and more dangerous.

He opened his mouth and screamed, and swallowed a large piece of lightning. The lightning entered his body and was refined to supplement his body with divine energy.

He is also trying his best to avoid other great emperors and choose one great emperor to fight.

That's right, it's you, Emperor Yuhua!

He had just fought Yu Huatian before, and Xu Yu was very familiar with this physique and the Ascension Sutra, so he picked Yuhua Great Emperor.

But this is bound to be difficult, Yuhua Emperor is not a character to be provoked, his shots are extremely ferocious, and Xu Yu can see blood every time.

The other great emperors didn't know how to watch, they were all shooting, blowing Xu Yu up again and again.

If this goes on like this, even with the True Phoenix Treasure Art, it won't be enough. His original source will be squeezed out, and he will never be able to recover at that time!
Xu Yu screamed and struck the Emperor Yuhua. The Emperor Yuhua looked very ordinary, just like an old farmer in the field, but at this moment his whole body had a holy feeling like a fairy.

Every time he makes a move, there is a fairy light flying, and a wave of power of transforming Tao strikes, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

Xu Yu swung the Six Paths of Samsara Fist violently, his eyes were extremely bright, one eye was like the sun, emitting a burning golden light, and the other eye was like an abyss, pitch black with bottomless bottom.

The yin and yang chaotic divine light shot out, shattering the power of Hua Dao, and the six reincarnation punches smashed out, smashing the Yuhua Emperor back again and again.


An invisible wave emanated from the void, and the body of the Ruthless Emperor suddenly stopped still and trembled slightly.

The next moment, there seemed to be a faint sigh, and a burst of flying fairy power was shot out, which amazed Shi Shi!
However, the power of the flying fairy did not hit Xu Yu, but hit the Yuhua Emperor who was fighting with him at the side.

Emperor Yuhua: "..."

Emperor Yuhua was shattered all of a sudden, and disappeared into a stream of light!

Seeing this scene, Xu Yu was stunned, and then seven rays of light came from behind him, smashing him to pieces.

Xu Yu reorganized his body in the distance, and his hair was on end. He felt that the ruthless man was completely different from before!

"Damn, could it be that she sensed her aura and the aura of Yuhua Emperor here, so a divine sense has taken over?" Xu Yu felt uneasy.

Although he has no cause and effect with this great emperor, when he thinks of her various vicious names, he still can't help but feel hairy.

The cold eyes swept over, and he saw through Xu Yu's body and his origin in an instant.

His eyes were turned away, as if he had no interest in his eternal fairy body.

The man in white turned around and looked at the wild land behind him, as if he was reminiscing!
Xu Yu didn't dare to look more, the other seven young emperors were not in a daze like him, and another emperor seemed to be condensing.

Of the nine great emperors, as long as one of them disappears, another one will immediately come out to supplement them, and the number of nine emperors is always maintained.

The golden light is shining, the holy light is like a fairy, and the two pupils seem to have the power to startle the gods, looking up at the nine heavens, and piercing the netherworld below.

"What's that?" Xu Yu saw two eyes piercing through the entire sea of ​​thunder.

A golden holy ape appeared, with a tall body and a fairy iron rod in his hand. His domineering aura is heart-wrenching!Xu Yu grinned.have to!One was sent away, and a more ruthless one came!

The Dou Zhan Shenghuang swung through the nether world with an immortal iron rod, and swept across.

With a brick in front and a sap in the back, Xu Yu always felt that he was doomed.

The celestial stick and the dragon stele were attacking, and there was a yellow mud platform above to hold him in place. No matter how powerful Xu Yu was, he couldn't escape.

The blood blossomed, like golden water splashing in all directions, Xu Yu's body reorganized in the distance and escaped the catastrophe.

Suddenly, the ruthless emperor in the distance was awakened by something, suddenly turned around, his eyes startled the world.

She used the power of a flying fairy, extremely fierce, and directly pierced Xu Yu's body, causing his newly reorganized body to be shattered again.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the ruthless man stretched out a plain white hand to catch it, his eyes burst out with a bright light, and he stared at it for a moment.

"I'll go, what does this lord mean?!" Xu Yu flew out in great grief and anger, and reorganized his body.

He just felt inexplicable in his heart, this time he stayed far away from the ruthless person, so as to avoid sudden disaster.

This master is completely different from before. Although he still has the strength of Xiansan's swordsmanship, it is enough to kill any one of them in one shot.

But fortunately, the ruthless man stopped moving after one shot.

But even if the ruthless person does not move, the other eight ancient emperors can still kill Xu Yu.

Especially the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan and Emperor Fuxi inside, these two ruthless bastards are extremely ferocious, and their combat power is earth-shattering.

"Hold on! Now I can only hold on, after time, wait for them to dissipate!" Xu Yu thought with great grief and indignation.

He has no way to fight against it, even with the True Phoenix Treasure Technique, it is not enough to face this kind of catastrophe, so he can only endure it.

At this point, Xu Yu was almost exhausted, the divine energy in his body was almost dried up, and the original source was also almost dried up, and the recovery of the True Phoenix Treasure Technique was very exhausting for him.

He was moving all the time, he didn't dare to stop at all, a slight pause would allow a group of young emperors to seize the opportunity to blow him up.

So he didn't even have a chance to eat a magic pill or drink a sip of the divine spring to supplement his divine energy. He was running Xingzimi and grouping secret all the time to move him in the sea of ​​thunder in the starry sky.

Xu Yu was frowning and thinking, he couldn't keep being beaten like this, if he didn't make a change, he would be consumed to death in the sea of ​​robbery sooner or later.

This is only the first round, and other great emperors will be born later, and every round will be difficult.

"Nian Zhan Dao, what am I going to do? I want to transcend the myriad ways of this world, I want to step on my feet, override them, and build my own way!"

"Since that's the case, these people in front of me, these Taos are all I want to transcend, and I want to break! Yes, because of this, they all come to stop me!"

"If you want to break their shackles, you have to accept their tests. It should be like this, but where is my way? Where is my way? How can I do it without my own way after transcending?"

Xu Yu raised his head to the sky and roared angrily: "My way, my law, where is my way?!"

His body was trembling, the five great secret realms were glowing, there was a grand sound of chanting sutras, one after another runes filled the air, densely covering his entire body, and there was a shocking celestial light gestating inside.

"Tao Sutra", "Sun Sutra", "Tai Yin Sutra", "Yuanshi Immortal Sutra", "Infinite Sutra", "Tian Gong of Crossing Tribulation", the mantras of the six emperor sutras flowed through his heart.

The experience of a wizard creating a method recorded in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion flashed in his mind, and the step-by-step ancient scriptures collected by the barbarians also turned into spiritual food and surfaced in his heart.

These scriptures that he had read in the past flowed out of his heart one after another, showing their real form, turning into runes all over his body.

Among them, 54 ancient characters are particularly bright, which come from the six emperor scriptures he got. The 54 ancient characters represent the condensation of the lifelong avenues of the six supreme beings, and are the essence of the enlightened ones.

But now, these 54 ancient characters are condensed together, as if they are about to form a body.

"What is this? Why is there such a loud sound of chanting?" Everyone outside Lei Hai was puzzled, and the movement here has attracted more and more people to watch.

They looked at Tian Jie in front of them with fear, and were very worried about Xu Yu.

At the same time, they were shocked by the huge sound of chanting, as if the entire universe was echoing.

In the sea of ​​thunder, Xu Yu's whole body was glowing. With the theme of 54 ancient characters, countless densely packed runes climbed up and gathered into a shape.

That is another Xu Yu, he is made up of runes and dao marks intertwined, contains the essence of countless ancient scriptures, and contains ten thousand ways.

"Did you tell me?" Xu Yu whispered.

In his body, there seems to be another self conceived in the dark. He is entwined with fragments of time, and his figure is indistinct, as if separated from the present by a whole river of time.

"Gone me? This is the past me? My predecessor?" Xu Yu was guessing, and there was a burst of divine light in his eyes.

Legend has it that after a monk enters the realm of the Dao Palace, he will awaken the dead self and the Tao self hidden in the body. The dead self will chant sutras for the real self, and the Tao self will be the future self, mobilizing the Dao and nourishing the Lord.

"Is Huang Tiandi's Dao fruit manifested? Pull out the dead self and the Dao self to protect this life?" Xu Yu whispered.

There was a trace of concentration in his eyes, a trace of hesitation!
He cultivated all kinds of scriptures, cultivated the Dao Self, seduced the dead self, and used the dead self and the Dao Self as the real self to block the disaster, and perhaps he could survive this disaster.

"It's just, is this really my way?" Xu Yu whispered, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Whether it is the dead me or the real me, I don't need it, I don't need the past and the future, only the me in this life is real!"

His eyes were brightened to the extreme, and with a loud roar, the Dao I intertwined with countless Dao marks and divine patterns shattered.

At the same time, the passing me in his body, as if after a long river of time, also faded away, and two invisible essences melted into his body.

Xu Yu felt that he had become a little different from before, but he couldn't tell what was different.

There seemed to be a roar in the dark, and the world was trembling. This movement shocked the ruthless emperor who was watching Xu Yu's blood, and a pair of cold eyes focused on it.

Dao I collapsed, but those Dao marks and divine patterns did not dissipate, still attached to his body, covering his body.

The densely packed divine pattern, 54 ancient characters are particularly eye-catching, a black air and a white air flew out of Xu Yu's body, containing the true meaning of life and death.

Black and white are intertwined, turning into boundless chaos, Xu Yu is wrapped in the chaos, it looks like it has turned into a cocoon.

There are countless runes circulating on the chaotic cocoon. The divine power of the eight ancient emperors hit the chaotic cocoon. The chaotic cocoon was slightly shocked and sucked into it, but it couldn't be broken!
The eight divine powers seemed to be treated as a furnace, burning Xu Yu's real gold!
"The furnace raises all kinds of scriptures, and uses ten thousand ways as fire to give birth to a new me?"

"It's just going on like this, is it to raise a chaotic body?" Xu Yu was thinking in his heart.

He felt that he was turning into a chaotic embryo. The "Tai Yin Sutra" and "Sun Sutra" that he had practiced in the past were exerting force, and the black and white air currents were turning into chaos.

The eight great emperors outside were attacking fiercely, and the chaotic cocoon vibrated violently as if it was about to be broken, but they were able to persevere.

Even the ruthless man seemed to be interested, and he unleashed a burst of flying immortal power, which turned into a fire, making the body change to the direction of the chaotic body faster.

"She doesn't want to use me as an experiment?" Xu Yu felt the ruthless attack and muttered in his heart.

"Chaos body! Chaos body!" Xu Yu whispered, he felt his body was melting, melting in the countless runes, the origin would be scattered, as if he was really going to give birth to a chaotic fetus.

"Could it be that I really want to evolve in the direction of the chaotic body?" Xu Yu was confused, he didn't know if he should do this.


There seemed to be a bell ringing in the dark, which came from the deepest part of his blood.

"That's right, the Eternal Immortal Body has its own way, why change into a Chaos Body?" He realized it in his heart!
The Eternal Immortal Physique is inherently invincible, there is no need to turn into a Chaos Physique!
Xu Yu completely understood in his heart that he didn't need to evolve to the method of the chaotic body, but should take another path.

His mind sank, and he sank into a golden ocean, falling all the way down until the end.

Suddenly, he seemed to have entered a strange space, where there was a golden light, and Xu Yu realized that it was the origin of his immortal body.

It is so beautiful and so powerful!
As an eternal fairy body that can stand side by side with the chaotic body, its origin is naturally perfect.

The golden light began to flow, the origin of the eternal fairy body was changing, and the densely packed runes on the chaotic cocoon flowed crazily, drilling into the cocoon, entering Xu Yu's body, and entering his original space.

Countless dense runes rushed into the source, as if they were reshaping the source of the eternal fairy body.However, after a while, the source was shaken, all the runes were scattered, and nothing changed.

"Is my realm too low? I have no strength to shake the root of the Eternal Immortal Physique, let alone understand the true meaning of life and physique. Now I want to comprehend the true meaning of the Eternal Immortal Physique, after all, I am a little impatient!"

Xu Yu's body changed internally, but the chaotic cocoon outside remained unchanged. The yin and yang qi intertwined, and the attacks of the great emperors were all blocked.

It's just that after all, they were the eight young emperors, and it was impossible to completely block their attacks like this. The chaotic cocoon was broken more than once, and Xu Yu's body also collapsed many times.

It's just that every time he collapses, he will immediately use the user's secret to recover, and then the yin and yang energy in his body will be transformed into a chaotic cocoon again.

After such an unknown period of time, some of the nine great emperors gradually began to disperse, Hengyu, Fuxi, and Amitabha.
Body after body dispersed, even the ruthless emperor also dispersed, and the cold eyes disappeared!

But immediately afterward, another nine great emperors manifested, some of them were the sun shone like a fairy, and some Taiyin energy shook the past and present. They were the Sun Holy Emperor and Taiyin Renhuang.

Gathering nine people together again, they still attacked violently, breaking the chaotic cocoon again and again, and Xu Yu recovered again and again.

Things are changing, spreading from Xu Yu's body to the outside, the chaotic energy is gradually evolving into another kind of light, a bright golden light.

The golden light is so heavy that it blocked the attacks of the ancient emperors, absorbed them in, turned them into ten thousand fires, and nurtured the real bodies in them.

In the end, the golden light also disappeared, and Xu Yu's real body was revealed. He endured the attacks of the ancient emperors, but his body was still solid and immortal.

As early as Xian Er, his physical body evolved
An immortal god form that is now undergoing an astonishing transformation.

After the ancient emperors' mana hit his body, a lot of it was broken down and turned into rays of light that in turn nourished his inner body.

This kind of change is terrifying. It is not difficult to imagine that if he walks to the back, his body will be completely immune to mana attacks.

Moreover, the physical body itself will evolve in the direction of immortality, until finally his primordial spirit may be destroyed, but the physical body will last forever and will never be broken!
In the dark space, Xu Yu was still contemplating.

"My way! My law! My way!" Xu Yu roared angrily, and somehow he seemed to see a road appearing under his feet, a road leading to the end of the sky.

And at the end, Wan Dao turned into a dense net to stop him, and Wan Dao fell down, locking him tightly like an iron chain.

He was struggling, running wildly along that road, along the way there were one after another terrifying shadows intercepting him, trying to beat him back.

"My way is unstoppable!"

He shouted loudly, his body vibrated from the source, exuding the breath of the eternal fairy body, the chains on his body rattled and shook.

"Break open!"

Xu Yu let out a loud shout, and suddenly a terrifying divine power erupted all over his body. The power was so powerful that even his body couldn't bear it, and it was collapsing.

He roared, his own way rushed out, and the chains formed by ten thousand ways were shattered, Xu Yu rushed forward with all his strength, amidst the rumbling sound, he broke through the shackles of ten thousand ways, and stood on top of it!

Outside the sea of ​​thunder, the onlookers were incomparably astonished. First, there was the aura of the ancient emperor emerging from the thunder calamity, and then there was the sound of chanting sutras. What happened?
No one can know that the sea that the thunder turned into has covered all perceptions. People only know that the person who is going through the tribulation inside at this moment is really amazing!

All the rays of light dissipated, all the runes returned to his body, Xu Yu got up calmly, and the bodies of the nine supreme beings opposite him also gradually dissipated.

Lei Jie's test has come to an end, and now it's just the end.

There is a huge building in front of him, that is the ancient heavenly court, and his catastrophe will also be related to it in the future.

The heavenly court manifested in the sea of ​​thunder, this should be the standard configuration of Tianjiao characters, the more terrifying the humanoid lightning that a person encounters when fighting against the ancient heavenly court, the more terrifying it will be.

For example, when Ye Fan slashed Dao Tribulation, the gods and supreme beings of the ancient heaven appeared, and even the emperor finally took a blow with a cauldron!
The catastrophe began to dissipate gradually, and the remaining catastrophe was still terrifying, but it was hard to cause any harm to Xu Yu!
He began to open his mouth to swallow the lightning around him, these things can be used to replenish divine energy.

At the same time, the infinite starlight and the essence of the sun and the moon from outside the territory were also swallowed into his body by him, gradually filling up his dry body.

He walked to the depths of the ancient heaven, and after passing through the palace, 99 dragon mountains appeared in the sea of ​​thunder.

This is also the imprint engraved on the heaven, earth and myriad ways. There is a chaotic pool in the middle of the 99 Dragon Mountains. It is said that the emperor's tripod was conceived here.

Now, Xu Yu wants to use the Chaos Pool to refine his own cauldron, and he throws the Immortal Gold Cauldron into the Chaos Pool.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron is simple and natural, with streams of chaotic air being sucked in, and now it has become a kingly weapon.

The sea of ​​thunder continued to recede, and Xu Yu even heard the voices of everyone in the Holy Land of Zifu.

(End of this chapter)

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